Esempio n. 1
        // This is the return type of the request. The method name is irrelevant as far as the clients are concerned.
        public ActionResult <object> PersonID_GET_URL(int id)
            ActionResult <object> response;

            // This is what we are returning. It gets serialized as JSON if we return an object.
                Person person = new PersonControllerBLL().GetPersonByID(id);

                // This is "kind of" a DTO. We're putting the fields we care about into another object that is not the database model.
                // They help get around errors like the circular references, and (if you use them in the context) the missing virtual properties.
                response = new
                    id           = person.ID,
                    firstName    = person.FirstName,
                    lastName     = person.LastName,
                    phoneNumbers = person.PhoneNumbers.Select(x => x.Number)
                response = NotFound(new { error = $"No person at ID {id} could be found." });

Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult CreatePerson_POST(string firstName, string lastName, string phone)
            ActionResult response;

                int newID = new PersonControllerBLL().CreatePerson(firstName, lastName, phone);

                // Just for fun:
                // (It's also an example of how to throw a code that doesn't have a method built-in)
                if (firstName.Trim().ToUpper() == "TEAPOT" && lastName.Trim().ToUpper() == "COFFEE")
                    response = StatusCode(418, new { message = $"Successfully created teapot but it does not want to brew coffee. It has the phone number {phone}." });
                    // This should really be a Create() that provides the API endpoint for the GET to retrieve the created object.
                    response = Created($"API/PersonAPI/People/ID/{newID}", new { message = $"Successfully created person {firstName} {lastName} with the phone number {phone} at ID {newID}." });
            catch (PersonValidationException e)
                response = UnprocessableEntity(new { errors = e.SubExceptions.Select(x => x.Message) });
