protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { divFail.Visible = false; divSuccess.Visible = false; lblSubDreditPass.Visible = false; Session["isOK"] = false; if ((Session["save_data"] != null) && (Session["save_student"] != null) && (Session["save_teaching"] != null) && (Session["save_lecturer"] != null) && (Session["academic_year"] != null) && (Session["semester"] != null) && (Session["course_code"] != null) && (Session["Sec"] != null) && (Session["subsec_num"] != null)) { try { available_data = (AvailableCourseData)Session["save_data"]; available_student = (List <AvailableStudentData>)Session["save_student"]; teachtable = (List <TeachingTableData>)Session["save_teaching"]; lecturertable = (List <LecturerTableData>)Session["save_lecturer"]; CurriculumGeneralData curr = new Curriculum().getCurriculum(available_data.Curr_Code); degree_char = curr.Degree_Char; string old_academic_year = (string)Session["academic_year"]; string old_semester = (string)Session["semester"]; string old_course_code = (string)Session["course_code"]; int old_sec_num = (int)Session["Sec"]; int old_subsec_num = (int)Session["subsec_num"]; old_available_data.AcademicYear = old_academic_year; old_available_data.Semester = old_semester; old_available_data.Course_Code = old_course_code; old_available_data.Sec_No = old_sec_num; old_available_student.AcademicYear = old_academic_year; old_available_student.Semester = old_semester; old_available_student.Course_Code = old_course_code; old_available_student.Sec_No = old_sec_num; old_available_student.SubSec_No = old_subsec_num; old_teaching.AcademicYear = old_academic_year; old_teaching.Semester = old_semester; old_teaching.Course_Code = old_course_code; old_teaching.Sec_No = old_sec_num; old_teaching.SubSec_No = old_subsec_num; old_lecturer.AcademicYear = old_academic_year; old_lecturer.Semester = old_semester; old_lecturer.Course_Code = old_course_code; old_lecturer.Sec_No = old_sec_num; old_lecturer.SubSec_No = old_subsec_num; CourseData course_data = new Course().getCourse(available_data.Course_Code); lblSemester.Text = available_data.Semester; lblAcademicYear.Text = available_data.AcademicYear; //lblFaculty.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(available_data.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; //lblCurriculum.Text = available_data.Curr_Code + " " + new Curriculum().getCurriculum(available_data.Curr_Code).Curr_ThaiName; lblCourse.Text = course_data.Course_Code + " : " + course_data.Course_Thainame + " " + course_data.Credit.ToString() + "(" + course_data.Theory.ToString() + "-" + course_data.Practice.ToString() + "-" + course_data.Self_Study.ToString() + ")"; lblSecNo.Text = teachtable[0].SubSec_No.ToString(); lblNumberStudent.Text = teachtable[0].SubNumber_Student.ToString(); lblCourseType.Text = new CourseType().getCourseType(teachtable[0].Course_Type).CourseType_Thainame; if (available_data.Curr_Code.Substring(4) == "999999999") { lblFaculty.Text = "วิชาบริการศึกษา"; lblCurriculum.Text = curr.Curr_ThaiName + " (ปีหลักสูตร " + curr.Curr_Year + ")"; } else { lblFaculty.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(available_data.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; lblCurriculum.Text = curr.Curr_Code + " " + curr.Curr_ThaiName; } // Head Table string[] ar1 = { "หลักสูตร", "ประเภทนักศึกษา", "รอบ", "ชั้นปี", "กลุ่ม" }; Table tb1 = new Table(); tb1.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped"); tb1.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic1"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar1.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar1[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tb1.Rows.Add(tRowHead); foreach (AvailableStudentData available in available_student) { if (available.Student_Group_Code != "-") { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCurriculum = new TableCell(); CurriculumGeneralData std_curr = new Curriculum().getCurriculum(available.Curr_Code); cellCurriculum.Text = std_curr.Curr_Code + " " + std_curr.Curr_ThaiName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCurriculum); TableCell cellStdCategory = new TableCell(); cellStdCategory.Text = new StdCategory().getStdCategory(available.Student_Category_Code).StdCategory_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStdCategory); TableCell cellSection = new TableCell(); cellSection.Text = new Section().getSection(available.Section_Code).Section_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellSection); TableCell cellStudentYear = new TableCell(); cellStudentYear.Text = available.Student_Year.ToString(); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudentYear); TableCell cellStudentGroup = new TableCell(); cellStudentGroup.Text = new StdGroup().getStdGroup(available.Student_Group_Code).StdGroup_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudentGroup); tb1.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Controls.Add(tb1); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblStudentList.Rows.Add(row); if (tb1.Rows.Count <= 1) { tblStudentList.Visible = false; } // Head Table string[] ar3 = { "คณะ" }; Table tb3 = new Table(); tb3.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped"); tb3.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic3"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead3 = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead3.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar3.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead3 = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead3.Text = ar3[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead3.Cells.Add(cellHead3); } tb3.Rows.Add(tRowHead3); foreach (AvailableStudentData available in available_student) { if (available.Faculty_Code != "-" && available.Student_Group_Code == "-") { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellFaculty = new TableCell(); cellFaculty.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(available.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFaculty); tb3.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } TableRow row3 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell3 = new TableCell(); cell3.Controls.Add(tb3); row3.Cells.Add(cell3); tblStudentList2.Rows.Clear(); tblStudentList2.Rows.Add(row3); if (tb3.Rows.Count <= 1) { tblStudentList2.Visible = false; } // Head Table string[] ar4 = { "หลักสูตร" }; Table tb4 = new Table(); tb4.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped"); tb4.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic4"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead4 = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead4.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar4.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead4 = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead4.Text = ar4[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead4.Cells.Add(cellHead4); } tb4.Rows.Add(tRowHead4); foreach (AvailableStudentData available in available_student) { if (available.Curr_Code != "-" && available.Student_Group_Code == "-") { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCurri = new TableCell(); CurriculumGeneralData std_curr2 = new Curriculum().getCurriculum(available.Curr_Code); cellCurri.Text = std_curr2.Curr_Code + " " + std_curr2.Curr_ThaiName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCurri); tb4.Rows.Add(tRowBody); } } TableRow row4 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell4 = new TableCell(); cell4.Controls.Add(tb4); row4.Cells.Add(cell4); tblStudentList3.Rows.Clear(); tblStudentList3.Rows.Add(row4); if (tb4.Rows.Count <= 1) { tblStudentList3.Visible = false; } // Head Table string[] ar2 = { "ช่วงที่", "วันสอน", "เวลา", "อาคาร", "ห้องเรียน", "ผู้สอน" }; int num_row = 1; Table tb2 = new Table(); tb2.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped"); tb2.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic2"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead2 = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead2.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar2.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead2 = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead2.Text = ar2[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead2.Cells.Add(cellHead2); } tb2.Rows.Add(tRowHead2); foreach (TeachingTableData table in teachtable) { TableRow tRowBody2 = new TableRow(); tRowBody2.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellRow = new TableCell(); cellRow.Text = num_row.ToString(); tRowBody2.Cells.Add(cellRow); TableCell cellDay = new TableCell(); cellDay.Text = utlObj.getDayOfWeek_Thai(table.Teaching_Day); tRowBody2.Cells.Add(cellDay); TableCell cellTime = new TableCell(); cellTime.Attributes.Add("class", "text-center"); cellTime.Text = table.Teaching_Start_Time + " - " + table.Teaching_End_Time; tRowBody2.Cells.Add(cellTime); TableCell cellBuilding = new TableCell(); cellBuilding.Text = new Building().getBuilding(table.Building_Code).Building_ThaiName; tRowBody2.Cells.Add(cellBuilding); TableCell cellRoom = new TableCell(); if (table.Room_Code == "0") // ไม่ระบุห้องเรียน { cellRoom.Text = "ไม่ระบุ"; } else { cellRoom.Text = new Room().getRoom(table.Campus_Code, table.Building_Code, table.Room_Code).Room_ThaiName; } tRowBody2.Cells.Add(cellRoom); string lec_all = ""; foreach (LecturerTableData lect_data in lecturertable) { if (table.Room_Code == lect_data.Room_Code && table.Teaching_Day == lect_data.Teaching_Day && table.Teaching_Start_Time == lect_data.Teaching_Start_Time && table.Teaching_End_Time == lect_data.Teaching_End_Time) { lec_all += lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect_data.Lecturer).First_ThaiName + " " + lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect_data.Lecturer).Family_ThaiName + "<br />"; } } TableCell cellLecturer = new TableCell(); cellLecturer.Text = lec_all; tRowBody2.Cells.Add(cellLecturer); tb2.Rows.Add(tRowBody2); num_row++; } TableRow row2 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); cell2.Controls.Add(tb2); row2.Cells.Add(cell2); tblTeaching.Rows.Add(row2); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { createCreditTable(); } else { createCreditTable2(); } divSuccess.Visible = false; divFail.Visible = false; divBody.Visible = true; } catch { divSuccess.Visible = false; divFail.Visible = true; divBody.Visible = false; } } else { divShow.Visible = false; divFail.Visible = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { row_edit = Request.QueryString["row"]; edit_teach_data = (TeachingTableData)Session["edit_teachtable" + row_edit]; lblGeneralDataError.Text = ""; lblTableError.Text = ""; lblStudentError.Text = ""; courseData = new Course().getCourse(edit_teach_data.Course_Code); // Course Detail lblSemester.Text = edit_teach_data.Semester; lblAcadimicYear.Text = edit_teach_data.AcademicYear; lblCourseCode.Text = edit_teach_data.Course_Code; lblCourseName.Text = courseData.Course_Engname; lblCourseCredit.Text = courseData.Credit + "(" + courseData.Theory + "-" + courseData.Practice + "-" + courseData.Self_Study + ")"; /* ======= Not Postback ======= */ if (!Page.IsPostBack) { currData = new Curriculum().getCurriculum(); stdcatData = new StdCategory().getStdCategory(); secData = new Section().getSection(); stdgroupData = new StdGroup().getStdGroup(); txtSEC_NO.Text = edit_teach_data.Sec_No.ToString(); txtNUMBER_STUDENT.Text = edit_teach_data.SubNumber_Student.ToString(); // ประเภทตอนเรียน ddlCourseType.Items.Clear(); if (courseData.Course_Type_Code == "1") { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- ทฤษฎี ---", "1")); } else if (courseData.Course_Type_Code == "2") { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- ปฏิบัติ ---", "2")); } else if (courseData.Course_Type_Code == "3") { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- ทฤษฎี ---", "1")); } else if (courseData.Course_Type_Code == "4") { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- วิทยานิพนธ์ ---", "4")); } else if (courseData.Course_Type_Code == "5") { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- สารนิพนธ์นิพนธ์ ---", "5")); } else if (courseData.Course_Type_Code == "6") { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- ปัญหาพิเศษ ---", "6")); } else { ddlCourseType.Items.Insert(ddlCourseType.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- ไม่พบรายการ ---", "0")); } // หลักสูตร ddlCurriculum.Items.Clear(); ddlCurriculum.Items.Insert(ddlCurriculum.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกหลักสูตร ---", "0")); foreach (CurriculumGeneralData data in currData) { ddlCurriculum.Items.Insert(ddlCurriculum.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Curr_ThaiName, data.Curr_Code)); } // ประเภทนักศึกษา ddlStdCategory.Items.Clear(); ddlStdCategory.Items.Insert(ddlStdCategory.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกประเภทนักศึกษา ---", "0")); foreach (StdCategoryData data in stdcatData) { ddlStdCategory.Items.Insert(ddlStdCategory.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.StdCategory_Thai, data.StdCategory_Code)); } // รอบ ddlSection.Items.Clear(); ddlSection.Items.Insert(ddlSection.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกรอบ ---", "0")); foreach (SectionData data in secData) { ddlSection.Items.Insert(ddlSection.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Section_Thai, data.Section_Code)); } //กลุ่ม ddlStdGroup.Items.Clear(); foreach (StdGroupData data in stdgroupData) { ddlStdGroup.Items.Insert(ddlStdGroup.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.StdGroup_Thai, data.StdGroup_Code)); } // อาคาร ddlBUILING_CODE.Items.Clear(); buildingData = new Building().getBuilding(); foreach (BuildingData data in buildingData) { ddlBUILING_CODE.Items.Insert(ddlBUILING_CODE.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Building_ThaiName, data.Building_Code)); } ddlBUILING_CODE.SelectedIndex = 0; // ห้อง ddlROOM_CODE.Items.Clear(); roomData = new Room().getRoom_withBuilding(ddlBUILING_CODE.SelectedValue); foreach (RoomData data in roomData) { ddlROOM_CODE.Items.Insert(ddlROOM_CODE.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Room_ThaiName, data.Room_Code)); } ddlROOM_CODE.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlLecturer.Items.Clear(); lecturerData = lecturerObj.getLecturer(); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlLecturer.Items.Insert(ddlLecturer.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } /* ============================= */ /* ============= Load Student ==============*/ if (Session["save_student"] == null) { available_student = new AvailableStudent().getAvailableStudent(edit_teach_data.AcademicYear, edit_teach_data.Semester, edit_teach_data.Course_Code, edit_teach_data.Sec_No, edit_teach_data.SubSec_No, "degree_char"); Session["save_student"] = available_student; } if (Session["save_student"] != null) { int num_row1 = 1; available_student = (List <AvailableStudentData>)Session["save_student"]; // Head Table string[] ar2 = { "หลักสูตร", "ประเภทนักศึกษา", "รอบ", "ชั้นปี", "กลุ่ม", "ลบ" }; Table tb2 = new Table(); tb2.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"); tb2.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic1"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead2 = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead2.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar2.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar2[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead2.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tb2.Rows.Add(tRowHead2); foreach (AvailableStudentData available in available_student) { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellCurriculum = new TableCell(); cellCurriculum.Text += new Curriculum().getCurriculum(available.Curr_Code).Curr_ThaiName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCurriculum); TableCell cellStdCategory = new TableCell(); cellStdCategory.Text = new StdCategory().getStdCategory(available.Student_Category_Code).StdCategory_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStdCategory); TableCell cellSection = new TableCell(); cellSection.Text = new Section().getSection(available.Section_Code).Section_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellSection); TableCell cellStudentYear = new TableCell(); cellStudentYear.Text = available.Student_Year.ToString(); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudentYear); TableCell cellStudentGroup = new TableCell(); cellStudentGroup.Text = new StdGroup().getStdGroup(available.Student_Group_Code).StdGroup_Thai; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudentGroup); TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); LinkButton lbt = new LinkButton(); lbt.Text = "<i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\"></i>"; lbt.ID = "link" + num_row1.ToString(); lbt.Click += new EventHandler(ibt_click); cellDel.Controls.Add(lbt); cellDel.Attributes.Add("class", "text-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tb2.Rows.Add(tRowBody); num_row1++; } TableRow row2 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); cell2.Controls.Add(tb2); row2.Cells.Add(cell2); tblAvailableList.Rows.Clear(); tblAvailableList.Rows.Add(row2); } /* ========================================= */ /* ============= Load Teach Table ============= */ teachtable.Add(edit_teach_data); Session["save_teaching"] = teachtable; if (Session["save_teaching"] != null) { teachtable = (List <TeachingTableData>)Session["save_teaching"]; if (Session["save_lecturer"] != null) { lecturertable = (List <LecturerTableData>)Session["save_lecturer"]; } // Head Table string[] ar3 = { "ช่วงที่", "ตอนที่", "วันสอน", "เวลา", "อาคาร", "ห้องเรียน", "ผู้สอบ", "จำนวนผู้เรียน", "ลบ" }; int num_row = 1; Table tb3 = new Table(); tb3.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"); tb3.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic1"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead3 = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead3.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar3.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar3[cellCtr - 1]; tRowHead3.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tb3.Rows.Add(tRowHead3); foreach (TeachingTableData table in teachtable) { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellRow = new TableCell(); cellRow.Text += num_row.ToString(); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellRow); TableCell cellSubSec = new TableCell(); cellSubSec.Text = "S." + table.Sec_No.ToString(); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellSubSec); TableCell cellDay = new TableCell(); cellDay.Text = utlObj.getDayOfWeek_Thai(table.Teaching_Day); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDay); TableCell cellTime = new TableCell(); cellTime.Attributes.Add("class", "text-center"); cellTime.Text = table.Teaching_Start_Time + " - " + table.Teaching_End_Time; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellTime); TableCell cellBuilding = new TableCell(); cellBuilding.Text = new Building().getBuilding(table.Building_Code).Building_ThaiName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellBuilding); TableCell cellRoom = new TableCell(); cellRoom.Text = new Room().getRoom(table.Campus_Code, table.Building_Code, table.Room_Code).Room_ThaiName; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellRoom); string lec_all = ""; foreach (LecturerTableData lect_data in lecturertable) { if (table.Room_Code == lect_data.Room_Code && table.Teaching_Day == lect_data.Teaching_Day && table.Teaching_Start_Time == lect_data.Teaching_Start_Time && table.Teaching_End_Time == lect_data.Teaching_End_Time) { lec_all += lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect_data.Lecturer).First_ThaiName + " " + lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect_data.Lecturer).Family_ThaiName + "<br />"; } } TableCell cellLecturer = new TableCell(); cellLecturer.Text = lec_all; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellLecturer); TableCell cellNumStudent = new TableCell(); cellNumStudent.Text = table.SubNumber_Student.ToString(); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNumStudent); TableCell cellDel = new TableCell(); cellDel.Attributes.Add("class", "text-center"); LinkButton lbt = new LinkButton(); lbt.Text = "<i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\"></i>"; lbt.ID = "tech" + num_row.ToString(); lbt.Click += new EventHandler(ibt2_click); cellDel.Controls.Add(lbt); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellDel); tb3.Rows.Add(tRowBody); num_row++; } TableRow row3 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell3 = new TableCell(); cell3.Controls.Add(tb3); row3.Cells.Add(cell3); tblTeaching.Rows.Clear(); tblTeaching.Rows.Add(row3); } /* ============================================ */ }
protected void btnSEARCH_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { divShow.Visible = true; txtCOURSE_CODE.Text = new utility().removeAllQuotes(txtCOURSE_CODE.Text); try { divShow.Visible = true; uint chknum; if (txtACADEMIC_YEAR.Text.Length != 4) { MsgValidate("โปรดระบุ ปีการศึกษาเป็นตัวเลขจำนวน 4 ตัว"); } else if (!uint.TryParse(txtACADEMIC_YEAR.Text, out chknum)) { MsgValidate("โปรดระบุ ปีการศึกษาเป็นตัวเลขเท่านั้น"); } else { degree_char = ddlDegreeLevel.SelectedValue; string table_struct1 = ""; string course_code1 = ""; Lecturer lecturerObj = new Lecturer(); List <TeachingTableData> teachtable = new List <TeachingTableData>(); List <TeachingTableData> subteachtable = new List <TeachingTableData>(); List <AvailableStudentData> available_student = new List <AvailableStudentData>(); available_data = new AvailableCourse().getAvailableCourse(txtACADEMIC_YEAR.Text, ddlSEMESTER.SelectedValue, txtCOURSE_CODE.Text, degree_char); CourseData course = new CourseData(); int loop = available_data.Count; for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++) { AvailableCourseData ava_course = available_data[i]; course = new Course().getCourse(ava_course.Course_Code); string course_code = ava_course.Course_Code; string course_name = course.Course_Thainame; string course_credit = course.Credit.ToString(); if (course.Course_Type_Code == "1" || course.Course_Type_Code == "2" || course.Course_Type_Code == "6") { course_credit += "(" + course.Theory + "-" + course.Practice + "-" + course.Self_Study + ")"; } teachtable = new TeachingTable().getTeachingTable(ava_course.AcademicYear, ava_course.Semester, ava_course.Course_Code, ava_course.Sec_No, degree_char); subteachtable = new TeachingTable().getSubTeachingTable(ava_course.AcademicYear, ava_course.Semester, ava_course.Course_Code, ava_course.Sec_No, degree_char); if (course_code != course_code1) { course_code1 = course_code; table_struct1 += "<div class='row'>"; table_struct1 += "<article class='col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12'>"; table_struct1 += "<div class='jarviswidget jarviswidget-color-primary' id='" + course_code + "' data-widget-editbutton='false' data-widget-deletebutton='false' data-widget-fullscreenbutton='false' data-widget-sortable='false'>"; table_struct1 += "<header><span class='widget-icon'><i class='fa fa-table'></i></span><h2>" + course_code + " : " + course_name + " " + course_credit + "</h2></header>"; table_struct1 += "<div><div class='widget-body no-padding'><div class='widget-body-toolbar'></div>"; table_struct1 += "<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-hover smart-form'>"; table_struct1 += "<thead><tr><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ตอนที่</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>วัน</th><th class='text-center' style='width:70px'>เวลา</th><th class='text-center'>ผู้สอน</th><th class='text-center'>ห้องเรียน</th><th class='text-center'>ข้อมูล น.ศ.</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>จำนวน น.ศ.</th></tr></thead>"; table_struct1 += "<tbody>"; } foreach (TeachingTableData teach_table in teachtable) { available_student = new AvailableStudent().getAvailableStudent(teach_table.AcademicYear, teach_table.Semester, teach_table.Course_Code, teach_table.Sec_No, teach_table.SubSec_No, degree_char); string week_day = utlObj.getDayOfWeek_Thai(teach_table.Teaching_Day); string teach_time = teach_table.Teaching_Start_Time + " - " + teach_table.Teaching_End_Time; string building_room = new Building().getBuilding(teach_table.Building_Code).Building_ShortName; if (teach_table.Room_Code == "0") // ไม่ระบุห้องเรียน { building_room += "-ไม่ระบุ"; } else { building_room += "-" + teach_table.Room_Code; } string course_type = ""; if (teach_table.Course_Type == "1") { course_type = "S."; } else if (teach_table.Course_Type == "2") { course_type = "L."; } else if (teach_table.Course_Type == "4") { course_type = "T."; } else if (teach_table.Course_Type == "5") { course_type = "M."; } else if (teach_table.Course_Type == "6") { course_type = "SP."; } else if (teach_table.Course_Type == "7") { course_type = "D."; } string lec_all = ""; List <LecturerTableData> lecturerData = new List <LecturerTableData>(); lecturerData = new LecturerTable().getLecturerTable(teach_table, degree_char); foreach (LecturerTableData lect in lecturerData) { lec_all += lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect.Lecturer).Title_ThaiName + " " + lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect.Lecturer).First_ThaiName + " " + lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect.Lecturer).Family_ThaiName + "<br>"; } string student_list = ""; foreach (AvailableStudentData student in available_student) { if (student.Student_Group_Code != "-") { student_list += student.Curr_Code.Substring(4) + " - " + student.Student_Year + " " + new Section().getSection(student.Section_Code).Section_Short + new StdGroup().getStdGroup(student.Student_Group_Code).StdGroup_Thai + " " + new StdCategory().getStdCategory(student.Student_Category_Code).StdCategory_Thai + "<br/>"; } else if (student.Student_Group_Code == "-" && student.Faculty_Code != "-") { student_list += new Faculty().getFaculty(student.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai + "<br/>"; } else if (student.Student_Group_Code == "-" && student.Curr_Code != "-") { student_list += student.Curr_Code.Substring(4) + " " + new Curriculum().getCurriculum(student.Curr_Code).Curr_ThaiName + "<br/>"; } } table_struct1 += "<tr>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + course_type + ava_course.Sec_No.ToString() + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + week_day + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td>" + teach_time + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td>" + lec_all + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + building_room + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + student_list + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + ava_course.Number_Student.ToString() + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "</tr>"; } // Pratice Extened foreach (TeachingTableData teach_table in subteachtable) { available_student = new AvailableStudent().getAvailableStudent(teach_table.AcademicYear, teach_table.Semester, teach_table.Course_Code, teach_table.Sec_No, teach_table.SubSec_No, degree_char); string week_day = utlObj.getDayOfWeek_Thai(teach_table.Teaching_Day); string teach_time = teach_table.Teaching_Start_Time + " - " + teach_table.Teaching_End_Time; string building_room = new Building().getBuilding(teach_table.Building_Code).Building_ShortName; if (teach_table.Room_Code == "0") // ไม่ระบุห้องเรียน { building_room += "-ไม่ระบุ"; } else { building_room += "-" + teach_table.Room_Code; } string course_type = ""; if (teach_table.Course_Type == "1") { course_type = "S."; } else if (teach_table.Course_Type == "2") { course_type = "L."; } string lec_all = ""; List <LecturerTableData> lecturerData = new List <LecturerTableData>(); lecturerData = new LecturerTable().getLecturerTable(teach_table, degree_char); foreach (LecturerTableData lect in lecturerData) { lec_all += lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect.Lecturer).Title_ThaiName + " " + lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect.Lecturer).First_ThaiName + " " + lecturerObj.getLecturer(lect.Lecturer).Family_ThaiName + "<br>"; } string student_list = ""; foreach (AvailableStudentData student in available_student) { if (student.Student_Group_Code != "-") { student_list += student.Curr_Code.Substring(4) + " - " + student.Student_Year + " " + new Section().getSection(student.Section_Code).Section_Short + new StdGroup().getStdGroup(student.Student_Group_Code).StdGroup_Thai + " " + new StdCategory().getStdCategory(student.Student_Category_Code).StdCategory_Thai + "<br/>"; } else if (student.Student_Group_Code == "-" && student.Faculty_Code != "-") { student_list += new Faculty().getFaculty(student.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai + "<br/>"; } else if (student.Student_Group_Code == "-" && student.Curr_Code != "-") { student_list += student.Curr_Code.Substring(4) + " " + new Curriculum().getCurriculum(student.Curr_Code).Curr_ThaiName + "<br/>"; } } table_struct1 += "<tr>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + course_type + teach_table.SubSec_No.ToString() + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + week_day + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td>" + teach_time + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td>" + lec_all + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + building_room + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + student_list + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "<td class='text-center'>" + teach_table.SubNumber_Student.ToString() + "</td>"; table_struct1 += "</tr>"; } if (i < (available_data.Count - 1)) { if (available_data[i + 1].Course_Code != course_code) { table_struct1 += "</tbody>"; table_struct1 += "</table></div></div></div></article></div>"; } } else { table_struct1 += "</tbody>"; table_struct1 += "</table></div></div></div></article></div>"; } } LiteralControl div_row = new LiteralControl(table_struct1); panelListAvailableCourse.Controls.Add(div_row); } } catch { divShow.Visible = false; divFail.Visible = true; } }