public void BuildDegreeList(ref Vertex[] verticies, ref DegreeList degList) { for (int i = 0; i < AL.Length; i++) { if (AL[i] == null) { continue; } int count = 0; AdjVertex curr = AL[i]; while (curr != null) { ++count; curr =; } verticies[i].degree = count; degList.Insert(verticies[i]); } }
public void BuildGraph() { StreamReader srP = new StreamReader(pathToP); StreamReader srE = new StreamReader(pathToE); //First line of P tells you the number of courses String pLine = srP.ReadLine(); int.TryParse(pLine, out numCourses); //Allocate memory adjList = new AdjList(numCourses + 1); degList = new DegreeList(numCourses + 1); verticies = new Vertex[numCourses + 1]; stack = new Stack(numCourses + 1); pLine = srP.ReadLine(); //First line of E is always 0 so skip it String eLine = srE.ReadLine(); eLine = srE.ReadLine(); int courseNumber = 1; int extra = 0; int parsed; int curr; int prev; int.TryParse(pLine, out prev); while (pLine != null) { pLine = srP.ReadLine(); while (pLine == "0") { ++extra; pLine = srP.ReadLine(); } if (pLine == null) { while (eLine != null) { int.TryParse(eLine, out parsed); AddVertex(parsed, courseNumber); eLine = srE.ReadLine(); } } else { int.TryParse(pLine, out curr); int difference = curr - prev; for (int i = 0; i < difference; i++) { int.TryParse(eLine, out parsed); AddVertex(parsed, courseNumber); eLine = srE.ReadLine(); } prev = curr; courseNumber = courseNumber + extra + 1; extra = 0; } } adjList.BuildDegreeList(ref verticies, ref degList); if (verbose) { adjList.Print(); degList.Print(); } graphBuilt = true; }