private List <CatalogCode> CardsInRange(List <CodeRange> codeRanges) { List <CatalogCode> output = new List <CatalogCode>(); foreach (CodeRange codeRange in codeRanges) { foreach (CatalogEntry child in catalog.Get(codeRange.fromCode.parent).children) { CatalogCode temp = child.codePrefix; if (child.codePrefix.CompareTo(codeRange.fromCode) >= 0 && child.codePrefix.CompareTo(codeRange.toCode) <= 0) { IsFile(temp, out string p, out bool isImage); if (isImage) { output.Add(temp); } if (codeRange.childrenAsWell) { output.AddRange(CardsOf(catalog.Get(temp))); } } } } return(output); }
public CodeRange(string range) { string[] codes = range.Split('-'); int l1 = codes[0].Length; if (l1 >= 2 && codes[0][l1 - 1] == '.') { childrenAsWell = false; codes[0] = codes[0].RemoveLast(1); } fromCode = new CatalogCode(codes[0]); if (codes.Length == 1) { toCode = fromCode; } else { toCode = new CatalogCode(childrenAsWell ? codes[1] : codes[1].RemoveLast(1)); if (!CatalogCode.SameFolder(fromCode, toCode) || fromCode.CompareTo(toCode) > 0) { throw new CatalogError("Invalid code range."); } } }
private string CardPath(CatalogCode code) { string testFolder = folder + storage + FolderFor(code); return(Directory.EnumerateFiles(testFolder) .FirstOrDefault(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p).Contains(code.ToString()))); }
private void PromptUpdateCatalogFromInput() { string[] pictures = Directory.GetFiles(folder + inputFolder); if (pictures.Length != 0) { foreach (string pic in Directory.GetFiles(folder + inputFolder)) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(TreePrint(catalog.root)); Process p = PromptOpening(pic); CatalogCode code = PromptCodeOrNewChild("Set the code for this file"); string title = PromptNewOrOldTitleToEdit(code); CreateFolderFor(code); SetFileCode(pic, code, title); catalog.Update(code, title); p?.Kill(); Save(folder + fileLoc); } } else { PC.WriteLine("No files to upload\n"); } }
private void GenerateCatalog(Dictionary <string, string> dict) { foreach (string key in dict.Keys) { CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(key); Add(code, dict[key]); } }
private string FolderFor(CatalogCode code) { if (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current)) { return(""); } return("\\" + string.Join("\\", code.CodePattern)); }
private void MoveAndSave(CatalogCode a, CatalogCode b) { if (!catalog.Contains(a)) { return; } Move(a, b); catalog.Delete(a); DeleteFolderOfCode(a); Save(folder + fileLoc); }
private void PromptOpenFolder() { PC.WriteLine("Insert the code of the folder to open:"); CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(ReadAnswer()); if (!catalog.Contains(code)) { throw new CatalogError($"{code} does not exist"); } OpenFileProcess(folder + storage + FolderFor(code)); }
public void Update(CatalogCode code, string title) { if (Contains(code)) { Set(code, title); } else { Add(code, title); } }
private void PromptAddUpdateRecord(CatalogCode from = null) { CatalogCode code = from ?? CatalogCode.current + PromptCodeOrNewChild("Insert the new code to add"); string title = PromptNewOrOldTitleToEdit(code); if (!catalog.Contains(code)) { CreateFolderFor(code); } catalog.Update(code, title); Save(folder + fileLoc); }
public CatalogEntry GetChild(int ID) { foreach (CatalogEntry ce in children) { CatalogCode c = ce.codePrefix; if (c.CodePattern[c.Depth - 1] == ID) { return(ce); } } return(null); }
private void SetFileCode(string originalFile, CatalogCode code, string title) { string name = $"{code.ToString()} {title}"; string path = folder + storage + FolderFor(code) + "\\" + name + Path.GetExtension(originalFile); string temppath = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)) .FirstOrDefault(o => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(o) == name); if (temppath != null) { File.Delete(temppath); } File.Move(originalFile, path); }
public CatalogEntry Get(CatalogCode code) { if (codePrefix.Equals(code)) { return(this); } CatalogCode rel = CatalogCode.Relative(codePrefix, code); int ID = rel.CodePattern[0]; CatalogEntry child = GetChild(ID); return(child != null?child.Get(code) : null); }
public void Delete(CatalogCode code) { if (Contains(code)) { if (code.Depth == 1) { root.children.RemoveAll(e => e.codePrefix.Equals(code)); } else { Get(code.parent).children.RemoveAll(e => e.codePrefix.Equals(code)); } } }
private void PromptDeleteFolder() { PC.FormatWriteLine("Insert the code to {-3}", "delete"); CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(ReadAnswer()); YNAnswer response = AskYNQuestion($"Are you sure you want to delete the folder {catalog.Get(code).FancifyEntry()}?"); if (response == YNAnswer.Yes) { catalog.Delete(code); DeleteFolderOfCode(code); Save(folder + fileLoc); } }
private void PromptMove() { CatalogCode from = PromptCodeOrNewChild("Please insert the original code"); CatalogCode to = PromptCodeOrNewChild("Please insert the new code"); if (!IsMoveConflict(from, to)) { MoveAndSave(from, to); } else { PC.FormatWriteLine("Unable to rename {-3} to {-3}", from, to); } }
private bool IsFile(CatalogCode code, out string path, out bool b) { path = null; b = false; string testFolder = folder + storage + FolderFor(code); if (Directory.Exists(testFolder)) { path = CardPath(code); b = imageFormats.Contains(Path.GetExtension(path)); return(path != default); } return(false); }
private void PromptViewDocument() { PC.WriteLine("Insert the code of the file to view:"); CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(ReadAnswer()); if (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current)) { throw new CatalogError("Cannot open root"); } if (!IsFile(code, out string path)) { throw new CatalogError($"{code} is not a file"); } OpenFileProcess(path); }
public CatalogCode NewChild(CatalogCode code) { CatalogEntry ce = Get(code); if (ce == null || ce.children.Count == 0) { return(new CatalogCode(code + (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current) ? "" : ".") + "0")); } int max = ce.children.Max(c => c.codePrefix.Youngest()); int addition = 0; if (max + 1 == ce.children.Count) { addition = max + 1; } else { List <CatalogEntry> children = ce.children; if (children[0].codePrefix.Youngest() != 0) { addition = 0; } else { CatalogCode prev = children[0].codePrefix; int pos = 1; while (pos < children.Count) { CatalogCode comp = children[pos].codePrefix; if (comp.Youngest() - prev.Youngest() != 1) { addition = prev.Youngest() + 1; break; } prev = comp; pos++; } } } if (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current)) { return(new CatalogCode(addition.ToString())); } return(new CatalogCode(code + $".{addition}")); }
public void Add(CatalogCode code, string s) { CatalogCode parent = code.parent; if (parent.Depth == 0) { root.Add(code, s); return; } if (!Contains(parent)) { Add(parent, ""); } Get(parent).Add(code, s); }
private void PrintCatalog() { PC.WriteLine("Insert the code you want to display (. for all):"); string response = ReadAnswer(); CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(response); PC.WriteLine("And to what depth (-1 for all)?"); if (!int.TryParse(ReadAnswer(), out int depth)) { depth = -1; } if (code.Equals(CatalogCode.current) && depth >= 1) { depth++; } Console.WriteLine(TreePrint(catalog.Get(code), depth)); }
private CatalogCode PromptCodeOrNewChild(string promptMessage) { PC.WriteLine(promptMessage); string input = ReadAnswer(); if (input == "") { throw new CatalogError("Cannot alter the Root"); } if (input.EndsWith(".")) { CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(input.RemoveLast(1)); return(catalog.NewChild(code)); } return(new CatalogCode(input)); }
public bool Contains(CodeRange range) { if (range == null) { return(false); } CatalogCode counter = range.fromCode; while (counter.Youngest() <= range.toCode.Youngest()) { if (Get(counter) != null) { return(true); } counter = counter.Increment(); } return(false); }
private void PromptDeleteFile() { PC.FormatWriteLine("Insert the code to {-3}", "delete"); CatalogCode code = new CatalogCode(ReadAnswer()); if (IsFile(code)) { YNAnswer response = AskYNQuestion($"Are you sure you want to delete {catalog.Get(code).FancifyEntry()}?"); if (response == YNAnswer.Yes) { string path = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder + storage + FolderFor(code)) .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Contains(code.ToString())); if (path != default) { File.Delete(path); } } } }
public bool Contains(CodeRange range, CodeRange usingCodeRange, int offset) { if (range == null) { return(false); } CatalogCode counter1 = range.fromCode; CatalogCode counter2 = usingCodeRange.fromCode + offset; while (counter1.Youngest() <= range.toCode.Youngest()) { if (Contains(counter2) && Contains(counter1)) { return(true); } counter1 = counter1.Increment(); counter2 = counter2.Increment(); } return(false); }
private string PromptNewOrOldTitleToEdit(CatalogCode code) { YNAnswer response = YNAnswer.No; string title = ""; if (catalog.Contains(code)) { title = catalog.Get(code).name; if (title != "") { response = AskYNQuestion($"Would you like to keep the title {PC.Format("{0}",title)}? (Y/N)"); } } if (response == YNAnswer.No) { PC.FormatWriteLine("Insert the title of {0}", code); title = ReadAnswer(); } return(title); }
private void Move(CatalogCode a, CatalogCode b) { if (!catalog.Contains(a)) { return; } CatalogEntry entry = catalog.Get(a); string title =; foreach (CatalogEntry child in entry.children) { Move(child.codePrefix, b + CatalogCode.Relative(a, child.codePrefix)); } if (!Directory.Exists(folder + storage + FolderFor(b))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + storage + FolderFor(b)); } if (IsFile(a, out string oldPath, out bool x)) { SetFileCode(oldPath, b, title); } catalog.Update(b, title); }
public CodeRange(CatalogCode f, CatalogCode t, bool caw = true) { fromCode = f; toCode = t; childrenAsWell = caw; }
private void CreateFolderFor(CatalogCode code) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + storage + FolderFor(code)); }
private void DeleteFolderOfCode(CatalogCode code) { Directory.Delete(folder + storage + FolderFor(code), true); }