// GET: /Account/Register
        public ActionResult Register()
            var model = new vmAccountRegister();

            model.termsConditions = cust.TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS;
Esempio n. 2
        // GET: /Account/Register
        public ActionResult Register()
            var model = new vmAccountRegister();

            return(View("Register", model));
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Register(vmAccountRegister model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (model != null)
                    MembershipCreateStatus status;

                        // ******************** AGENCY VALIDATION ******************************
                        List <T_OE_ORGANIZATION> o = db_Ref.GetT_OE_ORGANIZATION_ByEmail(model.UserName);
                        if (o != null)
                            if (o.Count == 0)
                                // PREVENT REGISTRATION IF NON US/GOV EMAIL
                                if (model.UserName.Substring(model.UserName.Length - 4) != ".gov" && model.UserName.Substring(model.UserName.Length - 3) != ".us")
                                    TempData["Error"] = "Registration is only available for government employees. Please register using a government-issued email.";
                                    if (model.suggestAgency == null)
                                        TempData["Error"] = "No government agency is found matching that email. Please provide an agency name below.";
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("suggestAgency", "Enter your agency name");
                                        model.suggestAgencyInd = true;
                            else if (o.Count > 1 && model.intSelOrgIDX == null)  //more than one match and single hasn't been identified yet
                                model.ddl_Agencies = o.Select(x => new SelectListItem
                                    Value = x.ORG_IDX.ToString(),
                                    Text  = x.ORG_NAME

                                TempData["Error"] = "Select the agency to which you belong.";
                                ModelState.AddModelError("intSelOrgIDX", "Select your agency");
                            else if (o.Count == 1)
                                model.intSelOrgIDX = o.FirstOrDefault().ORG_IDX;
                        // ****************** END AGENCY VALIDATION ******************************

                        //create user and send out verification email
                        Membership.Provider.CreateUser(model.UserName, "", model.UserName, null, null, false, null, out status);

                        if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                            int UserIDX = (int)Membership.GetUser(model.UserName).ProviderUserKey;

                            //create agency and email rule if new
                            Guid?NewOrgIDX = null;
                            if (model.intSelOrgIDX == null)
                                //create the agency & email rule
                                NewOrgIDX = db_Ref.InsertUpdatetT_OE_ORGANIZATION(null, null, model.suggestAgency, null, null, null, null, true, UserIDX);
                                db_Ref.InsertT_OE_ORGANIZATION_EMAIL_RULE(NewOrgIDX.ConvertOrDefault <Guid>(), Regex.Match(model.UserName, "@(.*)").Groups[1].Value);

                                //notify Site Admins via email
                                List <T_OE_USERS> Admins = db_Accounts.GetT_OE_USERSInRole(1);
                                foreach (T_OE_USERS Admin in Admins)
                                    Utils.SendEmail(null, Admin.EMAIL, null, null, model.UserName + " has registered a new Agency", "The user " + model.UserName + " has registered the following new agency: " + model.suggestAgency, null, "", "The user " + model.UserName + " has registered the following new agency: " + model.suggestAgency);

                            //update first name, last name, and agency
                            db_Accounts.UpdateT_OE_USERS(UserIDX, null, null, model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.UserName, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, model.intSelOrgIDX ?? NewOrgIDX, null);

                            //redirect user to registration success view
                            return(RedirectToAction("RegisterSuccess", "Account"));
                            if (status.ToString() == "DuplicateUserName")
                                TempData["Error"] = "An account has already been created with that email address. Please recover lost password.";
                            else if (status.ToString() == "InvalidEmail")
                                TempData["Error"] = "Unable to send verification email. Please try again later.";
                                TempData["Error"] = status;
                    catch (MembershipCreateUserException e)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(e.StatusCode));

            // Redisplay form showing error or success message