Implementation for accessing DeviceFarm AWS Device Farm is a service that enables mobile app developers to test Android, iOS, and Fire OS apps on physical phones, tablets, and other devices in the cloud.
Inheritance: AmazonServiceClient, IAmazonDeviceFarm
Esempio n. 1
        public override bool Execute()
            // Verify required parameters have been provided

            DFClient = new AmazonDeviceFarmClient(RegionEndpoint.USWest2);

            string runName = RunNamePrefix + DateTime.Now.ToFileTime();
            string projectArn = GetProjectArn(TestProjectName);
            string devicePoolArn = GetDevicePool(projectArn, DevicePoolName).Arn;
            UploadType applicationUploadType = InferUploadTypeFromFilePath(ApplicationLocation);
            string appUploadArn = UploadApplication(projectArn, ApplicationLocation, applicationUploadType);
            string calibashUploadArn = UploadCalibashArchive(projectArn, CalabashZipLocation);

            // wait for all uploads to complete
            var uploadArns = new List<string>() { appUploadArn, calibashUploadArn };
                () => { return CheckForUploadsSuccessful(uploadArns); });

            Log.LogMessage("Scheduling test run for {0}", runName);
            // Schedule test run
            var runArn = DFClient.ScheduleRun(new ScheduleRunRequest()
                ProjectArn = projectArn,
                AppArn = appUploadArn,
                Name = runName,
                DevicePoolArn = devicePoolArn,
                Test = new ScheduleRunTest()
                    TestPackageArn = calibashUploadArn,
                    Type = TestType.CALABASH

            // following operations will apply generically to all test runs, in case we
            // end up wanting to have multiple test runs executing in parallel
            var testRunArns = new List<string>() { runArn };

            // Wait for all test runs to finish
            WaitForCompletion(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(TestTimeoutMinutes), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), () => { return CheckForTestsCompleted(testRunArns); });

            // Gather the final results of all runs
            var runs = GetTestRuns(testRunArns);

            // Log test run results and determine if all were successful
            bool testsSuccessful = true;
            foreach (var run in runs)
                Log.LogMessage("Run '{0}' completed with result '{1}'.", run.Name, run.Result);
                if (run.Result != ExecutionResult.PASSED && run.Result != ExecutionResult.SKIPPED)
                    testsSuccessful = false;

            // Download artifacts for each test run and organize into directories
            DownloadArtifacts(runs, ArtifactDownloadLocation);

            if (!testsSuccessful)
                Log.LogError("Some tests failed.");

            return testsSuccessful;