protected override Vector3 GetOffset(ThingStatus status) { var destination = GetDestinationForThing(status.Thing); var progress = (float)status.Counter / BeltSpeed; // Are we going under or getting out ? if (ThingOrigin == (parent.Position - parent.Rotation.FacingCell)) { if (progress < 0.5) { var myDir = parent.Position - ThingOrigin; return(myDir.ToVector3() * (progress - 0.5f)); } else { return(parent.Position.ToVector3()); } } else { if (progress < 0.5) { return(parent.Position.ToVector3()); } else { var myDir = destination - parent.Position; return(myDir.ToVector3() * (progress - 0.5f)); } } }
protected override Vector3 GetOffset(ThingStatus status) { var destination = GetDestinationForThing(status.Thing); IntVec3 direction; IntVec3 midDirection; if (ThingOrigin != IntVec3.Invalid && !this.IsReceiver()) { direction = destination - ThingOrigin; midDirection = parent.Position + parent.Rotation.FacingCell - ThingOrigin; } else { if (!this.IsReceiver()) { direction = new IntVec3(3 * parent.Rotation.FacingCell.x, parent.Rotation.FacingCell.y, 3 * parent.Rotation.FacingCell.z); midDirection = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; } else { direction = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; midDirection = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; // Should never be used in principle ... } } var progress = (float)status.Counter / BeltSpeed; // In case we use the teleporter if (this.IsReceiver()) { var myDir = direction.ToVector3(); return(myDir * progress * 0.5f); } if (progress < 0.5) { // Slew item to teleportation pad var midDir = midDirection.ToVector3(); var midDirOff = new Vector3(0.5f * midDir.normalized.x, 0.0f, 0.5f * midDir.normalized.z); var midDirCorr = midDir.normalized + midDirOff; var midScaleFactor = progress / 0.5f; return((midDirCorr * midScaleFactor) - midDirOff); } // Start the teleportation var randomNumber = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f); if (randomNumber > 2 * (progress - 0.5f)) { var finDira = midDirection.ToVector3(); finDira.Normalize(); return(finDira); } var finDir = direction.ToVector3(); var finDirNorm = direction.ToVector3(); finDirNorm.Normalize(); // Can't normalize, or it doesn't go anywhere ... ! return(finDir - finDirNorm); }
protected static void DrawGUIOverlay([NotNull] ThingStatus status, Vector3 drawPos) { if (Find.CameraMap.CurrentZoom != CameraZoomRange.Closest) { return; } drawPos.z -= 0.4f; var screenPos =; screenPos.y = Screen.height - screenPos.y; GenWorldUI.DrawThingLabel(new Vector2(screenPos.x, screenPos.y), GenString.ToStringCached(status.Thing.stackCount), new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.75f)); }
protected virtual Vector3 GetOffset([NotNull] ThingStatus status) { var destination = GetDestinationForThing(status.Thing); IntVec3 direction; if (ThingOrigin != IntVec3.Invalid) { direction = destination - ThingOrigin; } else { direction = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; } var progress = (float)status.Counter / BeltSpeed; if (Math.Abs(direction.x) == 1 && Math.Abs(direction.z) == 1 && ThingOrigin != IntVec3.Invalid) { // Diagonal movement var incoming = (parent.Position - ThingOrigin).ToVector3(); var outgoing = (destination - parent.Position).ToVector3(); // Now adjust the vectors. // Both need to be half the length so they only reach the edge of out square // The incoming vector also needs to be negated as it points in the wrong direction incoming = (-incoming) / 2; outgoing = outgoing / 2; var angle = progress * Mathf.PI / 2; var cos = Mathf.Cos(angle); var sin = Mathf.Sin(angle); return(incoming * (1 - sin) + outgoing * (1 - cos)); } var dir = direction.ToVector3(); dir.Normalize(); var scaleFactor = progress - .5f; return(dir * scaleFactor); }
protected override Vector3 GetOffset( ThingStatus status ) { IntVec3 midDirection; if( ThingOrigin != IntVec3.Invalid ){ midDirection = parent.Position + parent.Rotation.FacingCell - ThingOrigin; } else{ midDirection = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; } float progress = 0.5f; if( CurrentState == TeleportState.Default ){ progress = ( float )status.Counter / BeltSpeed; // No further than the middle of the pad if( progress > 0.5f ) progress = 0.5f; } var mid = midDirection.ToVector3(); return GetRotationOffset() + mid.normalized * ( progress - 0.5f ); }
protected override Vector3 GetOffset(ThingStatus status) { var destination = GetDestinationForThing (status.Thing); var progress = (float)status.Counter / A2BData.BeltSpeed.TicksToMove; // Are we going under or getting out ? if (ThingOrigin == (parent.Position - parent.Rotation.FacingCell)) { if (progress < 0.5) { var myDir = parent.Position - ThingOrigin; return myDir.ToVector3()*(progress-0.5f); } else { return parent.Position.ToVector3(); } } else { if (progress < 0.5) { return parent.Position.ToVector3(); } else { var myDir = destination - parent.Position; return myDir.ToVector3()*(progress-0.5f); } } }
protected override Vector3 GetOffset(ThingStatus status) { var direction = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; var progress = (float) status.Counter / A2BData.BeltSpeed.TicksToMove; // Comes in at the middle of the pad if( progress < 0.5f ) progress = 0.5f; return GetRotationOffset() + direction.ToVector3() * ( progress - 0.5f ); }
protected override Vector3 GetOffset(ThingStatus status) { var destination = GetDestinationForThing(status.Thing); IntVec3 direction; IntVec3 midDirection; if (ThingOrigin != IntVec3.Invalid && !this.IsReceiver()) { direction = destination - ThingOrigin; midDirection = parent.Position + parent.Rotation.FacingCell - ThingOrigin; } else { if (!this.IsReceiver()) { direction = new IntVec3(3 * parent.Rotation.FacingCell.x, parent.Rotation.FacingCell.y, 3 * parent.Rotation.FacingCell.z); midDirection = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; } else { direction = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; midDirection = parent.Rotation.FacingCell; // Should never be used in principle ... } } var progress = (float) status.Counter / BeltSpeed; // In case we use the teleporter if (this.IsReceiver()) { var myDir = direction.ToVector3(); return myDir * progress * 0.5f; } if (progress < 0.5) { // Slew item to teleportation pad var midDir = midDirection.ToVector3(); var midDirOff = new Vector3(0.5f * midDir.normalized.x, 0.0f, 0.5f * midDir.normalized.z); var midDirCorr = midDir.normalized + midDirOff; var midScaleFactor = progress / 0.5f; return (midDirCorr * midScaleFactor) - midDirOff; } // Start the teleportation var randomNumber = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f); if (randomNumber > 2 * (progress - 0.5f)) { var finDira = midDirection.ToVector3(); finDira.Normalize(); return finDira; } var finDir = direction.ToVector3(); var finDirNorm = direction.ToVector3(); finDirNorm.Normalize(); // Can't normalize, or it doesn't go anywhere ... ! return (finDir - finDirNorm); }