RunEpoch() public method

Run one epoch of the population.
The method runs one epoch of the population, doing crossover, mutation and selection by calling Crossover, Mutate and Selection.
public RunEpoch ( ) : void
return void
Esempio n. 1
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // constants
            double[] constants = new double[10] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 };
            // create fitness function
            TimeSeriesPredictionFitness fitness = new TimeSeriesPredictionFitness(
                data, windowSize, predictionSize, constants);
            // create gene function
            IGPGene gene = (functionsSet == 0) ?
                (IGPGene)new SimpleGeneFunction(windowSize + constants.Length) :
                (IGPGene)new ExtendedGeneFunction(windowSize + constants.Length);
            // create population
            Population population = new Population(populationSize,
                (geneticMethod == 0) ?
                (IChromosome)new GPTreeChromosome(gene) :
                (IChromosome)new GEPChromosome(gene, headLength),
                (selectionMethod == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod)new EliteSelection() :
                (selectionMethod == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod)new RankSelection() :
                (ISelectionMethod)new RouletteWheelSelection()
            // iterations
            int i = 1;
            // solution array
            int solutionSize = data.Length - windowSize;
            double[,] solution = new double[solutionSize, 2];
            double[] input = new double[windowSize + constants.Length];

            // calculate X values to be used with solution function
            for (int j = 0; j < solutionSize; j++)
                solution[j, 0] = j + windowSize;
            // prepare input
            Array.Copy(constants, 0, input, windowSize, constants.Length);

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run one epoch of genetic algorithm

                    // get best solution
                    string bestFunction = population.BestChromosome.ToString();

                    // calculate best function and prediction error
                    double learningError = 0.0;
                    double predictionError = 0.0;
                    // go through all the data
                    for (int j = 0, n = data.Length - windowSize; j < n; j++)
                        // put values from current window as variables
                        for (int k = 0, b = j + windowSize - 1; k < windowSize; k++)
                            input[k] = data[b - k];

                        // evalue the function
                        solution[j, 1] = PolishExpression.Evaluate(bestFunction, input);

                        // calculate prediction error
                        if (j >= n - predictionSize)
                            predictionError += Math.Abs(solution[j, 1] - data[windowSize + j]);
                            learningError += Math.Abs(solution[j, 1] - data[windowSize + j]);
                    // update solution on the chart
                    chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", solution);

                    // set current iteration's info
                    SetText(currentIterationBox, i.ToString());
                    SetText(currentLearningErrorBox, learningError.ToString("F3"));
                    SetText(currentPredictionErrorBox, predictionError.ToString("F3"));
                    // remove any solutions from chart in case of any errors
                    chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", null);

                // increase current iteration

                if ((iterations != 0) && (i > iterations))

            // show solution
            SetText(solutionBox, population.BestChromosome.ToString());
            for (int j = windowSize, k = 0, n = data.Length; j < n; j++, k++)
                AddSubItem(dataList, j, solution[k, 1].ToString());

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 2
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // create population
            Population population = new Population(populationSize,
                new BinaryChromosome(chromosomeLength),
                (selectionMethod == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod)new EliteSelection() :
                (selectionMethod == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod)new RankSelection() :
                                           (ISelectionMethod)new RouletteWheelSelection()
            // set optimization mode
            userFunction.Mode = (optimizationMode == 0) ?
                OptimizationFunction1D.Modes.Maximization :
            // iterations
            int i = 1;
            // solution
            double[,] data = new double[(showOnlyBest) ? 1 : populationSize, 2];

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run one epoch of genetic algorithm

                // show current solution
                if (showOnlyBest)
                    data[0, 0] = userFunction.Translate(population.BestChromosome);
                    data[0, 1] = userFunction.OptimizationFunction(data[0, 0]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < populationSize; j++)
                        data[j, 0] = userFunction.Translate(population[j]);
                        data[j, 1] = userFunction.OptimizationFunction(data[j, 0]);
                chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", data);

                // set current iteration's info
                SetText(currentIterationBox, i.ToString());
                SetText(currentValueBox, userFunction.Translate(population.BestChromosome).ToString("F3"));

                // increase current iteration

                if ((iterations != 0) && (i > iterations))

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 3
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // create fitness function
            TSPFitnessFunction fitnessFunction = new TSPFitnessFunction(map);

            // create population
            Population population = new Population(populationSize,
                (greedyCrossover) ? new TSPChromosome(map) : new PermutationChromosome(citiesCount),
                (selectionMethod == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod)new EliteSelection() :
                (selectionMethod == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod)new RankSelection() :
                (ISelectionMethod)new RouletteWheelSelection()

            // iterations
            int i = 1;

            // path
            double[,] path = new double[citiesCount + 1, 2];

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run one epoch of genetic algorithm

                // display current path
                ushort[] bestValue = ((PermutationChromosome)population.BestChromosome).Value;

                for (int j = 0; j < citiesCount; j++)
                    path[j, 0] = map[bestValue[j], 0];
                    path[j, 1] = map[bestValue[j], 1];
                path[citiesCount, 0] = map[bestValue[0], 0];
                path[citiesCount, 1] = map[bestValue[0], 1];

                mapControl.UpdateDataSeries("path", path);

                // set current iteration's info
                SetText(currentIterationBox, i.ToString());
                SetText(pathLengthBox, fitnessFunction.PathLength(population.BestChromosome).ToString());

                // increase current iteration

                if ((iterations != 0) && (i > iterations))

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 4
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // create fitness function
            SymbolicRegressionFitness fitness = new SymbolicRegressionFitness(data, new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 });
            // create gene function
            IGPGene gene = (functionsSet == 0) ?
                (IGPGene)new SimpleGeneFunction(6) :
                (IGPGene)new ExtendedGeneFunction(6);
            // create population
            Population population = new Population(populationSize,
                (geneticMethod == 0) ?
                    (IChromosome)new GPTreeChromosome(gene) :
                    (IChromosome)new GEPChromosome(gene, 15),
                (selectionMethod == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod)new EliteSelection() :
                (selectionMethod == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod)new RankSelection() :
                                           (ISelectionMethod)new RouletteWheelSelection()
            // iterations
            int i = 1;
            // solution array
            double[,] solution = new double[50, 2];
            double[] input = new double[6] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 };

            // calculate X values to be used with solution function
            for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
                solution[j, 0] = chart.RangeX.Min + (double)j * chart.RangeX.Length / 49;

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run one epoch of genetic algorithm

                    // get best solution
                    string bestFunction = population.BestChromosome.ToString();

                    // calculate best function
                    for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
                        input[0] = solution[j, 0];
                        solution[j, 1] = PolishExpression.Evaluate(bestFunction, input);
                    chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", solution);
                    // calculate error
                    double error = 0.0;
                    for (int j = 0, k = data.GetLength(0); j < k; j++)
                        input[0] = data[j, 0];
                        error += Math.Abs(data[j, 1] - PolishExpression.Evaluate(bestFunction, input));

                    // set current iteration's info
                    SetText(currentIterationBox, i.ToString());
                    SetText(currentErrorBox, error.ToString("F3"));
                    // remove any solutions from chart in case of any errors
                    chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", null);

                // increase current iteration

                if ((iterations != 0) && (i > iterations))

            // show solution
            SetText(solutionBox, population.BestChromosome.ToString());

            // enable settings controls