Esempio n. 1
        public static void ShowActionDialog(this DataTable srcTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataColumns)
            DataTableMultipleColumnProxy proxy   = null;
            ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions    options = null;

                proxy = new DataTableMultipleColumnProxy(ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.ColumnV, srcTable, null, selectedDataColumns);
                proxy.EnsureExistenceOfIdentifier(ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.ColumnX, 1);
                proxy.EnsureExistenceOfIdentifier(ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.ColumnY, 1);

                options = new ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox(string.Format("{0}\r\nDetails:\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.ToString()), "Error in preparation of 'Convert X-Y-V values to matrix'");

            var dataAndOptions = new ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions(proxy, options);

            // in order to show the column names etc in the dialog, it is neccessary to set the source
            if (true == Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref dataAndOptions, "Choose options", false))
                var destTable = new DataTable();
                proxy   = dataAndOptions.Data;
                options = dataAndOptions.Options;

                string error = null;
                    error = ConvertXYVToMatrix(dataAndOptions.Data, dataAndOptions.Options, destTable);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    error = ex.ToString();
                if (null != error)

                destTable.Name = srcTable.Name + "_Decomposed";

                // Create a DataSource
                var dataSource = new ConvertXYVToMatrixDataSource(proxy, options, new Altaxo.Data.DataSourceImportOptions());
                destTable.DataSource = dataSource;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompose the source columns according to the provided options. The source table and the settings are provided in the <paramref name="options"/> variable.
        /// The provided destination table is cleared from all data and property values before.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputData">The data containing the source table, the participating columns and the column with the cycling variable.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The settings for decomposing.</param>
        /// <param name="destTable">The destination table. Any data will be removed before filling with the new data.</param>
        /// <returns>Null if the method finishes successfully, or an error information.</returns>
        public static string ConvertXYVToMatrix(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy inputData, ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions options, DataTable destTable)
            var srcTable = inputData.DataTable;

                ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.EnsureCoherence(inputData, true);
            catch (Exception ex)


            DataColumn srcXCol = inputData.GetDataColumnOrNull(ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.ColumnX);
            DataColumn srcYCol = inputData.GetDataColumnOrNull(ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.ColumnY);

            // X-Values
            IReadOnlyList <AltaxoVariant> clusterValuesX;
            IReadOnlyList <int>           clusterIndicesX;
            IReadOnlyList <double>        clusterStdDevX = null;

            if (options.UseClusteringForX && options.NumberOfClustersX.HasValue && srcXCol is DoubleColumn srcXDbl)
                (clusterValuesX, clusterStdDevX, clusterIndicesX) = ClusterValuesByKMeans(srcXDbl, options.NumberOfClustersX.Value, options.DestinationXColumnSorting, options.CreateStdDevX);
                (clusterValuesX, clusterIndicesX) = ClusterValuesByEquality(srcXCol, options.DestinationXColumnSorting);

            // Y-Values
            IReadOnlyList <AltaxoVariant> clusterValuesY;
            IReadOnlyList <int>           clusterIndicesY;
            IReadOnlyList <double>        clusterStdDevY = null;

            if (options.UseClusteringForY && options.NumberOfClustersY.HasValue && srcYCol is DoubleColumn srcYDbl)
                (clusterValuesY, clusterStdDevY, clusterIndicesY) = ClusterValuesByKMeans(srcYDbl, options.NumberOfClustersY.Value, options.DestinationYColumnSorting, options.CreateStdDevY);
                (clusterValuesY, clusterIndicesY) = ClusterValuesByEquality(srcYCol, options.DestinationYColumnSorting);

            // get the other columns to process
            var srcColumnsToProcess = new List <DataColumn>(inputData.GetDataColumns(ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions.ColumnV));

            // subtract the column containing the decompose values

            int xOffset = 1 + (clusterStdDevY != null ? 1 : 0);
            // the only property column that is now useful is that with the repeated values
            var destXCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcXCol), srcXCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < xOffset; ++i)
                destXCol[0] = double.NaN;
            for (int i = 0; i < clusterValuesX.Count; ++i)
                destXCol[i + xOffset] = clusterValuesX[i]; // leave index 0 and maybe 1for the y-column
            if (clusterStdDevX != null)
                var stdXCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcXCol) + "_StdDev", srcXCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.Err, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < xOffset; ++i)
                    stdXCol[0] = double.NaN;
                for (int i = 0; i < clusterStdDevX.Count; ++i)
                    stdXCol[i + xOffset] = clusterStdDevX[i]; // leave index 0 and maybe 1 for the y-column

            var destYCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcYCol), srcYCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < clusterValuesY.Count; ++i)
                destYCol[i] = clusterValuesY[i]; // leave index 0 for the y-column
            if (clusterStdDevY != null)
                var stdYCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcYCol) + "_StdDev", srcYCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.Err, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < clusterStdDevY.Count; ++i)
                    stdYCol[i] = clusterStdDevY[i]; // leave index 0 for the y-column

            var srcVColumn = srcColumnsToProcess[0];

            // Create as many columns as there are values in the destXColumn

            for (int i = 0; i < clusterValuesX.Count; ++i)
                if (options.ColumnNaming == ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions.OutputNaming.ColAndIndex || string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ColumnNameFormatString))
                    destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence("Col" + i.ToString(), srcVColumn.GetType(), ColumnKind.V, 0);
                    destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(string.Format(options.ColumnNameFormatString, clusterValuesX[i], i), srcVColumn.GetType(), ColumnKind.V, 0);

            var dict = new Dictionary <(int iX, int iY), (AltaxoVariant sum, int count)>();

            for (int i = 0; i < srcVColumn.Count; ++i)
                var iX = xOffset + clusterIndicesX[i];
                var iY = clusterIndicesY[i];

                if (destTable[iX].IsElementEmpty(iY))
                    destTable[iX][iY] = srcVColumn[i];
                    switch (options.ValueAveraging)
                    case ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions.OutputAveraging.NoneIgnoreUseLastValue:
                        destTable[iX][iY] = srcVColumn[i];

                    case ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions.OutputAveraging.NoneThrowException:
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Multiple data present for X={0}, Y={1}, and average options has been set to throw an exception in this case!", srcXCol[i], srcYCol[i]));

                    case ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions.OutputAveraging.AverageLinear:
                        if (!dict.ContainsKey((iX, iY)))
                            dict.Add((iX, iY), (srcVColumn[i], 1)); // if not found in the dictionary, then add the first value that was already in the table
                        var(sum, count) = dict[(iX, iY)];