public static void MaybeUpdateLightsToPeriod(bool forceUpdate = false) { if (lightsInit && timeInit && weatherInit && config.ready) { //Generate lightsets for emitters based on time, weather and transition progress LightSet lightSet = config.GetCurrentLightSet(); if (lightSet != null) { currentLightSet = lightSet; foreach (var light in lightList) { LightOrientation set = lightSet.orientations[light.orientation]; if (set != null) { light.SetLightParams(set, forceUpdate); } else { //MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] No set matches orientation."); ALUtils.Log("ERROR: No set matches orientation.", false, true); } } } else { //MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] No lightset defined"); ALUtils.Log("ERROR: No lightset defined.", false, true); } } }
public static void SetupLights() { if (config.ready) { //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] Setting up " + + " light sources for scene."); ALUtils.Log("Setting up " + + " light sources for scene.", false, true); foreach (AmbEmitter emitter in { //Debug.Log("Emitter pos: " + emitter.position); Vector3 newPos = ALUtils.StringToVector3(emitter.position); AmbLight newLight = new AmbLight(newPos, emitter.orientation, emitter.size, emitter.cover); lightList.Add(newLight); } lightsInit = true; MaybeUpdateLightsToPeriod(true); if (!GameLights.gameLightsReady) { GameLights.AddGameLights(); } } else { //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] ERROR: Config isn't ready or not present."); ALUtils.Log("ERROR: Config isn't ready or not present.", false, true); } }
public static void Postfix(TimeOfDay __instance) { ALUtils.hourNow = GameManager.GetTimeOfDayComponent().GetHour(); ALUtils.minuteNow = GameManager.GetTimeOfDayComponent().GetMinutes(); //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] Initialized at: " + ALUtils.hourNow + ":" + ALUtils.minuteNow); ALUtils.Log("Initialized at: " + ALUtils.hourNow + ":" + ALUtils.minuteNow, false, true); AmbientLights.timeInit = true; AmbientLights.MaybeUpdateLightsToPeriod(true); }
private void LoadSceneConfig() { string sceneFile = "scene_" + scene + ".json"; if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(AmbientLights.MODS_FOLDER_PATH, sceneFile))) { data = JSON.Load(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(AmbientLights.MODS_FOLDER_PATH, sceneFile))).Make <SceneConfig>(); } else { //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] No lighting data for scene " + scene + " found. Using game default."); ALUtils.Log("No lighting data for scene " + scene + " found. Using game default.", false, true); } }
public static void LoadConfigs() { currentScene = GameManager.m_ActiveScene; //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] Loaded Scene: " + currentScene); ALUtils.Log("Loading Scene: " + currentScene, false, true); if (currentScene != "MainMenu") { config = new LightConfig(); config.Load(); if (config.ready) { currentLightSet = config.GetCurrentLightSet(); } SetupLights(); } }
private void LoadGlobalConfig() { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(AmbientLights.MODS_FOLDER_PATH, "weather_sets.json"))) { weathersConfig = JSON.Load(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(AmbientLights.MODS_FOLDER_PATH, "weather_sets.json"))).Make <Dictionary <string, WeatherMod> >(); } else { //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] ERROR: No weather sets data found"); ALUtils.Log("ERROR: No weather sets data found.", false, true); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(AmbientLights.MODS_FOLDER_PATH, "global_sets.json"))) { periodsConfig = JSON.Load(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(AmbientLights.MODS_FOLDER_PATH, "global_sets.json"))).Make <Dictionary <string, AmbPeriod> >(); } else { //Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] ERROR: No light sets data found"); ALUtils.Log("ERROR: No light sets data found.", false, true); } }
public static void Reset(bool firstPass = true) { debugVer = Settings.options.verbose; verbose = Settings.options.verbose; ALUtils.Log("Scene reset.", false); lightList.Clear(); config = null; lightsInit = false; lightOverride = false; showGameLights = false; enableGameLights = true; if (firstPass) { TimeWeather.Reset(); timeInit = false; weatherInit = false; } }
internal void DebugLightSet() { //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) //Debug.Log("Intensity: " + light.intensity + ", Range: " + light.range + ", Color: " + light.color); ALUtils.Log("Current Lightset - Intensity: " + light.intensity + ", Range: " + light.range + ", Color: " + light.color, false); }
/****** SETUP ******/ internal static void AddGameLights() { if (AmbientLights.config == null || !AmbientLights.config.ready) { return; } //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] InteriorLightingManager initialized."); //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Game Lights init"); ALUtils.Log("Game Lights Manager initialized."); if (gameLightsList != null) { gameLightsList.Clear(); } if (gameExtraLightsList != null) { gameExtraLightsList.Clear(); } if (gameSpotLightsList != null) { gameSpotLightsList.Clear(); } if (gameExtraLightsColors != null) { gameExtraLightsColors.Clear(); } if (gameExtraLightsIntensity != null) { gameExtraLightsIntensity.Clear(); } if (gameWindows != null) { gameWindows.Clear(); } theSun = null; sunlight = null; //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Add Game Lights"); ALUtils.Log("Adding game lights.", false); gameLights = new GameObject(); List <InteriorLightingGroup> lightGroups = new List <InteriorLightingGroup>(); InteriorLightingGroup[] lightGroupsArr = null; if (mngr != null) { lightGroupsArr = mngr.m_LightGroupList.ToArray(); foreach (InteriorLightingGroup lightGroup in lightGroupsArr) { lightGroups.Add(lightGroup); } } int pCount = 0; int sCount = 0; int wCount = 0; int eCount = 0; int lCount = 0; //Add sun if (!AmbientLights.currentScene.ToLower().Contains("cave") && Settings.options.trueSun) { //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Add sun"); ALUtils.Log("Creating sun", false); theSun = new GameObject(); = "AmbientLightsSun"; sunlight = theSun.AddComponent <Light>(); sunlight.type = LightType.Directional; sunlight.shadows = LightShadows.Soft; sunlight.shadowStrength = 1f; sunlight.shadowNormalBias = 0; sunlight.shadowBias = 0; sunlight.shadowResolution = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution.VeryHigh; sunlight.cullingMask &= ~(1 << 7); sunlight.intensity = 1f; theSun.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 2f, 0); sunlight.transform.parent = theSun.transform; Vector3 sunRotation = new Vector3(10f, 10f, 0); theSun.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(sunRotation); PrepareSceneShadows(); } //Window Lights //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Window lights"); ALUtils.Log("Adding window lights", false); foreach (InteriorLightingGroup group in lightGroups) { List <Light> lights = new List <Light>(); Light[] groupLights = group.GetLights().ToArray(); foreach (Light gLight in groupLights) { if (gLight != null) { lights.Add(gLight); } else { //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] gLight is null."); ALUtils.Log("gLight is null", false); } } foreach (Light light in lights) { GameObject lightMark; //Add lights to list and to debug object if (light.type == LightType.Point) { lightMark = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); (lightMark.GetComponent(UnhollowerRuntimeLib.Il2CppType.Of <SphereCollider>()).Cast <Collider>()).enabled = false; += "_XPZ_GameLight"; gameLightsList.Add(light); pCount++; } else if (light.type == LightType.Spot) { lightMark = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); lightMark.transform.rotation = light.gameObject.transform.rotation; sCount++; += "_XPZ_SpotLight"; gameSpotLightsList.Add(light); } else { lightMark = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder); } lightMark.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f); lightMark.transform.position = light.gameObject.transform.position; lightMark.transform.parent = gameLights.transform; foreach (Renderer rend in lightMark.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { rend.material.color = light.color; rend.receiveShadows = false; } } } //Main Ambient Light //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Main Ambient Light"); ALUtils.Log("Adding main ambient light", false); if (mngr != null) { gameAmbientLight = mngr.m_AmbientLight; } else { TodAmbientLight[] array = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <TodAmbientLight>(); if (array.Length > 0) { gameAmbientLight = array[0]; } } if (gameAmbientLight != null) { defaultColorDay = gameAmbientLight.m_AmbientIndoorsDay; defaultColorNight = gameAmbientLight.m_AmbientIndoorsNight; += "_XPZ_AmbientLight"; //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] Ambient light found."); ALUtils.Log("Main ambient light found", false); } else { //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] Ambient light NOT found."); ALUtils.Log("Main ambient light missing", false); } //Loose Lights //With Manager //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Managed Loose Lights"); ALUtils.Log("Adding managed loose lights", false); List <Light> looseLights = new List <Light>(); List <Light> looseLightsMidday = new List <Light>(); Light[] lLightsArr = null; if (mngr != null && mngr.m_LooseLightList != null) { lLightsArr = mngr.m_LooseLightList.ToArray(); } Light[] lLightsMidArr = null; if (mngr != null && mngr.m_LooseLightsMiddayList != null) { lLightsMidArr = mngr.m_LooseLightsMiddayList.ToArray(); } List <Light> extraLights = new List <Light>(); List <Color> extraLightsColor = new List <Color>(); if (lLightsArr != null) { foreach (Light l in lLightsArr) { if (!"XPZ_SpotLight") && !"XPZ_GameLight")) { += "_XPZ_GameLight"; extraLights.Add(l); lCount++; } } } if (lLightsMidArr != null) { foreach (Light l in lLightsMidArr) { if (!"XPZ_SpotLight") && !"XPZ_GameLight")) { += "_XPZ_GameLight"; extraLights.Add(l); lCount++; } } } foreach (Light light in extraLights) { extraLightsColor.Add(light.color); gameExtraLightsColors.Add(light.color); gameExtraLightsIntensity.Add(light.intensity); gameExtraLightsList.Add(light); } //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Unmanaged Loose Lights"); ALUtils.Log("Adding unmanaged loose lights", false); //No Manager UnhollowerBaseLib.Il2CppReferenceArray <UnityEngine.Object> sclights = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(UnhollowerRuntimeLib.Il2CppType.Of <Light>()); foreach (UnityEngine.Object lightItem in sclights) { Light light = lightItem.Cast <Light>(); if (!"XPZ_GameLight") && !"XPZ_Light") && light.type == LightType.Point) { += "_XPZ_GameLight"; gameExtraLightsList.Add(light); gameExtraLightsColors.Add(light.color); gameExtraLightsIntensity.Add(light.intensity); eCount++; } else if (!"XPZ_SpotLight") && !"XPZ_GameLight") && light.type == LightType.Spot) { if (light.cookie && light.cookie.ToString().Contains("Window")) { += "_XPZ_SpotLight"; gameSpotLightsList.Add(light); } else { += "_XPZ_GameLight"; gameExtraLightsList.Add(light); gameExtraLightsColors.Add(light.color); gameExtraLightsIntensity.Add(light.intensity); eCount++; } } } //Add fill lights to debug object //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Log("[AL] Add to debug"); ALUtils.Log("Adding fill lights to debug object", false); foreach (Light light in gameExtraLightsList) { GameObject eLightMark; eLightMark = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); //eLightMark.GetComponent(typeof(SphereCollider)).Cast<Collider>().enabled = false; eLightMark.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f); eLightMark.transform.position = light.gameObject.transform.position; eLightMark.transform.parent = gameLights.transform; foreach (Renderer rend in eLightMark.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { rend.material.color = light.color; rend.receiveShadows = false; } } int weCount = GetWindows(); if (!AmbientLights.showGameLights) { gameLights.SetActive(false); } //MelonLoader.MelonModLogger.Log("[AL] Done Preparing"); //if (AmbientLights.debugVer) // Debug.Log("[ambient-lights] Gamelights setup done. Window Lights:" + pCount + ". Spotlights:" + sCount + ". Loose Lights:" + lCount + ". Windows:" + wCount + ". Windows outside lighting groups:" + weCount + ". Extra Lights:" + eCount); ALUtils.Log("Gamelights setup complete. Window Lights:" + pCount + ". Spotlights:" + sCount + ". Loose Lights:" + lCount + ". Windows:" + wCount + ". Windows outside lighting groups:" + weCount + ". Extra Lights:" + eCount, false); AmbientLights.SetupGameLights(); gameLightsReady = true; }