protected override void OnConfigureAI() { base.OnConfigureAI(); GameObject topLeft = GameObject.Find(s_TopLeft_Corner); GameObject bottomRight = GameObject.Find(s_BottomRight_Corner); GameObject midfield = GameObject.Find(s_Midfield); GameObject goalTop = GameObject.Find(s_GoalTop); GameObject goalBottom = GameObject.Find(s_GoalBottom); GameObject areaTop = GameObject.Find(s_AreaTop); GameObject areaBottom = GameObject.Find(s_AreaBottom); for (int aiTeamIndex = 0; aiTeamIndex < teamsCount; ++aiTeamIndex) { int aiCount = GetAICount(aiTeamIndex); for (int aiIndex = 0; aiIndex < aiCount; ++aiIndex) { tnBaseAIInputFiller aiInputFiller = (tnBaseAIInputFiller)GetAI(aiTeamIndex, aiIndex); if (aiInputFiller != null) { tnBaseAIData aiData = new tnBaseAIData(); // Fill teammates and opponents. { for (int teamIndex = 0; teamIndex < teamsCount; ++teamIndex) { int teamSize = GetTeamSize(teamIndex); for (int characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < teamSize; ++characterIndex) { GameObject characterInstance = GetCharacter(teamIndex, characterIndex); if (characterInstance != null) { if (teamIndex == aiTeamIndex) // Teammate. { aiData.AddMyTeamCharacter(characterInstance.transform); } else // Opponent. { aiData.AddOpponentTeamCharacter(characterInstance.transform); } } } } } // Fill ball. if (m_Ball != null) { aiData.SetBall(m_Ball.transform); } // Fill goal. if (m_Goals != null) { if (aiTeamIndex < m_Goals.Count) { tnGoal goal = m_Goals[aiTeamIndex]; aiData.SetGoal(goal.transform); } } // Fill opponent goal. if (m_Goals != null) { for (int teamIndex = 0; teamIndex < teamsCount; ++teamIndex) { if (teamIndex == aiTeamIndex) { continue; } if (teamIndex < m_Goals.Count) { tnGoal goal = m_Goals[teamIndex]; aiData.SetOpponentGoal(goal.transform); break; // NOTE: Only the first opponent goal will be linked to the AI. } } } // Fill reference position. { Vector3 selfPosition = aiInputFiller.self.transform.position; aiData.SetReferencePosition(selfPosition); } // Anchors. { if (topLeft != null) { aiData.SetTopLeftAnchor(topLeft.transform); } if (bottomRight != null) { aiData.SetBottomRightAnchor(bottomRight.transform); } if (midfield != null) { aiData.SetMidfieldAnchor(midfield.transform); } if (goalTop != null) { aiData.SetGoalTop(goalTop.transform); } if (goalBottom != null) { aiData.SetGoalBottom(goalBottom.transform); } if (areaTop != null) { aiData.SetAreaTop(areaTop.transform); } if (areaBottom != null) { aiData.SetAreaBottom(areaBottom.transform); } } aiInputFiller.Setup(aiData); } } } }
// BUSINESS LOGIC public void Setup(tnBaseAIData i_Data) { if (i_Data == null) { return; } bool errorOccurred = false; // Team. { int teamCharactersCount = i_Data.myTeamCharactersCount; for (int index = 0; index < teamCharactersCount; ++index) { Transform character = i_Data.GetMyTeamCharacter(index); if (character == null) { continue; } m_Team.Add(character); } } // Teammates. { int teamCharactersCount = i_Data.myTeamCharactersCount; for (int index = 0; index < teamCharactersCount; ++index) { Transform character = i_Data.GetMyTeamCharacter(index); if (character == null) { continue; } if (character.gameObject != self) { m_Teammates.Add(character); } } } // Opponents. { int opponentsCount = i_Data.opponentTeamCharactersCount; for (int opponentIndex = 0; opponentIndex < opponentsCount; ++opponentIndex) { Transform opponent = i_Data.GetOpponentTeamCharacter(opponentIndex); if (opponent == null) { continue; } m_Opponents.Add(opponent); } } // Ball. { m_Ball = i_Data.ball; if (m_Ball == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } else { // Init ball radius. /* * * CircleCollider2D ballCollider = m_Ball.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>(); * if (ballCollider == null) * { * errorOccurred |= true; * } * else * { * m_BallRadius = ballCollider.radius; * } * */ m_BallRadius = 0.25f; // Apply object scale, assuming that it is uniform. m_BallRadius *= m_Ball.transform.localScale.x; } } // Goal. { m_MyGoal = i_Data.goal; if (m_MyGoal == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } } // Opponent goal. { m_OpponentGoal = i_Data.opponentGoal; if (m_OpponentGoal == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } } // Reference position. { m_ReferencePosition = i_Data.referencePosition; } // Anchors. { m_TopLeft = i_Data.topLeftAnchor; m_BottomRight = i_Data.bottomRightAnchor; if (m_TopLeft == null || m_BottomRight == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } } { m_Midfield = i_Data.midfieldAnchor; if (m_Midfield == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } } // Goal width. { Transform goalTop = i_Data.goalTop; Transform goalBottom = i_Data.goalBottom; if (goalTop == null || goalBottom == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } else { m_GoalMinHeight = goalBottom.position.y; m_GoalMaxHeight = goalTop.position.y; m_GoalWidth = goalTop.position.y - goalBottom.position.y; } } // Area size. { Transform topLeftAnchor = i_Data.topLeftAnchor; Transform areaTop = i_Data.areaTop; Transform areaBottom = i_Data.areaBottom; if (areaTop == null || areaBottom == null || topLeftAnchor == null) { errorOccurred |= true; } else { m_GKAreaMinHeight = areaBottom.position.y; m_GKAreaMaxHeight = areaTop.position.y; m_GKAreaWidth = areaTop.position.x - topLeftAnchor.position.x; m_GKAreaHeight = areaTop.position.y - areaBottom.position.y; } } if (errorOccurred) { Debug.LogError("[AI]" + "[" + + "]" + " " + "Initialization failed."); } m_Initialized = !errorOccurred; }