public void Resume(
        [FriendlyName("Start Value", "Starting value to interpolate from.")]
        int startValue,

        [FriendlyName("End Value", "Ending value to interpolate to.")]
        int endValue,

        [FriendlyName("Time", "Time to take to complete the interpolation (in seconds).")]
        float time,

        [FriendlyName("Loop Type", "The type of looping to use (available values are None, Repeat, and PingPong).")]
        [SocketState(false, false)]
        uScript_Lerper.LoopType loopType,

        [FriendlyName("Loop Delay", "Time delay (in seconds) between loops.")]
        [SocketState(false, false)]
        float loopDelay,

        [FriendlyName("Loop Count", "Number of times to loop. For infinite looping, use -1 or connect the out socket of this node to its own in and use any positive value.")]
        [DefaultValue(-1), SocketState(false, false)]
        int loopCount,

        [FriendlyName("Output Value", "Current interpolated value.")]
        out int currentValue
        m_Lerper.Resume( );

        currentValue = m_LastValue;
        if (!m_Began)
            currentValue = startValue;