public static void IterateSurfaceTemp(SolarSystem system, Planet primary, ref Planet planet) { Double previous_temp; Double albedo = 0; Double water = 0; Double clouds = 0; Double ice = 0; Int32 num_iter = 0; Double optical_depth = Opacity(planet.molecule_weight, planet.surface_pressure); Double effective_temp = EffTemp(system.r_ecosphere, primary.a, Constants.EARTH_ALBEDO); Double greenhs_rise = GreenRise(optical_depth, effective_temp, planet.surface_pressure); Double surf1_temp = effective_temp + greenhs_rise; do { previous_temp = surf1_temp; water = HydrosphereFraction(planet.volatile_gas_inventory, planet.radius); clouds = CloudFraction(surf1_temp, planet.molecule_weight, planet.radius, water); ice = IceFraction(water, surf1_temp); if ((surf1_temp >= planet.boil_point) || (surf1_temp <= Constants.FREEZING_POINT_OF_WATER)) { water = 0.0; } albedo = PlanetAlbedo(system, water, clouds, ice, planet.surface_pressure); if (num_iter++ > 1000) { break; } optical_depth = Opacity(planet.molecule_weight, planet.surface_pressure); effective_temp = EffTemp(system.r_ecosphere, primary.a, albedo); greenhs_rise = GreenRise(optical_depth, effective_temp, planet.surface_pressure); surf1_temp = effective_temp + greenhs_rise; } while (Math.Abs(surf1_temp - previous_temp) > 1.0); planet.hydrosphere = water; planet.cloud_cover = clouds; planet.ice_cover = ice; planet.albedo = albedo; planet.surface_temp = surf1_temp; }
public static Planet DistributePlanetaryMasses(ref SolarSystem system, Double stellar_mass_ratio, Double stellar_luminosity_ratio, Double inner_dust, Double outer_dust) { SetInitialConditions(system, inner_dust, outer_dust); Double planetesimal_inner_bound = InnermostPlanet(stellar_mass_ratio); Double planetesimal_outer_bound = OutermostPlanet(stellar_mass_ratio); while (system.dust_left) { Double a = system.random.Range(planetesimal_inner_bound, planetesimal_outer_bound); Double e = system.random.Eccentricity(); Double mass = Constants.PROTOPLANET_MASS; if (system.verbose) { system.Callback("Checking " + a + " AU.\n"); } if (!DustAvailable(system, InnerEffectLimit(system, a, e, mass), OuterEffectLimit(system, a, e, mass))) { if (system.verbose) { system.Callback(".. failed.\n"); } continue; } system.Callback(".. Injecting protoplanet.\n"); system.dust_density = Constants.DUST_DENSITY_COEFF * Math.Sqrt(stellar_mass_ratio) * Math.Exp(-Constants.ALPHA * Math.Pow(a, 1.0 / Constants.N)); Double crit_mass = CriticalLimit(a, e, stellar_luminosity_ratio); AccreteDust(ref system, ref mass, a, e, crit_mass, planetesimal_inner_bound, planetesimal_outer_bound); if ((mass != 0.0) && (mass != Constants.PROTOPLANET_MASS)) { CoalescePlanetesimals(ref system, a, e, mass, crit_mass, stellar_luminosity_ratio, planetesimal_inner_bound, planetesimal_outer_bound); } else { system.Callback(".. failed due to large neighbor.\n"); } } return(system.planet_head); }
/// <summary> /// This implements Fogg's eq.17. The 'inventory' returned is unitless. /// </summary> public static Double VolInventory(SolarSystem system, Double mass, Double escape_vel, Double rms_vel, Double stellar_mass, Int32 zone, Boolean greenhouse_effect) { Double proportion_const; Double velocity_ratio = escape_vel / rms_vel; if (!(velocity_ratio >= Constants.GAS_RETENTION_THRESHOLD)) { return(0.0); } switch (zone) { case 1: proportion_const = 100000.0; break; case 2: proportion_const = 75000.0; break; case 3: proportion_const = 250.0; break; default: proportion_const = 10.0; system.Callback("Error: orbital zone not initialized correctly!\n"); break; } Double mass_in_earth_units = mass * Constants.EARTH_MASSES_PER_SOLAR_MASS; Double temp1 = (proportion_const * mass_in_earth_units) / stellar_mass; Double temp2 = system.random.About(temp1, 0.2); if (greenhouse_effect) { return(temp2); } return(temp2 / 100.0); }
public static void UpdateDustLanes(ref SolarSystem system, Double min, Double max, Double mass, Double crit_mass, Double body_inner_bound, Double body_outer_bound) { system.dust_left = false; Boolean gas = !(mass > crit_mass); Dust node1 = system.dust_head; Dust node2; while (node1 != null) { if ((node1.inner_edge < min) && (node1.outer_edge > max)) { node2 = new Dust { inner_edge = min, outer_edge = max }; if (node1.gas_present) { node2.gas_present = gas; } node2.dust_present = false; Dust node3 = new Dust { inner_edge = max, outer_edge = node1.outer_edge, gas_present = node1.gas_present, dust_present = node1.dust_present, next_band = node1.next_band }; node1.next_band = node2; node2.next_band = node3; node1.outer_edge = min; node1 = node3.next_band; } else if ((node1.inner_edge < max) && (node1.outer_edge > max)) { node2 = new Dust { next_band = node1.next_band, dust_present = node1.dust_present, gas_present = node1.gas_present, outer_edge = node1.outer_edge, inner_edge = max }; node1.next_band = node2; node1.outer_edge = max; if (node1.gas_present) { node1.gas_present = gas; } node1.dust_present = false; node1 = node2.next_band; } else if ((node1.inner_edge < min) && (node1.outer_edge > min)) { node2 = new Dust { next_band = node1.next_band, dust_present = false }; if (node1.gas_present) { node2.gas_present = gas; } node2.outer_edge = node1.outer_edge; node2.inner_edge = min; node1.next_band = node2; node1.outer_edge = min; node1 = node2.next_band; } else if ((node1.inner_edge >= min) && (node1.outer_edge <= max)) { if (node1.gas_present) { node1.gas_present = gas; } node1.dust_present = false; node1 = node1.next_band; } else if ((node1.outer_edge < min) || (node1.inner_edge > max)) { node1 = node1.next_band; } } node1 = system.dust_head; while (node1 != null) { if (node1.dust_present && (node1.outer_edge >= body_inner_bound) && (node1.inner_edge <= body_outer_bound)) { system.dust_left = true; } node2 = node1.next_band; if (node1.dust_present == node2?.dust_present && (node1.gas_present == node2.gas_present)) { node1.outer_edge = node2.outer_edge; node1.next_band = node2.next_band; node2 = null; } node1 = node1.next_band; } }
public static Double OuterEffectLimit(SolarSystem system, Double a, Double e, Double mass) { return(a * (1.0 + e) * (1.0 + system.reduced_mass) / (1.0 - system.cloud_eccentricity)); }
public static Double InnerEffectLimit(SolarSystem system, Double a, Double e, Double mass) { return(a * (1.0 - e) * (1.0 - mass) / (1.0 + system.cloud_eccentricity)); }
public static void CoalescePlanetesimals(ref SolarSystem system, Double a, Double e, Double mass, Double crit_mass, Double stellar_luminosity_ratio, Double body_inner_bound, Double body_outer_bound) { Boolean coalesced = false; Planet node1 = system.planet_head; Planet node2 = null; Planet node3 = null; while (node1 != null) { node2 = node1; Double temp = node1.a - a; Double dist1; Double dist2; if (temp > 0.0) { dist1 = a * (1.0 + e) * (1.0 + system.reduced_mass) - a; /* x aphelion */ system.reduced_mass = Math.Pow(node1.mass / (1.0 + node1.mass), 1.0 / 4.0); dist2 = node1.a - node1.a * (1.0 - node1.e) * (1.0 - system.reduced_mass); } else { dist1 = a - a * (1.0 - e) * (1.0 - system.reduced_mass); /* x perihelion */ system.reduced_mass = Math.Pow(node1.mass / (1.0 + node1.mass), 1.0 / 4.0); dist2 = node1.a * (1.0 + node1.e) * (1.0 + system.reduced_mass) - node1.a; } if ((Math.Abs(temp) <= Math.Abs(dist1)) || (Math.Abs(temp) <= Math.Abs(dist2))) { system.Callback("Collision between two planetesimals!\n"); Double a3 = (node1.mass + mass) / (node1.mass / node1.a + mass / a); temp = node1.mass * Math.Sqrt(node1.a) * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow(node1.e, 2.0)); temp = temp + mass * Math.Sqrt(a) * Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow(e, 2.0))); temp = temp / ((node1.mass + mass) * Math.Sqrt(a3)); temp = 1.0 - Math.Pow(temp, 2.0); if ((temp < 0.0) || (temp >= 1.0)) { temp = 0.0; } e = Math.Sqrt(temp); temp = node1.mass + mass; AccreteDust(ref system, ref temp, a3, e, stellar_luminosity_ratio, body_inner_bound, body_outer_bound); node1.a = a3; node1.e = e; node1.mass = temp; node1 = null; coalesced = true; } else { node1 = node1.next_planet; } } if (coalesced) { return; } node3 = new Planet { a = a, e = e, gas_giant = mass >= crit_mass, mass = mass }; system.bodies.Add(node3); if (system.planet_head == null) { system.planet_head = node3; node3.next_planet = null; } else { node1 = system.planet_head; if (a < node1.a) { node3.next_planet = node1; system.planet_head = node3; } else if (system.planet_head.next_planet == null) { system.planet_head.next_planet = node3; node3.next_planet = null; } else { while ((node1 != null) && (node1.a < a)) { node2 = node1; node1 = node1.next_planet; } node3.next_planet = node1; node2.next_planet = node3; } } }
public static Double StellarDustLimit(SolarSystem system, Double stellar_mass_ratio) { return(200.0 * Math.Pow(stellar_mass_ratio, 1.0 / 3.0)); }
/// <summary> /// The surface temperature passed in is in units of Kelvin. /// The cloud adjustment is the fraction of cloud cover obscuring each /// of the three major components of albedo that lie below the clouds. /// </summary> public static Double PlanetAlbedo(SolarSystem system, Double water_fraction, Double cloud_fraction, Double ice_fraction, Double surface_pressure) { Double rock_contribution, ice_contribution; Double rock_fraction = 1.0 - water_fraction - ice_fraction; Double components = 0.0; if (water_fraction > 0.0) { components = components + 1.0; } if (ice_fraction > 0.0) { components = components + 1.0; } if (rock_fraction > 0.0) { components = components + 1.0; } Double cloud_adjustment = cloud_fraction / components; if (rock_fraction >= cloud_adjustment) { rock_fraction = rock_fraction - cloud_adjustment; } else { rock_fraction = 0.0; } if (water_fraction > cloud_adjustment) { water_fraction = water_fraction - cloud_adjustment; } else { water_fraction = 0.0; } if (ice_fraction > cloud_adjustment) { ice_fraction = ice_fraction - cloud_adjustment; } else { ice_fraction = 0.0; } Double cloud_contribution = cloud_fraction * system.random.About(Constants.CLOUD_ALBEDO, 0.2); if (surface_pressure == 0.0) { rock_contribution = rock_fraction * system.random.About(Constants.AIRLESS_ROCKY_ALBEDO, 0.3); } else { rock_contribution = rock_fraction * system.random.About(Constants.ROCKY_ALBEDO, 0.1); } Double water_contribution = water_fraction * system.random.About(Constants.WATER_ALBEDO, 0.2); if (surface_pressure == 0.0) { ice_contribution = ice_fraction * system.random.About(Constants.AIRLESS_ICE_ALBEDO, 0.4); } else { ice_contribution = ice_fraction * system.random.About(Constants.ICE_ALBEDO, 0.1); } return(cloud_contribution + rock_contribution + water_contribution + ice_contribution); }
/// <summary> /// The orbital radius is expected in units of Astronomical Units (AU). /// Inclination is returned in units of degrees. /// </summary> public static Int32 Inclination(SolarSystem system, Double orbital_radius) { Int32 temp = (Int32)(Math.Pow(orbital_radius, 0.2) * system.random.About(Constants.EARTH_AXIAL_TILT, 0.4)); return(temp % 360); }
/// <summary> /// Entry method /// </summary> public static void Main(String[] args) { // Get the commandline Options Options options = new Options(); Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options); // Generate a new Solar System SolarSystem system = new SolarSystem(options.Verbose, false, Console.Write); if (options.Seed != Int32.MinValue) { SolarSystem.Generate(ref system, options.Seed, options.Count); } else { SolarSystem.Generate(ref system, options.Count); } // Save it to file StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + options.File, false); file.Write(" SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS\n"); file.Write("Mass of central star: {0:F3} solar masses\n", system.stellar_mass_ratio); file.Write("Luminosity of central star: {0:F3} (relative to the sun)\n", system.stellar_luminosity_ratio); file.Write("Total main sequence lifetime: {0:F0} million years\n", (system.main_seq_life / 1.0E6)); file.Write("Current age of stellar system: {0:F0} million years\n", (system.age / 1.0E6)); file.Write("Radius of habitable ecosphere: {0:F3} AU\n\n", system.r_ecosphere); Planet node1 = system.planet_head; Int32 counter = 1; while (node1 != null) { file.Write("Planet #{0}:\n", counter); if (node1.gas_giant) { file.Write("Gas giant...\n"); } if (node1.resonant_period) { file.Write("In resonant period with primary.\n"); } file.Write(" Distance from primary star (in A.U.): {0:F3}\n", node1.a); file.Write(" Eccentricity of orbit: {0:F3}\n", node1.e); file.Write(" Mass (in Earth masses): {0:F3}\n", node1.mass * Constants.EARTH_MASSES_PER_SOLAR_MASS); file.Write(" Equatorial radius (in Km): {0:F1}\n", node1.radius); file.Write(" Density (in g/cc): {0:F3}\n", node1.density); file.Write(" Escape Velocity (in km/sec): {0:F2}\n", node1.escape_velocity / Constants.CM_PER_KM); file.Write(" Smallest molecular weight retained: {0:F2}", node1.molecule_weight); if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.MOLECULAR_HYDROGEN) { file.Write(" (H2)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.HELIUM) { file.Write(" (He)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.METHANE) { file.Write(" (CH4)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.AMMONIA) { file.Write(" (NH3)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.WATER_VAPOR) { file.Write(" (H2O)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.NEON) { file.Write(" (Ne)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.MOLECULAR_NITROGEN) { file.Write(" (N2)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.CARBON_MONOXIDE) { file.Write(" (CO)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.NITRIC_OXIDE) { file.Write(" (NO)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.MOLECULAR_OXYGEN) { file.Write(" (O2)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.HYDROGEN_SULPHIDE) { file.Write(" (H2S)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.ARGON) { file.Write(" (Ar)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.CARBON_DIOXIDE) { file.Write(" (CO2)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.NITROUS_OXIDE) { file.Write(" (N2O)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.NITROGEN_DIOXIDE) { file.Write(" (NO2)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.OZONE) { file.Write(" (O3)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.SULPHUR_DIOXIDE) { file.Write(" (SO2)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.SULPHUR_TRIOXIDE) { file.Write(" (SO3)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.KRYPTON) { file.Write(" (Kr)\n"); } else if (node1.molecule_weight < Constants.XENON) { file.Write(" (Xe)\n"); } else { file.Write("\n"); } file.Write(" Surface acceleration (in cm/sec2): {0:F2}\n", node1.surface_accel); if (!(node1.gas_giant)) { file.Write(" Surface Gravity (in Earth gees): {0:F2}\n", node1.surface_grav); if (node1.boil_point > 0.1) { file.Write(" Boiling point of water (celcius): {0:F1}\n", (node1.boil_point - Constants.KELVIN_CELCIUS_DIFFERENCE)); } if (node1.surface_pressure > 0.00001) { file.Write(" Surface Pressure (in atmospheres): {0:F3}", (node1.surface_pressure / 1000.0)); file.Write(node1.greenhouse_effect ? " RUNAWAY GREENHOUSE EFFECT\n" : "\n"); } file.Write(" Surface temperature (Celcius): {0:F2}\n", (node1.surface_temp - Constants.KELVIN_CELCIUS_DIFFERENCE)); if (node1.hydrosphere > 0.01) { file.Write(" Hydrosphere percentage: {0:F2}\n", (node1.hydrosphere * 100)); } if (node1.cloud_cover > 0.01) { file.Write(" Cloud cover percentage: {0:F2}\n", (node1.cloud_cover * 100)); } if (node1.ice_cover > 0.01) { file.Write(" Ice cover percentage: {0:F2}\n", (node1.ice_cover * 100)); } } file.Write(" Axial tilt (in degrees): {0}\n", node1.axial_tilt); file.Write(" Planetary albedo: {0:F3}\n", node1.albedo); file.Write(" Length of year (in years): {0:F2}\n", (node1.orbital_period / 365.25)); file.Write(" Length of day (in hours): {0:F2}\n\n",; counter++; node1 = node1.next_planet; } file.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Done! System definition written to \"{0}\"", options.File); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the solar system /// </summary> private static void GenerateInternal(ref SolarSystem system, Int32 Count) { // Describe the star system.stellar_mass_ratio = system.random.Range(0.6, 1.3); system.stellar_radius_ratio = Math.Floor(system.random.About(Math.Pow(system.stellar_mass_ratio, 1.0 / 3.0), 0.05) * 1000.0) / 1000.0; system.stellar_luminosity_ratio = Enviro.Luminosity(system.stellar_mass_ratio); system.stellar_temp = Math.Floor(5650 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(system.stellar_luminosity_ratio) / system.stellar_radius_ratio)); system.main_seq_life = 1.0E10 * (system.stellar_mass_ratio / system.stellar_luminosity_ratio); if (system.main_seq_life > 6.0E9) { system.age = system.random.Range(1.0E9, 6.0E9); } else if (system.main_seq_life > 1.0E9) { system.age = system.random.Range(1.0E9, system.main_seq_life); } else { system.age = system.random.Range(system.main_seq_life / 10, system.main_seq_life); } system.age = system.random.Range(1.0E9, (system.main_seq_life >= 6.0E9) ? 6.0E9 : system.main_seq_life); system.r_ecosphere = Math.Sqrt(system.stellar_luminosity_ratio); system.r_greenhouse = system.r_ecosphere * Constants.GREENHOUSE_EFFECT_CONST; system.type = StellarType.GetStellarTypeTemp(system.stellar_temp); // Create the first Planet Planet planet = Accretation.DistributePlanetaryMasses(ref system, system.stellar_mass_ratio, system.stellar_luminosity_ratio, 0.0, Accretation.StellarDustLimit(system, system.stellar_mass_ratio)); Int32 i = 0; while (planet != null && i < Count) { planet.orbit_zone = Enviro.OrbitalZone(system, planet.a); if (planet.gas_giant) { planet.density = Enviro.EmpiricalDensity(system, planet.mass, planet.a, planet.gas_giant); planet.radius = Enviro.VolumeRadius(planet.mass, planet.density); } else { planet.radius = Enviro.KothariRadius(planet.mass, planet.a, planet.gas_giant, planet.orbit_zone); planet.density = Enviro.VolumeRadius(planet.mass, planet.radius); } planet.orbital_period = Enviro.Period(planet.a, planet.mass, system.stellar_mass_ratio); = Enviro.DayLength(ref system, planet.mass, planet.radius, planet.orbital_period, planet.e, planet.gas_giant); planet.resonant_period = system.spin_resonance; planet.axial_tilt = Enviro.Inclination(system, planet.a); planet.escape_velocity = Enviro.EscapeVel(planet.mass, planet.radius); planet.surface_accel = Enviro.Acceleration(planet.mass, planet.radius); planet.rms_velocity = Enviro.RmsVel(Constants.MOLECULAR_NITROGEN, planet.a); planet.molecule_weight = Enviro.MoleculeLimit(planet.a, planet.mass, planet.radius); if ((planet.gas_giant)) { planet.greenhouse_effect = false; planet.hydrosphere = Constants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER; planet.albedo = system.random.About(Constants.GAS_GIANT_ALBEDO, 0.1); } planet.surface_grav = Enviro.Gravity(planet.surface_accel); planet.greenhouse_effect = Enviro.Greenhouse(planet.orbit_zone, planet.a, system.r_greenhouse); planet.volatile_gas_inventory = Enviro.VolInventory(system, planet.mass, planet.escape_velocity, planet.rms_velocity, system.stellar_mass_ratio, planet.orbit_zone, planet.greenhouse_effect); planet.surface_pressure = Enviro.pressure(planet.volatile_gas_inventory, planet.radius, planet.surface_grav); planet.boil_point = (planet.surface_pressure == 0.0) ? 0.0 : Enviro.BoilingPoint(planet.surface_pressure); Enviro.IterateSurfaceTemp(system, ref planet); // Moons if (system.moons) { planet.first_moon = Accretation.DistributeMoonMasses(ref system, planet.mass, planet.radius); Planet moon = planet.first_moon; while (moon != null) { moon.radius = Enviro.KothariRadius(moon.mass, 0, false, planet.orbit_zone); moon.density = Enviro.VolumeDensity(moon.mass, moon.radius); moon.density = system.random.Range(1.5, moon.density * 1.1); if (moon.density < 1.5) { moon.density = 1.5; } moon.radius = Enviro.VolumeRadius(moon.mass, moon.density); moon.orbital_period = Enviro.Period(moon.a, moon.mass, planet.mass); = Enviro.DayLength(ref system, moon.mass, moon.radius, moon.orbital_period, moon.e, false); moon.resonant_period = system.spin_resonance; moon.axial_tilt = Enviro.Inclination(system, moon.a); moon.escape_velocity = Enviro.EscapeVel(moon.mass, moon.radius); moon.surface_accel = Enviro.Acceleration(moon.mass, moon.radius); moon.rms_velocity = Enviro.RmsVel(Constants.MOLECULAR_NITROGEN, planet.a); moon.molecule_weight = Enviro.MoleculeLimit(moon.a, moon.mass, moon.radius); moon.surface_grav = Enviro.Gravity(moon.surface_accel); moon.greenhouse_effect = Enviro.Greenhouse(planet.orbit_zone, planet.a, system.r_greenhouse); moon.volatile_gas_inventory = Enviro.VolInventory(system, moon.mass, moon.escape_velocity, moon.rms_velocity, system.stellar_mass_ratio, planet.orbit_zone, moon.greenhouse_effect); moon.surface_pressure = Enviro.pressure(moon.volatile_gas_inventory, moon.radius, moon.surface_grav); if (moon.surface_pressure == 0.0) { moon.boil_point = 0.0; } else { moon.boil_point = Enviro.BoilingPoint(moon.surface_pressure); } Enviro.IterateSurfaceTemp(system, planet, ref moon); planet.bodies_orbiting.Add(moon); moon = moon.next_planet; } planet.BodiesOrbiting = planet.bodies_orbiting.ToArray(); } if (i + 1 < Count) { planet = planet.next_planet; i++; } else { planet.next_planet = null; system.bodies.RemoveWhere(p => p.a > planet.a); } } system.Bodies = system.bodies.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the solar system /// </summary> public static void Generate(ref SolarSystem system, Int32 Seed, Int32 Count = Int32.MaxValue) { system.random = new Random(Seed); GenerateInternal(ref system, Count); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the solar system /// </summary> public static void Generate(ref SolarSystem system, Int32 Count) { system.random = new Random(); GenerateInternal(ref system, Count); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the solar system /// </summary> public static void Generate(ref SolarSystem system) { system.random = new Random(); GenerateInternal(ref system, Int32.MaxValue); }