Esempio n. 1
 internal static IEnumerable<CssSelectorGroup> TraverseList(CssSelectorGroup @this)
     return @this.TraverseList(i => i.mNext);
Esempio n. 2
 internal CssStyleRule(CssSelectorGroup aSelector, CssDeclaration aDeclaration)
     mSelector = aSelector;
     mDeclaration = aDeclaration;
Esempio n. 3
 internal void AddPseudoClass(CssPseudoClass aType, CssSelectorGroup aSelectorList)
     AddPseudoClassInternal(new CssPseudoClassSelector(aType, aSelectorList));
Esempio n. 4
 internal CssPseudoClassSelector(CssPseudoClass aType, CssSelectorGroup aSelectors)
     mType      = aType;
     mSelectors = aSelectors;
Esempio n. 5
        internal bool ParseSelectorList(ref nsCSSSelectorList aListHead,
                                         char aStopChar)
            nsCSSSelectorList list = null;
              if (! ParseSelectorGroup(ref list)) {
            // must have at least one selector group
            aListHead = null;
            return false;
              Debug.Assert(null != list, "no selector list");
              aListHead = list;

              // After that there must either be a "," or a "{" (the latter if
              // StopChar is nonzero)
              nsCSSToken tk = mToken;
              for (;;) {
            if (! GetToken(true)) {
              if (aStopChar == '\0') {
                return true;

              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PESelectorListExtraEOF"); };

            if (nsCSSTokenType.Symbol == tk.mType) {
              if (',' == tk.mSymbol) {
                nsCSSSelectorList newList = null;
                // Another selector group must follow
                if (! ParseSelectorGroup(ref newList)) {
                // add new list to the end of the selector list
                list.mNext = newList;
                list = newList;
              } else if (aStopChar == tk.mSymbol && aStopChar != '\0') {
                return true;
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PESelectorListExtra", mToken); };

              aListHead = null;
              return false;
Esempio n. 6
        internal nsresult ParseSelectorString(string aSelectorString,
                                           Uri aURI, // for error reporting
                                           uint32_t aLineNumber, // for error reporting
                                           ref nsCSSSelectorList aSelectorList)
            var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aSelectorString, aLineNumber);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aURI);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aURI, aURI, null);

              bool success = ParseSelectorList(ref aSelectorList, '\0');

              // We deliberately do not call OUTPUT_ERROR here, because all our
              // callers map a failure return to a JS exception, and if that JS
              // exception is caught, people don't want to see parser diagnostics;
              // see e.g.
              // It would be nice to be able to save the parser diagnostics into
              // the exception, so that if it _isn't_ caught we can report them
              // along with the usual uncaught-exception message, but we don't
              // have any way to do that at present; see bug 631621.

              if (success) {
            Debug.Assert(aSelectorList != null, "Should have list!");
            return nsresult.OK;

              Debug.Assert(aSelectorList == null, "Shouldn't have list!");

              return nsresult.ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR;
Esempio n. 7
         * This is the format for selectors:
         * operator? [[namespace |]? element_name]? [ ID | class | attrib | pseudo ]*
        internal bool ParseSelector(nsCSSSelectorList aList,
                                     char aPrevCombinator)
            if (! GetToken(true)) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PESelectorEOF"); };
            return false;

              nsCSSSelector selector = aList.AddSelector(aPrevCombinator);
              string pseudoElement = null;
              nsAtomList pseudoElementArgs = null;
              nsCSSPseudoElement pseudoElementType =

              int32_t dataMask = 0;
              nsSelectorParsingStatus parsingStatus =
            ParseTypeOrUniversalSelector(ref dataMask, selector, false);

              while (parsingStatus == nsSelectorParsingStatus.Continue) {
            if (nsCSSTokenType.ID == mToken.mType) { // #id
              parsingStatus = ParseIDSelector(ref dataMask, selector);
            else if (mToken.IsSymbol('.')) {    // .class
              parsingStatus = ParseClassSelector(ref dataMask, selector);
            else if (mToken.IsSymbol(':')) {    // :pseudo
              parsingStatus = ParsePseudoSelector(ref dataMask, selector, false,
                                                  ref pseudoElement,
                                                  ref pseudoElementType);
            else if (mToken.IsSymbol('[')) {    // [attribute
              parsingStatus = ParseAttributeSelector(ref dataMask, selector);
              if (nsSelectorParsingStatus.Error == parsingStatus) {
            else {  // not a selector token, we're done
              parsingStatus = nsSelectorParsingStatus.Done;

            if (parsingStatus != nsSelectorParsingStatus.Continue) {

            if (! GetToken(false)) { // premature eof is ok (here!)
              parsingStatus = nsSelectorParsingStatus.Done;

              if (parsingStatus == nsSelectorParsingStatus.Error) {
            return false;

              if (dataMask == 0) {
            if (selector.mNext != null) {
              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PESelectorGroupExtraCombinator"); };
            } else {
              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PESelectorGroupNoSelector"); };
            return false;

              if (pseudoElementType == nsCSSPseudoElement.AnonBox) {
            // We got an anonymous box pseudo-element; it must be the only
            // thing in this selector group.
            if (selector.mNext != null || !IsUniversalSelector(selector)) {
              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEAnonBoxNotAlone"); };
              return false;

            // Rewrite the current selector as this pseudo-element.
            // It does not contribute to selector weight.
            { var t = selector.mLowercaseTag; selector.mLowercaseTag = pseudoElement; pseudoElement = t; };
            selector.mClassList = pseudoElementArgs;
            return true;

              aList.mWeight += selector.CalcWeight();

              // Pseudo-elements other than anonymous boxes are represented as
              // direct children ('>' combinator) of the rest of the selector.
              if (pseudoElement != null) {
            selector = aList.AddSelector('>');

            { var t = selector.mLowercaseTag; selector.mLowercaseTag = pseudoElement; pseudoElement = t; };
            selector.mClassList = pseudoElementArgs;

              return true;
Esempio n. 8
        internal bool ParseSelectorGroup(ref nsCSSSelectorList aList)
            char combinator = '\0';
              var list = new nsCSSSelectorList();

              for (;;) {
            if (!ParseSelector(list, combinator)) {
              return false;

            // Look for a combinator.
            if (!GetToken(false)) {
              break; // EOF ok here

            combinator = '\0';
            if (mToken.mType == nsCSSTokenType.Whitespace) {
              if (!GetToken(true)) {
                break; // EOF ok here
              combinator = ' ';

            if (mToken.mType != nsCSSTokenType.Symbol) {
              UngetToken(); // not a combinator
            } else {
              char symbol = mToken.mSymbol;
              if (symbol == '+' || symbol == '>' || symbol == '~') {
                combinator = mToken.mSymbol;
              } else {
                UngetToken(); // not a combinator
                if (symbol == ',' || symbol == '{' || symbol == ')') {
                  break; // end of selector group

            if (combinator == 0) {
              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PESelectorListExtra", mToken); };
              return false;

              aList = list;
              return true;
Esempio n. 9
        // Parse the argument of a pseudo-class that has a selector list argument.
        // Such selector lists cannot contain combinators, but can contain
        // anything that goes between a pair of combinators.
        internal nsSelectorParsingStatus ParsePseudoClassWithSelectorListArg(nsCSSSelector aSelector,
                                                           nsCSSPseudoClass aType)
            var slist = new nsCSSSelectorList();
              if (! ParseSelectorList(ref slist, ')')) {
            return nsSelectorParsingStatus.Error; // our caller calls SkipUntil(')')

              // Check that none of the selectors in the list have combinators or
              // pseudo-elements.
              for (nsCSSSelectorList l = slist; l != null; l = l.mNext) {
            nsCSSSelector s = l.mSelectors;
            if (s.mNext != null || s.IsPseudoElement()) {
              return nsSelectorParsingStatus.Error; // our caller calls SkipUntil(')')

              // Add the pseudo with the selector list parameter
              aSelector.AddPseudoClass(aType, slist);

              // close the parenthesis
              if (!ExpectSymbol(')', true)) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEPseudoClassNoClose", mToken); };
            return nsSelectorParsingStatus.Error; // our caller calls SkipUntil(')')

              return nsSelectorParsingStatus.Continue;
Esempio n. 10
 internal static IEnumerable <CssSelectorGroup> TraverseList(CssSelectorGroup @this)
     return(@this.TraverseList(i => i.mNext));
Esempio n. 11
 internal CssPseudoClassSelector(CssPseudoClass aType, CssSelectorGroup aSelectors)
     mType = aType;
     mSelectors = aSelectors;
Esempio n. 12
 internal void AddPseudoClass(CssPseudoClass aType, CssSelectorGroup aSelectorList)
     AddPseudoClassInternal(new CssPseudoClassSelector(aType, aSelectorList));
Esempio n. 13
 internal CssStyleRule(CssSelectorGroup aSelector, CssDeclaration aDeclaration)
     mSelector    = aSelector;
     mDeclaration = aDeclaration;