Esempio n. 1
        private int GetDistance(NavNode nodeA, NavNode nodeB)
            // get the distance from one node to another
            Vector2 distance = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(nodeA.worldPosition.x - nodeB.worldPosition.x),
                                           Mathf.Abs(nodeA.worldPosition.y - nodeB.worldPosition.y));

            if (distance.x > distance.y)
                return(14 * (int)distance.y + 10 * ((int)distance.x - (int)distance.y));

            return(14 * (int)distance.x + 10 * ((int)distance.y - (int)distance.x));
Esempio n. 2
        private List <NavNode> RetracePath(NavGraph grid, NavNode startNode, NavNode endNode)
            // retrace the node path we made
            List <NavNode> path        = new List <NavNode>();
            NavNode        currentNode = endNode;

            while (currentNode != startNode)
                currentNode = currentNode.parent;
            // reverse it as it is the wrong way around
Esempio n. 3
        public List <Vector2> AStarSearch(NavGraph grid, NavNode startPos, NavNode finalPos)
            // Generate a path to the target by using the A* algorithm
            List <NavNode> nodePath  = FindPath(grid, startPos, finalPos);
            List <Vector2> finalPath = new List <Vector2>();

            // generate a list of vector2 to be used by each enemy
            if (nodePath != null)
                foreach (NavNode node in nodePath)
                    finalPath.Add(new Vector2(node.worldPosition.x, node.worldPosition.y));

        void CreateGrid()
            // Generate a new nav graph
            navGrid = new NavNode[(int)gridSizeX, (int)gridSizeY];

            // get the very bottom left of the nav graph in relation to the world position in the scene
            Vector2 worldBottomLeft = transform.position - Vector3.right * gridSize.x / 2 - Vector3.up * gridSize.y / 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < gridSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < gridSizeY; j++)
                    // for each node, get its world position in the scene
                    Vector2 worldPoint = worldBottomLeft + Vector2.right * (i * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius) + Vector2.up * (j * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius);
                    // set each node
                    navGrid[i, j] = new NavNode(true, worldPoint, new Vector2(i, j));
Esempio n. 5
        private List <NavNode> FindPath(NavGraph grid, NavNode startPos, NavNode finalPos)
            NavNode startNode = startPos;
            NavNode finalNode = finalPos;

            List <NavNode> openList   = new List <NavNode>();   // List of nodes to be checked
            List <NavNode> closedList = new List <NavNode>();   // list of nodes that have been checked

            openList.Add(startNode);                            // add our starting node

            if (openList.Count <= 0)

            while (openList.Count > 0)
                NavNode currentNode = openList[0];

                // check each node to make sure we have the one with the lowest cost
                for (int i = 0; i < openList.Count; i++)
                    if (openList[i].fCost < currentNode.fCost ||
                        openList[i].fCost == currentNode.fCost &&
                        openList[i].hCost < currentNode.hCost)
                        currentNode = openList[i];
                // add the node to the closed list and remove from open

                if (currentNode == finalNode)
                    //retrace path if we are at the final node
                    return(RetracePath(grid, startNode, finalNode));

                // check each neighbour
                foreach (NavNode neighbour in grid.GetNeighbours(currentNode))
                    if (!neighbour.walkable || closedList.Contains(neighbour))
                        //unwalkable or we already checked the node go the next

                    // get the distance to the current neighbour
                    int moveCostToNeighbour = currentNode.gCost + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbour);

                    if (moveCostToNeighbour < neighbour.gCost || !openList.Contains(neighbour))
                        // if the distance is shorter or its not in the open list
                        // set the gcost to the distance between current and neighbour nodes
                        neighbour.gCost = moveCostToNeighbour;
                        // set the hCost to the distance from neighbhour to the final node
                        neighbour.hCost = GetDistance(neighbour, finalNode);
                        // set the parent
                        neighbour.parent = currentNode;

                        // if neighbour not in open list, add it
                        if (!openList.Contains(neighbour))
            // return null if there is no open list or not path can be made
            //Debug.Log("Unable to make path to target.");
Esempio n. 6
 public NavNode(Vector2Int pseudoPosition, Vector3 realWorldPosition, Vector2Int pseudoDestination, NavNode parent = null)
     PseudoPosition    = pseudoPosition;
     RealWorldPosition = realWorldPosition;
     H      = Vector2Int.Distance(pseudoPosition, pseudoDestination);
     Parent = parent;
Esempio n. 7
        public void ResolvePath(Vector3 realWorldPosition, Vector3 realWorldTarget,
                                BaseAIController requestingController)
            var open   = new List <NavNode>();
            var closed = new List <NavNode>();

            Vector2Int?pseudoGridPosition = GetPseudoPosition(realWorldPosition);
            Vector2Int?pseudoTarget       = GetPseudoPosition(realWorldTarget);

            if (!pseudoGridPosition.HasValue)
                throw new Exception($"Controller {} requested destination to tile position {pseudoTarget} but current position of agent is {requestingController.transform.position} which is invalid!");
            if (!pseudoTarget.HasValue)
                throw new Exception($"Controller {} requested destination to real world position {realWorldTarget} but that is out of range of the grid!");

            var node = new NavNode(pseudoGridPosition.Value, realWorldPosition, pseudoTarget.Value);

            var routeFound = false;

            while (open.Count > 0)
                node = open.OrderBy(x => x.FinalScore).First();

                if (closed.Any(x => x.PseudoPosition == pseudoTarget.Value))
                    routeFound = true;

                List <Vector2Int> adjacentNodePoints = GetAdjacentNodePoints(node.PseudoPosition);

                foreach (var point in adjacentNodePoints)
                    if (closed.Any(x => x.PseudoPosition == point))
                    if (PseudoGrid[point.x, point.y].HasValue && open.All(x => x.PseudoPosition != point))
                        open.Add(new NavNode(point, PseudoGrid[point.x, point.y].Value, pseudoTarget.Value, node));
                    else if (PseudoGrid[point.x, point.y].HasValue)
                        var testNode = new NavNode(point, PseudoGrid[point.x, point.y].Value, pseudoTarget.Value, node);
                        if (testNode.FinalScore < open.First(x => x.PseudoPosition == point).FinalScore)
                            open.First(x => x.PseudoPosition == point).Parent = node;
                //yield return null;

            if (!routeFound)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Somehow, {} made a malformed request that escaped the algorithm.");

            var realWorldPositions = new List <Vector3>();

            var destinationNode = closed.First(x => x.PseudoPosition == pseudoTarget);

            ResolveParentChain(destinationNode, realWorldPositions);
            requestingController.Route = realWorldPositions;
//            Debug.Log("WORLD ROUTE:");
//            foreach (var worldPosition in realWorldPositions)
//            {
//                Debug.Log(worldPosition);
//            }