public static void Main() { start: bool success = false; voidptr pid, hwnd = null; string tmpdir = new FileInfo(typeof(Program_DIRTY).Assembly.Location).Directory.FullName + "/.tmp"; if (!Directory.Exists(tmpdir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpdir); } using (Process process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = @"C:\Progra~2\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", Arguments = $"--app=\"{URL}\" --incognito --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=\"{tmpdir}\"", } }) { process.Start(); process.WaitForInputIdle(); Thread.Sleep(3000); pid = process.Handle; } if (pid) { hwnd = Array.Find(GetAllWindows(), x => TITLE_REGEX.IsMatch(x.title)).hwnd; } else { Console.WriteLine("No process could be created."); return; } if (hwnd) { Console.WriteLine("Main window: " + hwnd); SetWindowPos(hwnd, null, 2000, 10, 420, 800, 0x0040); SendKeysTo(hwnd, "+^J"); Thread.Sleep(5000); voidptr devtools = Array.Find(GetAllWindows(), x => x.title.Contains(URL) && x.title.Contains("Developer Tools")).hwnd; if (devtools) { Console.WriteLine("Dev tools window: " + devtools); DoStuff(pid, hwnd, devtools); SendMessage(devtools, 0x10, null, null); SendKeysTo(devtools, "^W"); DestroyWindow(devtools); success = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Dev tools window not found."); } SendMessage(hwnd, 0x10, null, null); SendKeysTo(hwnd, "^W"); DestroyWindow(hwnd); } else { Console.WriteLine("Main window not found."); } if (Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { return; } else if (success) { goto start; } else if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit ..."); Console.ReadKey(true); } }
private static void SendCodeTo(voidptr devtools, string js) => SendTextTo(devtools, js.Replace("\r", "").Replace(" ", "\t").Replace("\t", "").Trim() + '\n');
private static void DoDecisions(voidptr pid, voidptr main, voidptr devtools, string s_text, string s_acc, string s_dec) { HttpListener listener = new HttpListener(); const int port = 1488; bool open = true; listener.Prefixes.Add($"http://*****:*****@" shutdown = function() {{ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'http://localhost:{port}?shutdown=0', true); xhr.send(); }} function requestresp() {{ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); try {{ var name = encodeURI({s_text}());'GET', 'http://localhost:{port}?name=' + name, true); xhr.onload = function() {{ var responseText = xhr.responseText; console.log(""voting for '"" + {s_text}() + ""' with '"" + responseText + ""'""); if (responseText === 'YES') {s_acc}(); else {s_dec}(); }}; xhr.send(); }} catch (e) {{ shutdown(); }} }} "); do { ++_vcount; SendTextTo(devtools, "requestresp();\n"); HttpListenerContext context = listener.GetContext(); HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request; HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response; string name = request.QueryString["name"]; bool accpt = OK_REGEX.IsMatch(name ?? ""); Console.WriteLine($"Vode no. {_vcount,20}: Voting on '{name}' with {(accpt ? "YES" : "NO")}."); open = request.QueryString["shutdown"] is null; byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(open ? accpt ? "YES" : "NOPE" : "Commiting Sudoku ..."); response.StatusCode = open ? 200 : 300; response.StatusDescription = open ? "OK." : "Shutting down."; response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length; using (Stream os = response.OutputStream) os.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Thread.Sleep(2000); }while (open); listener.Stop(); }
private static void DoStuff(voidptr pid, voidptr main, voidptr devtools) { const string add_jquery = "let sc=document.createElement(\"script\");sc.setAttribute('src','//');sc.addEventListener('load',function(){let sc=document.createElement('script');document.body.appendChild(sc);},false);document.body.appendChild(sc);\n"; const string iframe_jq_sel = "$('iframe.tempo-iframe-embed')"; string tmpID = $"__tmpid_{Guid.NewGuid():N}"; string iframe_jq_isel = $"$($('#{tmpID}')[0].contentDocument)"; SetWindowPos(devtools, null, 0, 10, 1000, 800, 0x0040); Thread.Sleep(2000); ShowWindow(devtools, 1); Thread.Sleep(500); ShowWindow(devtools, 3); Thread.Sleep(1000); devtools.Focus(); SendKeysTo(devtools, "^l"); SendKeysTo(devtools, "^u"); SendTextTo(devtools, add_jquery); Thread.Sleep(300); SendTextTo(devtools, $"{iframe_jq_sel}[0].scrollIntoView(true);\n"); SendTextTo(devtools, $"{iframe_jq_sel}.attr('id','{tmpID}');\n"); //SendTextTo(devtools, $"inspect({iframe_jq_sel}[0]);\n"); //SendKeysTo(devtools, "^ö"); devtools.Focus(); Thread.Sleep(500); LeftMouseClick(100, 90); SendKeysTo(devtools, "T"); SendKeysTo(devtools, "{ENTER}"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Thread.Sleep(500); LeftMouseClick(100, 90); SendKeysTo(devtools, "T"); for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { Thread.Sleep(100); SendKeysTo(devtools, "{DOWN}"); } Thread.Sleep(100); SendKeysTo(devtools, "{ENTER}"); } Thread.Sleep(500); LeftMouseClick(100, 800); SendKeysTo(devtools, "^l"); SendTextTo(devtools, "$('title');\n"); SendTextTo(devtools, "// We are inside iframe nao!\n"); const string start_jq_sel = "$('body>div>>div>div>>>span.nav-button.forward.first-slide-arrows>div>')"; SendTextTo(devtools, add_jquery); SendTextTo(devtools, $"{start_jq_sel}.click();\n"); SendTextTo(devtools, "// started dem shitty poll ...\n"); Thread.Sleep(500); main.Focus(); Thread.Sleep(1000); SetWindowPos(main, null, 1400, 100, 420, 700, 0x0040); devtools.Focus(); const string s_acc = "__accept"; const string s_dec = "__decline"; const string s_text = "__getname"; SendCodeTo(devtools, $@" var shutdown; function clickresponse(index) {{ var c = []; $('').each(function() {{ var e = $(this); if ((e.width() == 60) && (e.height() == 60)) c.push(e); }}); var s = c[index]; if (s === undefined) shutdown(); else; }} function {s_text}() {{ return $('').text(); }} var {s_acc} = function() {{ clickresponse(0) }}; var {s_dec} = function() {{ clickresponse(1) }}; "); DoDecisions(pid, main, devtools, s_text, s_acc, s_dec); Console.WriteLine("Finished Voting!"); }