Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the assumption table, looking for assumptions to add to the Facts.Unknowns list.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AskAssumedFacts(string rel, Thing e1, Thing e2, Thing e3)
            foreach (Pair p in Pairs)
                // If A, then B
                if (p.LeftHandPoint.Relationship == rel)
                    // For each rightPoint.Arg number, get the corresponding Thing
                    Thing[] args = new Thing[3] {
                        e1, e2, e3

                    int a1 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg1 - 1;  // -1 b/c array is base-zero
                    int a2 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg2 - 1;
                    int a3 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg3 - 1;

                    Thing t1 = a1 >= 0 ? args[a1] : null;
                    Thing t2 = a2 >= 0 ? args[a2] : null;
                    Thing t3 = a3 >= 0 ? args[a3] : null;

                    // Investigates all assumptions
                    // TODO: Does not short circuit
                    Facts.Fact f = new Facts.Fact(p.RightHandPoint.Relationship, t1.Id, t2.Id, t3.Id);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the assumption table, looking for assumptions to add to the Facts.Unknowns list.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AskAssumedFacts(string rel, Thing e1, Thing e2, Thing e3)
            foreach (Pair p in Pairs)
                // If A, then B
                if (p.LeftHandPoint.Relationship == rel)
                    // For each rightPoint.Arg number, get the corresponding Thing
                    Thing[] args = new Thing[3]{e1,e2,e3};

                    int a1 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg1 - 1;  // -1 b/c array is base-zero
                    int a2 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg2 - 1;
                    int a3 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg3 - 1;

                    Thing t1 = a1 >= 0 ? args[a1] : null;
                    Thing t2 = a2 >= 0 ? args[a2] : null;
                    Thing t3 = a3 >= 0 ? args[a3] : null;

                    // Investigates all assumptions
                    // TODO: Does not short circuit
                    Facts.Fact f = new Facts.Fact(p.RightHandPoint.Relationship, t1.Id, t2.Id, t3.Id);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Asks the next question or displays the interview results.
        /// </summary>  
        public static Response Investigate(List<Facts.Fact> goals)
            // Default outputs
            bool allDone = true;
            int percent = 0;
            Facts.Fact theNextFact = new Facts.Fact("", null, null, null);


            // Pre-evaluate each goal in order to cache the results of
            // each evaluted function in the FactBase.  This will make
            // look-ahead short-circuiting work in the interview.
            // There will obviously be performance implications to
            // evaluating each goal twice.  However, a four-line fix
            // to a vexing problem feels delightful.  And the caching
            // may end up making things tolerable after all.
            // But note that the look-ahead short-circuiting issue is not
            // completely solved: it will still fail in large rules where
            // the intermediate conditions are not checked/pre-evaluated.
            foreach (Facts.Fact g in goals)

            //            Console.WriteLine(ShowProofTree());

            // Prepare to look for unknown facts
            Facts.GetUnknowns = true;

            // Iterate through each goal
            foreach (Facts.Fact g in goals)
                if (!g.Value().HasBeenDetermined)
                    allDone = false;
            Facts.GetUnknowns = false;

            // Determine the next fact and the percent complete
            if (!allDone)
                theNextFact = Facts.Unknowns[0];
                percent = ProgressPercentage(Facts.Count(), Facts.Unknowns.Count);

            return new Engine.Response(allDone, theNextFact, percent, goals);
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// General response constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public Response(bool done, Facts.Fact next, int percent, List<Facts.Fact> goals)
     InvestigationComplete = done;
     NextFact = next;
     PercentComplete = percent;
     Goals = goals;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an income packet and instantiates a Hammurabi session.
        /// </summary>
        public Packet Assess(Packet request)
            // Start timer
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Pre-evaluate each goal to enable look-ahead short circuiting.
            // See Hammurabi | Core | Engine.cs, line ~81, for an explanation.
            foreach (Factoid g in request.Goals)
                Facts.Fact gb = new Facts.Fact(g.Relationship, g.Arg1, g.Arg2, g.Arg3);

            // Start a fresh session
            //            Facts.Clear();
            Facts.GetUnknowns = true;
            bool allDone = true;
            request.PercentageComplete = 100;

            // Assert facts into a Hammurabi session
            foreach(Factoid f in request.AssertedFacts)

            // Iterate through each goal
            foreach(Factoid g in request.Goals)
                Facts.Fact gb = new Facts.Fact(g.Relationship, g.Arg1, g.Arg2, g.Arg3);

                // Assign to a variable so it's only evaluated once
                Tvar gbVal = gb.Value();

                // Convert Tvar to timeline object
                g.Timeline = TvarToTimeline(gbVal);

                // All goals resolved?
                if (!gbVal.HasBeenDetermined)
                    allDone = false;

            // Stop looking for unknown facts
            Facts.GetUnknowns = false;

            // Determine the next fact and the percent complete
            if (!allDone)
            //                Factoid neededFact = new Factoid("Tnum","USC.Tit26.Sec151.ThresholdAmount","Jim","","");
            //                Facts.Fact f = new Facts.Fact("USC.Tit26.Sec151.ThresholdAmount", null, null, null);
            //                Factoid neededFact = new Factoid(f);

                Factoid neededFact = new Factoid(Facts.Unknowns[0]);
                request.NeededFacts = new List<Factoid>(){neededFact};

                request.PercentageComplete = Interactive.Engine.ProgressPercentage(Facts.Count(), Facts.Unknowns.Count);

            // Add elapsed time to response object
            request.ResponseTimeInMs = Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds);

            return request;
Esempio n. 6
 public ProofTreeNode(Facts.Fact fact, int depth)
     TheFact = fact;
     Depth = depth;