Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Repeat call.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="delaySeconds">Delay(seconds).</param>
 /// <param name="repeatTimes">Repeat times, set <c>1</c> for no repeat .</param>
 /// <param name="callBack">Call back.</param>
 public static vp_Timer.Handle RepeatCall(float delaySeconds, int repeatTimes, Action callback)
     vp_Timer.Handle handle = new vp_Timer.Handle();
     vp_Timer.In(delaySeconds, () => {
     }, 1, handle);
Esempio n. 2
 private static void Cancel(vp_Timer.Handle handle)
     if (handle == null)
     if (handle.Active)
         handle.Id = 0;
Esempio n. 3
    private void OnEnable()
        if (! // server only, isServer doesn't work in onEnable yet for some reason

        fireTimer = new vp_Timer.Handle();
        turnTimer = new vp_Timer.Handle();

        float rand = Random.value;
        vp_Timer.In(3 + rand, arty.CmdFireBullet, 999999999, 3 + rand, fireTimer);
        vp_Timer.In(2 + rand, delegate() { arty.CmdTurn(Random.Range(-45f, 45f)); }, 999999999, 3 + rand, turnTimer);
Esempio n. 4
    /// <summary>
    /// cancels a timer if the passed timer handle is still active
    /// </summary>
    private static void Cancel(vp_Timer.Handle handle)
        if (handle == null)

        // NOTE: the below Active check is super-important for verifying timer
        // handle integrity. recycling 'handle.Event' if 'handle.Active' is false
        // will cancel the wrong event and lead to some other timer never firing
        // (this is because timer events are recycled but not their timer handles).
        if (handle.Active)
            // setting the 'Id' property to zero will result in DueTime also
            // becoming zero, sending the event to 'Execute' in the next frame
            // where it will be recycled instead of executed
            handle.Id = 0;
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// this method contains all timer example code. NOTE: timer code
    /// does not have to be located in 'OnGUI'. it can exist anywhere
    /// </summary>
    void OnGUI()
        // make the status text fade back to invisible if made yellow
        m_StatusColor = Color.Lerp(m_StatusColor, new Color(1, 1, 0, 0), Time.deltaTime * 0.5f);

        // draw the header text
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        GUILayout.Label("SCHEDULING EXAMPLE\n    - Each of these examples will schedule some functionality in one (1)\n      second using different options.\n    - Please study the source code in 'Examples/Scheduling/Scheduling.cs' ...");

        // create an area for all the example buttons
        GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(100, 150, 400, 600));
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        GUILayout.Label("Methods, Arguments, Delegates, Iterations, Intervals & Canceling");

        // --- Example 1 ---
        if (DoButton("A simple method"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethod);

        // --- Example 2 ---
        if (DoButton("A method with a single argument"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethodWithSingleArgument, 242);

        // --- Example 3 ---
        if (DoButton("A method with multiple arguments"))
            object[] arg = new object[3];
            arg[0] = "December";
            arg[1] = 31;
            arg[2] = 2012;
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethodWithMultipleArguments, arg);

            // TIP: you can also create the object array in-line like this:
            //vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethodWithMultipleArguments, new object[] { "December", 31, 2012 });

        // --- Example 4 ---
        if (DoButton("A delegate"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, delegate()

        // --- Example 5 ---
        if (DoButton("A delegate with a single argument"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, delegate(object o)
                int i = (int)o;
                SetStatus("A delegate with a single argument ... \"" + i + "\"");
            }, 242);

        // --- Example 6 ---
        if (DoButton("A delegate with multiple arguments"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, delegate(object o)
                object[] argument = (object[])o;                                // 'unpack' object into an array
                string month      = (string)argument[0];                        // convert the first argument to a string
                int day           = (int)argument[1];                           // convert the second argument to an integer
                int year          = (int)argument[2];                           // convert the third argument to an integer

                SetStatus("A delegate with multiple arguments ... \"" + month + " " + day + ", " + year + "\"");
            }, new object[] { "December", 31, 2012 });

        // --- Example 7 ---
        if (DoButton("5 iterations of a method"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, SmackCube, 5);

        // --- Example 8 ---
        if (DoButton("5 iterations of a method, with 0.2 sec intervals"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, SmackCube, 5, 0.2f);

        // --- Example 9 ---
        if (DoButton("5 iterations of a delegate, canceled after 3 seconds"))
            vp_Timer.Handle timer = new vp_Timer.Handle();
            vp_Timer.In(0.0f, delegate() { SmackCube(); }, 5, 1,
            vp_Timer.In(3, delegate() { timer.Cancel(); });

        GUILayout.Label("\nMethod & object accessibility:");

        // --- Example 10 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from a non-monobehaviour class", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                NonMonoBehaviour test = new NonMonoBehaviour();

        // --- Example 11 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from a specific external gameobject", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                TestComponent tc = (TestComponent)GameObject.Find("ExternalGameObject").GetComponent("TestComponent");
                tc.Test("Hello World!");

        // --- Example 12 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from the first component of a certain type\nin current transform or any of its children", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                TestComponent tc = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <TestComponent>();
                tc.Test("Hello World!");

        // --- Example 13 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from the first component of a certain type\nin the whole Hierarchy", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                TestComponent tc = (TestComponent)FindObjectOfType(typeof(TestComponent));
                tc.Test("Hello World!");


        GUI.color = m_StatusColor;

        GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 255, 205, 240, 600));
Esempio n. 6
    /// <summary>
    /// this method contains all timer example code. NOTE: timer code
    /// does not have to be located in 'OnGUI'. it can exist anywhere
    /// </summary>
    void OnGUI()
        // make the status text fade back to invisible if made yellow
        m_StatusColor = Color.Lerp(m_StatusColor, new Color(1, 1, 0, 0), Time.deltaTime * 0.5f);

        // draw the header text
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        GUILayout.Label("SCHEDULING EXAMPLE\n    - Each of these examples will schedule some functionality in one (1)\n      second using different options.\n    - Please study the source code in 'Examples/Scheduling/Scheduling.cs' ...");

        // create an area for all the example buttons
        GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(100, 150, 400, 600));
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        GUILayout.Label("Methods, Arguments, Delegates, Iterations, Intervals & Canceling");

        // --- Example 1 ---
        if (DoButton("A simple method"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethod);

        // --- Example 2 ---
        if (DoButton("A method with a single argument"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethodWithSingleArgument, 242);

        // --- Example 3 ---
        if (DoButton("A method with multiple arguments"))

            object[] arg = new object[3];
            arg[0] = "December";
            arg[1] = 31;
            arg[2] = 2012;
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethodWithMultipleArguments, arg);

            // TIP: you can also create the object array in-line like this:
            //vp_Timer.In(1.0f, DoMethodWithMultipleArguments, new object[] { "December", 31, 2012 });


        // --- Example 4 ---
        if (DoButton("A delegate"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, delegate()

        // --- Example 5 ---
        if (DoButton("A delegate with a single argument"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, delegate(object o)
                int i = (int)o;
                SetStatus("A delegate with a single argument ... \"" + i + "\"");
            }, 242);

        // --- Example 6 ---
        if (DoButton("A delegate with multiple arguments"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, delegate(object o)

                object[] argument = (object[])o;		// 'unpack' object into an array
                string month = (string)argument[0];		// convert the first argument to a string
                int day = (int)argument[1];				// convert the second argument to an integer
                int year = (int)argument[2];			// convert the third argument to an integer

                SetStatus("A delegate with multiple arguments ... \"" + month + " " + day + ", " + year + "\"");

            }, new object[] { "December", 31, 2012 });

        // --- Example 7 ---
        if (DoButton("5 iterations of a method"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, SmackCube, 5);

        // --- Example 8 ---
        if (DoButton("5 iterations of a method, with 0.2 sec intervals"))
            vp_Timer.In(1.0f, SmackCube, 5, 0.2f);

        // --- Example 9 ---
        if (DoButton("5 iterations of a delegate, canceled after 3 seconds"))
            vp_Timer.Handle timer = new vp_Timer.Handle();
            vp_Timer.In(0.0f, delegate() { SmackCube(); }, 5, 1,
            vp_Timer.In(3, delegate() { timer.Cancel(); });

        GUILayout.Label("\nMethod & object accessibility:");

        // --- Example 10 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from a non-monobehaviour class", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                NonMonoBehaviour test = new NonMonoBehaviour();


        // --- Example 11 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from a specific external gameobject", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                TestComponent tc = (TestComponent)GameObject.Find("ExternalGameObject").GetComponent("TestComponent");
                tc.Test("Hello World!");

        // --- Example 12 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from the first component of a certain type\nin current transform or any of its children", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                TestComponent tc = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<TestComponent>();
                tc.Test("Hello World!");

        // --- Example 13 ---
        if (DoButton("Running a method from the first component of a certain type\nin the whole Hierarchy", false))
            vp_Timer.In(1, delegate()
                TestComponent tc = (TestComponent)FindObjectOfType(typeof(TestComponent));
                tc.Test("Hello World!");


        GUI.color = m_StatusColor;

        GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 255, 205, 240, 600));
Esempio n. 7
 private static void Schedule(float time, vp_Timer.Callback func, vp_Timer.ArgCallback argFunc, object args, vp_Timer.Handle timerHandle, int iterations, float interval)
     if (func == null && argFunc == null)
         Debug.LogError("Error: (vp_Timer) Aborted event because function is null.");
     if (vp_Timer.m_MainObject == null)
         vp_Timer.m_MainObject = new GameObject("Timers");
         vp_Timer.m_MainObject.AddComponent <vp_Timer>();
     time                = Mathf.Max(0f, time);
     iterations          = Mathf.Max(0, iterations);
     interval            = ((interval != -1f) ? Mathf.Max(0f, interval) : time);
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent = null;
     if (vp_Timer.m_Pool.Count > 0)
         vp_Timer.m_NewEvent = vp_Timer.m_Pool[0];
         vp_Timer.m_NewEvent = new vp_Timer.Event();
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Id = vp_Timer.m_EventCount;
     if (func != null)
         vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Function = func;
     else if (argFunc != null)
         vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.ArgFunction = argFunc;
         vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Arguments   = args;
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.StartTime  = Time.time;
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.DueTime    = Time.time + time;
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Iterations = iterations;
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Interval   = interval;
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.LifeTime   = 0f;
     vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Paused     = false;
     if (timerHandle != null)
         if (timerHandle.Active)
         timerHandle.Id = vp_Timer.m_NewEvent.Id;
Esempio n. 8
 public static void Start(vp_Timer.Handle timerHandle)
     vp_Timer.Schedule(3.1536E+08f, delegate
     }, null, null, timerHandle, 1, -1f);
Esempio n. 9
 public static void In(float delay, vp_Timer.ArgCallback callback, object arguments, int iterations, float interval, vp_Timer.Handle timerHandle = null)
     vp_Timer.Schedule(delay, null, callback, arguments, timerHandle, iterations, interval);
Esempio n. 10
 public static void In(float delay, vp_Timer.ArgCallback callback, object arguments, vp_Timer.Handle timerHandle = null)
     vp_Timer.Schedule(delay, null, callback, arguments, timerHandle, 1, -1f);
Esempio n. 11
 public static void In(float delay, vp_Timer.Callback callback, int iterations, float interval, vp_Timer.Handle timerHandle = null)
     vp_Timer.Schedule(delay, callback, null, null, timerHandle, iterations, interval);
Esempio n. 12
 public static void In(float delay, vp_Timer.Callback callback, vp_Timer.Handle timerHandle = null)
     vp_Timer.Schedule(delay, callback, null, null, timerHandle, 1, -1f);