public SettingsPage2(Form parent) { this.parent = parent; InitializeComponent(); btnAutoAlarm = new ALSButton(); alarm = new ALSAlarm(); goBack = new ALSButton(); int btnWidth = (Width - MainMenu.GAP * 8) / 7; btnAutoAlarm.Text = CVInterface.GetAutoAlarm() ? "Disable\nauto-alarm" : "Enable\nauto-alarm"; btnAutoAlarm.Size = new Size(btnWidth, btnWidth); btnToggleDecay = new ALSButton(); btnToggleDecay.Text = isDecay ? "Prevent\nDecay" : "Allow\nDecay"; btnToggleDecay.Size = new Size(btnWidth, btnWidth); btnToggleDecay.Click += btnDecay_Click; Controls.Add(btnToggleDecay); Controls.Add(btnAutoAlarm); Controls.Add(goBack); Controls.Add(alarm); goBack.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.GoBack_Click); goBack.Text = "Go Back"; Resize += this.Resize_SettingsScreen; btnAutoAlarm.Click += this.btAutoAlarm_Click; }
public About() { InitializeComponent(); btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); btnBack = new ALSButton(); lblObjective = new Label(); btnBack.Text = "Back"; lblObjective.Text = "This application is an Oklahoma Christian University systems " + "design project. Team eyePad's members consist of " + "Allison Chilton, Daniel Griffin, and Drew Harris. The team mentor " + "is Professor Steve Maher, and the customer is Ash Srinivas.\n\n" + "Team eyePad’s goal is to create a series of products that increase " + "the quality of life of people that have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis " + "the designing an assistive interface via an application suite that " + "the increase the ability to communicate and function independently.\n\n" + "This application is dedicated to " + "Dr. Weyton Tam."; btnBack.Click += BtnBack_Click; lblObjective.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; lblObjective.ForeColor = Color.AntiqueWhite; Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(btnBack); Controls.Add(lblObjective); btnAlarm.Location = new Point(MainMenu.GAP, MainMenu.GAP); }
private void EditNote(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton btn = (ALSButton)sender; notepage.Visible = true; this.Visible = false; //Load Text if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(btn.Name)) { int index = getNum(btn.Name) + pageNum * NUM_NOTES; if (index >= 0 && index < phrases.Count) { notepage.setText(phrases[index]); indexBeingEdited = index; phrases.RemoveAt(index); if ((pageNum + 1) * NUM_NOTES > phrases.Count + 1) { topRowButtons[3].Enabled = false; } } else { NewNote_Click(sender, e); } } //Set Cursor at end notepage.setCursorAtEnd(); }
public void Predictionkey_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton key = ((ALSButton)sender); if (key.Text.Length == 0) { return; } string text = _textBox.Text.Substring(0, _textBox.SelectionStart); var match = Regex.Match(text, @"\S+\s*$"); string newWord; int charactersAfterCaret = _textBox.TextLength - _textBox.SelectionStart; if (match.Value.Contains(" ")) { if (needsCapitalization()) { newWord = key.Text.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + key.Text.Substring(1); } else { newWord = key.Text; } _textBox.Text = _textBox.Text.Substring(0, _textBox.SelectionStart) + newWord + " " + _textBox.Text.Substring(_textBox.SelectionStart); } else { //Remove typed characters int numCharactersToRemove = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { if (text.ToLower()[i].Equals(key.Text.ToLower()[i])) { numCharactersToRemove++; } else { break; } } _textBox.Text = _textBox.Text.Substring(0, _textBox.SelectionStart - numCharactersToRemove) + _textBox.Text.Substring(_textBox.SelectionStart); if (needsCapitalization()) { newWord = key.Text.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + key.Text.Substring(1); } else { newWord = key.Text; } _textBox.Text = text.Substring(0, match.Index) + newWord + " " + _textBox.Text.Substring(_textBox.SelectionStart); } _textBox.SelectionStart = _textBox.TextLength - charactersAfterCaret + 1; ResetPrediction(); Populate_Predictkeys(); }
private void NavigateKeyboard(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton button = (ALSButton)sender; switch (button.Text) { case "abc": keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase; break; case "ABC": keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase; break; case "123": keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters; break; } int temp = (int)keyboardType; for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.GetLength(1); i++) { keyboard[(int)keyboardType, i].BringToFront(); } }
public void FillPredictKeys(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton btn = ((ALSButton)sender); String[] predictions; try { predictions = presage.getPredictions(btn.Text); }catch { predictions = new String[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < predictionKeys.GetLength(0); i++) { try { predictionKeys[i].Text = predictions[i]; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { predictionKeys[i].Text = ""; } } }
public void ApplySettings() { updateSldrDwellTime(); updateSldrKeyboard(); updateVoiceSpeed(); BroadcastKeyboard(); ALSButton.setDecay(isDecay); }
private void InitializeControls() { btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); btnSwitchAccount = new ALSButton(); btnCompose = new ALSButton(); btnRefresh = new ALSButton(); btnDelete = new ALSButton(); btnMainMenu = new ALSButton(); btnMoveUp = new ALSButton(); btnMoveDown = new ALSButton(); btnSelect = new ALSButton(); lbEmails = new ListBox(); btnSwitchAccount.Text = "Switch\nAccount"; btnCompose.Text = "Compose"; btnRefresh.Text = "Refresh"; btnDelete.Text = "Delete"; btnMainMenu.Text = "Main\nMenu"; btnMoveUp.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.UpArrow; btnMoveUp.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; btnMoveDown.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.DownArrow; btnMoveDown.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; btnSelect.Text = "Select"; lbEmails.Font = new Font(lbEmails.Font.FontFamily, 20); btnSwitchAccount.Click += BtnSwitchAccount_Click; btnCompose.Click += BtnCompose_Click; btnRefresh.Click += BtnRefresh_Click; btnDelete.Click += BtnDelete_Click; btnMainMenu.Click += BtnMainMenu_Click; btnMoveUp.Click += BtnMoveUp_Click; btnMoveDown.Click += BtnMoveDown_Click; btnSelect.Click += BtnSelect_Click; Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(btnSwitchAccount); Controls.Add(btnCompose); Controls.Add(btnRefresh); Controls.Add(btnDelete); Controls.Add(btnMainMenu); Controls.Add(btnMoveUp); Controls.Add(btnMoveDown); Controls.Add(btnSelect); Controls.Add(lbEmails); lbEmails.Focus(); lbEmails.SelectedIndexChanged += LbEmails_SelectedIndexChanged; }
private void deleteItem(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton btn = (ALSButton)sender; int num = getNum(btn.Name) + pageNum * NUM_CALLOUTS; try { phrases.RemoveAt(num); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } refreshCalloutList(); }
public LockScreen() { InitializeComponent(); _lock = new ALSButton(); alarm = new ALSAlarm(); Controls.Add(_lock); Controls.Add(alarm); _lock.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Lock_Click); _lock.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Unlock; _lock.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Zoom; Resize += this.Resize_LockScreen; }
private void InitializeControls(bool isQwerty) { btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); txtTo = new ALSTextbox(); txtSubject = new ALSTextbox(); txtBody = new ALSTextbox(); btnCancel = new ALSButton(); btnSend = new ALSButton(); if (isQwerty) { keyboard = new LargeButtonKeyboard(); } else { keyboard = new QwertyKeyboard(); } txtTo.Multiline = true; txtSubject.Multiline = true; btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnSend.Text = "Send"; txtTo.Text = "To:"; txtSubject.Text = "Subject:"; txtBody.Text = "Body:"; Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(txtTo); Controls.Add(txtSubject); Controls.Add(txtBody); Controls.Add(btnCancel); Controls.Add(btnSend); Controls.Add(keyboard); btnCancel.Click += BtnCancel_Click; btnSend.Click += BtnSend_Click; txtTo.Click += TxtTo_Click; txtSubject.Click += TxtSubject_Click; txtBody.Click += TxtBody_Click; txtTo.Font = new Font(txtTo.Font.FontFamily, 20); txtSubject.Font = new Font(txtSubject.Font.FontFamily, 20); txtBody.Font = new Font(txtBody.Font.FontFamily, 20); keyboard.HideTextBox(); txtBody.Multiline = true; }
protected void TypeCharacter(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(sender is ALSButton)) { return; } ALSButton button = (ALSButton)sender; switch (button.Text) { case "Space": Insert(" "); break; case "&&": Insert("&"); break; case ".": case "!": case "?": case ",": string text = _textBox.Text.Substring(0, _textBox.SelectionStart); var match = Regex.Match(text, @"\s*$"); _textBox.SelectionStart -= match.Length; Insert(button.Text); ResetPrediction(); break; default: if (needsCapitalization()) { Insert(button.Text.ToUpper()); } else { Insert(button.Text); } break; } var isPunctuation = Regex.Match(button.Text, @"[\p{P}^+=|]"); if (!isPunctuation.Success && button.Text.Length > 0) { this.Populate_Predictkeys(); } }
private void moveItemUp(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ALSButton btn = (ALSButton)sender; int num = getNum(btn.Name); num = pageNum * NUM_CALLOUTS + num; string temp = phrases[num - 1]; phrases[num - 1] = phrases[num]; phrases[num] = temp; refreshCalloutList(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } }
private void deleteItem(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton btn = (ALSButton)sender; int num = getNum(btn.Name); try { phrases.RemoveAt(num + NUM_NOTES * pageNum); if ((pageNum + 1) * NUM_NOTES > phrases.Count + 1) { topRowButtons[3].Enabled = false; } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } refreshNotes(); }
private void InitializeControls() { btnReply = new ALSButton(); btnReplyAll = new ALSButton(); btnForward = new ALSButton(); btnReply.Text = "Reply"; btnReplyAll.Text = "Reply\nAll"; btnForward.Text = "Forward"; btnReply.Click += BtnReply_Click; btnReplyAll.Click += BtnReplyAll_Click; btnForward.Click += BtnForward_Click; Controls.Add(btnReply); Controls.Add(btnReplyAll); Controls.Add(btnForward); }
private void InitializeControls(bool isQwerty) { btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); btnLogout = new ALSButton(); btnCancel = new ALSButton(); btnLogin = new ALSButton(); txtLoginBox = new ALSTextbox(); txtPassword = new ALSTextbox(); if (isQwerty) { keyboard = new LargeButtonKeyboard(); } else { keyboard = new QwertyKeyboard(); } txtLoginBox.Multiline = true; txtPassword.Multiline = true; btnLogout.Text = "Log\nOut"; btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnLogin.Text = "Log\nIn"; Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(btnLogout); Controls.Add(btnCancel); Controls.Add(btnLogin); Controls.Add(txtLoginBox); Controls.Add(txtPassword); Controls.Add(keyboard); btnLogout.Click += BtnLogout_Click; btnCancel.Click += BtnCancel_Click; btnLogin.Click += BtnLogin_Click; txtLoginBox.Font = new Font(txtLoginBox.Font.FontFamily, 20); txtPassword.Font = new Font(txtPassword.Font.FontFamily, 20); keyboard.HideTextBox(); txtLoginBox.Focus(); }
private void InitializeControls() { btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); btnRespond = new ALSButton(); btnPageUp = new ALSButton(); btnUp = new ALSButton(); btnDown = new ALSButton(); btnPageDown = new ALSButton(); btnBack = new ALSButton(); tbEmail = new TextBox(); panel = new Panel(); btnRespond.Text = "Respond"; btnPageUp.Text = "Page\nup"; btnUp.Text = "Scroll\nUp"; btnDown.Text = "Scroll\nDown"; btnPageDown.Text = "Page\nDown"; btnBack.Text = "Back"; btnRespond.Click += BtnRespond_Click; btnPageUp.Click += BtnPageUp_Click; btnUp.Click += BtnUp_Click; btnDown.Click += BtnDown_Click; btnPageDown.Click += BtnPageDown_Click; btnBack.Click += BtnBack_Click; panel.Controls.Add(tbEmail); Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(btnRespond); Controls.Add(btnPageUp); Controls.Add(btnUp); Controls.Add(btnDown); Controls.Add(btnPageDown); Controls.Add(btnBack); Controls.Add(panel); tbEmail.Multiline = true; tbEmail.ReadOnly = true; panel.AutoScroll = true; tbEmail.Size = new Size(100, 700); }
private void ALSButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { startTime = DateTime.Now.ToFileTime(); //prevents rapid clicks if (!clicked) { clicked = true; heightCounter = 0; if (sender != null && sender is ALSButton && ClearClick != null) { ALSButton button = (ALSButton)sender; if (button.Text.Equals("Clear")) { ClearClick(this, e); } } //reset dwellTimer.Stop(); decayTimer.Stop(); } }
protected void initialSetup() { try { presage = new PresagePredictor(); }catch (Exception e) { ALS_App.LogCrash(e); } _textBox = new TextBox(); _textBox.Font = new Font(_textBox.Font.FontFamily, 24); _textBox.Multiline = true; Controls.Add(_textBox); frmClearTextConfirmation = new ClearTextConfirmation(); frmClearTextConfirmation.ClearText_Click += FrmClearTextConfirmation_ClearText_Click; predictionKeys = new ALSButton[5]; predictionWords = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < predictionKeys.Length; i++) { predictionKeys[i] = new ALSButton(); this.Controls.Add(predictionKeys[i]); predictionKeys[i].btnType = ALSButton.ButtonType.key; predictionKeys[i].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Predictionkey_Click); } this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.Keyboard_Resize); }
public Slider(string title, double value) { InitializeComponent(); initSlider(1, 0, 10); if (value >= minAmount && value <= maxAmount) { this.value = value; } this.title = new Label(); this.title.Text = title; this.title.Font = this.Font; this.title.ForeColor = Color.AntiqueWhite; Controls.Add(this.title); btnLeft = new ALSButton(); btnLeft.Text = "Slower"; btnLeft.Click += BtnLeft_Click1; Controls.Add(btnLeft); btnRight = new ALSButton(); btnRight.Text = "Faster"; btnRight.Click += BtnRight_Click1; Controls.Add(btnRight); }
private void setToRightOf(ALSButton btnRight, ALSButton btnLeft) { btnRight.Location = new Point(btnLeft.Right + MainMenu.GAP, btnLeft.Top); }
public SettingsPage1() { InitializeComponent(); dwellTime = -1; keyboardDwellTime = -1; voiceSpeed = -1; try { XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument(); FileStream fs = new FileStream("settings.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); doc.Load(fs); XmlNode xmlnode = doc.FirstChild; xmlnode = xmlnode.NextSibling; isQwerty = xmlnode["keyboard"].InnerText.Equals("Qwerty"); CVInterface.SetAutoAlarm(xmlnode["autoalarm"].InnerText.Equals("AAEnabled")); isDecay = xmlnode["decay"].InnerText.Equals("Decay"); dwellTime = Convert.ToInt32(xmlnode["dwellTime"].InnerText); keyboardDwellTime = Convert.ToInt32(xmlnode["keyboardDwellTime"].InnerText); voiceSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(xmlnode["voiceSpeed"].InnerText); } catch (Exception) { } nextPage = new SettingsPage2(this); btnAlarm.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; btnAlarm.setFontSize(); btnBack.setFontSize(); btnResetCallouts.setFontSize(); btnLock = new ALSButton(); btnLock.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Lock; btnLock.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; btnLock.Click += _lock_Click; btnLock.Size = btnBack.Size; Controls.Add(btnLock); btnToggleKeyboard = new ALSButton(); btnToggleKeyboard.Text = isQwerty ? "Large\nButton\nKeyboard" : "Qwerty\nKeyboard"; btnToggleKeyboard.Size = btnBack.Size; btnToggleKeyboard.Click += ChangeKeyboard_Click; Controls.Add(btnToggleKeyboard); btnNext = new ALSButton(); btnNext.Text = "More\nSettings"; btnNext.Size = btnBack.Size; btnNext.Click += btnNext_Click; Controls.Add(btnNext); btnAbout = new ALSButton(); btnAbout.Text = "About"; btnAbout.Size = btnBack.Size; btnAbout.Click += BtnAbout_Click; Controls.Add(btnAbout); if (voiceSpeed != -1) { sldrDwellTime = new Slider("Dwell Time", dwellTime); sldrKeyboard = new Slider("Keyboard Dwell Time", keyboardDwellTime); sldrVoiceSpeed = new Slider("Voice Speed", voiceSpeed); } else { sldrDwellTime = new Slider("Dwell Time"); sldrKeyboard = new Slider("Keyboard Dwell Time"); sldrVoiceSpeed = new Slider("Voice Speed"); } Controls.Add(sldrDwellTime); Controls.Add(sldrKeyboard); Controls.Add(sldrVoiceSpeed); sldrDwellTime.BtnRight_Click += SldrDwellTime_Btn_Click; sldrDwellTime.BtnLeft_Click += SldrDwellTime_Btn_Click; sldrKeyboard.BtnLeft_Click += SldrKeyboard_Btn_Click; sldrKeyboard.BtnRight_Click += SldrKeyboard_Btn_Click; sldrVoiceSpeed.BtnRight_Click += SldrVoiceSpeed_Btn_Click; sldrVoiceSpeed.BtnLeft_Click += SldrVoiceSpeed_Btn_Click; frmAboutPage = new About(); frmAboutPage.VisibleChanged += FrmAboutPage_VisibleChanged; dwellTime = sldrDwellTime.value; keyboardDwellTime = sldrDwellTime.value; voiceSpeed = sldrVoiceSpeed.value; }
private void updateSldrKeyboard() { ALSButton.setTimerSpeed(sldrKeyboard.value, ALSButton.ButtonType.key); }
private void updateSldrDwellTime() { ALSButton.setTimerSpeed(sldrDwellTime.value, ALSButton.ButtonType.normal); }
private void placeRightOf(ALSButton right, ALSButton left) { right.Location = new Point(left.Right + MainMenu.GAP, left.Top); }
ALSButton[] topRowButtons; //[Alarm, Add, Edit, PageLeft, PageRight, Back] #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Notebook(bool isQwerty) { InitializeComponent(); notepage = new Notepage(isQwerty); indexBeingEdited = -1; //setup note list phrases = new List<String>(); populateList(); //this.Parent = parent; topRowButtons = new ALSButton[6]; topRowButtons[0] = new ALSAlarm(); for (int i = 1; i < topRowButtons.Length; i++) topRowButtons[i] = new ALSButton(); topRowButtons[1].Text = "Delete"; topRowButtons[2].Text = "Page\nLeft"; topRowButtons[3].Text = "Page\nRight"; topRowButtons[4].Text = "New\nNote"; topRowButtons[5].Text = "Main\nMenu"; topRowButtons[1].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.edit_Click); topRowButtons[2].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pageLeft); topRowButtons[3].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pageRight); topRowButtons[4].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.NewNote_Click); topRowButtons[5].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnMainMenu_Click); notepage.getBackBtn().Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Notebook_Show); //notepage.getSaveButton().Click += new EventHandler(this.addToList); // there is no save button... notepage.Back_Click += Notepage_Back_Click; topRowButtons[2].Enabled = false; if (NUM_NOTES > phrases.Count) topRowButtons[3].Enabled = false; foreach (ALSButton btn in topRowButtons) { Controls.Add(btn); btn.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 40F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } notes = new ALSButton[2, NUM_NOTES]; for (int i = 0; i < notes.GetLength(0); i++) for (int j = 0; j < notes.GetLength(1); j++) { notes[i, j] = new ALSButton(); Controls.Add(notes[i, j]); } for (int i = 0; i < notes.GetLength(1); i++) { notes[0, i].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 40F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); notes[0, i].Click += new EventHandler(this.EditNote); notes[0, i].Name = "btnNotepage" + i; } for (int i = 1; i < notes.GetLength(0); i++) for (int j = 0; j < notes.GetLength(1); j++) { switch (i) { case 1: notes[i, j].BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.trashcan; notes[i, j].Name = "btnDel" + j; notes[i, j].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.deleteItem); break; } notes[i, j].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; notes[i, j].Visible = false; } flipToPage(0); }
public Notebook(bool isQwerty) { InitializeComponent(); notepage = new Notepage(isQwerty); indexBeingEdited = -1; //setup note list phrases = new List <String>(); populateList(); //this.Parent = parent; topRowButtons = new ALSButton[6]; topRowButtons[0] = new ALSAlarm(); for (int i = 1; i < topRowButtons.Length; i++) { topRowButtons[i] = new ALSButton(); } topRowButtons[1].Text = "Delete"; topRowButtons[2].Text = "Page\nLeft"; topRowButtons[3].Text = "Page\nRight"; topRowButtons[4].Text = "New\nNote"; topRowButtons[5].Text = "Main\nMenu"; topRowButtons[1].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.edit_Click); topRowButtons[2].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pageLeft); topRowButtons[3].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pageRight); topRowButtons[4].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.NewNote_Click); topRowButtons[5].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnMainMenu_Click); notepage.getBackBtn().Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Notebook_Show); //notepage.getSaveButton().Click += new EventHandler(this.addToList); // there is no save button... notepage.Back_Click += Notepage_Back_Click; topRowButtons[2].Enabled = false; if (NUM_NOTES > phrases.Count) { topRowButtons[3].Enabled = false; } foreach (ALSButton btn in topRowButtons) { Controls.Add(btn); btn.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 40F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } notes = new ALSButton[2, NUM_NOTES]; for (int i = 0; i < notes.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < notes.GetLength(1); j++) { notes[i, j] = new ALSButton(); Controls.Add(notes[i, j]); } } for (int i = 0; i < notes.GetLength(1); i++) { notes[0, i].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 40F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); notes[0, i].Click += new EventHandler(this.EditNote); notes[0, i].Name = "btnNotepage" + i; } for (int i = 1; i < notes.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < notes.GetLength(1); j++) { switch (i) { case 1: notes[i, j].BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.trashcan; notes[i, j].Name = "btnDel" + j; notes[i, j].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.deleteItem); break; } notes[i, j].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; notes[i, j].Visible = false; } } flipToPage(0); }
public Callout(bool isQwerty) { InitializeComponent(); ac = new AddCallout(isQwerty); ac.Callouts_Click += Ac_Callouts_Click; //setup callout list phrases = new List <String>(); populateList(); //this.Parent = parent; topRowButtons = new ALSButton[6]; topRowButtons[0] = new ALSAlarm(); for (int i = 1; i < topRowButtons.Length; i++) { topRowButtons[i] = new ALSButton(); } topRowButtons[1].Text = "Edit"; topRowButtons[2].Text = "Page\nLeft"; topRowButtons[3].Text = "Page\nRight"; topRowButtons[4].Text = "Text to\nSpeech"; topRowButtons[5].Text = "Main\nMenu"; topRowButtons[1].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.edit_Click); topRowButtons[2].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pageLeft); topRowButtons[3].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pageRight); topRowButtons[4].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnTextToSpeech_Click); topRowButtons[5].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnMainMenu_Click); ac.getSaveButton().Click += new EventHandler(this.addToList); foreach (ALSButton btn in topRowButtons) { Controls.Add(btn); btn.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 40F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } callouts = new ALSButton[4, NUM_CALLOUTS]; for (int i = 0; i < callouts.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < callouts.GetLength(1); j++) { callouts[i, j] = new ALSButton(); Controls.Add(callouts[i, j]); } } for (int i = 0; i < callouts.GetLength(1); i++) { callouts[0, i].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 40F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); callouts[0, i].Click += new EventHandler(this.speakCallout); } for (int i = 1; i < callouts.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < callouts.GetLength(1); j++) { switch (i) { case 1: callouts[i, j].BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.trashcan; callouts[i, j].Name = "btnDel" + j; callouts[i, j].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.deleteItem); break; case 2: callouts[i, j].Text = "Up"; callouts[i, j].Name = "btnUp" + j; callouts[i, j].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.moveItemUp); break; case 3: callouts[i, j].Text = "Down"; callouts[i, j].Name = "btnDown" + j; callouts[i, j].Click += new EventHandler(this.moveItemDown); break; } callouts[i, j].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; callouts[i, j].Visible = false; } } refreshCalloutList(); }
protected void initialSetup() { try { presage = new PresagePredictor(); }catch(Exception e) { ALS_App.LogCrash(e); } _textBox = new TextBox(); _textBox.Font = new Font(_textBox.Font.FontFamily, 24); _textBox.Multiline = true; Controls.Add(_textBox); frmClearTextConfirmation = new ClearTextConfirmation(); frmClearTextConfirmation.ClearText_Click += FrmClearTextConfirmation_ClearText_Click; predictionKeys = new ALSButton[5]; predictionWords = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < predictionKeys.Length; i++) { predictionKeys[i] = new ALSButton(); this.Controls.Add(predictionKeys[i]); predictionKeys[i].btnType = ALSButton.ButtonType.key; predictionKeys[i].Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Predictionkey_Click); } this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.Keyboard_Resize); }
private void speakCallout(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton btn = (ALSButton)sender; MainMenu.Speak(btn.Text); }
private void InitializeControls(bool isQwerty) { btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); btnLogout = new ALSButton(); btnCancel = new ALSButton(); btnLogin = new ALSButton(); txtLoginBox = new ALSTextbox(); txtPassword = new ALSTextbox(); if (isQwerty) keyboard = new LargeButtonKeyboard(); else keyboard = new QwertyKeyboard(); txtLoginBox.Multiline = true; txtPassword.Multiline = true; btnLogout.Text = "Log\nOut"; btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnLogin.Text = "Log\nIn"; Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(btnLogout); Controls.Add(btnCancel); Controls.Add(btnLogin); Controls.Add(txtLoginBox); Controls.Add(txtPassword); Controls.Add(keyboard); btnLogout.Click += BtnLogout_Click; btnCancel.Click += BtnCancel_Click; btnLogin.Click += BtnLogin_Click; txtLoginBox.Font = new Font(txtLoginBox.Font.FontFamily, 20); txtPassword.Font = new Font(txtPassword.Font.FontFamily, 20); keyboard.HideTextBox(); txtLoginBox.Focus(); }
private void btnDecay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton.toggleDecay(); isDecay = !isDecay; ((ALSButton)sender).Text = isDecay ? "Prevent\nDecay" : "Allow\nDecay"; }
private void InitializeControls(bool isQwerty) { btnAlarm = new ALSAlarm(); txtTo = new ALSTextbox(); txtSubject = new ALSTextbox(); txtBody = new ALSTextbox(); btnCancel = new ALSButton(); btnSend = new ALSButton(); if (isQwerty) keyboard = new LargeButtonKeyboard(); else keyboard = new QwertyKeyboard(); txtTo.Multiline = true; txtSubject.Multiline = true; btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnSend.Text = "Send"; txtTo.Text = "To:"; txtSubject.Text = "Subject:"; txtBody.Text = "Body:"; Controls.Add(btnAlarm); Controls.Add(txtTo); Controls.Add(txtSubject); Controls.Add(txtBody); Controls.Add(btnCancel); Controls.Add(btnSend); Controls.Add(keyboard); btnCancel.Click += BtnCancel_Click; btnSend.Click += BtnSend_Click; txtTo.Click += TxtTo_Click; txtSubject.Click += TxtSubject_Click; txtBody.Click += TxtBody_Click; txtTo.Font = new Font(txtTo.Font.FontFamily, 20); txtSubject.Font = new Font(txtSubject.Font.FontFamily, 20); txtBody.Font = new Font(txtBody.Font.FontFamily, 20); keyboard.HideTextBox(); txtBody.Multiline = true; }
private void NavigateKeyboard(object sender, EventArgs e) { ALSButton button = (ALSButton)sender; switch (button.Text) { case "abc": keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase; break; case "ABC": keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase; break; case "123": keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters; break; case lLetters1: keyboardType = KeyboardType.aTOi; break; case lLetters2: keyboardType = KeyboardType.jTOr; break; case lLetters3: keyboardType = KeyboardType.sTOz; break; case uLetters1: keyboardType = KeyboardType.ATOI; break; case uLetters2: keyboardType = KeyboardType.JTOR; break; case uLetters3: keyboardType = KeyboardType.STOZ; break; case "1-9": keyboardType = KeyboardType._1TO9; break; case symbols1: keyboardType = KeyboardType.Punctuation; break; case symbols2: keyboardType = KeyboardType.Symbols; break; case symbols3: keyboardType = KeyboardType.Symbols2; break; case "Back": switch (keyboardType) { case KeyboardType.aTOi: case KeyboardType.jTOr: case KeyboardType.sTOz: keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase; break; case KeyboardType.ATOI: case KeyboardType.JTOR: case KeyboardType.STOZ: keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase; break; case KeyboardType._1TO9: case KeyboardType.Punctuation: case KeyboardType.Symbols: case KeyboardType.Symbols2: keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters; break; } break; default: if (button.Text.Length > 0) { if (button.Text[0] >= 'a' && button.Text[0] <= 'z') { keyboardType = KeyboardType.Lowercase; } else if (button.Text[0] >= 'A' && button.Text[0] <= 'Z') { keyboardType = KeyboardType.Uppercase; } else { keyboardType = KeyboardType.Characters; } } break; } int temp = (int)keyboardType; for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.GetLength(1); i++) { keyboard[(int)keyboardType, i].BringToFront(); } }