Esempio n. 1
        public void LargeSampleTest1()

            int[][] dataSamples = Matrix.Random(500, 3, 0, 10).ToInt32().ToArray();
            int[] target = Matrix.Random(500, 1, 0, 2).ToInt32().GetColumn(0);
            DecisionVariable[] features =
                new DecisionVariable("Outlook",      10), 
                new DecisionVariable("Temperature",  10), 
                new DecisionVariable("Humidity",     10), 

            DecisionTree tree = new DecisionTree(features, 2);
            ID3Learning id3Learning = new ID3Learning(tree);

            double error = id3Learning.Run(dataSamples, target);

            Assert.IsTrue(error < 0.2);

            var code = tree.ToCode("MyTree");

            Assert.IsTrue(code.Length > 0);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Run(String filename)

            // Create a new codification codebook to
            // convert strings into integer symbols

            Codification codebook = new Codification(data, inputColumns.ToArray());

            // Translate our training data into integer symbols using our codebook:
            DataTable symbols = codebook.Apply(data);

            foreach (String s in inputColumns)
                CreateDic(s, symbols);

            CreateDic(outputColumn, symbols);

            int[][] inputs = (from p in symbols.AsEnumerable()
                              select GetInputRow(p)

            int[] outputs = (from p in symbols.AsEnumerable()
                             select GetIndex(outputColumn, p[outputColumn].ToString())).Cast<int>().ToArray();

            // Gather information about decision variables

            DecisionVariable[] attributes = GetDecisionVariables();

            int classCount = GetCount(outputColumn); // 2 possible output values for playing tennis: yes or no

            //Create the decision tree using the attributes and classes
            DecisionTree tree = new DecisionTree(attributes, classCount);

            // Create a new instance of the ID3 algorithm
            ID3Learning id3learning = new ID3Learning(tree);
            //C45Learning c45learning = new C45Learning(tree);

            // Learn the training instances!
            id3learning.Run(inputs, outputs);
            //c45learning.Run(inputs2, outputs);

            string answer = codebook.Translate(outputColumn,
                tree.Compute(codebook.Translate("Sunny", "Hot", "High", "Strong")));

            Console.WriteLine("Calculate for: Sunny, Hot, High, Strong");
            Console.WriteLine("Answer: " + answer);

            var expression = tree.ToExpression();

            DecisionSet rules = tree.ToRules();


            // Compiles the expression to IL
            var func = expression.Compile();
Esempio n. 3
        public void Run(String filename)

            // Now, we have to convert the textual, categorical data found
            // in the table to a more manageable discrete representation.
            // For this, we will create a codebook to translate text to
            // discrete integer symbols:
            Codification codebook = new Codification(data);

            // And then convert all data into symbols
            DataTable symbols = codebook.Apply(data);

            for (int i = 0; i < inputColumns.Count; i++)
                if (inputTypes[i] == "string")
                CreateDic(inputColumns[i], symbols);

            CreateDic(outputColumn, symbols);

            double[][] inputs = (from p in symbols.AsEnumerable()
                              select GetInputRow(p)

            int[] outputs = (from p in symbols.AsEnumerable()
                             select GetIndex(outputColumn, p[outputColumn].ToString())).Cast<int>().ToArray();

            // From now on, we can start creating the decision tree.
            var attributes = DecisionVariable.FromCodebook(codebook, inputColumns.ToArray());
            DecisionTree tree = new DecisionTree(attributes, 5); //outputClasses: 5

            // Now, let's create the C4.5 algorithm
            C45Learning c45 = new C45Learning(tree);

            // and learn a decision tree. The value of
            //   the error variable below should be 0.
            double error = c45.Run(inputs, outputs);

            // To compute a decision for one of the input points,
            //   such as the 25-th example in the set, we can use
            //int y = tree.Compute(inputs[25]);

            // Finally, we can also convert our tree to a native
            // function, improving efficiency considerably, with
            //Func<double[], int> func = tree.ToExpression().Compile();

            // Again, to compute a new decision, we can just use
            //int z = func(inputs[25]);

            var expression = tree.ToExpression();

            DecisionSet s = tree.ToRules();

Esempio n. 4
        public void Run()
            DataTable data = new DataTable("Mitchell's Tennis Example");


            data.Rows.Add("D1", "Sunny", "Hot", "High", "Weak", "No");
            data.Rows.Add("D2", "Sunny", "Hot", "High", "Strong", "No");
            data.Rows.Add("D3", "Overcast", "Hot", "High", "Weak", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D4", "Rain", "Mild", "High", "Weak", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D5", "Rain", "Cool", "Normal", "Weak", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D6", "Rain", "Cool", "Normal", "Strong", "No");
            data.Rows.Add("D7", "Overcast", "Cool", "Normal", "Strong", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D8", "Sunny", "Mild", "High", "Weak", "No");
            data.Rows.Add("D9", "Sunny", "Cool", "Normal", "Weak", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D10", "Rain", "Mild", "Normal", "Weak", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D11", "Sunny", "Mild", "Normal", "Strong", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D12", "Overcast", "Mild", "High", "Strong", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D13", "Overcast", "Hot", "Normal", "Weak", "Yes");
            data.Rows.Add("D14", "Rain", "Mild", "High", "Strong", "No");

            // Create a new codification codebook to
            // convert strings into integer symbols
            Codification codebook = new Codification(data, "Outlook", "Temperature", "Humidity", "Wind", "PlayTennis");

            // Translate our training data into integer symbols using our codebook:
            DataTable symbols = codebook.Apply(data);

            CreateDic("Outlook", symbols);
            CreateDic("Temperature", symbols);
            CreateDic("Humidity", symbols);
            CreateDic("Wind", symbols);
            CreateDic("PlayTennis", symbols);

            int[][] inputs = (from p in symbols.AsEnumerable()
                              select new int[]
                                  GetIndex("Outlook", p["Outlook"].ToString()),
                                  GetIndex("Temperature", p["Temperature"].ToString()),
                                  GetIndex("Humidity", p["Humidity"].ToString()),
                                  GetIndex("Wind", p["Wind"].ToString())

            int[] outputs = (from p in symbols.AsEnumerable()
                             select GetIndex("PlayTennis", p["PlayTennis"].ToString())).Cast<int>().ToArray();

            // Gather information about decision variables
            DecisionVariable[] attributes =
              new DecisionVariable("Outlook",     3), // 3 possible values (Sunny, overcast, rain)
              new DecisionVariable("Temperature", 3), // 3 possible values (Hot, mild, cool)
              new DecisionVariable("Humidity",    2), // 2 possible values (High, normal)
              new DecisionVariable("Wind",        2)  // 2 possible values (Weak, strong)

            DecisionVariable[] attributes =
              new DecisionVariable("Outlook",     GetCount("Outlook")), // 3 possible values (Sunny, overcast, rain)
              new DecisionVariable("Temperature", GetCount("Temperature")), // 3 possible values (Hot, mild, cool)
              new DecisionVariable("Humidity",    GetCount("Humidity")), // 2 possible values (High, normal)
              new DecisionVariable("Wind",        GetCount("Wind"))  // 2 possible values (Weak, strong)

            int classCount = GetCount("PlayTennis"); // 2 possible output values for playing tennis: yes or no

            //Create the decision tree using the attributes and classes
            DecisionTree tree = new DecisionTree(attributes, classCount);

            // Create a new instance of the ID3 algorithm
            ID3Learning id3learning = new ID3Learning(tree);

            // Learn the training instances!
            id3learning.Run(inputs, outputs);

            string answer = codebook.Translate("PlayTennis",
                tree.Compute(codebook.Translate("Sunny", "Hot", "High", "Strong")));

            Console.WriteLine("Calculate for: Sunny, Hot, High, Strong");
            Console.WriteLine("Answer: " + answer);

            var expression = tree.ToExpression();

            DecisionSet s = tree.ToRules();


            // Compiles the expression to IL
            var func = expression.Compile();