Esempio n. 1
        public string getAuthenticationTicket(bool promptUser)
            string strAuthTicket = "";
             if (m_AuthenticationTicket == "")
            // If we've been given a CIFS server then try to authenticate against it
            if (this.CIFSServer.Length > 0)
               // Try CIFS
               IServerHelper myAuthTicket = new CIFSHelper(this.CIFSServer);
               m_AuthenticationTicket = myAuthTicket.GetAuthenticationTicket();

            // Did we get a ticket from the CIFS server?
            if (m_AuthenticationTicket != "")
               m_DefaultToCIFS = true;
               // Try WebDAV
               /* Only reset flag if no CIFS config present */
               m_DefaultToCIFS = (this.CIFSServer.Length > 0);
               IServerHelper myAuthTicket = new WebDAVHelper(this.WebDAVURL);
               strAuthTicket = myAuthTicket.GetAuthenticationTicket();
               if (strAuthTicket != "401")
                  m_AuthenticationTicket = strAuthTicket;
                  // Authentication failed - do we have a saved username/password?
                  if ((this.Username.Length > 0) && (this.Password.Length > 0))
                     strAuthTicket = myAuthTicket.GetAuthenticationTicket(this.Username, this.Password);
                  if (strAuthTicket != "401")
                     m_AuthenticationTicket = strAuthTicket;
                  else if (promptUser)
                     // Last option - pop up the login form
                     using (Login myLogin = new Login())
                        bool bRetry = true;

                        // Pre-populate with values already configured
                        myLogin.Username = this.Username;
                        myLogin.Password = this.Password;

                        // Retry loop for typos
                        while (bRetry)
                           if (myLogin.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                              // Try to authenticate with entered credentials
                              strAuthTicket = myAuthTicket.GetAuthenticationTicket(myLogin.Username, myLogin.Password);
                              if ((strAuthTicket == "401") || (strAuthTicket == ""))
                                 // Retry?
                                 bRetry = (MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.UnableToAuthenticate, Properties.Resources.MessageBoxTitle, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry);
                                 // Successful login
                                 m_AuthenticationTicket = strAuthTicket;
                                 bRetry = false;
                              // Cancel or close chosen on login dialog
                              bRetry = false;

             return m_AuthenticationTicket;