void twitterInit() { if (token != "?" && secret != "?") { twitter = new Twitter(token, secret, lastTweet); Twitter.DisplayPictures = twDisplayPictures; Twitter.DisplayInstagrams = twDisplayInstagrams; twPrevCountBelowThreshold = true; if (!twitter.VerifyCredentials()) { print("Error while initializing Twitter service.<pause>", errorColor); printHelp("To see more information about this error please type the following command: \"help twitter /init\""); return; } if (twitter.GetNewTweets(lastTweet)) lastTweet = Math.Max(lastTweet, twitter.GetLastTweet()); else printError("Could not get a list of new tweets.", twitter.TwException); if (!twitter.EstablishStreamConnection()) printError("Could not establish a connection to Twitter's streaming API.", twitter.TwException); } }
void twitterAuth() { print("You need to authorize Adjutant (console) before you can use it as a Twitter client."); print("The authorization URL has been launched in your browser."); print("Please click on \"Authorize app\" and then copy the given PIN into Adjutant."); if (twitter == null) twitter = new Twitter(); Uri uri = twitter.GetAuthorizationUri(); if (uri == null) printError("Error while getting Twitter authorization URI.", twitter.TwException); else { Process.Start(uri.ToString()); inputMode = InputMode.TwitterPIN; setPrompt(); } }