public Parser() { this._automation = new Automaton(); this._test = new Test(); }
private void btn_open_file_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //ez_katka Parser parser = new Parser(); if (parser.openFile()) { automaton_from_file = parser.getAutomation(); //enabling the buttons if (automaton_from_file != null) { btn_transform_from_dfa.Enabled = true; button1.Enabled = true; btn_test_word.Enabled = true; } Test test = parser.getTest(); label_is_dfa.Text = automaton_from_file.isDfa() ? "yes" : "no"; //generating the files string file_name = ""; automaton_from_file.generateAutomatonGraphVizDiagram(file_name); automaton_from_file.generateAutomatonText("automaton.txt"); //test vectors from file list_test_vectors_from_file.Items.Clear(); foreach (Word word in test.words) { list_test_vectors_from_file.Items.Add(word.toString()); } // is dfa from file list_test_vectors_from_file.Items.Add("is dfa:" + test.dfa); //tests from program list_test_vectors_from_program.Items.Clear(); foreach (Word word in test.words) { bool valid_word = automaton_from_file.validateWord(word.word, automaton_from_file.states[0]); if (automaton_from_file.is_pda) { string stack = automaton_from_file.stack; if (stack.Equals("")) { stack = "_"; } valid_word = automaton_from_file.validatePushDownWord(word.word, stack, automaton_from_file.states[0]); } string test_string = "word: " + word.word + ", is accepted: " + valid_word; list_test_vectors_from_program.Items.Add(test_string); } list_test_vectors_from_program.Items.Add("is dfa:" + automaton_from_file.isDfa()); //graphviz // into a dot-format file string new_file_name = file_name.Substring(0, file_name.Length - 4) + ".jpg"; //string locaiton = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); //creating and opening the image Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = ".\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = " -Tjpg " + file_name + " -o " + new_file_name; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; process.Exited += (sender1, e1) => openFile(sender1, e1, new_file_name); process.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }