private void _serializeTsx(tileset _tileSet, string strFileName) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(_tileSet.GetType()); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("test.tsx"); serializer.Serialize(writer.BaseStream, _tileSet); writer.Close(); }
private void LoadValuesFromSource() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._sourceField)) { _sourceField = _sourceField.Replace("/", "\\"); tileset xts = null; try { xts = FileManager.XmlDeserialize <tileset>(_sourceField); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { string fileAttemptedToLoad = _sourceField; if (FileManager.IsRelative(_sourceField)) { fileAttemptedToLoad = FileManager.RelativeDirectory + _sourceField; } string message = "Could not find the shared tsx file \n" + fileAttemptedToLoad + "\nIf this is a relative file name, then the loader will use " + "the FileManager's RelativeDirectory to make the file absolute. Therefore, be sure to set the FileManger's RelativeDirectory to the file represented by " + "this fileset before setting this property if setting this property manually."; throw new FileNotFoundException(message); } if (xts.image != null) { Images = new TilesetImage[xts.image.Length]; Parallel.For(0, xts.image.Length, count => { this.Images[count] = new TilesetImage { Source = xts.image[count].source, height = xts.image[count].height != 0 ? xts.image[count].height : xts.tileheight, width = xts.image[count].width != 0 ? xts.image[count].width : xts.tilewidth }; }); } this.Name =; this.Margin = xts.margin; this.Spacing = xts.spacing; this.Tileheight = xts.tileheight; this.Tilewidth = xts.tilewidth; this.Tiles = xts.tile; } }
public void TsxSerializeData() { DeserializeSpriteYaml(); m_tileSet = new tileset(); int nMaxRow = 0; int nMaxColumn = 0; foreach (CustomYamlClass.Sprite _spr in m_rootDataTsx.TextureImporter.spriteSheet.sprites) { m_tileSet.tilewidth = (byte)_spr.rect.width; m_tileSet.tileheight = (byte)_spr.rect.height; int nCol = _spr.rect.x / m_tileSet.tilewidth; if (nMaxColumn < nCol) { nMaxColumn = nCol; } int nRow = _spr.rect.y / m_tileSet.tileheight; if (nMaxRow < nRow) { nMaxRow = nRow; } } nMaxColumn++; nMaxRow++; m_tileSet.columns = (byte)nMaxColumn; m_tileSet.tilecount = (byte)(nMaxColumn * nMaxRow); m_tileSet.version = 1.2m; m_tileSet.tiledversion = "1.3.1"; = "baba"; tilesetImage _img = new tilesetImage(); _img.height = (byte)(nMaxColumn * m_tileSet.tileheight); _img.width = (byte)(nMaxRow * m_tileSet.tilewidth); _img.source = "Assets/Resources/Sprites/SmallPalette.png"; m_tileSet.image = _img; _serializeTsx(m_tileSet, "test.tsx"); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(m_tileSet.GetType()); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("test.tsx"); serializer.Serialize(writer.BaseStream, m_tileSet); writer.Close(); }
int tileWidth; //the width of each tile #endregion Fields #region Methods //Constructs map from tmx file and saves map in a specified scene void constructMap(XmlDocument doc) { XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNode dataStart = root["layer"].FirstChild; XmlNodeList grid = dataStart.ChildNodes; float xpos = 0; float ypos = 0; float spacingFactor = tileSize * .01f; for (int i = 0; i < grid.Count; ++i) { int gid = Convert.ToInt32(grid[i].Attributes["gid"].Value); tileset currentTileSet = new tileset(); bool stop = false; int j = 0; while (!stop) { if (j == tilesets.Count - 1) { currentTileSet = tilesets[j]; stop = true; } else if (gid >= tilesets[j].firstGid && gid < tilesets[j + 1].firstGid) { currentTileSet = tilesets[j]; stop = true; } else { ++j; } } for (int z = 0; z < textureNames.Count; ++z) { if (textureNames[z] == { Texture2D currentTexture = Textures[z]; int normalizedGid = gid - (currentTileSet.firstGid - 1); int columnSize = currentTileSet.imageWidth / currentTileSet.tileWidth; int rowSize = currentTileSet.imageHeight / currentTileSet.tileHeight; int column = normalizedGid % columnSize; int row = 1; if (column != 0) { row = rowSize - ((normalizedGid + (columnSize - column)) / columnSize) + 1; } else { column = columnSize; row = rowSize - (normalizedGid / columnSize) + 1; } int x = (column - 1) * tileWidth; int y = (row - 1) * tileHeight; int blockWidth = currentTileSet.tileWidth; int blockHeight = currentTileSet.tileHeight; Color[] tilePixels = currentTexture.GetPixels(x, y, blockWidth, blockHeight); Texture2D destTex = new Texture2D(tileWidth, tileHeight); destTex.SetPixels(tilePixels); destTex.Apply(); File.WriteAllBytes(destinationUrlName + "/" + Convert.ToString(i) + ".png", (byte[])destTex.EncodeToPNG()); tile.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Sprite.Create(destTex, new Rect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight), new Vector2(0, 0)); Instantiate(tile, new Vector3(xpos, ypos, 0), Quaternion.identity); } } xpos += spacingFactor; if ((i + 1) % mapWidth == 0) { xpos = 0; ypos -= spacingFactor; } } }
//Creates tilesets from the tmx file void constructTileSets(XmlDocument doc) { XmlAttributeCollection mapAttributes = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes; mapWidth = Convert.ToInt32(mapAttributes["width"].Value); mapHeight = Convert.ToInt32(mapAttributes["height"].Value); tileWidth = Convert.ToInt32(mapAttributes["tilewidth"].Value); tileHeight = Convert.ToInt32(mapAttributes["tileheight"].Value); XmlNodeList children = doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; int i = 0; while (children[i].Name == "tileset") { XmlAttributeCollection tilesetAttributes = children[i].Attributes; int first_gid = Convert.ToInt32(tilesetAttributes["firstgid"].Value); string n = tilesetAttributes["name"].Value; int tile_width = Convert.ToInt32(tilesetAttributes["tilewidth"].Value); int tile_height = Convert.ToInt32(tilesetAttributes["tileheight"].Value); string s = children[i].FirstChild.Attributes["source"].Value; int image_width = Convert.ToInt32(children[i].FirstChild.Attributes["width"].Value); int image_height = Convert.ToInt32(children[i].FirstChild.Attributes["height"].Value); tileset next_tileset = new tileset(first_gid, n, tile_width, tile_height, s, image_width, image_height); tilesets.Add(next_tileset); ++i; } }