Esempio n. 1
        public static int foodAmountNeeded(int speciesI, int level, double tamingSpeedMultiplier, string food, bool nonViolent = false)
            if (speciesI >= 0 && speciesI < Values.V.species.Count)
                TamingData taming         = Values.V.species[speciesI].taming;
                double     affinityNeeded = taming.affinityNeeded0 + taming.affinityIncreasePL * level;

                bool specialFood = taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(food);
                if (specialFood || Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(food))
                    double foodAffinity;
                    foodAffinity = specialFood ? taming.specialFoodValues[food].affinity : Values.V.foodData[food].affinity;

                    if (nonViolent)
                        foodAffinity *= taming.wakeAffinityMult;

                    foodAffinity *= tamingSpeedMultiplier * 2; // *2 in accordance with the permament 2x taming-bonus that was introduced in the game on 2016-12-12

                    if (foodAffinity > 0)
                        // amount of food needed for the affinity
                        return((int)Math.Ceiling(affinityNeeded / (foodAffinity * (specialFood ? taming.specialFoodValues[food].quantity : 1))));
Esempio n. 2
        private void comboBoxSpecies_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int sI = comboBoxSpecies.SelectedIndex;

            if (sI >= 0 && Values.V.species[sI].taming != null)
                TamingData td = Values.V.species[sI].taming;
                foreach (TamingFoodControl f in foodControls)
                TamingFoodControl tf;
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string f in td.eats)
                    tf = new TamingFoodControl(f);
                    if (f == "Kibble")
                        tf.foodNameDisplay = "Kibble (" + td.favoriteKibble + " Egg)";
                    if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1)
                        tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity.ToString() + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay;
                    tf.Location      = new Point(20, 80 + 45 * i);
                    tf.valueChanged += new TamingFoodControl.ValueChangedEventHandler(updateTamingData);
                    tf.Clicked      += new TamingFoodControl.ClickedEventHandler(onlyOneFood);

                if (foodControls.Count > 0)
                    foodControls[0].amount = Taming.foodAmountNeeded(sI, (int)nudLevel.Value, foodControls[0].foodName, td.nonViolent);
Esempio n. 3
        public static int foodAmountNeeded(int speciesI, int level, string food, bool nonViolent = false)
            if (speciesI >= 0 && speciesI < Values.V.species.Count)
                TamingData taming         = Values.V.species[speciesI].taming;
                double     affinityNeeded = taming.affinityNeeded0 + taming.affinityIncreasePL * level;

                bool specialFood = (taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(food));
                if (specialFood || Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(food))
                    double foodAffinity = 0;
                    if (specialFood)
                        foodAffinity = taming.specialFoodValues[food].affinity;
                        foodAffinity = Values.V.foodData[food].affinity;

                    if (nonViolent)
                        foodAffinity *= taming.wakeAffinityMult;

                    foodAffinity *= Values.V.tamingSpeedMultiplier;

                    if (foodAffinity > 0)
                        // amount of food needed for the affinity
                        return((int)Math.Ceiling(affinityNeeded / foodAffinity));
Esempio n. 4
        public void setSpeciesIndex(int speciesIndex)
            if (speciesIndex >= 0 && Values.V.species[speciesIndex].taming != null && this.speciesIndex != speciesIndex)

                this.speciesIndex = speciesIndex;

                // bone damage adjusters
                Dictionary <double, string> boneDamageAdjusters = new Dictionary <double, string>();
                boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(speciesIndex, out boneDamageAdjusters);

                int ib = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <double, string> bd in boneDamageAdjusters)
                    if (ib >= rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count)
                        RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton();
                        rbBD.Location = new Point(6, 173 + 19 * ib);
                        rbBD.AutoSize = false;
                        rbBD.Size     = new Size(194, 17);

                        rbBD.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged);
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib]    = bd.Key;
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text    = bd.Value + " (" + bd.Key.ToString() + "×)";
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true;
                for (int j = ib + 1; j < rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++)
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false;
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true;
                // bone damage adjusters adjusted

                updateCalculation = false;
                TamingData td = Values.V.species[speciesIndex].taming;
                favoriteKibble = td.favoriteKibble;

                foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier;

                TamingFoodControl tf;
                int i = 0;
                if (td.eats != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < td.eats.Count; i++)
                        string f = td.eats[i];
                        if (i >= foodControls.Count)
                            tf               = new TamingFoodControl(f);
                            tf.Location      = new Point(20, 80 + 45 * i);
                            tf.valueChanged += new TamingFoodControl.ValueChangedEventHandler(updateTamingData);
                            tf.Clicked      += new TamingFoodControl.ClickedEventHandler(onlyOneFood);
                            tf          = foodControls[i];
                            tf.FoodName = f;
                        if (f == "Kibble")
                            tf.foodNameDisplay = "Kibble (" + td.favoriteKibble + " Egg)";
                        if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1)
                            tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity.ToString() + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay;

                for (int fci = foodControls.Count - 1; fci >= i; fci--)

                if (i > 0)
                    foodControls[0].amount = Taming.foodAmountNeeded(speciesIndex, (int)nudLevel.Value, tamingSpeedMultiplier, foodControls[0].FoodName, td.nonViolent);

                updateCalculation = true;

        public void SetSpecies(Species species, bool forceRefresh = false)
            if (species == null || (selectedSpecies == species && !forceRefresh))

            selectedSpecies = species;

            if (species.taming == null)


            string speciesName =;

            linkLabelWikiPage.Text = "Wiki: " + speciesName;
            linkLabelWikiPage.Tag  = speciesName;

            // bone damage adjusters
            boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.BoneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(selectedSpecies,
                                                                                         out Dictionary <string, double> boneDamageAdjusters);

            int ib = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> bd in boneDamageAdjusters)
                if (ib >= rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count)
                    RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton();
                    flcBodyDamageMultipliers.SetFlowBreak(rbBD, true);
                    rbBD.AutoSize = true;

                    rbBD.CheckedChanged += rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged;
                rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib]    = bd.Value;
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text    = $"{Loc.S(bd.Key)} (× {bd.Value})";
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true;
            for (int j = ib + 1; j < rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++)
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false;
            rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true;
            // bone damage adjusters adjusted

            updateCalculation = false;
            TamingData td = species.taming;

            kibbleRecipe = string.Empty;

            // list all recipes of kibbles that give a reasonable affinity (assuming that is larger or equal than 100)
            foreach (var k in Kibbles.K.kibble)
                var kibbleName = $"{k.Key} Kibble";
                if (((td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.TryGetValue(kibbleName, out var kFood)) ||
                     Values.V.defaultFoodData.TryGetValue(kibbleName, out kFood)) &&
                    kFood.affinity >= 100)
                    kibbleRecipe += $"\n\n{k.Key} Kibble:{k.Value.RecipeAsText()}";

            foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier;

            int i = 0;

            if (td.eats != null)
                for (i = 0; i < td.eats.Length; i++)
                    string            f = td.eats[i];
                    TamingFoodControl tf;

                    // if Augmented are not wanted, and food control already exist, update it and hide it.
                    if (!checkBoxAugmented.Checked && f.Contains("Augmented"))
                        if (i < foodControls.Count)
                            tf          = foodControls[i];
                            tf.FoodName = f;

                    if (i >= foodControls.Count)
                        tf = new TamingFoodControl(f);
                        tf.valueChanged += UpdateTamingData;
                        tf.Clicked      += OnlyOneFood;
                        tf          = foodControls[i];
                        tf.FoodName = f;

                    // special cases where a creature eats multiple food items of one kind at once
                    if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1)
                        tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay;

            for (int fci = foodControls.Count - 1; fci >= i; fci--)

            if (i > 0)
                foodControls[0].amount = Taming.FoodAmountNeeded(species, (int)nudLevel.Value, tamingSpeedMultiplier, foodControls[0].FoodName, td.nonViolent);

            updateCalculation = true;

Esempio n. 6
        public void SetSpecies(Species species)
            if (species == null || selectedSpecies == species)

            selectedSpecies = species;

            if (species.taming == null)


            string speciesName =;

            linkLabelWikiPage.Text = "Wiki: " + speciesName;
            linkLabelWikiPage.Tag  = speciesName;

            // bone damage adjusters
            boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(selectedSpecies,
                                                                                         out Dictionary <string, double> boneDamageAdjusters);

            int ib = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> bd in boneDamageAdjusters)
                if (ib >= rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count)
                    RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton();
                    rbBD.Location = new Point(6, 199 + 19 * ib);
                    rbBD.AutoSize = false;
                    rbBD.Size     = new Size(194, 17);

                    rbBD.CheckedChanged += rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged;
                rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib]    = bd.Value;
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text    = $"{Loc.s(bd.Key)} (× {bd.Value})";
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true;
            for (int j = ib + 1; j < rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++)
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false;
            rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true;
            // bone damage adjusters adjusted

            updateCalculation = false;
            TamingData td = species.taming;

            kibbleRecipe = "";

            // TODO replace with new kibble recipes
            //if (td.favoriteKibble != null && Kibbles.K.kibble.ContainsKey(td.favoriteKibble))
            //    kibbleRecipe = "\n\nKibble:" + Kibbles.K.kibble[td.favoriteKibble].RecipeAsText();

            foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier;

            int i = 0;

            if (td.eats != null)
                for (i = 0; i < td.eats.Count; i++)
                    string            f = td.eats[i];
                    TamingFoodControl tf;
                    if (i >= foodControls.Count)
                        tf = new TamingFoodControl(f);
                        tf.valueChanged += UpdateTamingData;
                        tf.Clicked      += OnlyOneFood;
                        tf          = foodControls[i];
                        tf.FoodName = f;
                    if (f == "Kibble")
                        tf.foodNameDisplay = $"Kibble ({td.favoriteKibble} {Loc.s("Egg")})";
                    if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1)
                        tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay;

            for (int fci = foodControls.Count - 1; fci >= i; fci--)

            if (i > 0)
                foodControls[0].amount = Taming.foodAmountNeeded(species, (int)nudLevel.Value, tamingSpeedMultiplier, foodControls[0].FoodName, td.nonViolent);

            updateCalculation = true;

Esempio n. 7
        public void setSpeciesIndex(int speciesIndex)
            if (speciesIndex >= 0 && Values.V.species[speciesIndex].taming != null)
                this.speciesIndex = speciesIndex;

                boneDamageAdjusters = Taming.boneDamageAdjustersImmobilisation(speciesIndex);

                updateCalculation = false;
                TamingData td = Values.V.species[speciesIndex].taming;

                foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * Values.V.tamingFoodRateMultiplier;

                TamingFoodControl tf;
                int i = 0;
                if (td.eats != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < td.eats.Count; i++)
                        string f = td.eats[i];
                        if (i >= foodControls.Count)
                            tf               = new TamingFoodControl(f);
                            tf.Location      = new Point(20, 80 + 45 * i);
                            tf.valueChanged += new TamingFoodControl.ValueChangedEventHandler(updateTamingData);
                            tf.Clicked      += new TamingFoodControl.ClickedEventHandler(onlyOneFood);
                            tf          = foodControls[i];
                            tf.FoodName = f;
                        if (f == "Kibble")
                            tf.foodNameDisplay = "Kibble (" + td.favoriteKibble + " Egg)";
                        if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1)
                            tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity.ToString() + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay;

                for (int fci = foodControls.Count - 1; fci >= i; fci--)

                if (i > 0)
                    foodControls[0].amount = Taming.foodAmountNeeded(speciesIndex, (int)nudLevel.Value, evolutionEvent, foodControls[0].FoodName, td.nonViolent);

                updateCalculation = true;

Esempio n. 8
        public static void tamingTimes(int speciesI, int level, double tamingSpeedMultiplier, double tamingFoodRateMultiplier,
                                       List <string> usedFood, List <int> foodAmount, out List <int> foodAmountUsed, out TimeSpan duration,
                                       out int neededNarcoberries, out int neededNarcotics, out int neededBioToxines, out double te, out double hunger, out int bonusLevel, out bool enoughFood)
            double affinityNeeded = 0, totalTorpor = 0, torporDeplPS = 0, foodAffinity, foodValue, torporNeeded = 0;
            string food;
            int    seconds = 0, totalSeconds = 0, foodPiecesNeeded;

            bonusLevel         = 0;
            te                 = 1;
            duration           = TimeSpan.Zero;
            neededNarcoberries = 0;
            neededNarcotics    = 0;
            neededBioToxines   = 0;
            hunger             = 0;
            enoughFood         = false;

            foodAmountUsed = new List <int>();
            foreach (int i in foodAmount)

            if (speciesI >= 0 && speciesI < Values.V.species.Count)
                te = 100;
                TamingData taming = Values.V.species[speciesI].taming;
                // test if(creature is tamend non-violently, then use wakeTame multiplicators
                bool nonViolent = false;
                if (taming.nonViolent)
                    nonViolent = true;

                affinityNeeded = taming.affinityNeeded0 + taming.affinityIncreasePL * level;

                if (!nonViolent)
                    //total torpor for level
                    totalTorpor = Values.V.species[speciesI].stats[7].BaseValue * (1 + Values.V.species[speciesI].stats[7].IncPerWildLevel * (level - 1));
                    // torpor depletion per second for level
                    torporDeplPS = torporDepletionPS(taming.torporDepletionPS0, level);

                // how much food / resources of the different kinds that this creature eats is needed
                for (int f = 0; f < usedFood.Count; f++)
                    if (foodAmount[f] > 0)
                        food = usedFood[f];
                        bool specialFood = (taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(food));
                        if (specialFood || Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(food))
                            foodAffinity = 0;
                            foodValue    = 0;

                            // check if (creature handles this food in a special way (e.g. scorpions not liking raw meat as much)
                            if (specialFood)
                                foodAffinity = taming.specialFoodValues[food].affinity;
                                foodValue    = taming.specialFoodValues[food].foodValue;
                                foodAffinity = Values.V.foodData[food].affinity;
                                foodValue    = Values.V.foodData[food].foodValue;

                            foodAffinity *= specialFood ? taming.specialFoodValues[food].quantity : 1;

                            if (nonViolent)
                                // consider wake taming multiplicators (non - violent taming)
                                foodAffinity *= taming.wakeAffinityMult;
                                foodValue     = foodValue * taming.wakeFoodDeplMult;

                            foodAffinity *= tamingSpeedMultiplier * 2; // *2 in accordance with the permament 2x taming-bonus that was introduced in the game on 2016-12-12

                            if (foodAffinity > 0 && foodValue > 0)
                                // amount of food needed for the left affinity.
                                foodPiecesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(affinityNeeded / foodAffinity);

                                if (foodPiecesNeeded > foodAmount[f])
                                    foodPiecesNeeded = foodAmount[f];

                                foodAmountUsed[f] = foodPiecesNeeded;

                                // time to eat needed food
                                seconds         = (int)Math.Ceiling(foodPiecesNeeded * foodValue / (taming.foodConsumptionBase * taming.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier));
                                affinityNeeded -= foodPiecesNeeded * foodAffinity;

                                if (te > 0)
                                    double factor = taming.tamingIneffectiveness / (100 * foodAffinity);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < foodPiecesNeeded; i++)
                                        te -= Math.Pow(te, 2) * factor;

                                if (!nonViolent)
                                    //extra needed torpor to eat needed food
                                    torporNeeded += (torporDeplPS * seconds);
                                totalSeconds += seconds;
                            if (affinityNeeded <= 0)
                torporNeeded -= totalTorpor;

                if (torporNeeded < 0)
                    torporNeeded = 0;
                // amount of Narcoberries(give 7.5 torpor each over 3s)
                neededNarcoberries = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (7.5 + 3 * torporDeplPS));
                // amount of Narcotics(give 40 each over 8s)
                neededNarcotics = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (40 + 8 * torporDeplPS));
                // amount of BioToxines (give 80 each over 16s)
                neededBioToxines = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (80 + 16 * torporDeplPS));

                enoughFood = affinityNeeded <= 0;

                // needed Time to eat
                duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, totalSeconds);

                if (te < 0)
                    te = 0;
                te *= .01;

                bonusLevel = (int)Math.Floor(level * te / 2);

                for (int i = 0; i < usedFood.Count; i++)
                    if (taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(usedFood[i]))
                        hunger += foodAmountUsed[i] * taming.specialFoodValues[usedFood[i]].foodValue;
                    else if (Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(usedFood[i]))
                        hunger += foodAmountUsed[i] * Values.V.foodData[usedFood[i]].foodValue;
        public void setSpeciesIndex(int speciesIndex)
            if (speciesIndex >= 0 && Values.V.species[speciesIndex].taming != null && this.speciesIndex != speciesIndex)

                this.speciesIndex = speciesIndex;

                // bone damage adjusters
                boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(speciesIndex,
                                                                                             out Dictionary <double, string> boneDamageAdjusters);

                int ib = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <double, string> bd in boneDamageAdjusters)
                    if (ib >= rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count)
                        RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton();
                        rbBD.Location = new Point(6, 199 + 19 * ib);
                        rbBD.AutoSize = false;
                        rbBD.Size     = new Size(194, 17);

                        rbBD.CheckedChanged += rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged;
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib]    = bd.Key;
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text    = $"{Loc.s(bd.Value)} ({bd.Key}×)";
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true;
                for (int j = ib + 1; j < rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++)
                    rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false;
                rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true;
                // bone damage adjusters adjusted

                updateCalculation = false;
                TamingData td = Values.V.species[speciesIndex].taming;
                kibbleRecipe = "";

                if (td.favoriteKibble != null && Kibbles.K.kibble.ContainsKey(td.favoriteKibble))
                    kibbleRecipe = "\n\nKibble:" + Kibbles.K.kibble[td.favoriteKibble].RecipeAsText();

                foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier;

                int i = 0;
                if (td.eats != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < td.eats.Count; i++)
                        string            f = td.eats[i];
                        TamingFoodControl tf;
                        if (i >= foodControls.Count)
                            tf = new TamingFoodControl(f);
                            tf.valueChanged += updateTamingData;
                            tf.Clicked      += onlyOneFood;
                            tf          = foodControls[i];
                            tf.FoodName = f;
                        if (f == "Kibble")
                            tf.foodNameDisplay = $"Kibble ({td.favoriteKibble} {Loc.s("Egg")})";
                        if (td.specialFoodValues != null && td.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(f) && td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity > 1)
                            tf.foodNameDisplay = td.specialFoodValues[f].quantity + "× " + tf.foodNameDisplay;

                for (int fci = foodControls.Count - 1; fci >= i; fci--)

                if (i > 0)
                    foodControls[0].amount = Taming.foodAmountNeeded(speciesIndex, (int)nudLevel.Value, tamingSpeedMultiplier, foodControls[0].FoodName, td.nonViolent);

                updateCalculation = true;

Esempio n. 10
        public static void tamingTimes(int speciesI, int level, double tamingSpeedMultiplier, double tamingFoodRateMultiplier,
                                       List <string> usedFood, List <int> foodAmount, out List <int> foodAmountUsed, out TimeSpan duration,
                                       out int neededNarcoberries, out int neededNarcotics, out int neededBioToxines, out double te, out double hunger, out int bonusLevel, out bool enoughFood)
            double totalTorpor = 0, torporDeplPS = 0, torporNeeded = 0;
            int    totalSeconds = 0;

            bonusLevel         = 0;
            te                 = 1;
            duration           = TimeSpan.Zero;
            neededNarcoberries = 0;
            neededNarcotics    = 0;
            neededBioToxines   = 0;
            hunger             = 0;
            enoughFood         = false;

            foodAmountUsed = new List <int>();
            foreach (int i in foodAmount)

            if (speciesI >= 0 && speciesI < Values.V.species.Count)
                TamingData taming = Values.V.species[speciesI].taming;
                // test if creature is tamend non-violently, then use wakeTame multiplicators
                bool nonViolent = taming.nonViolent;

                double affinityNeeded = taming.affinityNeeded0 + taming.affinityIncreasePL * level;

                if (!nonViolent)
                    //total torpor for level
                    totalTorpor = Values.V.species[speciesI].stats[7].BaseValue * (1 + Values.V.species[speciesI].stats[7].IncPerWildLevel * (level - 1));
                    // torpor depletion per second for level
                    torporDeplPS = torporDepletionPS(taming.torporDepletionPS0, level);

                double foodByAffinity = 0; // needed for the effectiveness calculation

                // how much food / resources of the different kinds that this creature eats is needed
                for (int f = 0; f < usedFood.Count; f++)
                    if (foodAmount[f] > 0)
                        string food        = usedFood[f];
                        bool   specialFood = taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(food);
                        if (specialFood || Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(food))
                            double foodAffinity;
                            double foodValue;

                            // check if (creature handles this food in a special way (e.g. scorpions not liking raw meat as much)
                            if (specialFood)
                                foodAffinity = taming.specialFoodValues[food].affinity;
                                foodValue    = taming.specialFoodValues[food].foodValue;
                                foodAffinity = Values.V.foodData[food].affinity;
                                foodValue    = Values.V.foodData[food].foodValue;

                            foodAffinity *= specialFood ? taming.specialFoodValues[food].quantity : 1;

                            if (nonViolent)
                                // consider wake taming multiplicators (non - violent taming)
                                foodAffinity *= taming.wakeAffinityMult;
                                foodValue     = foodValue * taming.wakeFoodDeplMult;

                            foodAffinity *= tamingSpeedMultiplier * 2; // *2 in accordance with the permament 2x taming-bonus that was introduced in the game on 2016-12-12

                            if (foodAffinity > 0 && foodValue > 0)
                                // amount of food needed for the left affinity.
                                int foodPiecesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(affinityNeeded / foodAffinity);

                                if (foodPiecesNeeded > foodAmount[f])
                                    foodPiecesNeeded = foodAmount[f];

                                foodAmountUsed[f] = foodPiecesNeeded;

                                // time to eat needed food
                                // mantis eats every 3 minutes, regardless of level
                                int seconds = 0;
                                if (Values.V.species[speciesI].name == "Mantis")
                                    seconds = foodPiecesNeeded * 180;
                                    seconds = (int)Math.Ceiling(foodPiecesNeeded * foodValue / (taming.foodConsumptionBase * taming.foodConsumptionMult * tamingFoodRateMultiplier));
                                affinityNeeded -= foodPiecesNeeded * foodAffinity;

                                // new approach with 1/(1 + IM*IA*N/AO + ID*D) from
                                foodByAffinity += foodPiecesNeeded / foodAffinity;

                                if (!nonViolent)
                                    //extra needed torpor to eat needed food
                                    torporNeeded += torporDeplPS * seconds;
                                totalSeconds += seconds;
                            if (affinityNeeded <= 0)
                // add tamingIneffectivenessMultiplier? Needs settings?
                te = 1 / (1 + taming.tamingIneffectiveness * foodByAffinity); // ignores damage, which has no input

                torporNeeded -= totalTorpor;

                if (torporNeeded < 0)
                    torporNeeded = 0;
                // amount of Narcoberries(give 7.5 torpor each over 3s)
                neededNarcoberries = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (7.5 + 3 * torporDeplPS));
                // amount of Narcotics(give 40 each over 8s)
                neededNarcotics = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (40 + 8 * torporDeplPS));
                // amount of BioToxines (give 80 each over 16s)
                neededBioToxines = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (80 + 16 * torporDeplPS));

                enoughFood = affinityNeeded <= 0;

                // needed Time to eat
                duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, totalSeconds);

                if (te < 0) // TODO correct? <0 possible?
                    te = 0;

                bonusLevel = (int)Math.Floor(level * te / 2);

                for (int i = 0; i < usedFood.Count; i++)
                    if (taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(usedFood[i]))
                        hunger += foodAmountUsed[i] * taming.specialFoodValues[usedFood[i]].foodValue;
                    else if (Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(usedFood[i]))
                        hunger += foodAmountUsed[i] * Values.V.foodData[usedFood[i]].foodValue;
Esempio n. 11
        public void SetSpecies(Species species, bool forceRefresh = false)
            if (species == null || (_selectedSpecies == species && !forceRefresh))

            _selectedSpecies = species;

            if (species.taming == null)


            string speciesName =;

            linkLabelWikiPage.Text = "Wiki: " + speciesName;
            linkLabelWikiPage.Tag  = speciesName;
            _tt.SetToolTip(linkLabelWikiPage, ArkWiki.WikiUrl(speciesName));

            // bone damage adjusters
            _boneDamageAdjustersImmobilization = Taming.BoneDamageAdjustersImmobilization(_selectedSpecies,
                                                                                          out Dictionary <string, double> boneDamageAdjusters);

            int ib = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> bd in boneDamageAdjusters)
                if (ib >= _rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count)
                    RadioButton rbBD = new RadioButton();
                    flcBodyDamageMultipliers.SetFlowBreak(rbBD, true);
                    rbBD.AutoSize = true;

                    rbBD.CheckedChanged += rbBoneDamage_CheckedChanged;
                _rbBoneDamageAdjusterValues[ib]    = bd.Value;
                _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Text    = $"{Loc.S(bd.Key)} (× {bd.Value})";
                _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[ib].Visible = true;
            for (int j = ib + 1; j < _rbBoneDamageAdjusters.Count; j++)
                _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[j].Visible = false;
            _rbBoneDamageAdjusters[0].Checked = true;
            // bone damage adjusters adjusted

            _updateCalculation = false;
            TamingData td = species.taming;

            _kibbleRecipe = string.Empty;

            // list all recipes of kibbles that give a reasonable affinity (assuming that is larger or equal than 100)
            foreach (var k in Kibbles.K.kibble)
                var kibbleName = $"{k.Key} Kibble";
                var kibbleFood = Values.V.GetTamingFood(species, kibbleName);

                if (kibbleFood != null &&
                    kibbleFood.affinity >= 100)
                    _kibbleRecipe += $"\n\n{k.Key} Kibble:{k.Value.RecipeAsText()}";

            _foodDepletion = td.foodConsumptionBase * td.foodConsumptionMult * _tamingFoodRateMultiplier;


            _updateCalculation = true;
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.TamingFoodOrderByTime)
                SetOrderOfTamingFood(true, true);

Esempio n. 12
        public static void tamingTimes(int speciesI, int level, List <string> usedFood, List <int> foodAmount, out List <int> foodAmountUsed, out TimeSpan duration, out int neededNarcoberries, out int neededNarcotics, out int neededBioToxines, out double te, out bool enoughFood)
            double affinityNeeded = 0, totalTorpor = 0, torporDeplPS = 0, foodAffinity, foodValue, torporNeeded = 0;
            string food;
            int    seconds = 0, totalSeconds = 0, foodPiecesNeeded;

            te                 = 1;
            duration           = new TimeSpan(0);
            neededNarcoberries = 0;
            neededNarcotics    = 0;
            neededBioToxines   = 0;
            enoughFood         = false;

            foodAmountUsed = new List <int>();
            foreach (int i in foodAmount)

            if (speciesI >= 0 && speciesI < Values.V.species.Count)
                te = 100;
                TamingData taming = Values.V.species[speciesI].taming;
                // test if(creature is tamend non-violently, then use wakeTame multiplicators
                bool nonViolent = false;
                if (taming.nonViolent)
                    nonViolent = true;

                affinityNeeded = taming.affinityNeeded0 + taming.affinityIncreasePL * level;

                if (!nonViolent)
                    //total torpor for level
                    totalTorpor = Values.V.species[speciesI].stats[7].BaseValue * (1 + Values.V.species[speciesI].stats[7].IncPerWildLevel * (level - 1));
                    // torpor depletion per second for level
                    // here the linear approach of 0.01819 * baseTorporDepletion / level is used. Data shows, it's actual an exponential increase
                    torporDeplPS = taming.torporDepletionPS0 * (1 + 0.01819 * level);

                // how much food / resources of the different kinds that this creature eats is needed
                for (int f = 0; f < usedFood.Count; f++)
                    if (foodAmount[f] > 0)
                        food = usedFood[f];
                        bool specialFood = (taming.specialFoodValues != null && taming.specialFoodValues.ContainsKey(food));
                        if (specialFood || Values.V.foodData.ContainsKey(food))
                            foodAffinity = 0;
                            foodValue    = 0;
                            // check if (creature handles this food in a special way (e.g. scorpions not liking raw meat as much)
                            if (specialFood)
                                foodAffinity = taming.specialFoodValues[food].affinity;
                                foodValue    = taming.specialFoodValues[food].foodValue;
                                foodAffinity = Values.V.foodData[food].affinity;
                                foodValue    = Values.V.foodData[food].foodValue;

                            if (nonViolent)
                                // consider wake taming multiplicators (non - violent taming)
                                foodAffinity *= taming.wakeAffinityMult;
                                foodValue     = foodValue * taming.wakeFoodDeplMult;

                            foodAffinity *= Values.V.tamingSpeedMultiplier * 2; // *2 in accordance with the permament 2x taming-bonus that was introduced in the game on 1016-12-12

                            if (foodAffinity > 0 && foodValue > 0)
                                // amount of food needed for the left affinity.
                                foodPiecesNeeded = (int)Math.Ceiling(affinityNeeded / foodAffinity);

                                if (foodPiecesNeeded > foodAmount[f])
                                    foodPiecesNeeded = foodAmount[f];

                                foodAmountUsed[f] = foodPiecesNeeded;

                                // time to eat needed food
                                seconds         = (int)Math.Ceiling(foodPiecesNeeded * foodValue / (taming.foodConsumptionBase * taming.foodConsumptionMult * Values.V.tamingFoodRateMultiplier));
                                affinityNeeded -= foodPiecesNeeded * foodAffinity;

                                if (te > 0)
                                    double factor = taming.tamingIneffectiveness / (100 * foodAffinity);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < foodPiecesNeeded; i++)
                                        te -= Math.Pow(te, 2) * factor;

                                if (!nonViolent)
                                    //extra needed torpor to eat needed food
                                    torporNeeded += (torporDeplPS * seconds);
                                totalSeconds += seconds;
                            if (affinityNeeded <= 0)
                torporNeeded -= totalTorpor;

                if (torporNeeded < 0)
                    torporNeeded = 0;
                // amount of Narcoberries(give 7.5 torpor each over 3s)
                neededNarcoberries = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (7.5 + 3 * torporDeplPS));
                // amount of Narcotics(give 40 each over 5s)
                neededNarcotics = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (40 + 5 * torporDeplPS));
                // amount of BioToxines (give 80 each over 16s)
                neededBioToxines = (int)Math.Ceiling(torporNeeded / (80 + 16 * torporDeplPS));

                enoughFood = affinityNeeded <= 0;

                // needed Time to eat
                duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, totalSeconds);

                if (te < 0)
                    te = 0;
                te *= .01;

                if (!nonViolent)
                    // print needed tranq arrows needed to ko creature.
                    // Bow - arrow causes 20 dmg, tranqMultiplier are 2 + 2.5 = 4.5 ==> 90 Torpor / arrow.
                    // crossbow 35 dmg * 4.5 ==> 157.5 torpor
                    // slingshot: 14 dmg, stone - tranq - mult: 1.75 ==> 24.5 torpor
                    // wooden club: 10 torpor
                    // longneck dart: 26 * 8.5 = 221
                    // string info = "Wooden Club Hits × " + Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / 10) + "; Slingshot Hits ×" + Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / 24.5) + "; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × " + Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / 90) + "; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × " + Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / 157.5) + "; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × " + Math.Ceiling(totalTorpor / 221);

                    // print torpor depletion per s
                    // string info = "Torpor-depletion: " + Math.Round(torporDeplPS, 2) + " / s; Time until all torpor is depleted: " + (totalTorpor / torporDeplPS) + " s, That is Narcoberry every " + (Math.Floor(75 / torporDeplPS) / 10 + 3) + " s or one Narcotic every " + (Math.Floor(400 / torporDeplPS) / 10 + 5) + " s";