CreateCell() public method

Create a new cell within this table which use the standard style. The cell isn't part of the table until you insert it via the InsertCellAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, Cell cell)
public CreateCell ( ) : Cell
return Cell
Esempio n. 1
		public  void CreateRowsAndColumns()
			SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument ();
			doc.New ();
			Table table = new Table (doc,"tab1","tab1");
			for(int i=1; i<=4; i++)
				for(int j=1; j<=5;j++)
					Cell cell = table.CreateCell ();
					cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
					Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (doc);
					string text= (j+i-1).ToString();
					paragraph.TextContent .Add (new SimpleText ( doc,text));
					cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
					cell.OfficeValue = text;
					table.InsertCellAt (i, j, cell);
			Assert.AreEqual(5, table.Rows.Count);
			for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
				Row row = table.Rows[i];
				Assert.AreEqual(6, row.Cells.Count);
Esempio n. 2
 public void CreateSimpleTable()
     //Create new spreadsheet document
     SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument		= new SpreadsheetDocument();
     //Create a new table
     Table table					= new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "First", "tablefirst");
     //Create a new cell, without any extra styles
     Cell cell								= table.CreateCell("cell001");
     cell.OfficeValueType					= "string";
     //Set full border
     cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border	= Border.NormalSolid;
     //Add a paragraph to this cell
     Paragraph paragraph						= ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph(
     //Add some text content
     paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, "Some text"));
     //Add paragraph to the cell
     //Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3
     //All need rows, columns and cells below the given
     //indexes will be build automatically.
     table.InsertCellAt(2, 3, cell);
     //Insert table into the spreadsheet document
Esempio n. 3
 void Example1()
     //Create new spreadsheet document
     SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument();
     //Create a new table
     Table table = new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "First", "tablefirst");
     //Create a new cell, without any extra styles
     Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
     //Add a paragraph to this cell
     Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph(spreadsheetDocument);
     //Create some Formated text
     FormatedText fText = new FormatedText(spreadsheetDocument, "T1", "Some Text");
     //fText.TextStyle.TextProperties.Bold = "bold";
     fText.TextStyle.TextProperties.Underline = LineStyles.dotted;
     //Add formated text
     //Add paragraph to the cell
     //Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3
     //All need rows, columns and cells below the given
     //indexes will be build automatically.
     table.InsertCellAt(2, 3, cell);
     //Insert table into the spreadsheet document
Esempio n. 4
		public  void AutomaticallCreateRows()
			SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument ();
			doc.New ();
			Table table = new Table (doc,"tab1","tab1");
			for(int i=1; i<=1; i++)
				for(int j=1; j<=1;j++)
					Cell cell = table.CreateCell ();
					cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
					Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (doc);
					string text= (j+i-1).ToString();
					paragraph.TextContent .Add (new SimpleText ( doc,text));
					cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
					cell.OfficeValue = text;
					table.InsertCellAt (i, j, cell);
			// test that we have this number of rows and cells
			Assert.AreEqual(2, table.Rows.Count);
			for (int i = 1; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
				Row row = table.Rows[i];
				Assert.AreEqual(2, row.Cells.Count);
			// force to insert more cells
			table.InsertCellAt(5, 5, table.CreateCell () );
			// assert, that the cells were added
			Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows.Count);
			for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
				Row row = table.Rows[i];
				Assert.AreEqual(6, row.Cells.Count);
		public  void CreateNewChart()
			SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument ();
			doc.New ();
			Table table = new Table (doc,"tab1","tab1");
			for(int i=1; i<=1; i++)
				for(int j=1; j<=6;j++)
					Cell cell = table.CreateCell ();
					cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
					Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph (doc);
					string text= (j+i-1).ToString();
					paragraph.TextContent .Add (new SimpleText ( doc,text));
					cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
					cell.OfficeValue = text;
					table.InsertCellAt (i, j, cell);
			Chart chart=ChartBuilder.CreateChartByAxisName
				(table, ,"A1:E4","years","dollars");
			Assert.AreEqual(7, table.Rows[1].Cells.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows[2].Cells.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows[3].Cells.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows[4].Cells.Count);
			/*Chart chart = new Chart (table,"ch1"); .ToString () ;
			chart.XAxisName ="yeer";
			chart.YAxisName ="dollar";
			chart.CreateFromCellRange ("A1:E4");
			chart.EndCellAddress ="tab1.K17";*/
			table.InsertChartAt ("G2",chart);
			doc.Content .Add (table);
			doc.SaveTo(Path.Combine(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder, @"NewChartOne.ods"));
Esempio n. 6
 public override void Export(IEnumerable<List<CellInfo>> exportInfo)
     SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument();
     Table table = new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "DataGrid", string.Empty);
     int rowIndex = 0;
     foreach (List<CellInfo> cellInfos in exportInfo)
         for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < cellInfos.Count; columnIndex++)
             CellInfo cellInfo = cellInfos[columnIndex];
             Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
             Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph(spreadsheetDocument);
             SimpleText fText = new SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, (cellInfo.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString());
             table.InsertCellAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, cell);
		public void CreateTableFormatedText()
			//Create new spreadsheet document
			_spreadsheetDocument3		= new SpreadsheetDocument();
			//Create a new table
			Table table					= new Table(_spreadsheetDocument3, "First", "tablefirst");
			table.Rows.Add(new Row(table));
			//Create a new cell, without any extra styles 
			Cell cell								= table.CreateCell();
			cell.OfficeValueType					= "string";
			//Set full border
			//cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border	= Border.NormalSolid;			
			//Add a paragraph to this cell
			Paragraph paragraph						= ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph(
			//Create some Formated text
			FormatedText fText						= new FormatedText(_spreadsheetDocument3, "T1", "Some Text");
			//fText.TextStyle.TextProperties.Bold		 = "bold";
			fText.TextStyle.TextProperties.Underline = LineStyles.dotted;
			//Add formated text
			//Add paragraph to the cell
			//Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3
			//All need rows, columns and cells below the given
			//indexes will be build automatically.
			table.InsertCellAt(2, 3, cell);
			//Insert table into the spreadsheet document
			// Test inserted content
			Object insertedText = ((Paragraph)_spreadsheetDocument3.TableCollection[0].Rows[2].Cells[3].Content[0]).TextContent[0];
			Assert.AreEqual(fText, insertedText as FormatedText);
        public void NewBasicChartThenSetTitle()
            string expected="Basic Chart";
            SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument();
            Table table = new Table(doc, "tab1", "tab1");

            for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++)
                    Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                    cell.OfficeValueType = "float";
                    Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc);
                    string text = (j + i - 1).ToString();
                    paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(doc, text));
                    cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                    cell.OfficeValue = text;
                    table.InsertCellAt(i, j, cell);
            Chart basicChart = ChartBuilder.CreateChart(table, ChartTypes.line, "A4:F8");
            ChartTitle ct = new ChartTitle(basicChart);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, ((Paragraph)ct.Content[0]).TextContent[0].Text);
            basicChart.ChartTitle = ct;
            IContent chartTitleContent = null;
            chartTitleContent=basicChart.Content.Find(o => o is ChartTitle);
            if (chartTitleContent == null)
                foreach (IContent iContent in basicChart.Content)
                    if (iContent is ChartTitle) chartTitleContent = iContent;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, ((Paragraph)((ChartTitle)chartTitleContent).Content[0]).TextContent[0].Text);
            table.InsertChartAt("H2", basicChart);
Esempio n. 9
        public class_traslate_spreadsheet(string query_sql, string[] args_names_field, string[] args_type_field, bool typetext, string[] args_field_text, string name_field_text, bool more_title, string[] args_more_title)
            //Console.WriteLine(name_field_text+" nombre del campo");
            int files_field = 0;

            string [] array_field_text = new string[args_field_text.Length];
            connectionString = conexion_a_DB._url_servidor + conexion_a_DB._port_DB + conexion_a_DB._usuario_DB + conexion_a_DB._passwrd_user_DB;
            nombrebd         = conexion_a_DB._nombrebd;
            //Create new spreadsheet open document (.ods)
            AODL.Document.SpreadsheetDocuments.SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new AODL.Document.SpreadsheetDocuments.SpreadsheetDocument();
            //Create a new table
            AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Table table = new AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Table(spreadsheetDocument, "hoja1", "tablefirst");
            NpgsqlConnection conexion;

            conexion = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString + nombrebd);
            // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada
                NpgsqlCommand comando;
                comando             = conexion.CreateCommand();
                comando.CommandText = query_sql;
                comando.ExecuteNonQuery();    comando.Dispose();
                NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader();
                // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos
                for (int colum_field = 0; colum_field < args_names_field.Length; colum_field++)
                    AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                    //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                    AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                    string text = (string)args_names_field[colum_field].ToString().Trim();
                    paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                    cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                    cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                    table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field, cell);
                if (typetext == true)
                    // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos cuando son de tipo text (almacenado en una tabla tipo text)
                    for (int colum_field2 = 0; colum_field2 < args_field_text.Length; colum_field2++)
                        AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                        //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                        AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                        string text = (string)args_field_text[colum_field2].ToString().Trim();
                        paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                        cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                        cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                        table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field2 + args_names_field.Length, cell);
                if (more_title == true)
                    int title_field_text = 0;
                    if (typetext == true)
                        title_field_text = args_field_text.Length;
                    // Creando los nombres de ancabezado de los campos cuando son de tipo text (almacenado en una tabla tipo text)
                    for (int colum_field3 = 0; colum_field3 < args_more_title.Length; colum_field3++)
                        AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                        //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                        AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                        string text = (string)args_more_title[colum_field3].ToString().Trim();
                        paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                        cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                        cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                        table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field3 + args_names_field.Length + title_field_text, cell);
                string texto = "";
                while (lector.Read())
                    for (int colum_field = 0; colum_field < args_names_field.Length; colum_field++)
                        AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                        //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                        AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                        string text = lector[(string)args_names_field[colum_field]].ToString().Trim();
                        paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                        cell.OfficeValueType = (string)args_type_field [colum_field];
                        cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                        table.InsertCellAt(files_field, colum_field, cell);
                    if (typetext == true)
                        texto = (string)lector[name_field_text];                // puede ser una campo de la base de datos tipo Text
                        char[] delimiterChars  = { '\n' };                      // delimitador de Cadenas
                        char[] delimiterChars1 = { ';' };                       // delimitador de Cadenas
                        //string texto = "1;daniel; ;olivares;cuevas";
                        string[] words = texto.Split(delimiterChars);                         // Separa las Cadenas
                        if (texto != "")
                            // Recorre la variable
                            foreach (string s in words)
                                if (s.Length > 0)
                                    string   texto1 = (string)s;
                                    string[] words1 = texto1.Split(delimiterChars1);
                                    //for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){
                                    int i  = 0;
                                    int i2 = 1;
                                    foreach (string s1 in words1)
                                        if (i2 <= args_field_text.Length)
                                            array_field_text[i] = s1.ToString();
                            for (int i = 0; i < array_field_text.Length; i++)
                                AODL.Document.Content.Tables.Cell cell = table.CreateCell();
                                //cell.OfficeValueType ="float";
                                AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph paragraph = new AODL.Document.Content.Text.Paragraph(spreadsheetDocument);
                                string text = (string)array_field_text[i];
                                paragraph.TextContent.Add(new AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, text));
                                cell.OfficeValueType = "string";
                                cell.OfficeValue     = text;
                                table.InsertCellAt(files_field, i + args_names_field.Length, cell);
                //Insert table into the spreadsheet document
                // open the document automatic
            }catch (NpgsqlException ex) {
                MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog(MyWinError, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
                                                              ButtonsType.Close, "PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message);
                msgBoxError.Run();             msgBoxError.Destroy();

             * // Leyendo el archivo .ods
             * spreadsheetDocument.Load("export.ods");
             * Assert.IsNotNull(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection, "Table collection must exits.");
             * //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Count == 6, "There must be 3 tables available.");
             * int paso = spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Count;
             * Console.WriteLine(paso.ToString());
             * int i2 = 0; // current row index
             * int ii = 0; // current cell index
             * string innerText = ""; // current inner text
             * try{
             *      //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows.Count == 5, "There must be 6 rows available.");
             *      for(i2= 0; i2 < spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows.Count; i2++){
             *              string contents = "Row " + i2 + ": ";
             *              //Assert.IsTrue(spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells.Count == 3, "There must be 3 cells available.");
             *              for(ii = 0; ii < spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells.Count; ii++){
             *                      innerText = spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].Node.InnerText;
             *                      if (spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].OfficeValue != null){
             *                              contents += spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection[0].Rows[i2].Cells[ii].OfficeValue.ToString() + " ";
             *                      }else{
             *                              contents += innerText + " ";
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              Console.WriteLine(contents);
             *      }
             * }catch(System.Exception ex){
             *      string where = "occours in Row " + i2.ToString() + " and cell " + ii.ToString() + " last cell content " + innerText + "\n\n";
             *      Console.WriteLine(where + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace);
             * }

             * // Usando libreria SmartXLS
             * WorkBook book = new WorkBook();
             * try{
             *      //Sets the number of worksheets in this workbook
             * book.NumSheets = 2;
             * // set sheet names
             * book.setSheetName(0, "hoja1");	// renombrando la pestaña
             *      book.setSheetName(1, "hoja2");	// renombrando la pestaña
             *      book.Sheet = 0;
             *      // book.setText(Fila, columna , "texto");
             *      book.setText(0, 0, "foliodeservicio");
             *      book.setText(0, 1, "descripcion_producto");
             *      book.setText(0, 2, "idproducto");
             *      book.setText(0, 3, "cantidadaplicada");
             *      book.setText(0, 4, "preciounitario");
             *      book.setText(0, 5, "ppcantidad");
             *      book.setText(0, 6, "fechcreacion");
             *      book.setText(0, 7, "descripcion_admisiones");
             *      book.setText(0, 8, "idtipoadmision");
             *      book.setText(0, 9, "descripcion_grupo_producto");
             *      book.setText(0, 10, "aplicar_iva");
             *      NpgsqlConnection conexion;
             *      conexion = new NpgsqlConnection (connectionString+nombrebd);
             * // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada
             *      try{
             *              conexion.Open ();
             *              NpgsqlCommand comando;
             *              comando = conexion.CreateCommand ();
             *              comando.CommandText = "SELECT osiris_erp_cobros_deta.folio_de_servicio AS foliodeservicio,descripcion_producto,to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_producto,'999999999999') AS idproducto, "+
             *                      "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.cantidad_aplicada,'99999.99') AS cantidadaplicada,to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.precio_producto,'99999999.99') AS preciounitario,"+
             *                              "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.cantidad_aplicada * osiris_erp_cobros_deta.precio_producto,'99999999.99') AS ppcantidad,"+
             *                              "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.fechahora_creacion,'dd-MM-yyyy HH24:mi:ss') AS fechcreacion, osiris_his_tipo_admisiones.descripcion_admisiones,"+
             *                              "osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones AS idtipoadmision,descripcion_grupo_producto,osiris_productos.aplicar_iva," +
             *                              "to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_secuencia,'9999999999') AS secuencia " +
             *                              "FROM osiris_erp_cobros_deta,osiris_productos,osiris_his_tipo_admisiones,osiris_grupo_producto " +
             *                              "WHERE osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_producto = osiris_productos.id_producto " +
             *                              "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones = osiris_his_tipo_admisiones.id_tipo_admisiones " +
             *                              "AND osiris_productos.id_grupo_producto = osiris_grupo_producto.id_grupo_producto " +
             *                              "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.eliminado = false " +
             *                              "AND osiris_erp_cobros_deta.folio_de_servicio IN('"+numeroatencion_+"') " +
             *                              "ORDER BY to_char(osiris_erp_cobros_deta.fechahora_creacion,'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mm:ss'),osiris_erp_cobros_deta.id_tipo_admisiones ASC," +
             *                               "osiris_productos.id_grupo_producto;";
             *              comando.ExecuteNonQuery();    comando.Dispose();
             *              //Console.WriteLine(comando.CommandText);
             *              NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader ();
             *              while (lector.Read()){
             *                      book.setNumber(number_file, 0, int.Parse(numeroatencion_));
             *                      book.setText(number_file, 1, (string) lector["descripcion_producto"]);
             *                      book.setText(number_file, 2, (string) lector["idproducto"]);
             *                      number_file++;
             *              }
             *              conexion.Close();
             *              book.write("export.xls");
             *              System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("export.xls");
             *      }catch(NpgsqlException ex){
             *                      MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog (MyWinError,DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
             *                                                      MessageType.Error,
             *                                                      ButtonsType.Close,"PostgresSQL error: {0}",ex.Message);
             *                      msgBoxError.Run ();		msgBoxError.Destroy();
             *      }
             * }catch (System.Exception ex){
             * Console.Error.WriteLine(ex);
             * }