Esempio n. 1
        public string render_tag_esc(XmlElement e, string t_val, Hashtable t_att, string g_att, Hashtable h)
            string r;
            string format = e.GetAttribute("t-format");

            if (t_val == "0")
                r = h["0"] as string;
                r = QU.eval(t_val, h);
            if (format.Length != 0)
                if (format == "ucfirst")
                    r = char.ToUpper(r[0]) + r.Substring(1);
                else if (format == "upper")
                    r = r.ToUpper();
                else if (format == "lower")
                    r = r.ToLower();
                    r = String.Format(format, r);
Esempio n. 2
 public string render_tag_if(XmlElement e, string t_val, Hashtable t_att, string g_att, Hashtable h)
     if (QU.eval_bool(t_val, h))
         return(render_element(e, g_att, h));
Esempio n. 3
        public string render_tag_invalid(XmlElement e, string t_val, Hashtable t_att, string g_att, Hashtable h)
            if (h["form"] == null)
      "QWeb: No form was found in the Hashtable");
            QWebForm f = h["form"] as QWebForm;

            if (f.AnyError())
                return(render_element(e, g_att, h));
Esempio n. 4
        public int control()
            HttpContext c = HttpContext.Current;

            if (Xml != null && Xml.Url != null)
                Req = Xml.Url.Request();
                Req = new StringDictionary();
                foreach (String k in c.Request.QueryString)
                    Req[k] = c.Request.QueryString[k];
                foreach (String k in c.Request.Form)
                    Req[k] = c.Request.Form[k];
            if (debug)
      "<b>Starting with state : " + _state + "</b><br/>");
            _v        = new Hashtable();
            _run_done = new Hashtable();
            _run_todo = new ArrayList(q_state_split(QState));
            while (_run_todo.Count > 0)
                string s = (string)_run_todo[0];
                string m = s + "control";
                _run_done[s] = 1;
                if (debug)
          "Executing control state :" + m + "<br/>");
                MethodInfo mi = GetType().GetMethod(m);
                if (mi != null)
                    mi.Invoke(this, new Object[] { c, _v });
Esempio n. 5
 public string view()
     foreach (string s in q_state_split(QState))
         string m = s + "view";
         if (debug)
   "Executing view state : " + m + "<br/>");
         if (GetType().GetMethod(m) != null)
             Object o = GetType().GetMethod(m).Invoke(this, new Object[] { _v });
             if (o is string)
     return("qweb: no view returned a string.");
Esempio n. 6
        public static string eval(string expr, Hashtable h)
            Regex re_sep   = new Regex(@"(==|!=|&&|\|\||[./+*\(\)-]| )");
            Regex re_int   = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$");
            Regex re_var   = new Regex(@"^\$?[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*$");
            Regex re_float = new Regex(@"^\-?\d+\.?\d*$");

            eval_list i = new eval_list();
            eval_list s = new eval_list();

            try {
                // Tokenize
                string[] tokens = re_sep.Split(expr);

                for (int n = 0; n < tokens.Length; n++)
                    string token = tokens[n];
                    if (token == ".")
                        i.enqueue("DOT", token);
                    else if (token == "+")
                        i.enqueue("PLUS", token);
                    else if (token == "-")
                        i.enqueue("MINUS", token);
                    else if (token == "(")
                        i.enqueue("LP", token);
                    else if (token == ")")
                        i.enqueue("RP", token);
                    else if (token == "==")
                        i.enqueue("EQUAL", token);
                    else if (token == "!=")
                        i.enqueue("NOT_EQUAL", token);
                    else if (token == "and" || token == "&&")
                        i.enqueue("AND", token);
                    else if (token == "or" || token == "||")
                        i.enqueue("OR", token);
                    else if (re_int.Match(token).Success)
                        i.enqueue("STR", token);
                    else if (re_var.Match(token).Success)
                        Object o = h[token];
                        if (o is bool && !(bool)o)
                            o = "";
                        i.enqueue("STR", (o == null) ? "" : o.ToString());
                    else if (token.StartsWith("\"") || token.StartsWith("'"))
                        string term = token.Substring(0, 1);
                        token = token.Substring(1, token.Length - 1);
                        while (!token.EndsWith(term))
                            token += tokens[++n];
                        i.enqueue("STR", token.Substring(0, token.Length - 1));
                //			print("input: ",tokens);
                //			print("input: ",i.l);
                //			print("*************************************");
                // Shift Reduce loop
                while (i.l.Count > 0 || s.l.Count > 1)
                    //print("input: ",i.l);
                    //print("stack: ",s.l);
                    // REDUCE
                    if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "PLUS" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        int r = ToInt(s[2][1]) + ToInt(s[0][1]);
                        s.replace(3, "STR", r.ToString());
                    else if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "MINUS" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        int r = ToInt(s[2][1]) - ToInt(s[0][1]);
                        s.replace(3, "STR", r.ToString());
                    else if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "DOT" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        s.replace(3, "STR", s[2][1] + s[0][1]);
                    else if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "EQUAL" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        s.replace(3, "STR", (s[2][1] == s[0][1]) ? "True" : "");
                    else if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "NOT_EQUAL" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        s.replace(3, "STR", (s[2][1] != s[0][1]) ? "True" : "");
                    else if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "AND" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        s.replace(3, "STR", (s[2][1].Length > 0 && s[0][1].Length > 0) ? "True" : "");
                    else if (s[2][0] == "STR" && s[1][0] == "OR" && s[0][0] == "STR")
                        s.replace(3, "STR", (s[2][1].Length > 0 || s[0][1].Length > 0) ? "True" : "");
                    else if (s[2][0] == "LP" && s[1][0] == "STR" && s[0][0] == "RP")
                        s.replace(3, "STR", s[1][1]);
                        // SHIFT
                //			print("input: ",i.l);
                //			print("stack: ",s.l);
                //			print("eval",expr,s[0][1]);
            } catch {
      "Error evaluating : <br/><pre>" + expr);
Esempio n. 7
        public string render_node(XmlNode n, Hashtable h)
            string r = "";

            if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA)
                r = n.Value;
            else if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                XmlElement e           = n as XmlElement;
                string     g_att       = "";
                string     t_att_first = null;
                Hashtable  t_att       = new Hashtable();
                foreach (XmlAttribute a in e.Attributes)
                    if (a.Name.StartsWith("t-"))
                        if (a.Name.StartsWith("t-att"))
                            string myval = QU.eval(a.Value, h);
                            g_att += " " + a.Name.Substring(6) + "=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(myval) + "\"";
                            t_att[a.Name.Substring(2)] = a.Value;
                            if (t_att_first == null)
                                t_att_first = a.Name.Substring(2);
                        g_att += " " + a.Name + "=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(a.Value) + "\"";
                if (t_att.Count > 0)
                    string val;
                    if ((val = t_att["raw"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_raw(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["esc"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_esc(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["foreach"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_foreach(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["if"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_if(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["call"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_call(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["set"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_set(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["type"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_type(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["select"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_select(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["name"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_name(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["error"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_error(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                    else if ((val = t_att["invalid"] as string) != null)
                        r = render_tag_invalid(e, val, t_att, g_att, h);
                        val         = t_att[t_att_first] as string;
                        t_att_first = t_att_first.Replace("-", "_");
                        if (t_att_first.StartsWith("ext_"))
                            foreach (Object ex in ext)
                                if (ex.GetType().GetMethod(t_att_first) != null)
                                    Object o = ex.GetType().GetMethod(t_att_first).Invoke(ex, new Object[] { this, e, val, t_att, g_att, h });
                                    if (o is string)
                                        r = (string)o;
                    r = render_element(e, g_att, h);
Esempio n. 8
 public string render_tag_href(XmlElement e, string t_val, Hashtable t_att, string g_att, Hashtable h)
     return(QU.eval(t_val, h));