private void Update_Spouse(xing xd, ic.memberC mem_obj) { ic.spouseC objSpouse = mem_obj.objSpouse; string[] tb_col = null; object[] _row = null; tb_col = new string[] { "mem_id", "spouse_id", "spouse_name", "phone_no", "marriage_year", "marriage_date", "marriage_fs_id", "couple_id", "pastor_name", "church_name", "church_id", "un_id" }; _row = new object[] { objSpouse.mem_id, objSpouse.spouse_id, objSpouse.spouse_name, objSpouse.phone_no, objSpouse.marriage_year, objSpouse.marriage_date, objSpouse.marriage_fs_id, objSpouse.couple_id, objSpouse.pastor,, 0, objSpouse.un_id }; xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("ng_spouse_tb", tb_col, _row, 1); }
private static void Get_BankingWithDrawStatement(xing xd, int start_fs_id, int end_fs_id, int account_id) { string _str = string.Format("select * from acc_bank_withdraw_tb where fs_id between {0} and {1} and bank_account_id={2} and status=0", start_fs_id, end_fs_id, account_id); ic.account_AL_statementC _obj = null; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = new ic.account_AL_statementC(); _obj.cr_amount = _dr["w_amount"].ToInt32(); if (_dr["cheque_alias"] != null) { _obj.description = string.Format("WithDraw {0}", _dr["cheque_alias"].ToString()); } else { _obj.description = string.Format("Cheque WithDraw"); } _obj.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); _obj.fs_id = _dr["fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.reference_no = string.Format("{0}", _dr["cheque_no"].ToString()); _obj.reference_type = em.account_AL_referenceTypeS.cheque; _obj.statement_type = em.account_statement_typeS.bank_withdraw; _obj.record_id = _dr["wdr_id"].ToInt32(); accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT.Add(_obj); } } }
private void ExpensesYearAnalysis_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { datam.SecurityCheck(); xso.xso.Intialize(); datam.SystemInitializer(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); fGridnormal.Rows.Clear(); LoadYears(); InitializeTab1GridColumns(); InitializeTab2GridColumns(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.InitExpenses(xd); xd.CommitTransaction(); } m_SHOW_TYPES = new Dictionary <string, _show_type>(); m_SHOW_TYPES.Add("Expenses Only", _show_type.expenses_only); //m_SHOW_TYPES.Add("CR Payments Only", _show_type.payments_only); //m_SHOW_TYPES.Add("Expenses & CR Payments", _show_type.payments_expenses); app_working = true; foreach (var k in m_SHOW_TYPES.Keys) { comboBoxEx1.Items.Add(k); } comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex = 0; app_working = false; // CreateDefaultRowsDepartment(); CreateDefaultRowsCategory(); this.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(ExpensesYearAnalysis_VisibleChanged); }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { switch (m_process) { case _process.form_loading: { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand("select us_id from pcuser_tb")) { while (_dr.Read()) { m_DataEntrants.Add(_dr[0].ToInt32()); } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } break; } case _process.update_after_insert: { break; } } }
private static void Get_OffAccountsStatement(xing xd, int start_fs_id, int end_fs_id, int account_id, int cg_id, string _account_name) { string _str = null; if (cg_id < 0) { _str = string.Format("select m.amount,m.fs_id,m.fs_date,c.source_name,c.off_id from off_accounts_tb as m,off_main_tb as c where m.fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.account_id={2} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1", start_fs_id, end_fs_id, account_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.amount,m.fs_id,m.fs_date,c.source_name,c.off_id from off_accounts_tb as m,off_main_tb as c where m.fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.account_id={2} and m.cg_id={3} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1", start_fs_id, end_fs_id, account_id, cg_id); } ic.account_AL_statementC _obj = null; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = new ic.account_AL_statementC(); _obj.dr_amount = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.description = _dr["source_name"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); _obj.fs_id = _dr["fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.reference_no = string.Format("R-{0}", _dr["off_id"].ToInt32()); _obj.reference_type = em.account_AL_referenceTypeS.receipt; _obj.statement_type = em.account_statement_typeS.income_offering; _obj.account_name = _account_name; accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT.Add(_obj); } } }
private void addAnotherPledgeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.pledgeC; if (m_pledge_settings.end_fs_id < sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id) { dbm.ErrorMessage("This Pledge Account Has Expired", "Expired Pledge Account"); return; } using (var _fm = new AddToPledgeMaker()) { _fm.Owner = this; _fm.Tag = _obj; _fm.ShowDialog(); if (_fm.Tag == null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.GetCurrentPledges(xd); xd.CommitTransaction(); } _obj = datam.DATA_CURRENT_PLEDGES[_obj.pl_id]; UpdateRecord(_obj); if (this.Tag != null) { this.Tag = null; } } } }
private void deleteMemberPlegdeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var _fm = new SdaHelperManager.ConfirmWPwd()) { _fm.ShowDialog(); if (_fm.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } var _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.pledgeC; _obj.pledge_status = em.pledge_statusS.deleted; string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Member Pledge ??"; using (var xd = new xing()) { var _d_obj = xd.ExecuteScalarObject("select pl_status from pledge_master_tb where pl_id=" + _obj.pl_id); if (_d_obj != null) { if (_d_obj.ToInt16() == em.pledge_statusS.deleted.ToInt16()) { MessageBox.Show("You Have Already Deleted This Member Pledge", "Already Deleted"); return; } } if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Warning")) { return; } // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("pledge_master_tb", new string[] { "pl_status", "pl_id" }, new object[] { em.pledge_statusS.deleted.ToInt16(), _obj.pl_id }, 1); // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("pledge_payment_mvt_tb", new string[] { "status", "pl_id" }, new object[] { 0, _obj.pl_id }, 1); // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("pledge_addition_tb", new string[] { "pl_status", "pl_id" }, new object[] { em.pledge_statusS.deleted.ToInt16(), _obj.pl_id }, 1); // accn.PledgeSummary(xd, (_obj.amount_pledged * -1), (_obj.amount_paid * -1), _obj.pls_id); // xd.CommitTransaction(); } fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[_obj.pl_id.ToString()].Index); if (this.Tag != null) { this.Tag = null; } }
private void deleteClientToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("You Cannot Perform This Operation At The Moment", "Invalid Operation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; var _unit = curr_node.Tag as ic.church_sub_unitC; string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To The Delete The Selected Expense Account"; using (var xd = new xing()) { //if (xd.ExecuteScalarInt(string.Format("select count(dept_id) from dept_member_tb where dept_id={0} limit 1", _dept.dept_id)) > 0) //{ // dbm.ErrorMessage("You Cannot Delete This Department,It Has References In Other Tables", "Delete Failure"); // return; //} if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Warning")) { return; } xd.SingleDeleteCommandExp("church_sub_unit_tb", new string[] { "sb_unit_id" }, new int[] { _unit.sb_unit_id }); xd.CommitTransaction(); } if (!is_edited) { is_edited = true; } datam.DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT.Remove(_unit.sb_unit_id); advTree1.SelectedNode.Remove(); }
private void deleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curr_node != null) { if ((advTree1.SelectedNode.Tag != null && (advTree1.SelectedNode.Tag as ic.accountC).is_sys_account)) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot Edit This Account Because It Is A System Account", "System Account Error"); return; } var _account = curr_node.Tag as ic.accountC; if (_account != null) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To The Delete The Selected Account"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Warning")) { return; } using (var xd = new xing()) { xd.InsertUpdateDelete(string.Format("delete from accounts_tb where account_id={0}", _account.account_id)); datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS.Remove(_account.account_id); advTree1.SelectedNode.Remove(); xd.CommitTransaction(); } } } }
private void LoadTabs() { if (comboyear.SelectedItem == null | comboyear.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } datam.ShowWaitForm("Loading Data,Please Wait"); comboyear.Enabled = false; Application.DoEvents(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.GetYearExpenses(comboyear.SelectedItem.ToString().ToInt32(), xd); xd.CommitTransaction(); } if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == tabItem1 & !tab1_loaded) { tab1_loaded = true; ClearGridCells(fGrid); LoadMonthData(); } if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == tabItem3 & !tab2_loaded) { tab2_loaded = true; ClearGridCells(fGridnormal); LoadQuarterData(); } comboyear.Enabled = true; datam.HideWaitForm(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!dbm.InsertToDatabaseWarning()) { return; } ic.displineC obj = new MTOMS.ic.displineC(); obj.cat_id = selected_cat.cat_id; obj.mem_id = selected_mem_obj.mem_id; if (txt_details.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { obj.reason = txt_details.Text.Trim(); } if (txt_action.Text.Trim().Length != 0) { obj.action = txt_action.Text.Trim(); } obj.start_date = selected_start_date; obj.start_fs_id = selected_start_fs_id; obj.end_date = selected_end_date; obj.end_fs_id = selected_end_fs_id; obj.e_date = datam.CURR_DATE; obj.pc_us_id = datam.PC_US_ID; obj.pc_us_name = datam.PC_US_NAME; obj.lch_id = datam.LCH_ID; obj.lch_type_id = datam.LCH_TYPE_ID; xing xd = new xing(); save_Mem_displine(obj, ref xd); xd.CommitTransaction(); dbm.RecordInsertedMessage(); btnCancel.PerformClick(); }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { switch (m_process) { case _process.form_load: { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.GetPledgeSettings(xd); datam.GetCurrentPledges(xd); } break; } case _process.check_updates: { using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.GetPledgeSettings(xd); datam.GetCurrentPledges(xd); xd.CommitTransaction(); } break; } } }
private void CheckForUpdates() { if (m_YEAR > 0) { using (var xd = new xing()) { if (datam.GetYearExpenses(m_YEAR, xd)) { if (tab1_loaded) { tab1_loaded = false; } if (tab2_loaded) { tab2_loaded = false; } LoadTabs(); } else { if (tab1_loaded) { fGrid.Focus(); return; } if (tab2_loaded) { fGridnormal.Focus(); return; } } } } }
private void deleteRecordToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Entry"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Delete Warning")) { return; } ic.batch_no_SettingC _obj = fGrid.SelectedRows[0].Tag as ic.batch_no_SettingC; if (_obj != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { if (xd.SingleUpdateCommand(string.Format("delete from off_batch_no_settings_tb where un_id={0} and entrant_count=0", _obj.un_id))) { xd.CommitTransaction(); fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[_obj.un_id.ToString()].Index); } else { MessageBox.Show("This Batch No Is Already Attached To Some Receipts,Cancel Them In Order To Proceed", "Delete Failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } } }
private void SaveCouple(xing xd, ic.coupleC _couple) { var tb_col = new string[] { "couple_name", "male_mem_id", "female_mem_id", "is_valid", "exp_type", "pc_us_id", "pc_us_name", "edate", "lch_id", "lch_type_id", "fs_time_stamp" }; _couple.is_valid = true; var _row = new object[] { _couple.couple_name, _couple.male_mem_id, _couple.female_mem_id, 1, emm.export_type.insert.ToByte(), datam.PC_US_ID, datam.PC_US_NAME, datam.CURR_DATE, _couple.lch_id = datam.LCH_ID, _couple.lch_type_id = datam.LCH_TYPE_ID, 0 //fs_time_stamp }; _couple.couple_id = xd.SingleInsertCommandTSPInt("couple_tb", tb_col, _row); datam.DATA_COUPLE.Add(_couple.couple_id, _couple); }
private void buttoncreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fGrid.CurCell != null) { fGrid.CommitEditCurCell(); } if (!IsValid()) { return; } string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Save This Record ??"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Save Warning")) { return; } // ic.batch_no_SettingC _obj = new ic.batch_no_SettingC(); _obj.batch_count = fGrid.Rows["batch_count"].Cells[1].Value.ToInt32(); _obj.batch_no = fGrid.Rows["batch_no"].Cells[1].Text.ToUpper(); _obj.batch_total = fGrid.Rows["batch_total"].Cells[1].Value.ToInt32(); _obj.entrant_id = (fGrid.Rows["data_entrant"].Cells[1].AuxValue as fnn.iGComboItemEX).ID; _obj.sab_fs_id = m_sabbath.fs_id; using (var xd = new xing()) { var _ret_val = xd.SingleInsertCommandIgnore("off_batch_no_settings_tb", new string[] { "batch_no", "batch_count", "fs_time_stamp", "batch_total", "entrant_id", "lch_id", "sab_fs_id" }, new object[] { _obj.batch_no, _obj.batch_count, 0, _obj.batch_total, _obj.entrant_id, datam.LCH_ID, _obj.sab_fs_id }); if (_ret_val == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You Have Already Entered This BATCH NUMBER", "DUPLICATE BATCH NO", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); fGrid.Focus(); fGrid.SetCurCell("batch_no", 1); fGrid.Rows["batch_no"].Cells[1].Value = null; return; } xd.CommitTransaction(); } (this.Owner as BatchNoManager).CheckForUpdates(); ClearGrid(); }
public static List <ic.expense_transC> GetExpensesByID(xing xd, int _exp_account_id, int _fs_id_1, int _fs_id_2) { List <ic.expense_transC> _list = new List <ic.expense_transC>(); string _str = null; _str = string.Format("select * from acc_expense_trans_tb where sys_account_id={0} and exp_fs_id between {1} and {2} and voucher_status={3}", _exp_account_id, _fs_id_1, _fs_id_2, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte()); using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(null); } ic.expense_transC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = new ic.expense_transC(); _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.voucher_no = _dr["voucher_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.voucher_id = _dr["voucher_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_acc_id = _dr["exp_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_amount = _dr["exp_amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_details = _dr["exp_details"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.exp_date = _dr.GetDateTime("exp_date"); _obj.exp_fs_id = _dr["exp_fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pc_us_id = _dr["pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_cat_id = _dr["exp_cat_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_id = _dr["dept_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_parent_id = _dr["dept_parent_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pay_mode = (em.voucher_Paymode)_dr["pay_mode"].ToByte(); _obj.cheque_no = _dr["cheque_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.source_type = (em.exp_inc_src_typeS)_dr["source_type_id"].ToByte(); _obj.source_account_id = _dr["source_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); if (_dr["w_dr_data"] != null) { _obj.w_dr_data = _dr["w_dr_data"].ToStringNullable(); } if (_dr["tf_string"] != null) { _obj.tf_string = _dr["tf_string"].ToStringNullable(); } // try { _obj.objExpenseAccount = datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS[_obj.exp_acc_id]; } catch (Exception) { } _obj.voucher_status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["voucher_status"].ToInt16(); _obj.received_by = _dr["received_by"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.is_updated = true; _list.Add(_obj); _obj = null; } } return(_list); }
private void buttonsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Transfer The Selected Member ??"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Transfer Warning")) { return; } ic.transferC _tc = new MTOMS.ic.transferC(); _tc.church_name = fnn.GetIGridCellValue(fGrid, "church", "desc"); if (fGrid.Rows["church"].Cells["desc"].AuxValue != null) { xso.ic.cregion _r = (fGrid.Rows["church"].Cells["desc"].AuxValue as fnn.iGComboItemEX).Tag as xso.ic.cregion; _tc.church_id = _r.item_id; _tc.church_name = _r.item_name; } string[] _cols = new string[] { "mem_id", "cat_id", "reason", "comment", "transfer_date", "transfer_fs_id", "nchurch_name", "church_id", "edate", "pc_us_id", "exp_type", "lch_id", "lch_type_id" }; object[] _row = new object[] { _tc.mem_id = mem_obj.mem_id, 0, _tc.reason = fnn.GetIGridCellValue(fGrid, "reason", "desc"), _tc.comment = fnn.GetIGridCellValue(fGrid, "comment", "desc"), _tc.transfer_date = Convert.ToDateTime(fGrid.Rows["transfer_date"].Cells["desc"].AuxValue), _tc.transfer_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_tc.transfer_date), _tc.church_name, _tc.church_id, datam.CURR_DATE, datam.PC_US_ID, emm.export_type.insert.ToByte(), _tc.lch_id = datam.LCH_ID, _tc.lch_type_id = datam.LCH_TYPE_ID }; using (xing xd = new xing()) { _tc.un_id = xd.SingleInsertCommandInt("transfer_tb", _cols, _row); xd.InsertUpdateDelete(string.Format("update member_tb set mem_status_type_id={0},{1},pc_us_id={2} where mem_id={3}", em.xmem_status.Transfered.ToByte(), dbm.ETS, datam.PC_US_ID, mem_obj.mem_id)); xd.CommitTransaction(); } datam.DATA_TRANSFER.Add(_tc.un_id, _tc); mem_obj.mem_status_id = em.xmem_status.Transfered.ToByte(); mem_obj.objTransfer = _tc; this.Close(); }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.InitAccount(xd); } }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.InitBankReconciliation(xd); } }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var _xd = new xing()) { datam.fill_accounts(_xd); _xd.CommitTransaction(); } }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.GetPledgeSettings(xd); datam.GetCurrentPledges(xd); } }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Enabled = false; clear_grids(); datam.ShowWaitForm("Loading Data, Please Wait"); Application.DoEvents(); using (var xd = new xing()) { if (m_account_start_date != null && _fs_id_1 <= fn.GetFSID(m_account_start_date.Value)) { m_BF = m_opening_balance; //if (_fs_id_1 == fn.GetFSID(m_account_start_date.Value)) //{ // m_BF = accn.GetFs_AccountBalance(xd, fn.GetFSID(dateTimePicker1.Value), m_account.account_id); //} //else //{ // m_BF = 0; //} } else { m_BF = accn.GetFs_AccountBalance(xd, fn.GetFSID(dateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(-1)), m_account.account_id); } if (accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT == null) { accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT = new List <ic.account_AL_statementC>(); } if (m_account.account_type == em.account_typeS.ActualAccount) { iGrid1.Cols["account"].Visible = false; accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT.Clear(); m_account_name = string.Empty; accn.Get_AssetLiabilityAccountStatement(xd, _fs_id_1, _fs_id_2, m_account.account_id, string.Empty); } else { iGrid1.Cols["account"].Visible = true; var _accounts = accn.GetChildAccounts(m_account.account_id, em.account_typeS.ActualAccount); accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT.Clear(); foreach (var _acc in _accounts) { m_account_name = _acc.account_name; accn.Get_AssetLiabilityAccountStatement(xd, _fs_id_1, _fs_id_2, _acc.account_id, m_account_name); } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } LoadGrid(); datam.HideWaitForm(); if (!dateTimePicker1.Enabled) { dateTimePicker1.Enabled = true; } buttonrefresh.Enabled = true; }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { datam.GetAccountsPayable(xd); m_LastStamp = wdata.TABLE_STAMP["accounts_current_balance_tb"]; xd.CommitTransaction(); } }
private void backworker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var xd = new xing()) { m_opening_balance = fnn.GetAccountOpeningBalance(xd, m_account.account_id); m_account_start_date = fnn.GetAccountStartDate(xd, m_account.account_id); xd.CommitTransaction(); } }
private void BtnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var _xd = new xing()) { datam.GetDepartments(_xd); datam.InitExpenses(_xd); _xd.CommitTransaction(); } UpdateGridWithDBChanges(); }
private void backworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { datam.SystemInitializer(); using (var _xd = new xing()) { datam.GetDepartments(_xd); datam.InitExpenses(_xd); _xd.CommitTransaction(); } }
public static void GetMemberID(xing xd) { mem_id = xd.IDCtrlGet(mem_id_tb, 2012, 1001); if (mem_id == 666 || mem_id == 1000) { xd.IDCtrlDelete(mem_id_tb); mem_id = dbm.IDCtrlGet(mem_id_tb, 2012, 1001); } mem_code = fn.GetMemberCode(mem_id); mem_id = (string.Format("{0}{1}", datam.LCH_ID, mem_id)).ToInt32(); }
private static bool Save_parent(xing xd, ic.memberC mem_obj) { if (xd == null) { return(false); } if (mem_obj == null) { return(false); } string[] tb_col = null; object[] _row = null; tb_col = new string[] { "mem_id", "father_name", "father_phone", "father_status", "mother_name", "mother_phone", "mother_status", "guardian_name", "guardian_phone", "exp_type", "father_mem_id", "mother_mem_id", "guardian_mem_id", "lch_id", "lch_type_id" }; _row = new object[] { mem_obj.mem_id, mem_obj.objParent.father_name, mem_obj.objParent.father_phone, mem_obj.objParent.father_status, mem_obj.objParent.mother_name, mem_obj.objParent.mother_phone, mem_obj.objParent.mother_status, mem_obj.objParent.guardian_name, mem_obj.objParent.guardian_phone, emm.export_type.insert.ToByte(), mem_obj.objParent.father_mem_id, mem_obj.objParent.mother_mem_id, mem_obj.objParent.guardian_mem_id, datam.LCH_ID, datam.LCH_TYPE_ID }; xd.SingleInsertCommand("parents_tb", tb_col, _row); return(true); }
public static void InitBankReconciliation(xing xd) { if (datam.DATA_ENUM_BANK_RECONCILIATION_TYPES == null) { datam.DATA_ENUM_BANK_RECONCILIATION_TYPES = new SortedList <em.bank_reconc_typeS, string>(); datam.DATA_ENUM_BANK_RECONCILIATION_TYPES.Add(em.bank_reconc_typeS.addition, "Addition"); datam.DATA_ENUM_BANK_RECONCILIATION_TYPES.Add(em.bank_reconc_typeS.deduction, "Deduction"); // datam.DATA_ENUM_BANK_RECONCILIATION_TYPES.Add(em.bank_reconc_account_typeS.transfer, "Transfer"); } fill_Bank_Reconciliation_Accounts(xd); GetBankAccounts(xd); }