Esempio n. 1
        private void getValueByDelegate(CogoStation station, out tupleNullableDoubles theOutValue, verticalCurve.getSwitchForProfiles getFunction)
            if (null == allVCs)
            theOutValue.ahead = 0.0;
            theOutValue.back = 0.0;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;

             if ((station.trueStation < BeginProfTrueStation - stationEqualityTolerance) ||
             (station.trueStation > EndProfTrueStation + stationEqualityTolerance))
             {  // it means we are off the profile
            theOutValue.back = null;
            theOutValue.ahead = null;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;

             try { setIndexToTheCorrectVC(station); }
             catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
             verticalCurve aVC = allVCs[vcIndex];

             // if there are effectively no VCs, treat it as singleElevation
             if (allVCs.Count == 1 && aVC.Length < 0.00000001)
            theOutValue.back = aVC.BeginElevation;
            theOutValue.ahead = aVC.BeginElevation;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
             // if we are at the begin station, check to see how we relate to the previous vc
             else if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(station.trueStation, aVC.BeginStation.trueStation, stationEqualityTolerance) == 0)
            // if we are at the beginning of the profile, split theOutValue
            if (vcIndex == 0)
               theOutValue.back = null;
               theOutValue.ahead = getFunction(aVC, station);
               theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
            else  // if station is on the boundary between two verticalCurves,
            {     // then see if we need to split theOutValue
               if (getFunction == verticalCurve.getKvalue &&
                  theOutValue.back = theOutValue.ahead = 0.0;
                  theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  theOutValue.ahead = getFunction(aVC, station);
                  theOutValue.back = getFunction(allVCs[vcIndex - 1], station);
                  if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(theOutValue.back, theOutValue.ahead, 0.00005) == 0)
                     theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  else theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
             // End: if we are at the begin station, check to see how we relate to the previous vc
             // if we are at the end station, check to see how we relate to the next vc
             else if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(station.trueStation, aVC.EndStation.trueStation, stationEqualityTolerance) == 0)
            // if we are at the end of the profile, split theOutValue
            if (vcIndex == allVCs.Count - 1)
               theOutValue.back = getFunction(aVC, station);
               theOutValue.ahead = null;
               theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
            else  // if station is on the boundary between two verticalCurves,
            {     // then see if we need to split theOutValue
               if (getFunction == verticalCurve.getKvalue &&
                  theOutValue.back = theOutValue.ahead = 0.0;
                  theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  theOutValue.back = getFunction(aVC, station);
                  theOutValue.ahead = getFunction(allVCs[vcIndex + 1], station);
                  if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(theOutValue.back, theOutValue.ahead, 0.00005) == 0)
                     theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  else theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
             // End: if we are at the end station, check to see how we relate to the next vc
            theOutValue.back = getFunction(aVC, station);
            theOutValue.ahead = theOutValue.back;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private static Profile scaleAprofile(Profile ProfileToScale, double scaleSecondProfile)
            if (null == ProfileToScale) throw new ArgumentNullException();

             Profile retProfile = new Profile();
             retProfile.BeginProfTrueStation = ProfileToScale.BeginProfTrueStation;
             retProfile.EndProfTrueStation = ProfileToScale.EndProfTrueStation;
             retProfile.allVCs = new List<verticalCurve>();
             foreach (verticalCurve vc in ProfileToScale.allVCs)
            verticalCurve newVC = new verticalCurve(vc);
            if (newVC.IsaProfileGap == false)
               newVC.BeginElevation *= scaleSecondProfile;
               newVC.BeginSlope *= scaleSecondProfile;
               newVC.EndSlope *= scaleSecondProfile;
               newVC.Length = vc.Length;  // force computation of slopeRateOfChange_
             return retProfile;
Esempio n. 3
        private void buildThisFromRawVPIlist(vpiList rawVPIlist)
            iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves = false;
             if (rawVPIlist.Count < 2)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Profile can not have less than 2 VPIs");
             else if (rawVPIlist.Count == 2)
            thisAsVpiList_ = rawVPIlist;

            rawVPI vpi1 = rawVPIlist.getVPIbyIndex(0);
            rawVPI vpi2 = rawVPIlist.getVPIbyIndex(1);

            verticalCurve aNewVerticalCurve = new verticalCurve();
            aNewVerticalCurve.BeginElevation = vpi1.Elevation;

            aNewVerticalCurve.BeginStation = vpi1.Station;
            BeginProfTrueStation = vpi1.Station.trueStation;

            aNewVerticalCurve.Length = vpi2.Station - vpi1.Station;
            EndProfTrueStation = vpi2.Station.trueStation;

            aNewVerticalCurve.BeginSlope = (vpi2.Elevation - vpi1.Elevation) /
            aNewVerticalCurve.IsTangent = true;
            aNewVerticalCurve.IsBeginPINC = false;
            aNewVerticalCurve.IsEndPINC = false;

            allVCs = new List<verticalCurve>();
            thisAsVpiList_ = rawVPIlist;

            double g1; double g2;
            Int64 count=0;
            rawVPI vpi1; rawVPI vpi2;
            verticalCurve newVC;

            // Note: These next two lines are here to suppress compiler errors.
            //   The real assignments for vpi1 and 2 are at the end of the foureach loop
            vpi1 = rawVPIlist.getVPIbyIndex(0);
            vpi2 = rawVPIlist.getVPIbyIndex(1);

            foreach (rawVPI vpi3 in rawVPIlist.getVPIlist())
               if (count > 1)
                  if (count > 2)
                     if (count == 3)
                        allVCs = new List<verticalCurve>();
                        BeginProfTrueStation = vpi1.Station.trueStation;

                     g1 = (vpi2.Elevation - vpi1.Elevation) /
                          (vpi2.Station.trueStation - vpi1.Station.trueStation);

                     g2 = (vpi3.Elevation - vpi2.Elevation) /
                          (vpi3.Station.trueStation - vpi2.Station.trueStation);

                     double incomingTanLen;
                     incomingTanLen = vpi2.getBeginStation() - vpi1.getEndStation();

                     // add a VC for the incoming tangent when necessary
                     if (incomingTanLen > 0.0)
                        newVC = new verticalCurve();
                        newVC.BeginSlope = g1;
                        newVC.BeginStation = vpi1.getEndStation();
                        newVC.EndSlope = g1;
                        newVC.Length = incomingTanLen;
                        newVC.BeginElevation = vpi2.Elevation + getELchangeAlongSlope(g1,
                           (vpi1.getEndStation() - vpi2.Station));

                        newVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
                        if (allVCs.Count > 0)
                           newVC.IsBeginPINC = allVCs.Last<verticalCurve>().IsEndPINC;

                        newVC.IsEndPINC = false;
                        if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(vpi2.Length, 0.0, stationEqualityTolerance) == 0)
                           newVC.IsEndPINC = true;

                     // End: add a VC for the incoming tangent when necessary

                     // add a VC for the current vertical curve if VClen > 0
                     if (vpi2.Length > 0.0)
                        iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves = true;
                        newVC = new verticalCurve();
                        newVC.BeginSlope = g1;
                        newVC.BeginStation = vpi2.getBeginStation();
                        newVC.EndSlope = g2;
                        newVC.Length = vpi2.Length;
                        newVC.BeginElevation = vpi2.Elevation - getELchangeAlongSlope(g1, newVC.Length / 2.0);
                        EndProfTrueStation = newVC.BeginStation.trueStation + newVC.Length;
                     // End: add a VC for the current vertical curve if VClen > 0

                     // if this is the final VPI, add a final tangent if necessary
                     if (count == rawVPIlist.Count)
                        double outgoingTangentLength = vpi3.getBeginStation() - vpi2.getEndStation();
                        if (outgoingTangentLength > 0.0)
                           newVC = new verticalCurve();
                           newVC.BeginSlope = g2;
                           newVC.BeginStation = vpi2.getEndStation();
                           newVC.EndSlope = g2;
                           newVC.Length = outgoingTangentLength;
                           newVC.BeginElevation = vpi2.Elevation + getELchangeAlongSlope(g2, vpi2.Length / 2.0);

                           newVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
                           if (allVCs.Count > 0)
                              newVC.IsBeginPINC = allVCs.Last<verticalCurve>().IsEndPINC;

                           newVC.IsEndPINC = false;

                           EndProfTrueStation = newVC.BeginStation.trueStation + newVC.Length;
                     // End: if this is the final VPI, add a final tangent if necessary
                  vpi1 = vpi2;
               vpi2 = vpi3;
Esempio n. 4
        public void addSegment(CogoStation beginStation, double beginElevation,
            double beginSlope, double endSlope, double length, bool isBeginPINC,
            bool isEndPINC, bool isAProfileGap)
            this.BeginProfTrueStation = Math.Min(this.BeginProfTrueStation, beginStation.trueStation);
             this.EndProfTrueStation = Math.Max(this.EndProfTrueStation, beginStation.trueStation + length);

             verticalCurve aVC = new verticalCurve();
             aVC.IsaProfileGap = isAProfileGap;
             if (false == isAProfileGap)
            aVC.BeginStation = beginStation;
            aVC.BeginElevation = beginElevation;
            aVC.BeginSlope = beginSlope;
            aVC.EndSlope = endSlope;
            aVC.Length = length;
            aVC.IsBeginPINC = isBeginPINC;
            aVC.IsEndPINC = isEndPINC;

             if (null == this.allVCs)
            this.allVCs = new List<verticalCurve>();

Esempio n. 5
        public void appendStationAndElevation(CogoStation newStation, double newElevation)
            verticalCurve newVC, otherVC;
             if (iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves == true)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Currently unable to add VPI to a profile with a vertical curve.");
             newVC = new verticalCurve();
             // To Do's
             //Insert new pi after last station
             if (newStation > EndProfTrueStation)
            vcIndex = allVCs.Count - 1;
            otherVC = allVCs[vcIndex];
            newVC.BeginStation = otherVC.EndStation;
            EndProfTrueStation = newStation.trueStation;
            otherVC.IsEndPINC = true;
            newVC.BeginElevation = verticalCurve.getElevation(otherVC, (CogoStation)otherVC.EndStation);
            newVC.IsBeginPINC = true;
            newVC.IsEndPINC = false;
            newVC.IsTangent = true;
            newVC.BeginSlope = (newElevation - newVC.BeginElevation) /
                  (newStation - newVC.BeginStation);
            newVC.EndSlope = newVC.BeginSlope;
            newVC.Length = newStation - newVC.BeginStation;
             else if (newStation < BeginProfTrueStation)  //Insert new pi before first station
            vcIndex = 0;
            otherVC = allVCs[vcIndex];
            newVC.BeginStation = newStation;
            BeginProfTrueStation = newStation.trueStation;
            otherVC.IsBeginPINC = true;
            newVC.BeginElevation = newElevation;
            newVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
            newVC.IsEndPINC = true;
            newVC.IsTangent = true;
            newVC.BeginSlope = (otherVC.BeginElevation - newElevation) /
                  (otherVC.BeginStation - newStation);
            newVC.EndSlope = newVC.BeginSlope;
            newVC.Length = otherVC.BeginStation - newStation;
            allVCs.Insert(0, newVC);
             //insert new pi interior to the profile, but one that has no vertical curves
             {  //(CogoStation newStation, double newElevation)
            otherVC = allVCs[vcIndex];

            // see if new station is already in the profile as a vpi
            if(newStation == otherVC.BeginStation)
               if (vcIndex == 0)  // currently at the first vc
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
            else if(newStation == otherVC.EndStation)
               if (vcIndex == allVCs.Count - 1)  // currently at the last vc
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
            }  // End: see if new station is already in the profile as a vpi
            else // new station is interior to an existing VC
               CogoStation station1, station2, station3;
               double elevation1, elevation2, elevation3;
               station1 = otherVC.BeginStation; station2 = newStation; station3 = otherVC.EndStation;
               elevation1 = otherVC.BeginElevation; elevation2 = newElevation;
               elevation3 = verticalCurve.getElevation(otherVC, station3);

               otherVC.setVerticalTangent(station1, elevation1, station2, elevation2);
               newVC = new verticalCurve();
               newVC.setVerticalTangent(station2, elevation2, station3, elevation3);

               verticalCurve otherOtherVC;
               if (vcIndex > 0)
                  int VCindex0 = vcIndex - 1;
                  otherOtherVC = allVCs[VCindex0];
                  if (otherOtherVC.EndSlope == otherVC.BeginSlope)
                     otherOtherVC.IsEndPINC = otherVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
                     otherOtherVC.IsEndPINC = otherVC.IsBeginPINC = true;

               if (vcIndex < allVCs.Count-1)
                  int VCindex3 = vcIndex + 1;
                  otherOtherVC = allVCs[VCindex3];
                  if (otherOtherVC.BeginSlope == otherVC.EndSlope)
                     otherOtherVC.IsBeginPINC = otherVC.IsEndPINC = false;
                     otherOtherVC.IsBeginPINC = otherVC.IsEndPINC = true;

               allVCs.Insert(vcIndex+1, newVC);
            } // End: new station is interior to an existing VC
             // To Do: dissolve two vc's into one when they are really the same slope/elevation
Esempio n. 6
            private List<verticalCurve> getRayIntersectionsOnTangentSegment(ptsRay aRay)
                if (this.slopeRateOfChange_ != Double.PositiveInfinity)
                   throw new Exception("Parabolic profile segment encountered where tangent profile segment expected.");

                if (aRay.get_m() == this.get_m())
                   if (this.get_b() == aRay.get_b())
                  return null;
                  throw new NotImplementedException();

                double intersectionX = (this.get_b() - aRay.get_b()) /
                                   (aRay.get_m() - this.get_m());

                if (intersectionX < this.BeginStation.trueStation || intersectionX > this.EndStation.trueStation)
                   return null;

                if (false == aRay.isWithinDomain(intersectionX))
                   return null;

                int sign = 1;
                verticalCurve newVC = null;
                if (1 == aRay.advanceDirection)
                   newVC = new verticalCurve((CogoStation)aRay.StartPoint.x, aRay.StartPoint.z,
                  aRay.Slope, intersectionX - aRay.StartPoint.x, Double.PositiveInfinity);
                   sign = -1;
                   newVC = new verticalCurve((CogoStation)intersectionX, getElevation(this, (CogoStation)intersectionX),
                  sign * aRay.Slope, Math.Abs(intersectionX - aRay.StartPoint.x), Double.PositiveInfinity);
                var returnList = new List<verticalCurve>();
                return returnList;
Esempio n. 7
        public static Profile arithmaticAddProfile(Profile This, Profile Other, double scaleSecondProfile)
            if (Other == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();

             if (null == Other.allVCs) throw new Exception("Second profile variable has no profile segments.");
             // to do: check to see if both profiles are on the same hor alignment or
             //         are both unassociated with a horizontal alignment

             Profile scaledProfileOther = scaleAprofile(Other, scaleSecondProfile);
             if (null == This) return scaledProfileOther;

             Profile newProf = new Profile();
             newProf.allVCs = new List<verticalCurve>();

             This.vcIndex = 0; Other.vcIndex = 0;

             Profile prof1; Profile prof2;
             /* if profile stations do not overlap, append end to end */
             if (This.EndProfTrueStation <= Other.BeginProfTrueStation ||
             Other.EndProfTrueStation <= This.BeginProfTrueStation)
            if (This.EndProfTrueStation <= Other.BeginProfTrueStation)
               prof1 = This;
               prof2 = Other;
               prof1 = Other;
               prof2 = This;

            foreach (var vc in prof1.allVCs)
               newProf.allVCs.Add(new verticalCurve(vc));

            double gapLength = prof2.BeginProfTrueStation - prof1.EndProfTrueStation;
            if (gapLength > 0.0)
               var gapVC = new verticalCurve();
               gapVC.IsaProfileGap = true;
               gapVC.BeginStation = (CogoStation) prof1.EndProfTrueStation;
               gapVC.Length = gapLength;

            foreach(var vc in prof2.allVCs)
               var dupVC = new verticalCurve(vc);

            newProf.BeginProfTrueStation = Math.Min(prof1.BeginProfTrueStation, prof2.BeginProfTrueStation);
            newProf.EndProfTrueStation = Math.Max(prof1.EndProfTrueStation, prof2.EndProfTrueStation);
            newProf.iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves = prof1.iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves && prof2.iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves;

            return newProf;
             /* end if profile stations do not overlap, append end to end */

             prof1 = This;
             prof2 = scaledProfileOther;
             List<CogoStation> mergedStationList = mergeStationLists(prof1, prof2);
             CogoStation begSta = new CogoStation();

             verticalCurve prevVC = new verticalCurve();
             long count = -1;
             foreach (var endSta in mergedStationList)
            if (count == 0)
               begSta = endSta;
               newProf.BeginProfTrueStation = begSta.trueStation;

            double? begEL1 = prof1.getElevationFromTheRight(begSta);
            double? begEL2 = prof2.getElevationFromTheRight(begSta);

            double? endEL1 = prof1.getElevationFromTheLeft(endSta);  //start here.  why is this returning null?
            double? endEL2 = prof2.getElevationFromTheLeft(endSta);

            double? begSlope1 = prof1.getSlopeFromTheRight(begSta);
            double? begSlope2 = prof2.getSlopeFromTheRight(begSta);

            double? endSlope1 = prof1.getSlopeFromTheLeft(endSta);
            double? endSlope2 = prof2.getSlopeFromTheLeft(endSta);

            double? Kvalue1 = prof1.getKValueFromTheRight(begSta);
            double? Kvalue2 = prof2.getKValueFromTheRight(begSta);

            double newBegEL = utilFunctions.addNullableDoubles(begEL1, begEL2);
            double newEndEL = utilFunctions.addNullableDoubles(endEL1, endEL2);

            double newBegSlope = utilFunctions.addNullableDoubles(begSlope1, begSlope2);
            double newEndSlope = utilFunctions.addNullableDoubles(endSlope1, endSlope2);

            double newKValue = utilFunctions.addRecipricals(Kvalue1, Kvalue2);

            double length = endSta - begSta;

            var newVC = new verticalCurve(begSta, newBegEL, newBegSlope, length, newKValue);  // bug: add EndStation value

            if (count == 1)
               newVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
               prevVC.IsEndPINC = newVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
               if (prevVC.EndSlope != newVC.BeginSlope)
                  prevVC.IsEndPINC = newVC.IsBeginPINC = true;
               else if (prevVC.EndElevation != newVC.BeginElevation)
                  prevVC.IsEndPINC = newVC.IsBeginPINC = true;

            prevVC = newVC;
            begSta = endSta;
            newProf.EndProfTrueStation = endSta.trueStation;

             return newProf;
Esempio n. 8
            // currently untested code
            public verticalCurve createVerticalCurveAsAProfileGap(CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation)
                verticalCurve returnVC = new verticalCurve();

                returnVC.BeginStation = beginStation;
                returnVC.BeginElevation = 0.0;
                returnVC.BeginSlope = 0.0;
                returnVC.EndSlope = 0.0;
                returnVC.Length = endStation - beginStation;
                returnVC.IsBeginPINC = returnVC.IsEndPINC = true;

                returnVC.IsaProfileGap = true;
                return returnVC;
Esempio n. 9
            private List<List<verticalCurve>> getRayIntersectionsOnParabolicSegment(ptsRay aRay)
                List<List<verticalCurve>> returnListOfLists = null;
                double xForZeroSlope = getXforSlopeZero();
                var parabola0_0point = new { x = xForZeroSlope, elev = getElevation(this, (CogoStation) xForZeroSlope) };

                /* in which m is slope of the ray, b is the y-intercept of the ray
                 * from y = mx + b
                 * k is the slope rate of change of the parabola
                 * from y = kx^2
                 * Solved into a quadratic equation, it is in the form of
                 * -kx^2 + mx + b = 0
                 * which then is solved by the quadratic formula:
                 *       -m +/- sqrt(m^2 + 4kb)
                 * x =   ----------------------
                 *              -2k
                 * Finally, the part under the square root is called the discriminant.
                 * If the discriminant is negative, the roots are imaginary and
                 * we have no interest in those for our application.  - Paul Schrum
                 * */

                // Ray parts
                double m = aRay.get_m();
                double untransformedB = aRay.get_b();
                double rayElevAtParabolaInflectionStation = (m * parabola0_0point.x) + untransformedB;
                double b = rayElevAtParabolaInflectionStation - parabola0_0point.elev;

                // parabola parts
                double k = this.slopeRateOfChange_ / 2.0;

                double discriminant = (m * m) + (4 * k * b);
                if (discriminant < 0.0)
                   return null;

                double sqrtDisc = Math.Sqrt(discriminant);
                double xIntercept1;
                double xIntercept2;

                int sign = 1;
                verticalCurve newVC = null;

                xIntercept1 = ((-m + sqrtDisc) / (-2 * k)) + parabola0_0point.x;
                if (true == aRay.isWithinDomain(xIntercept1) && true == this.isWithinDomain(xIntercept1))
                   if (1 == aRay.advanceDirection)
                  newVC = new verticalCurve((CogoStation)aRay.StartPoint.x, aRay.StartPoint.z,
                     aRay.Slope, xIntercept1 - aRay.StartPoint.x, Double.PositiveInfinity);
                  sign = -1;
                  newVC = new verticalCurve((CogoStation) xIntercept1, getElevation(this, (CogoStation)xIntercept1),
                     sign * aRay.Slope, Math.Abs(xIntercept1 - aRay.StartPoint.x), Double.PositiveInfinity);
                   if (null == returnListOfLists)
                  returnListOfLists = new List<List<verticalCurve>>();

                   List<verticalCurve> listOfVerticalCurves = new List<verticalCurve>();

                if (discriminant > 0)
                   xIntercept2 = ((-m - sqrtDisc) / (-2 * k)) + parabola0_0point.x;
                   if (true == aRay.isWithinDomain(xIntercept2) && true == this.isWithinDomain(xIntercept2))
                  if (1 == aRay.advanceDirection)
                     sign = 1;
                     newVC = new verticalCurve((CogoStation)aRay.StartPoint.x, aRay.StartPoint.z,
                        aRay.Slope, xIntercept2 - aRay.StartPoint.x, Double.PositiveInfinity);
                     sign = -1;
                     newVC = new verticalCurve((CogoStation)xIntercept2, getElevation(this, (CogoStation)xIntercept2),
                        sign * aRay.Slope, Math.Abs(xIntercept2 - aRay.StartPoint.x), Double.PositiveInfinity);
                  if (null == returnListOfLists)
                     returnListOfLists = new List<List<verticalCurve>>();

                  List<verticalCurve> listOfVerticalCurves = new List<verticalCurve>();

                return returnListOfLists;
Esempio n. 10
            public static double getSlope(verticalCurve aVC, CogoStation station)
                double theSlope;
                double lenSquared; double lenIntoVC;

                if (aVC.IsTangent == true)
                   return aVC.BeginSlope;

                lenIntoVC = station - aVC.BeginStation;
                lenSquared = lenIntoVC * lenIntoVC;

                theSlope = aVC.BeginSlope +
                   (lenIntoVC / (100.0 * aVC.Kvalue));

                return theSlope;
Esempio n. 11
 public static double getKvalue(verticalCurve aVC, CogoStation station)
     return aVC.Kvalue;
Esempio n. 12
            public static double getElevation(verticalCurve aVC, CogoStation station)
                double theElevation;
                double lenSquared; double lenIntoVC;

                lenIntoVC = station - aVC.BeginStation;
                lenSquared = lenIntoVC * lenIntoVC;

                theElevation = aVC.BeginElevation +
                   (lenIntoVC * aVC.BeginSlope);

                if (aVC.IsTangent == false)
                   theElevation += (lenSquared / (200.0 * aVC.Kvalue));

                return theElevation;
Esempio n. 13
            // currently untested code
            // candidate for deleting becuase it is not needed
            public verticalCurve(verticalCurve vc1, verticalCurve vc2, CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation)
                double actualBeginStation = Math.Max(vc1.BeginStation.trueStation, Math.Max(vc2.BeginStation.trueStation, beginStation.trueStation));
                double actualEndStation = Math.Min(vc1.EndStation.trueStation, Math.Min(vc2.EndStation.trueStation, endStation.trueStation));
                double newLength = actualEndStation - actualBeginStation;

                if(newLength == 0.0)
                   throw new Exception("Can't create vertical curve with Length = 0");
                if(newLength < 0)
                   throw new Exception("Can't create vertical curve with Length < 0");

                double newBeginElevation =
                   getElevation(vc1, (CogoStation) actualBeginStation) +
                   getElevation(vc2, (CogoStation) actualBeginStation);

                double newEndElevation =
                   getElevation(vc1, (CogoStation)actualEndStation) +
                   getElevation(vc2, (CogoStation)actualEndStation);

                double newBeginSlope =
                   getSlope(vc1, (CogoStation)actualBeginStation) +
                   getSlope(vc2, (CogoStation)actualBeginStation);

                double newEndSlope =
                   getSlope(vc1, (CogoStation)actualEndStation) +
                   getSlope(vc2, (CogoStation)actualEndStation);

                double testPIdistance = Profile.intersect2SlopesInX(
                   actualBeginStation, newBeginElevation, newBeginSlope,
                   actualEndStation, newEndElevation, newEndSlope);
Esempio n. 14
 public verticalCurve(verticalCurve otherVC)
     this.BeginStation = (CogoStation) otherVC.BeginStation.trueStation;
     this.BeginElevation = otherVC.BeginElevation;
     this.BeginSlope = otherVC.BeginSlope;
     this.EndSlope = otherVC.EndSlope;
     this.Length = otherVC.Length;
     this.IsBeginPINC = otherVC.IsBeginPINC;
     this.IsEndPINC = otherVC.IsEndPINC;
     this.IsaProfileGap = otherVC.IsaProfileGap;