Esempio n. 1
        public void Home_Developer_Documentation_GetEmissionFactors()
            var client = new Client(new Uri(AmeeUrl), AmeeUserName, AmeePassword);

            // Performing Drilldowns

            const string path = "transport/defra/fuel";

            // get choices for transport/defra/fuel
            DrillDownResponse r = client.GetDrillDown(path);

            // drill down to petrol
            var choice = r.Choices.Choices.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "petrol");

            var selectionName = r.Choices.Name;
            var selection = new ValueItem(selectionName, choice.Name);

            // get the uid for petrol
            r = client.GetDrillDown(path, selection);

            // this is the end of this drilldown hierarchy. if more levels existed we would repeat previous step
            // but in this case, the choices will be 'uid' with a single value that we use to get a data item
            Assert.AreEqual("uid", r.Choices.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Choices.Choices.Count);

            choice = r.Choices.Choices[0];

            // Fetching Data Items

            // use the uid to fetch the data item
            // (appears that the choice 'name' is the value to use and, when present, 'value' echoes 'name')

            DataItemResponse item = client.GetDataItem(path, choice.Name);

            // go ahead and hover item and explore. have yet to determine different response formats for different paths but DataItemResponse
            // seems to cover this path

            // Do Calculation
            //            var profile = client.CreateProfile();
            //            var calc = client.Calculate(profile.Profile.Uid, path, new ValueItem("dataItemUid", item.DataItem.Uid), new ValueItem("volume", "500"), new ValueItem("representation", "full"));
            //            Assert.AreEqual("1155.8500000000001", calc.totalAmount.Value);
            //            var defaultAmount = calc.profileItems[0].Amounts.Amount.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Default);
            //            Assert.IsNotNull(defaultAmount);
            // rounding error between total and defaultAmount
            // Expected string length 18 but was 7. Strings differ at index 7.
            //  Expected: "1155.8500000000001"
            //  But was:  "1155.85"
            // Assert.AreEqual(calc.totalAmount.Value, defaultAmount.Value);
            //            var relatedAmount = calc.profileItems[0].Amounts.Amount.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Type == "lifeCycleCO2e");
            //            Assert.IsNotNull(relatedAmount);
            //            Assert.AreEqual("1361.35", relatedAmount.Value);