Esempio n. 1
        public SeasonalEmployee(SeasonalEmployee prev)
            : base(prev)
            season   = prev.GetSeason();
            piecePay = prev.GetPiecePay();

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method Name: SaveDatabase.
        /// The purpose of this method is to parse the database into an output string to save to a file. This method
        /// ensures that all of the database items it is outputting are valid, else it will not ouptut them. The format
        /// in which a database item is outputted is as such:
        /// (Employee Type)|(Last Name)|(First Name)|(SIN)|(SubField1)|(SubField2)|(SubField3)|
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveDatabase()
            String fileOutput;
            FullTimeEmployee ft = new FullTimeEmployee();
            PartTimeEmployee pt = new PartTimeEmployee();
            ContractEmployee c = new ContractEmployee();
            SeasonalEmployee s = new SeasonalEmployee();

            //Clear the file.
            FileStream db = databaseFile.Openfile("dbase.dtb", 'W');
            databaseFile.WriteToFile(db, "");

            //Insert a default header comment.
            fileOutput = ";\r\n;EMS Database File\r\n;Save Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n;Comments:\r\n;\r\n";

            //For each employee in the database.
            databaseContainer.ForEach(delegate(Employee entry)
                //If the employee is valid.
                if (entry.Validate())
                    //Parse each field for output.
                    fileOutput = fileOutput + entry.GetEmployeeType();
                    fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + entry.GetLastName();
                    fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + entry.GetFirstName();
                    fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + entry.GetSocialNumber();
                    //If the date is 0
                    if (entry.GetDateOfBirth() == new DateTime(0))
                        //Output N/A
                        fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                        fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + entry.GetDateOfBirth().Year + "-" + entry.GetDateOfBirth().Month + "-" + entry.GetDateOfBirth().Day;
                    //Get the employee type.
                    switch (entry.GetEmployeeType())
                        //If the employee is a Full Time employee.
                        case "FT":
                            ft = (FullTimeEmployee)entry;
                            //If the date is 0.
                            if (ft.GetDateOfHire() == new DateTime(0))
                                //Output N/A.
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + ft.GetDateOfHire().Year + "-" + ft.GetDateOfHire().Month + "-" + ft.GetDateOfHire().Day;
                            //If the date is 0.
                            if (ft.GetDateOfTermination() == new DateTime(0))
                                //Output N/A.
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + ft.GetDateOfTermination().Year + "-" + ft.GetDateOfTermination().Month + "-" + ft.GetDateOfTermination().Day;
                            fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + ft.GetSalary();
                        //If the employee is a Part Time employee.
                        case "PT":
                            pt = (PartTimeEmployee)entry;
                            //If the date is 0.
                            if (pt.GetDateOfHire() == new DateTime(0))
                                //Output N/A.
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + pt.GetDateOfHire().Year + "-" + pt.GetDateOfHire().Month + "-" + pt.GetDateOfHire().Day;
                            //If the date is 0.
                            if (pt.GetDateOfTermination() == new DateTime(0))
                                //Out N/A.
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + pt.GetDateOfTermination().Year + "-" + pt.GetDateOfTermination().Month + "-" + pt.GetDateOfTermination().Day;
                            fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + pt.GetHourlyWage();
                        //If the employee is a Contract Employee.
                        case "CT":
                            c = (ContractEmployee)entry;
                            //If the date is 0.
                            if (c.GetContractStartDate() == new DateTime(0))
                                //Output N/A.
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + c.GetContractStartDate().Year + "-" + c.GetContractStartDate().Month + "-" + c.GetContractStartDate().Day;
                            //If the date is 0.
                            if (c.GetContractStopDate() == new DateTime(0))
                                //Output N/A.
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + "N/A";
                                fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + c.GetContractStopDate().Year + "-" + c.GetContractStartDate().Month + "-" + c.GetContractStartDate().Day;
                            fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + c.GetFixedContractAmount();
                        //The the employee is a Seasonal Employee.
                        case "SN":
                            s = (SeasonalEmployee)entry;
                            fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + Enum.GetName(typeof(Season), (s.GetSeason()));
                            fileOutput = fileOutput + "|" + s.GetPiecePay();
                    fileOutput = fileOutput + "|\r\n";
            //Write the parsed output string to a file.
            db = databaseFile.Openfile("dbase.dtb", 'W');
            databaseFile.WriteToFile(db, fileOutput);
            return true;
Esempio n. 3
 public void SetPiecePayValid()
     SeasonalEmployee employee = new SeasonalEmployee("Brandon", "Davies");
     bool retVal = employee.SetPiecePay(10);
     Assert.AreEqual(employee.GetPiecePay(), 10);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method Name: UpdateEmployeeData.
        /// The purpose of this method is to allow a user to enter a SIN corresponding to an employee that they wish to update.
        /// A menu will then be presented in the console that will allow the user to update specific attributes found in any
        /// of the four employee types.  The user also has the option of changing all attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateEmployeeData()
            // initialize local variables
            int foundElement = 0;
            String SIN = "";
            int returnedResult = 0;
            bool result = false;
            float salary = 0, hourlyRate = 0, piecePay = 0, contractorsFixedAmount = 0;
            int i = 0;
            String input = "";
            String firstName = "";
            String lastName = "";
            String temp = "";

            // create objects of each type of employee to be used depending on what type of employee
            // the user is updating
            Employee baseEmployee = new Employee();
            FullTimeEmployee ftEmployee = new FullTimeEmployee();
            PartTimeEmployee ptEmployee = new PartTimeEmployee();
            ContractEmployee cEmployee = new ContractEmployee();
            SeasonalEmployee sEmployee = new SeasonalEmployee();

            // get the user to enter a SIN number of the employee they would like to update
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the SIN number of the employee you would like to update:");
            // get the user to enter the sin until
            SIN = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", "") ;

            // reset the returnedResult
            returnedResult = 0;

            // find the element based on the employee's SIN number
            for (i = 0; i < databaseContainer.Count; i++)
                // if the sin number is found in the database set the
                // found element to be that index
                if (databaseContainer[i].GetSocialNumber() == SIN)
                    foundElement = i;
            // if the result was 0 then the Employee with the SIN entered from the user
            // was not found in the database - return false
            if (returnedResult == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find employee with the specified SIN");
                logfile.Log(new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name, 'M', 'F', (databaseContainer[foundElement].GetFirstName() + " " + databaseContainer[foundElement].GetLastName()));
                return false;
            // until the user presses 9 allow them to update the employee with the SIN they
            // previously entered
            while (input != "9")
                // clear the console and display the menu
                // set the baseEmployee to be the employee found in the database
                baseEmployee = databaseContainer[foundElement];

                Console.WriteLine("Currently Updating : {0} {1}", databaseContainer[foundElement].GetFirstName(), databaseContainer[foundElement].GetLastName());
                Console.WriteLine("Updates Available:");
                Console.WriteLine("\t1. First Name.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t2. Last Name/Business.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t3. SIN.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t4. Date Of Birth.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t5. Date Of Hire, Contract Start Date, Season");
                Console.WriteLine("\t6. Salary, PiecePay, Fixed Contract Amount, Hourly Wage");
                Console.WriteLine("\t7. Date of Termination, Contract End Date");
                Console.WriteLine("\t8. Update All Information");
                Console.WriteLine("\t9. Exit");

                // read the user's menu choice
                input = Console.ReadLine();

                // if the option is 1 to 4 then no casting needs to be done to find out which
                // type of employee it is because those attributes are found in all employees
                if (input == "1" || input == "2" || input == "3" || input == "4")
                    logfile.Log(new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name, 'M', 'S', (databaseContainer[foundElement].GetFirstName() + " " + databaseContainer[foundElement].GetLastName()));

                    // switch on the input
                    switch (input)
                            // modify the first name
                        case "1":
                            if (baseEmployee.GetEmployeeType() != "CT")
                                // display the current employee's firstname
                                Console.WriteLine("Current employee's first name: {0} \n", baseEmployee.GetFirstName());
                                // get the employee's first name, make the user enter it until
                                // it is valid
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new first name:");
                                firstName = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", "");

                                if (firstName == "")
                                    result = false;
                                    result = baseEmployee.SetFirstName(firstName);
                                while (result == false)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid employee's first name:");
                                    firstName = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", "");

                                    if (firstName == "")
                                        result = false;
                                        result = baseEmployee.SetFirstName(firstName);

                            // modify the last name
                        case "2":
                            if (baseEmployee.GetEmployeeType() != "CT")
                                // display the current employee's last name
                                Console.WriteLine("Current employee's last name: {0}\n", baseEmployee.GetLastName());
                                // get the employee's last name, make the user enter a last name
                                // until it is a valid string
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new last name:");
                                lastName = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", "");

                                if (lastName == "")
                                    result = false;
                                    result = baseEmployee.SetLastName(lastName);
                                while (result == false)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid employee's last name:");
                                    lastName = Console.ReadLine().Replace(" ", "");

                                    if (lastName == "")
                                        result = false;
                                        result = baseEmployee.SetLastName(lastName);
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a bussiness name:");
                                lastName = Console.ReadLine();
                                temp = lastName.Replace(" ", "");

                                if (temp == "")
                                    result = false;
                                    result = baseEmployee.SetLastName(lastName);
                                while (result == false)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid business name:");
                                    lastName = Console.ReadLine();
                                    temp = lastName.Replace(" ", "");

                                    if (temp == "")
                                        result = false;
                                        result = baseEmployee.SetLastName(lastName);


                            // modify the employee's social insurance number
                        case "3":
                            // display the current employee's social insurance number
                            Console.WriteLine("Current employee's social insurance number : {0}\n", baseEmployee.GetSocialNumber());
                            // get the employee's social insurance number, make user re-enter the SIN until
                            // it is valid
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee's Social Insurance Number:");
                            while (result == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid employee's Social Insurance Number:");
                                result = baseEmployee.SetSocialNumber(Console.ReadLine());

                            // modify the employee's date of birth
                        case "4":
                            // display the current employee's date of birth
                            Console.WriteLine("Current employee's date of birth : {0}\n", baseEmployee.GetDateOfBirth().ToShortDateString());
                            // get the employee's date of birth, make the user re-enter the birth date until
                            // it is valid
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee's date of birth <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                            result = baseEmployee.SetDateOfBirth(Console.ReadLine());
                            while (result == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid employee's date of birth <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                result = baseEmployee.SetDateOfBirth(Console.ReadLine());
                // if were modifying attributes under the menu options 5 - 8
                    // then the attributes change accordingly to which type of employee being modified
                    logfile.Log(new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name, 'M', 'F', (databaseContainer[foundElement].GetFirstName() + " " + databaseContainer[foundElement].GetLastName()));
                    // switch on the employee type
                    switch (databaseContainer[foundElement].GetEmployeeType())

                            // if it's a full time employee being modified then:
                            // date of hire is being modifited when option 5 is pressed
                            // yearly salary is being modified when option 6 is pressed
                            // date of termination is being modified when option 7 is pressed
                        case "FT":
                            // cast the base employee as a full time employee
                            ftEmployee = (FullTimeEmployee)baseEmployee;
                            switch (input)
                                    // update date of hire
                                case "5":
                                    // display the current date of hire and get the user to enter the
                                    // new date of hire
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current Date of Hire : {0}", ftEmployee.GetDateOfHire().ToShortDateString());
                                    // get the date the employee was hired
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the date the employee was hired");
                                    // get teh new date until it is valid
                                    result = ftEmployee.SetDateOfHire(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid date in which the employee was hired");
                                        result = ftEmployee.SetDateOfHire(Console.ReadLine());
                                    // update yearly salary
                                case "6":
                                    // display the current salary and get the user to enter a new salary
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current Salary is : {0}", ftEmployee.GetSalary());
                                    // get the employee's yearly salary
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee's yearly salary (example 45000.54):");
                                    while (true)
                                            salary = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                            Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid employee's salary (example 45000.54):");
                                    // update the date of termination
                                case "7":
                                    // display the current salary and get the user to enter a new salary
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current date of Termination is : {0}", ftEmployee.GetDateOfTermination().ToShortDateString());
                                    // get the date of termination if the employee was fired
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a date of termination or enter a '0' if the \nemployee is still employed at your company <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                    result = ftEmployee.SetDateOfTermination(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid date of termination or enter a '0' if the \nemployee is still employed at your company <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                        result = ftEmployee.SetDateOfTermination(Console.ReadLine());

                                    // update all employee information
                                case "8":
                                    Console.WriteLine("Employee's current information:");
                                    // if the user is updating all data for an employee remove the current one
                                    // and get them to update all fields by calling the add function

                            // if the employee type is a part time employee then:
                            // option 5 updates the employee's date of hire
                            // option 6 updates the employee's hourly wage
                            // option 7 updates the employee's date of termination
                            // option 8 updates all fields
                        case "PT":
                            // cast the base employee as a part time employee
                            ptEmployee = (PartTimeEmployee)baseEmployee;

                            // switch on the input number
                            switch (input)
                                // update the employee's hire date
                                case "5":
                                    // display the current date of hire and get the user to enter the
                                    // new date of hire
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current Date of Hire : {0}", ptEmployee.GetDateOfHire().ToShortDateString());

                                    // get the new date from the user
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the date the employee was hired <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                    result = ptEmployee.SetDateOfHire(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid date in which the employee was hired <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                        result = ptEmployee.SetDateOfHire(Console.ReadLine());
                                    // update the employee's hourly wages
                                case "6":
                                    // display the current date of hire and get the user to enter the
                                    // new date of hire
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current employee's hourly wages : {0}", ptEmployee.GetHourlyWage());
                                    // get the employee's hourly wages
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee's hourly wage(ie. 15.00):");
                                    while (true)
                                            // attempt to parse if it does not succeed then it will throw an exception
                                            hourlyRate = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                            // display the error message to the user
                                            Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid employee's hourly wage(ie. 15.00):");

                                    // update the employee's date of termination
                                case "7":
                                    // display the current date of hire and get the user to enter the
                                    // new date of hire
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current Employee's date of termination : {0}", ftEmployee.GetDateOfTermination().ToShortDateString());

                                    // get the new date of termination
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a date of termination or enter a '0' if the \nemployee is still employed at your company <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                    result = ptEmployee.SetDateOfTermination(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid date of termination or enter a '0' if the \nemployee is still employed at your company <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                        result = ptEmployee.SetDateOfTermination(Console.ReadLine());
                                case "8":
                                    Console.WriteLine("Employee's current information:");
                                    // if the user is updating all data for an employee remove the current one
                                    // and get them to update all fields by calling the add function

                            // if were modifying a Contract Employee then
                            // option 5 is modifying the date in which the contract employee started
                            // option 6 is the fixed contract amount
                            // option 7 is modifying the date in which the contract employee ended their work
                        case "CT":

                            // cast the base employee as a contract employee
                            cEmployee = (ContractEmployee)baseEmployee;
                            switch (input)
                                    // modify the date which the contract employee started
                                case "5":
                                    // display the current date the empployee began
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current contract employee's start date : {0}", cEmployee.GetContractStartDate().ToShortDateString());

                                    // get the start date in which the contractor began work
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the start date for the contracted employee <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                    result = cEmployee.SetContractStartDate(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid date in which the employee was hired <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                        result = cEmployee.SetContractStopDate(Console.ReadLine());
                                    // modify the fixed amount pay the contractor received
                                case "6":
                                    // display the current fixed amount pay the contractor received
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current contractor's fixed pay amount : {0}", cEmployee.GetFixedContractAmount());
                                    // get the contractor's fixed amount of pay
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the contractor's fixed amount of pay (e.g. 4570.80):");
                                    while (true)
                                            contractorsFixedAmount = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                            Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid contractor's fixed amount of pay (e.g. 4570.80):");
                                    // modify the date in which the contractor ended work
                                case "7":
                                    // display the current date the empployee began
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current contract employee's stop date : {0}", cEmployee.GetContractStopDate().ToShortDateString());

                                    // get the date in which the contractor ended the work
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the date the contractor ended \nworking for your company <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                    result = cEmployee.SetContractStopDate(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter the date the contractor \nended working for your company <YYYY-MM-DD>:");
                                        result = cEmployee.SetContractStopDate(Console.ReadLine());
                                    // modify all the data in the current contract employee
                                case "8":
                                    Console.WriteLine("Employee's current information:");
                                    // if the user is updating all data for an employee remove the current one
                                    // and get them to update all fields by calling the add function

                            // if we are modifying a seasonal employee
                            // option 5 modifies the season in which the employee was employed
                            // option 6 modifies the piece pay in which the employee received while employed
                            // option 8 modifies all the attributes
                        case "SN":
                            sEmployee = (SeasonalEmployee)baseEmployee;

                            switch (input)
                                    // modify the season
                                case "5":
                                    // display the season in which the employee was employed
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current employee's season of employment : {0}", sEmployee.GetSeason());
                                    // get the season in which the employee was employed
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the season in which the employee was employed:");
                                    result = sEmployee.SetSeason(Console.ReadLine());
                                    while (result == false)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid season in which the employee was employed:");
                                        result = sEmployee.SetSeason(Console.ReadLine());
                                    // modify the piece pay
                                case "6":
                                    // display the season in which the employee was employed
                                    Console.WriteLine("Current employee's piece pay : {0}", sEmployee.GetPiecePay());

                                    // get the pay in which the employee received
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the piece pay which the employee received for their work:");
                                    while (true)
                                            piecePay = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                            Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter a valid piece in which the employee received for their work:");
                                    // modify all attributes
                                case "8":
                                    Console.WriteLine("Employee's current information:");
                                    // if the user is updating all data for an employee remove the current one
                                    // and get them to update all fields by calling the add function
                    }/* End Switch */
                }/* End Else Statement*/
            }/* End While Loop*/

            return true;
Esempio n. 5
 public void SetPiecePayInvalidNegitive()
     SeasonalEmployee employee = new SeasonalEmployee("Brandon", "Davies");
     bool retVal = employee.SetPiecePay(-10);
     Assert.AreEqual(employee.GetPiecePay(), 0);