Esempio n. 1
        //so when the user presses the NEXT button
        protected void NextQuestionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //We need to know the current question so we handle the next question later
            int currentQuestion = GetCurrentQuestionNumber();

            //make sure connection is open
            SqlConnection connection = ConnectToSqlDB();

            //Use to check for follow up questions by checking selected answers against DB to see if there are follow up questions
            List <Int32> followUpQuestions = new List <int>();

            //Find out what the next question should be:
            //get current question from DB, there is a column on this table with a foreign key to the next question
            SqlCommand    command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Question] WHERE [QID] = " + currentQuestion, connection);
            SqlDataReader reader  = command.ExecuteReader();

            //Lets try to find check box question control in web page
            CheckBoxQuestionControl checkBoxQuestion = (CheckBoxQuestionControl)questionPlaceHolder.FindControl("checkBoxQuestion");

            if (checkBoxQuestion != null)
                //Make sure that the list is populated
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"] != null)
                    followUpQuestions = (List <Int32>)HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"];

                //then its a check box question, lets process answers

                //empty list of shown answers in bullet list

                //Skip question handling
                bool isEmpty = true;

                //for each selected item, add to bullet list
                foreach (ListItem item in checkBoxQuestion.QuestionCheckBoxList.Items)
                    if (item.Selected)
                        //skipped question handling
                        isEmpty = false;

                        //it will be used to check against DADABase using its text value

                        string optionText = item.Text.ToString();
                        //Check what has been checked by user, using text value from selectedAnswerBulletedList
                        SqlCommand    nqCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT NQ FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Option] WHERE [Text] = '" + optionText + "'", connection);
                        SqlDataReader nqReader  = nqCommand.ExecuteReader();

                        //we will use this index to check if column is null
                        int NQColumnIndex = nqReader.GetOrdinal("NQ");

                        //we will use this variable to go store the next Question and compare it to the database even if we have a follow Up question
                        int nextQuestion;

                        if (nqReader.HasRows)
                            while (nqReader.Read())
                                if (nqReader.IsDBNull(NQColumnIndex))
                                    //do nothing
                                    nextQuestion = 0;
                                    //int nextQuestionColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("NextQuestion");
                                    //if NQ column is not null so we have a follow up question, store it to follow up question list and session so we can access it later
                                    nextQuestion = (int)nqReader["NQ"];

                                    //make sure it will work
                                    if (nextQuestion != 0)
                                        if (!followUpQuestions.Contains(nextQuestion))

                        //store the follow up questions list in session
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"] = followUpQuestions;

                        //Command to insert the data into the session so we can store data into the data base when Survey has ended
                        SqlCommand    idComand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Option] WHERE QID = " + currentQuestion, connection);
                        SqlDataReader idReader = idComand.ExecuteReader();
                        if (idReader.Read())
                            //add answer to session
                            Answer a = new Answer();
                            a.content    = optionText;
                            a.optionId   = Int32.Parse(idReader["OID"].ToString());
                            a.questionId = currentQuestion;

                            List <Answer> answers = getListOfAnswersFromSession();
                            HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = answers;

                //skip question handler
                if (isEmpty)
                    //nothing selected
                    //empty list of shown answers in bullet list
                    //clear buffer
                    followUpQuestions = null;

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry! This question cannot be skipped.");

                    //redirect to same question and display error message
            //Lets try textbox question
            TextboxQuestionControl textBoxQuestion = (TextboxQuestionControl)questionPlaceHolder.FindControl("textboxQuestionControl");

            if (textBoxQuestion != null)
                string textBoxAnswer = textBoxQuestion.QuestionTextBox.Text;

                //question not answered
                if (textBoxAnswer == "")
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry! This question cannot be skipped.");
                    //redirect to same question

                //add answer to session
                Answer a = new Answer();
                a.content    = textBoxAnswer;
                a.optionId   = 0;
                a.questionId = currentQuestion;

                List <Answer> answers = getListOfAnswersFromSession();
                HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = answers;

                //make the list empty so there is no followup question
                HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"] = null;

            //TODO check for radio and drop down controls
            RadioButtonQuestionControl radioButtonQuestion = (RadioButtonQuestionControl)questionPlaceHolder.FindControl("radioButtonQuestion");

            if (radioButtonQuestion != null)
                //  foreach (ListItem item in radioButtonQuestion.QuestionRadioButtonList.Items)
                //   {
                //   if (item.Selected)
                //      {

                    string optionText = radioButtonQuestion.QuestionRadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Text.ToString();

                    string        commandstr = "SELECT * FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Option] WHERE [Text] = '" + optionText + "'";
                    SqlCommand    idCommand  = new SqlCommand(commandstr, connection);
                    SqlDataReader idReader   = idCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (idReader.Read())
                        //add answer to session
                        Answer a = new Answer();
                        a.content    = optionText;
                        a.optionId   = Int32.Parse(idReader["OID"].ToString());
                        a.questionId = currentQuestion;

                        List <Answer> answers = getListOfAnswersFromSession();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = answers;
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry! This question cannot be skipped.");
                //question not answered

                // }

                //  }

                //make the list empty so there is no followup question
                HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"] = null;

            //if list of follow up questions exists then use it instead of the empty list
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"] != null)
                followUpQuestions = (List <Int32>)HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"];
            //loop through results. Should only be 1
            while (reader.Read())
                //first, get index of nextQuestion column
                int nextQuestionColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("NextQuestion");
                //we will use this index to check if column is null

                //if next question column in the question table is null and follow uo questions do not exist, its the end of the survey
                if (reader.IsDBNull(nextQuestionColumnIndex) && followUpQuestions.Count == 0)
                    int RID = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["RID"];
                    //end of Survey
                    List <Answer> answers = getListOfAnswersFromSession();

                    try //to store the list of objects into the DB, inserting each object as each row of the table Answer
                        foreach (Answer a in answers)
                            SqlCommand insertCommand = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Answer] (Content, RID, QID, OID) VALUES ('" + a.content + "','" + RID + "','" + a.questionId + "','" + a.optionId + "');", connection);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;

                    //emtpy my list so the survey can be taken again
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["answer"] = null;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["RID"]    = null;

                else //if it is not the end so keep going
                    if (followUpQuestions.Count > 0)
                        //set current question to first follow up question, then remove from follow up question list
                        //so it doesn't repeat for next time
                        int followUpQuestion = followUpQuestions[0];
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["questionNumber"] = followUpQuestion;


                        //store the follow up questions list in session (just in case it changed)
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["followUpQuestions"] = followUpQuestions;
                        //not end of survey
                        int nextQuestion = (int)reader["NextQuestion"];
                        //set this as the current question in the session
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["questionNumber"] = nextQuestion;

                    //redirect to same page to load up the next question as current question(aka, run pageLoad again)

            //close the connection
Esempio n. 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get list of answers from session to be able to add more on top
            List <Answer> answers = getListOfAnswersFromSession();

            //get current question ID so we know which question we are
            int currentQuestion = GetCurrentQuestionNumber();

            //Connect to External DataBAse
            SqlConnection connection = ConnectToSqlDB();

            //sql command to get current question
            //Question table has foreign key fpr Type, so join them together so we can get the options displayed
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Question], [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Type] WHERE [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Question].[TypeID] = [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Type].[TypeID] AND [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Question].[QID] = " + currentQuestion, connection);
            //run command, store results in SqlDataReader
            SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

            //loop through rows of results
            while (reader.Read())
                //get question text and type from this row of results
                string questionText = reader["Text"].ToString();                //"Text" is a column from the Question table
                int    questionType = Int32.Parse(reader["TypeID"].ToString()); //"TypeID" is a column from the Type table

                //using type, load up correct web user control
                //textbox control
                if (questionType.Equals(3))
                    //load the control up
                    TextboxQuestionControl textboxControl = (TextboxQuestionControl)LoadControl("~/TextboxQuestionControl.ascx");
                    //set its ID
                    textboxControl.ID = "textboxQuestionControl";
                    //set its question text label to the question Text
                    textboxControl.QuestionLabel.Text = questionText;

                    //add it to the placeholder on our webpage
                //using type, load up correct web user control
                //checkbox control
                else if (questionType.Equals(2))
                    CheckBoxQuestionControl checkBoxQuestion = (CheckBoxQuestionControl)LoadControl("~/CheckBoxQuestionControl.ascx");
                    checkBoxQuestion.ID = "checkBoxQuestion";
                    //set text label to question text
                    checkBoxQuestion.QuestionLabel.Text = questionText;

                    //we need to talk to the database to get allllll of the options/choices for this question to display
                    //e.g what gender? then options like male, female and other are the things we want to get from the DB
                    SqlCommand optionCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Option] WHERE QID = " + currentQuestion, connection);
                    //run command, get ready to read results
                    SqlDataReader optionReader = optionCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    //cycle through rows of options
                    while (optionReader.Read())
                        //for every row, we'll build a list item representing it
                        //                            display member(for ui),         value member(for devs to store if selected)
                        ListItem item = new ListItem(optionReader["Text"].ToString(), optionReader["OID"].ToString());
                        //add item to our checkbox list
                    //finally have all the checkbox list items populated, add our checkbox question control to the placeholder
                //using type, load up correct web user control
                //Radio Button control
                else if (questionType.Equals(1))
                    //Load Control
                    RadioButtonQuestionControl radioButtonQuestion = (RadioButtonQuestionControl)LoadControl("~/RadioButtonQuestionControl.ascx");
                    //SetUp Its ID
                    radioButtonQuestion.ID = "radioButtonQuestion";
                    //Set the question Label
                    radioButtonQuestion.QuestionLabel.Text = questionText;
                    //Set up sql command and data reader to get the text and OID assigned to each question
                    SqlCommand    optionComman = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [DB_9AB8B7_B18DDA5704].[dbo].[Option] WHERE QID = " + currentQuestion, connection);
                    SqlDataReader optionReader = optionComman.ExecuteReader();
                    while (optionReader.Read())
                        //populate radio button list
                        ListItem item = new ListItem(optionReader["Text"].ToString(), optionReader["OID"].ToString());
                    //if it cant find anything
                    Response.Write("Something went really bad");

            //close connection