Esempio n. 1
// Parse enum declaration
// --> 'enum' id:name '{' enum_decl_list '}'
    protected EnumDecl ParseEnum(Modifiers modsEnums)

        Identifier idName = ReadExpectedIdentifier();
        FileRange f2 = this.BeginRange();
        ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

        // All enum fields are Static, Public, Literal
        // and have fieldtype set to type of the enum
        //Modifiers mods = new Modifiers(Modifiers.EFlags.Public | Modifiers.EFlags.Static);
        Modifiers mods = new Modifiers();
        TypeSig tSig = new SimpleTypeSig(new SimpleObjExp(idName));

        Identifier idPrev = null;

        Token t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
        while(t.TokenType != Token.Type.cRCurly)
        // Parse fields
            Identifier id = ReadExpectedIdentifier();

            Exp expInit = null;

            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
            if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cAssign)
                expInit = ParseExp();
#if false
                // If no explicit assignment, then we must create one
                // first field -> '=0'                
                if (idPrev == null)
                    expInit = new IntExp(0, id.Location);

                // all other fields -> '= <prevfield>  + '1' '
                    expInit = new BinaryExp(
                        new SimpleObjExp(idPrev),
                        new IntExp(1, id.Location),

            //EnumField e = new EnumField(id);
            FieldDecl e = new FieldDecl(id, tSig, mods, expInit);

            // If no comma, then this had better be our last one
            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
            if (t.TokenType != Token.Type.cComma)
            idPrev = id;
            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
        } // while parsing fields

        // Convert array list to EnumField[]
        FieldDecl [] f = new FieldDecl[a.Count];
        for(int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
            f[i] = (FieldDecl) a[i];

        EnumDecl node = new EnumDecl(idName, f, modsEnums);
        return node;
Esempio n. 2
    // Parse a comma separated list of identifiers
    // expect at least 1 entry
    protected TypeSig[] ParseIdNameList()
        ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

        Token t;

            Exp o = ParseDottedIdList();

            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
            if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cComma)

        TypeSig[] olist = new TypeSig[a.Count];
        for(int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++)        
            olist[i] = new SimpleTypeSig((Exp) a[i]);
        return olist;
Esempio n. 3
// Parse a Type Sig
// ** rules **
// TypeSig -> id ('.' id)* '[ ','* ]'*
    protected NonRefTypeSig ParseTypeSig()
    // Currently, we implement this by parsing ObjExpressions. That's easier
    // for us, but may let us parse illegal things. That's ok. The TypeSig
    // container class along with semantic checking will still give us the
    // expected error control.
        NonRefTypeSig sig = null;
        Identifier stId = ReadExpectedIdentifier();        
        Exp o = new SimpleObjExp(stId);
        Token t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();        
        while (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cDot)
            stId = ReadExpectedIdentifier();
            o = new DotObjExp(o, stId);
            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
        sig = new SimpleTypeSig(o);
    // Check for arrays
        while (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cLRSquare)
            sig = new ArrayTypeSig(sig, 1);
            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
        return sig;
Esempio n. 4
// Parse a new Expression (either array or non-array)
// -> 'new' id_list '(' exp, exp ... ')'
// -> 'new' id_list '[x]' '[]'* array_init?
// -> 'new' id_list '[]'* array_init
// array_init-> '{' exp, exp, exp, ...'}'
    protected Exp ParseNewExp()
        // A typesig would allow [] to be part of the type
        // An id_list doesn't.
        Exp oe = ParseDottedIdList();
        SimpleTypeSig type = new SimpleTypeSig(oe);
        Token t2 = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
        // If next is a '(', then this is a ctor call (and not an array)
        if (t2.TokenType == Token.Type.cLParen)
            Exp [] eList = ParseExpList();
            Exp e = new NewObjExp(type, eList);
            return e;
        // Array case
        if (t2.TokenType == Token.Type.cLRSquare || t2.TokenType == Token.Type.cLSquare)
            ArrayTypeSig typeArray = null;
            ArrayInitializer init = null;
            // dynamic size explicitly in rank specifier
            // -> 'new' id_list '[x]' '[]'* array_init?                
            if (t2.TokenType == Token.Type.cLSquare)
                Exp [] eList = ParseExpList(Token.Type.cLSquare, Token.Type.cRSquare); // includes [ and ]
                int dim = eList.Length;
                NonRefTypeSig s = ParseOptionalArrayDecl(type);
                typeArray = new ArrayTypeSig(s, dim);
                if (m_lexer.PeekNextToken().TokenType == Token.Type.cLCurly)
                    init = this.ParseArrayInitList();
                Exp e = new NewArrayObjExp(typeArray,eList,init);
                return e;
            // static size implicitly from array_initializer
            // -> 'new' id_list '[]'* array_init
            else if (t2.TokenType == Token.Type.cLRSquare)
                NonRefTypeSig t = ParseOptionalArrayDecl(type);
                typeArray = t.AsArraySig;
                init = this.ParseArrayInitList();
                Exp e = new NewArrayObjExp(typeArray,init);
                return e;
        return null;
Esempio n. 5
// E -> E . i
// E -> E . i (...)
// E -> E [ E]
    protected Exp ParsePrimaryExp()
        Exp eFinal = ParseExpAtom();
        // Now, since ObjExp are left-linear, we can actually parse them recursively
        // We parsed the base case, so we just keep iterating through deciding
        // which rule to apply. eFinal contains the root of the ast we're building
        Token t;
            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
            // If next char is '.', then we're either doing:
            // E -> E . i
            // E -> E . i (...)
            if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cDot)
                ConsumeNextToken(); // eat the dot
                Identifier stId = ReadExpectedIdentifier();
                Token t2 = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
                // MethodCall - if next character is a '('
                // E -> E . i (...)
                if (t2.TokenType == Token.Type.cLParen)
                    ArgExp [] arParams = ParseArgList();
                    eFinal = new MethodCallExp(eFinal, stId, arParams);                    
                // Dot operator - for all other cases
                // E -> E . i
                    eFinal = new DotObjExp(eFinal, stId);
            // If next char is a '[', then this is an array access
            // E -> E [ E ]
            else if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cLSquare) 
                Exp eIdx = ParseExp();                
                eFinal = new ArrayAccessExp(eFinal, eIdx);
            // If we got to here, then we're done so break out of loop
        } // end while
        // @hack
        // Since expressions can be types (ie, that's how we parse a TypeCast)
        // Check if this is an array type
        if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cLRSquare)
            NonRefTypeSig sigElemType = new SimpleTypeSig(eFinal);
            TypeSig tSig = ParseOptionalArrayDecl(sigElemType);
            return new TempTypeExp(tSig);
        return eFinal;
Esempio n. 6
 public CatchHandler(
     TypeSig type,           // type we're catching (must derived from System.Exception)
     Identifier idName,       // optional (can be null) name for local var to store exception
     BlockStatement stmtBody // handler body (non-null)
     Debug.Assert(stmtBody != null);
     // General catch blocks just becomes a System.Exception
     if (type == null)
         m_type = new SimpleTypeSig(new DotObjExp(
             new SimpleObjExp(new Identifier("System", null)),
             new Identifier("Exception", null)
     } else {     
         m_type = type;
     m_idVarName = idName;
     m_body = stmtBody;