public AsyncQueryExecutor
            AsyncCluster cluster,
            QueryPolicy policy,
            RecordSequenceListener listener,
            Statement statement,
            Node[] nodes
        ) : base(cluster)
            this.listener = listener;

            // Create commands.
            AsyncQuery[] tasks = new AsyncQuery[nodes.Length];
            int          count = 0;

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                tasks[count++] = new AsyncQuery(this, cluster, (AsyncNode)node, policy, listener, statement);

            // Dispatch commands to nodes.
            if (policy.failOnClusterChange)
                ExecuteValidate(tasks, policy.maxConcurrentNodes, statement.ns);
                Execute(tasks, policy.maxConcurrentNodes);
 public QueryRecordCommand(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement, RecordSet recordSet, ulong clusterKey, bool first)
     : base(statement.ns, clusterKey, first)
     this.policy    = policy;
     this.statement = statement;
     this.recordSet = recordSet;
 public QueryAggregateExecutor(Cluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
     : base(cluster, policy, statement)
     inputQueue = new BlockingCollection <object>(500);
     resultSet  = new ResultSet(this, policy.recordQueueSize, cancel.Token);
 public QueryAggregateExecutor(Cluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
     : base(cluster, policy, statement)
     inputQueue = new BlockingCollection<object>(500);
     resultSet = new ResultSet(this, policy.recordQueueSize, cancel.Token);
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy client policy from another client policy.
 /// </summary>
 public ClientPolicy(ClientPolicy other)
     this.user                 = other.user;
     this.password             = other.password;
     this.clusterName          = other.clusterName;
     this.authMode             = other.authMode;
     this.timeout              = other.timeout;
     this.loginTimeout         = other.loginTimeout;
     this.maxConnsPerNode      = other.maxConnsPerNode;
     this.connPoolsPerNode     = other.connPoolsPerNode;
     this.maxSocketIdle        = other.maxSocketIdle;
     this.tendInterval         = other.tendInterval;
     this.failIfNotConnected   = other.failIfNotConnected;
     this.readPolicyDefault    = new Policy(other.readPolicyDefault);
     this.writePolicyDefault   = new WritePolicy(other.writePolicyDefault);
     this.scanPolicyDefault    = new ScanPolicy(other.scanPolicyDefault);
     this.queryPolicyDefault   = new QueryPolicy(other.queryPolicyDefault);
     this.batchPolicyDefault   = new BatchPolicy(other.batchPolicyDefault);
     this.infoPolicyDefault    = new InfoPolicy(other.infoPolicyDefault);
     this.tlsPolicy            = (other.tlsPolicy != null) ? new TlsPolicy(other.tlsPolicy) : null;
     this.ipMap                = other.ipMap;
     this.useServicesAlternate = other.useServicesAlternate;
     this.rackAware            = other.rackAware;
     this.rackId               = other.rackId;
        public AsyncQueryExecutor(AsyncCluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, RecordSequenceListener listener, Statement statement)
            this.listener = listener;

            Node[] nodes = cluster.Nodes;
            if (nodes.Length == 0)
                throw new AerospikeException(ResultCode.SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Query failed because cluster is empty.");

            // Create commands.
            AsyncQuery[] tasks            = new AsyncQuery[nodes.Length];
            int          count            = 0;
            bool         hasClusterStable = true;

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                if (!node.HasClusterStable)
                    hasClusterStable = false;
                tasks[count++] = new AsyncQuery(this, cluster, (AsyncNode)node, policy, listener, statement);

            // Dispatch commands to nodes.
            if (policy.failOnClusterChange && hasClusterStable)
                ExecuteValidate(cluster, tasks, policy.maxConcurrentNodes, statement.ns);
                Execute(tasks, policy.maxConcurrentNodes);
Esempio n. 7
        public QueryExecutor(Cluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement, Node[] nodes)
            this.cluster   = cluster;
            this.policy    = policy;
            this.statement = statement;
            this.nodes     = nodes;
            this.threads   = new QueryThread[nodes.Length];
            this.cancel    = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Initialize maximum number of nodes to query in parallel.
            this.maxConcurrentNodes = (policy.maxConcurrentNodes == 0 || policy.maxConcurrentNodes >= threads.Length) ? threads.Length : policy.maxConcurrentNodes;
 public QueryRecordCommand
     Cluster cluster,
     Node node,
     QueryPolicy policy,
     Statement statement,
     RecordSet recordSet,
     ulong clusterKey,
     bool first
 ) : base(cluster, policy, node, statement.ns, clusterKey, first)
     this.statement = statement;
     this.recordSet = recordSet;
 public QueryAggregateCommand
     QueryPolicy policy,
     Statement statement,
     BlockingCollection <object> inputQueue,
     CancellationToken cancelToken,
     ulong clusterKey,
     bool first
 ) : base(statement.ns, clusterKey, first)
     this.policy      = policy;
     this.statement   = statement;
     this.inputQueue  = inputQueue;
     this.cancelToken = cancelToken;
        public QueryExecutor(Cluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
            this.policy = policy;
            this.statement = statement;
            this.cancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

            this.nodes = cluster.Nodes;

            if (this.nodes.Length == 0)
                throw new AerospikeException(ResultCode.SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Query failed because cluster is empty.");

            this.threads = new QueryThread[nodes.Length];

            // Initialize maximum number of nodes to query in parallel.
            this.maxConcurrentNodes = (policy.maxConcurrentNodes == 0 || policy.maxConcurrentNodes >= threads.Length) ? threads.Length : policy.maxConcurrentNodes;
Esempio n. 11
        public AsyncQueryPartitionExecutor
            AsyncCluster cluster,
            QueryPolicy policy,
            RecordSequenceListener listener,
            Statement statement,
            PartitionTracker tracker
        ) : base(cluster)
            this.policy    = policy;
            this.listener  = listener;
            this.statement = statement;
            this.tracker   = tracker;

            statement.returnData        = true;
            tracker.SleepBetweenRetries = 0;
        public QueryExecutor(Cluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
            this.policy    = policy;
            this.statement = statement;
            this.cancel    = new CancellationTokenSource();

            this.nodes = cluster.Nodes;

            if (this.nodes.Length == 0)
                throw new AerospikeException(ResultCode.SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Query failed because cluster is empty.");

            this.threads = new QueryThread[nodes.Length];

            // Initialize maximum number of nodes to query in parallel.
            this.maxConcurrentNodes = (policy.maxConcurrentNodes == 0 || policy.maxConcurrentNodes >= threads.Length) ? threads.Length : policy.maxConcurrentNodes;
 public QueryPartitionExecutor
     Cluster cluster,
     QueryPolicy policy,
     Statement statement,
     int nodeCapacity,
     PartitionTracker tracker
     this.cluster         = cluster;
     this.policy          = policy;
     statement.returnData = true;
     this.statement       = statement;
     this.threads         = new List <QueryThread>(nodeCapacity);
     this.cancel          = new CancellationTokenSource();
     this.tracker         = tracker;
     this.recordSet       = new RecordSet(this, policy.recordQueueSize, cancel.Token);
        public AsyncQueryExecutor(AsyncCluster cluster, QueryPolicy policy, RecordSequenceListener listener, Statement statement)
            this.listener = listener;

            Node[] nodes = cluster.Nodes;
            if (nodes.Length == 0)
                throw new AerospikeException(ResultCode.SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Query failed because cluster is empty.");

            // Create commands.
            AsyncQuery[] tasks = new AsyncQuery[nodes.Length];
            int count = 0;

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                tasks[count++] = new AsyncQuery(this, cluster, (AsyncNode)node, policy, listener, statement);
            // Dispatch commands to nodes.
            Execute(tasks, policy.maxConcurrentNodes);
Esempio n. 15
        protected internal void SetQuery(Policy policy, Statement statement, bool write)
            byte[] functionArgBuffer = null;
            int    fieldCount        = 0;
            int    filterSize        = 0;
            int    binNameSize       = 0;


            if (statement.ns != null)
                dataOffset += ByteUtil.EstimateSizeUtf8(statement.ns) + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

            if (statement.indexName != null)
                dataOffset += ByteUtil.EstimateSizeUtf8(statement.indexName) + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

            if (statement.setName != null)
                dataOffset += ByteUtil.EstimateSizeUtf8(statement.setName) + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

            // Allocate space for TaskId field.
            dataOffset += 8 + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

            if (statement.filter != null)
                IndexCollectionType type = statement.filter.CollectionType;

                if (type != IndexCollectionType.DEFAULT)
                    dataOffset += FIELD_HEADER_SIZE + 1;

                dataOffset += FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
                filterSize++;                 // num filters
                filterSize += statement.filter.EstimateSize();
                dataOffset += filterSize;

                // Query bin names are specified as a field (Scan bin names are specified later as operations)
                if (statement.binNames != null)
                    dataOffset += FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
                    binNameSize++;                     // num bin names

                    foreach (string binName in statement.binNames)
                        binNameSize += ByteUtil.EstimateSizeUtf8(binName) + 1;
                    dataOffset += binNameSize;
                // Calling query with no filters is more efficiently handled by a primary index scan.
                // Estimate scan options size.
                dataOffset += 2 + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

                // Estimate scan timeout size.
                dataOffset += 4 + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

            PredExp[] predExp  = statement.PredExp;
            int       predSize = 0;

            if (predExp != null)
                dataOffset += FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
                predSize    = PredExp.EstimateSize(predExp);
                dataOffset += predSize;

            if (statement.functionName != null)
                dataOffset += FIELD_HEADER_SIZE + 1;                 // udf type
                dataOffset += ByteUtil.EstimateSizeUtf8(statement.packageName) + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
                dataOffset += ByteUtil.EstimateSizeUtf8(statement.functionName) + FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;

                if (statement.functionArgs.Length > 0)
                    functionArgBuffer = Packer.Pack(statement.functionArgs);
                    functionArgBuffer = new byte[0];
                dataOffset += FIELD_HEADER_SIZE + functionArgBuffer.Length;
                fieldCount += 4;

            if (statement.filter == null)
                if (statement.binNames != null)
                    foreach (string binName in statement.binNames)

            int operationCount = (statement.filter == null && statement.binNames != null) ? statement.binNames.Length : 0;

            if (write)
                WriteHeader((WritePolicy)policy, Command.INFO1_READ, Command.INFO2_WRITE, fieldCount, operationCount);
                QueryPolicy qp       = (QueryPolicy)policy;
                int         readAttr = qp.includeBinData ? Command.INFO1_READ : Command.INFO1_READ | Command.INFO1_NOBINDATA;
                WriteHeader(policy, readAttr, 0, fieldCount, operationCount);

            if (statement.ns != null)
                WriteField(statement.ns, FieldType.NAMESPACE);

            if (statement.indexName != null)
                WriteField(statement.indexName, FieldType.INDEX_NAME);

            if (statement.setName != null)
                WriteField(statement.setName, FieldType.TABLE);

            // Write taskId field
            WriteFieldHeader(8, FieldType.TRAN_ID);
            ByteUtil.LongToBytes(statement.taskId, dataBuffer, dataOffset);
            dataOffset += 8;

            if (statement.filter != null)
                IndexCollectionType type = statement.filter.CollectionType;

                if (type != IndexCollectionType.DEFAULT)
                    WriteFieldHeader(1, FieldType.INDEX_TYPE);
                    dataBuffer[dataOffset++] = (byte)type;

                WriteFieldHeader(filterSize, FieldType.INDEX_RANGE);
                dataBuffer[dataOffset++] = (byte)1;
                dataOffset = statement.filter.Write(dataBuffer, dataOffset);

                // Query bin names are specified as a field (Scan bin names are specified later as operations)
                if (statement.binNames != null)
                    WriteFieldHeader(binNameSize, FieldType.QUERY_BINLIST);
                    dataBuffer[dataOffset++] = (byte)statement.binNames.Length;

                    foreach (string binName in statement.binNames)
                        int len = ByteUtil.StringToUtf8(binName, dataBuffer, dataOffset + 1);
                        dataBuffer[dataOffset] = (byte)len;
                        dataOffset            += len + 1;
                // Calling query with no filters is more efficiently handled by a primary index scan.
                WriteFieldHeader(2, FieldType.SCAN_OPTIONS);
                byte priority = (byte)policy.priority;
                priority <<= 4;
                dataBuffer[dataOffset++] = priority;
                dataBuffer[dataOffset++] = (byte)100;

                // Write scan timeout
                WriteFieldHeader(4, FieldType.SCAN_TIMEOUT);
                dataOffset += ByteUtil.IntToBytes((uint)policy.socketTimeout, dataBuffer, dataOffset);

            if (predExp != null)
                WriteFieldHeader(predSize, FieldType.PREDEXP);
                dataOffset = PredExp.Write(predExp, dataBuffer, dataOffset);

            if (statement.functionName != null)
                WriteFieldHeader(1, FieldType.UDF_OP);
                dataBuffer[dataOffset++] = (statement.returnData) ? (byte)1 : (byte)2;
                WriteField(statement.packageName, FieldType.UDF_PACKAGE_NAME);
                WriteField(statement.functionName, FieldType.UDF_FUNCTION);
                WriteField(functionArgBuffer, FieldType.UDF_ARGLIST);

            // Scan bin names are specified after all fields.
            if (statement.filter == null)
                if (statement.binNames != null)
                    foreach (string binName in statement.binNames)
                        WriteOperation(binName, Operation.Type.READ);
 // Query functions (Supported by Aerospike 3 servers only)
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute query and call action for each record returned from server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
 /// <param name="statement">database query command</param>
 /// <param name="action">action methods to be called for each record</param>
 /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if query fails</exception>
 public void Query(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement, Action<Key, Record> action)
     using (RecordSet rs = Query(policy, statement))
         while (rs.Next())
             action(rs.Key, rs.Record);
Esempio n. 17
 public PartitionTracker(QueryPolicy policy, Node[] nodes, PartitionFilter filter)
     : this((Policy)policy, nodes, filter)
     this.maxRecords = policy.maxRecords;
Esempio n. 18
 public PartitionTracker(QueryPolicy policy, Node[] nodes)
     : this((Policy)policy, nodes)
     this.maxRecords = policy.maxRecords;
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute query and return record iterator.  The query executor puts records on a queue in 
 /// separate threads.  The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the 
 /// record iterator.
 /// <para>
 /// This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
 /// <param name="statement">database query command</param>
 /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if query fails</exception>
 public RecordSet Query(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
     if (policy == null)
         policy = queryPolicyDefault;
     QueryRecordExecutor executor = new QueryRecordExecutor(cluster, policy, statement);
     return executor.RecordSet;
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute query, apply statement's aggregation function, and return result iterator. 
 /// The aggregation function should be located in a Lua script file that can be found from the 
 /// "LuaConfig.PackagePath" paths static variable.  The default package path is "udf/?.lua"
 /// where "?" is the packageName.
 /// <para>
 /// The query executor puts results on a queue in separate threads.  The calling thread 
 /// concurrently pops results off the queue through the ResultSet iterator.
 /// The aggregation function is called on both server and client (final reduce).
 /// Therefore, the Lua script file must also reside on both server and client.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
 /// <param name="statement">database query command</param>
 /// <param name="packageName">server package where user defined function resides</param>
 /// <param name="functionName">aggregation function name</param>
 /// <param name="functionArgs">arguments to pass to function name, if any</param>
 /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if query fails</exception>
 public ResultSet QueryAggregate(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement, string packageName, string functionName, params Value[] functionArgs)
     statement.SetAggregateFunction(packageName, functionName, functionArgs);
     return QueryAggregate(policy, statement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute query, apply statement's aggregation function, call action for each aggregation
 /// object returned from server. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
 /// <param name="statement">database query command with aggregate functions already initialized by SetAggregateFunction()</param>
 /// <param name="action">action methods to be called for each aggregation object</param>
 /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if query fails</exception>
 public void QueryAggregate(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement, Action<Object> action)
     using (ResultSet rs = QueryAggregate(policy, statement))
         while (rs.Next())
 // Query Operations
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously execute query on all server nodes.  The query policy's 
 /// <code>maxConcurrentNodes</code> dictate how many nodes can be queried in parallel.
 /// The default is to query all nodes in parallel.
 /// <para>
 /// This method schedules the node's query commands with channel selectors and returns.
 /// Selector threads will process the commands and send the results to the listener.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="policy">query configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
 /// <param name="listener">where to send results</param>
 /// <param name="statement">database query command parameters</param>
 /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if query fails</exception>
 public void Query(QueryPolicy policy, RecordSequenceListener listener, Statement statement)
     if (policy == null)
         policy = queryPolicyDefault;
     new AsyncQueryExecutor(cluster, policy, listener, statement);
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute query, apply statement's aggregation function, and return result iterator. 
        /// The aggregation function should be initialized via the statement's SetAggregateFunction()
        /// and should be located in a Lua resource file located in an assembly.
        /// <para>
        /// The query executor puts results on a queue in separate threads.  The calling thread 
        /// concurrently pops results off the queue through the ResultSet iterator.
        /// The aggregation function is called on both server and client (final reduce).
        /// Therefore, the Lua script file must also reside on both server and client.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="policy">generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
        /// <param name="statement">database query command with aggregate functions already initialized by SetAggregateFunction()</param>
        /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if query fails</exception>
        public ResultSet QueryAggregate(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
            if (policy == null)
                policy = queryPolicyDefault;

            QueryAggregateExecutor executor = new QueryAggregateExecutor(cluster, policy, statement);
            return executor.ResultSet;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Aerospike client with suitable hosts to seed the cluster map.
        /// The client policy is used to set defaults and size internal data structures.
        /// For each host connection that succeeds, the client will:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>Add host to the cluster map</item>
        /// <item>Request host's list of other nodes in cluster</item>
        /// <item>Add these nodes to cluster map</item>
        /// </list>
        /// <para>
        /// In most cases, only one host is necessary to seed the cluster. The remaining hosts 
        /// are added as future seeds in case of a complete network failure.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If one connection succeeds, the client is ready to process database requests.
        /// If all connections fail and the policy's failIfNotConnected is true, a connection 
        /// exception will be thrown. Otherwise, the cluster will remain in a disconnected state
        /// until the server is activated.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="policy">client configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults</param>
        /// <param name="hosts">array of potential hosts to seed the cluster</param>
        /// <exception cref="AerospikeException">if all host connections fail</exception>
        public AerospikeClient(ClientPolicy policy, params Host[] hosts)
            if (policy == null)
                policy = new ClientPolicy();
            this.readPolicyDefault = policy.readPolicyDefault;
            this.writePolicyDefault = policy.writePolicyDefault;
            this.scanPolicyDefault = policy.scanPolicyDefault;
            this.queryPolicyDefault = policy.queryPolicyDefault;
            this.batchPolicyDefault = policy.batchPolicyDefault;
            this.infoPolicyDefault = policy.infoPolicyDefault;

            cluster = new Cluster(policy, hosts);
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct client without initialization.
 /// Should only be used by classes inheriting from this client.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal AerospikeClient(ClientPolicy policy)
     if (policy != null)
         this.readPolicyDefault = policy.readPolicyDefault;
         this.writePolicyDefault = policy.writePolicyDefault;
         this.scanPolicyDefault = policy.scanPolicyDefault;
         this.queryPolicyDefault = policy.queryPolicyDefault;
         this.batchPolicyDefault = policy.batchPolicyDefault;
         this.infoPolicyDefault = policy.infoPolicyDefault;
         this.readPolicyDefault = new Policy();
         this.writePolicyDefault = new WritePolicy();
         this.scanPolicyDefault = new ScanPolicy();
         this.queryPolicyDefault = new QueryPolicy();
         this.batchPolicyDefault = new BatchPolicy();
         this.infoPolicyDefault = new InfoPolicy();