SetPivotVisible() public method

public SetPivotVisible ( bool visible ) : void
visible bool
return void
Esempio n. 1
    // any child objects to the FPSCamera component are treated
    // as weapons. these are put in the 'm_Weapons' list in
    // alphabetical order. this method will first disable the
    // currently activated weapon, then activate the one with
    // index 'i'. if 'i' is zero, no child will be activated.
    public void SetWeapon(int i)
        if (m_Weapons.Count < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Tried to set weapon with an empty weapon list.");

        if (i < 0 || i > m_Weapons.Count)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Weapon list does not have a weapon with index: " + i);

        // clear current weapon, set all child objects inactive
        // and clear the shooter
        m_CurrentWeapon = null;
        foreach (Transform t in transform)
            if (t.gameObject != m_WeaponCamera)
        m_CurrentShooter = null;

        // activate the new weapon
        m_CurrentWeaponID = i;
        if (m_CurrentWeaponID > 0)
            // set parent transform of new weapon active
            m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(true);

            // store the components of the new weapon and shooter
            m_CurrentWeapon  = (vp_FPSWeapon)m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPSWeapon));
            m_CurrentShooter = (vp_FPSShooter)m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPSShooter));

            // activate the new shooter and camera, and make sure the weapon
            // renderer is enabled
            if (m_CurrentWeapon != null)
                if (m_CurrentShooter != null)
                    if (m_CurrentShooter.MuzzleFlash != null)
                if (m_CurrentWeapon.gameObject.renderer != null)
                    m_CurrentWeapon.gameObject.renderer.enabled = true;

                CurrentWeapon.PositionOffset = CurrentWeapon.DefaultPosition;
                CurrentWeapon.RotationOffset = CurrentWeapon.DefaultRotation;


    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        GUI.color = Color.white;

        string objectInfo =;

        if (
            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUI.enabled = false;
            objectInfo += " (INACTIVE)";


        if (!
            GUI.enabled = true;

        if (Application.isPlaying || m_Component.DefaultState.TextAsset == null)
            // --- Rendering ---
            m_WeaponRenderingFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_WeaponRenderingFoldout, "Rendering");
            if (m_WeaponRenderingFoldout)
                // weapon fov
                Vector2 fovDirty = new Vector2(0.0f, m_Component.RenderingFieldOfView);
                m_Component.RenderingFieldOfView = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Field of View", m_Component.RenderingFieldOfView, 1, 179);
                if (fovDirty != new Vector2(0.0f, m_Component.RenderingFieldOfView))
                m_Component.RenderingZoomDamping    = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Zoom Damping", m_Component.RenderingZoomDamping, 0.1f, 5.0f);
                m_Component.RenderingClippingPlanes = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Clipping Planes (Near:Far)", m_Component.RenderingClippingPlanes);
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUILayout.Label("To add weapons, add child GameObjects to the\nFPSCamera transform and add FPSWeapon\nscripts to them. See the docs for more info.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);
                GUI.enabled = true;


            // --- Position ---
            m_WeaponPositionFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_WeaponPositionFoldout, "Position");
            if (m_WeaponPositionFoldout)
                m_Component.PositionOffset     = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Offset", m_Component.PositionOffset);
                m_Component.PositionExitOffset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Exit Offset", m_Component.PositionExitOffset);
                Vector3 currentPivot = m_Component.PositionPivot;
                m_Component.PositionPivot = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Pivot", m_Component.PositionPivot);
                m_Component.PositionPivotSpringStiffness = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Pivot Stiffness", m_Component.PositionPivotSpringStiffness, 0, 1);
                m_Component.PositionPivotSpringDamping   = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Pivot Damping", m_Component.PositionPivotSpringDamping, 0, 1);

                if (!Application.isPlaying)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                bool currentPivotVisible = m_WeaponPivotVisible;
                m_WeaponPivotVisible = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Pivot", m_WeaponPivotVisible);
                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    if (m_Component.PositionPivot != currentPivot)
                        m_WeaponPivotVisible = true;
                    if (currentPivotVisible != m_WeaponPivotVisible)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                    GUILayout.Label("Set Pivot Z to about -0.5 to bring it into view.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);
                    GUI.enabled = true;
                    GUILayout.Label("Pivot can be shown when the game is playing.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);

                GUI.enabled = true;

                m_Component.PositionSpringStiffness  = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring Stiffness", m_Component.PositionSpringStiffness, 0, 1);
                m_Component.PositionSpringDamping    = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring Damping", m_Component.PositionSpringDamping, 0, 1);
                m_Component.PositionSpring2Stiffness = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring2 Stiffn.", m_Component.PositionSpring2Stiffness, 0, 1);
                m_Component.PositionSpring2Damping   = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring2 Damp.", m_Component.PositionSpring2Damping, 0, 1);
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUILayout.Label("Spring2 is intended for recoil. See the docs for usage.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);
                GUI.enabled = true;
                m_Component.PositionKneeling           = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Kneeling", m_Component.PositionKneeling, 0, 1);
                m_Component.PositionFallRetract        = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Fall Retract", m_Component.PositionFallRetract, 0, 10);
                m_Component.PositionWalkSlide          = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Walk Sliding", m_Component.PositionWalkSlide);
                m_Component.PositionInputVelocityScale = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Input Vel. Scale", m_Component.PositionInputVelocityScale, 0, 10);
                m_Component.PositionMaxInputVelocity   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max Input Vel.", m_Component.PositionMaxInputVelocity);


            // --- Rotation ---
            m_WeaponRotationFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_WeaponRotationFoldout, "Rotation");
            if (m_WeaponRotationFoldout)
                m_Component.RotationOffset           = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Offset", m_Component.RotationOffset);
                m_Component.RotationExitOffset       = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Exit Offset", m_Component.RotationExitOffset);
                m_Component.RotationSpringStiffness  = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring Stiffness", m_Component.RotationSpringStiffness, 0, 1);
                m_Component.RotationSpringDamping    = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring Damping", m_Component.RotationSpringDamping, 0, 1);
                m_Component.RotationSpring2Stiffness = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring2 Stiffn.", m_Component.RotationSpring2Stiffness, 0, 1);
                m_Component.RotationSpring2Damping   = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Spring2 Damp.", m_Component.RotationSpring2Damping, 0, 1);
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUILayout.Label("Spring2 is intended for recoil. See the docs for usage.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);
                GUI.enabled = true;
                m_Component.RotationLookSway   = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Look Sway", m_Component.RotationLookSway);
                m_Component.RotationStrafeSway = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Strafe Sway", m_Component.RotationStrafeSway);
                m_Component.RotationFallSway   = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Fall Sway", m_Component.RotationFallSway);
                m_Component.RotationSlopeSway  = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Slope Sway", m_Component.RotationSlopeSway, 0, 1);
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUILayout.Label("SlopeSway multiplies FallSway when grounded\nand will take effect on slopes.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);
                GUI.enabled = true;
                m_Component.RotationInputVelocityScale = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Input Rot. Scale", m_Component.RotationInputVelocityScale, 0, 10);
                m_Component.RotationMaxInputVelocity   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max Input Rot.", m_Component.RotationMaxInputVelocity);


            // --- Shake ---
            m_WeaponShakeFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_WeaponShakeFoldout, "Shake");
            if (m_WeaponShakeFoldout)
                m_Component.ShakeSpeed     = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Speed", m_Component.ShakeSpeed, 0, 1);
                m_Component.ShakeAmplitude = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Amplitude", m_Component.ShakeAmplitude);


            // --- Bob ---
            m_WeaponBobFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_WeaponBobFoldout, "Bob");
            if (m_WeaponBobFoldout)
                m_Component.BobRate               = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("Rate", m_Component.BobRate);
                m_Component.BobAmplitude          = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("Amplitude", m_Component.BobAmplitude);
                m_Component.BobInputVelocityScale = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Input Vel. Scale", m_Component.BobInputVelocityScale, 0, 10);
                m_Component.BobMaxInputVelocity   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max Input Vel.", m_Component.BobMaxInputVelocity);
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUILayout.Label("XYZ is angular bob... W is position along the\nforward vector. X & Z rate should be (Y/2) for a\nclassic weapon bob.", vp_EditorGUIUtility.NoteStyle);
                GUI.enabled = true;


            // --- Sound ---
            m_WeaponSoundFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_WeaponSoundFoldout, "Sound");
            if (m_WeaponSoundFoldout)
                m_Component.SoundWield   = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Wield", m_Component.SoundWield, typeof(AudioClip), false);
                m_Component.SoundUnWield = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Unwield", m_Component.SoundUnWield, typeof(AudioClip), false);


        // --- State ---
        m_StateFoldout = vp_PresetEditorGUIUtility.StateFoldout(m_StateFoldout, m_Component, m_Component.States, m_Persister);

        // --- Preset ---
        m_PresetFoldout = vp_PresetEditorGUIUtility.PresetFoldout(m_PresetFoldout, m_Component);

        // --- Persist Play Mode Changes ---
//		vp_PresetEditorGUIUtility.PersistToggle(m_Persister);

        if (GUI.changed)
            // update the default state in order not to loose inspector tweaks
            // due to state switches during runtime
            if (Application.isPlaying)

            if (m_Component.Persist)

Esempio n. 3
    // any child objects to the FPSCamera component are treated
    // as weapons. these are put in the 'm_Weapons' list in
    // alphabetical order. this method will first disable the
    // currently activated weapon, then activate the one with
    // index 'i'. if 'i' is zero, no child will be activated.
    public void SetWeapon(int i)
        if (m_Weapons.Count < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Tried to set weapon with an empty weapon list.");

        if (i < 0 || i > m_Weapons.Count)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Weapon list does not have a weapon with index: " + i);

        // clear current weapon, set all child objects inactive
        // and clear the shooter
        m_CurrentWeapon = null;
        foreach (Transform t in transform)
            if(t.gameObject != m_WeaponCamera)
        m_CurrentShooter = null;

        // activate the new weapon
        m_CurrentWeaponID = i;
        if (m_CurrentWeaponID > 0)

            // set parent transform of new weapon active
            m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(true);

            // store the components of the new weapon and shooter
            m_CurrentWeapon = (vp_FPSWeapon)m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPSWeapon));
            m_CurrentShooter = (vp_FPSShooter)m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPSShooter));

            // activate the new shooter and camera, and make sure the weapon
            // renderer is enabled
            if (m_CurrentWeapon != null)

                if (m_CurrentShooter != null)
                    if (m_CurrentShooter.MuzzleFlash != null)
                if (m_CurrentWeapon.gameObject.renderer != null)
                    m_CurrentWeapon.gameObject.renderer.enabled = true;

                CurrentWeapon.PositionOffset = CurrentWeapon.DefaultPosition;
                CurrentWeapon.RotationOffset = CurrentWeapon.DefaultRotation;




Esempio n. 4
    // any child objects to the FPSCamera component are treated
    // as weapons. these are put in the 'm_Weapons' list in
    // alphabetical order. this method will first disable the
    // currently activated weapon, then activate the one with
    // index 'i'. if 'i' is zero, no child will be activated.
    public void SetWeapon(int i)
        if (m_Weapons.Count < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Tried to set weapon with an empty weapon list.");
        if (i < 0 || i > m_Weapons.Count)
            Debug.LogError("Error: Weapon list does not have a weapon with index: " + i);

        foreach (Transform t in transform)

        m_CurrentWeaponID = i;

        if (m_CurrentWeaponID > 0)
            m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(true);
            m_CurrentWeapon = (vp_FPSWeapon)m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPSWeapon));
            m_CurrentShooter = (vp_FPSShooter)m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponID - 1].GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPSShooter));

            if (m_CurrentWeapon != null)
                if (m_CurrentWeapon.WeaponCamera != null)
                if (m_CurrentShooter != null)
                    if (m_CurrentShooter.MuzzleFlash != null)