//inserts hanger details into database ,if the addressid is already present in //address table it adds the details only in hanger table,manager tables //else it adds in address table also public static string insertHanger(BindModel bind) { try { if (bind.Address.AddressId == null) { a.tblManagers.Add(bind.Manager); a.SaveChanges(); a.tblHangers.Add(bind.Hanger); a.SaveChanges(); } else { a.tblAddresses.Add(bind.Address); a.SaveChanges(); a.tblManagers.Add(bind.Manager); a.SaveChanges(); a.tblHangers.Add(bind.Hanger); a.SaveChanges(); } } catch (DbUpdateException E) { SqlException S = E.GetBaseException() as SqlException; return("Something went wrong, Plz try again."); } catch (DbEntityValidationException M) { //SqlException ex = E.GetBaseException() as SqlException; return(M.Message); } return("Hanger Added Successfully " + bind.Hanger.Hanger_ID); }
//generates addressid based on entered city and houseno,managerid based on socialscurity umber,hangerid based on location public static void getIds(BindModel bind) { var ad = from i in a.tblAddresses where i.HouseNo == bind.Address.HouseNo && i.City == bind.Address.City select i; if (ad.Count() == 1) { bind.Manager.AddressId = ad.First().AddressId; } else { ObjectResult <string> ob = a.sp_Address(bind.Address.City); List <string> L2 = ob.ToList(); if (L2.Count != 0) { int ai = int.Parse(L2[0].Substring(3)) + 1; bind.Address.AddressId = bind.Address.City.Substring(0, 3) + string.Format("{0:000}", ai); bind.Manager.AddressId = bind.Address.AddressId; } else { bind.Address.AddressId = bind.Address.City.Substring(0, 3) + "101"; bind.Manager.AddressId = bind.Address.AddressId; } } ObjectResult <string> ob1 = a.sp_Hanger(bind.Hanger.HangerLocation); List <string> L = ob1.ToList(); if (L.Count != 0) { int ai = int.Parse(L[0].Substring(3)) + 1; bind.Hanger.Hanger_ID = bind.Hanger.HangerLocation.Substring(0, 3) + string.Format("{0:000}", ai); } else { bind.Hanger.Hanger_ID = bind.Hanger.HangerLocation.Substring(0, 3) + "101"; } ObjectResult <string> ob2 = a.sp_Manager(bind.Manager.SocialSecurityNo); List <string> L1 = ob2.ToList(); if (L1.Count != 0) { int pi = int.Parse(L1[0].Substring(4)) + 1; bind.Manager.ManagerId = bind.Manager.SocialSecurityNo.Substring(bind.Manager.SocialSecurityNo.Length - 4, 4) + string.Format("{0:00}", pi); bind.Hanger.ManagerId = bind.Manager.ManagerId; } else { bind.Manager.ManagerId = bind.Manager.SocialSecurityNo.Substring(bind.Manager.SocialSecurityNo.Length - 4, 4) + "31"; bind.Hanger.ManagerId = bind.Manager.ManagerId; } }