Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Добавляет директорию в указанную коллекцию кассеты. Возвращает добавленные в базу данных элементы
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dir"></param>
 /// <param name="collectionId"></param>
 /// <returns>Возвращает добавленные в базу данных элементы</returns>
 public static IEnumerable<XElement> AddDirectory(this Cassette cassette, DirectoryInfo dir, string collectionId)
     List<XElement> addedElements = new List<XElement>();
     var dname = dir.FullName;
     var shortname = dir.Name;
     // TODO: Надо учесть русские имена и с пробелами
     var newcoll_id = "collection_" + cassette.Name + "_" + dname;
     // Поищу, нет ли такой коллекции в базе данных
     var collection_found =
             .FirstOrDefault((XElement e) =>
                 var xabout = e.Attribute(ONames.rdfabout);
                 return (xabout != null && xabout.Value == newcoll_id);
     if(collection_found != null) { }
         // Создам коллекцию
         XElement coll =
             new XElement(ONames.TagCollection,
                 new XAttribute(ONames.rdfabout, newcoll_id),
                 new XElement(ONames.TagName, shortname));
         // Присоединим коллекцию к вышестоящей
         XElement collmem =
             new XElement(ONames.TagCollectionmember,
                 new XAttribute(ONames.rdfabout, "cm_" + newcoll_id),
                 new XElement(ONames.TagCollectionitem,
                     new XAttribute(ONames.rdfresource, newcoll_id)),
                 new XElement(ONames.TagIncollection,
                     new XAttribute(ONames.rdfresource, collectionId)));
         cassette.Changed = true;
     // Обработаем файлы и директории
     foreach(var f in dir.GetFiles())
         if(f.Name == "Thumbs.db") { }
         else addedElements.AddRange(cassette.AddFile(f, newcoll_id));
     foreach(var d in dir.GetDirectories())
         addedElements.AddRange(cassette.AddDirectory(d, newcoll_id));
     return addedElements;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void AddDirectory(this ZipArchive zipArchive, DirectoryInfoBase directory, string directoryNameInArchive)
            bool any = false;
            foreach (var info in directory.GetFileSystemInfos())
                any = true;
                var subDirectoryInfo = info as DirectoryInfoBase;
                if (subDirectoryInfo != null)
                    string childName = Path.Combine(directoryNameInArchive, subDirectoryInfo.Name);
                    zipArchive.AddDirectory(subDirectoryInfo, childName);
                    zipArchive.AddFile((FileInfoBase)info, directoryNameInArchive);

            if (!any)
                // If the directory did not have any files or folders, add a entry for it
Esempio n. 3
 public static void AddDirectory(this ZipArchive zipArchive, string directoryPath, string directoryNameInArchive = "")
     var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfoWrapper(new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath));
     zipArchive.AddDirectory(directoryInfo, directoryNameInArchive);
 public static MockFileSystem WithDirectory(this MockFileSystem mockFileSystem, string path)
     mockFileSystem.AddDirectory(mockFileSystem.Path.Combine(mockFileSystem.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), path));
     return mockFileSystem;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Adds an item, either a file or a directory, to a zip file archive,
        ///   explicitly specifying the directory path to be used in the archive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        ///   If adding a directory, the add is recursive on all files and
        ///   subdirectories contained within it.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   The name of the item may be a relative path or a fully-qualified path.
        ///   The item added by this call to the <c>ZipFile</c> is not read from the
        ///   disk nor written to the zip file archive until the application calls
        ///   Save() on the <c>ZipFile</c>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   This version of the method allows the caller to explicitly specify the
        ///   directory path to be used in the archive, which would override the
        ///   "natural" path of the filesystem file.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Encryption will be used on the file data if the <c>Password</c> has
        ///   been set on the <c>ZipFile</c> object, prior to calling this method.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   For <c>ZipFile</c> properties including <see cref="Encryption"/>, <see
        ///   cref="Password"/>, <see cref="SetCompression"/>, <see
        ///   cref="ProvisionalAlternateEncoding"/>, <see cref="ExtractExistingFile"/>,
        ///   <see cref="ZipErrorAction"/>, and <see cref="CompressionLevel"/>, their
        ///   respective values at the time of this call will be applied to the
        ///   <c>ZipEntry</c> added.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
        ///   Thrown if the file or directory passed in does not exist.
        /// </exception>
        /// <param name="fileOrDirectoryName">the name of the file or directory to add.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="directoryPathInArchive">
        ///   The name of the directory path to use within the zip archive.  This path
        ///   need not refer to an extant directory in the current filesystem.  If the
        ///   files within the zip are later extracted, this is the path used for the
        ///   extracted file.  Passing <c>null</c> (<c>Nothing</c> in VB) will use the
        ///   path on the fileOrDirectoryName.  Passing the empty string ("") will
        ///   insert the item at the root path within the archive.
        /// </param>
        /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.AddFile(string, string)"/>
        /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.AddDirectory(string, string)"/>
        /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.UpdateItem(string, string)"/>
        /// <example>
        ///   This example shows how to zip up a set of files into a flat hierarchy,
        ///   regardless of where in the filesystem the files originated. The resulting
        ///   zip archive will contain a toplevel directory named "flat", which itself
        ///   will contain files Readme.txt, MyProposal.docx, and Image1.jpg.  A
        ///   subdirectory under "flat" called SupportFiles will contain all the files
        ///   in the "c:\SupportFiles" directory on disk.
        /// <code>
        /// String[] itemnames= {
        ///   "c:\\fixedContent\\Readme.txt",
        ///   "MyProposal.docx",
        ///   "c:\\SupportFiles",  // a directory
        ///   "images\\Image1.jpg"
        /// };
        /// try
        /// {
        ///   using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
        ///   {
        ///     for (int i = 1; i &lt; itemnames.Length; i++)
        ///     {
        ///       // will add Files or Dirs, recurses and flattens subdirectories
        ///       zip.AddItem(itemnames[i],"flat");
        ///     }
        ///     zip.Save(ZipToCreate);
        ///   }
        /// }
        /// catch (System.Exception ex1)
        /// {
        ///   System.Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1);
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// <code lang="VB">
        ///   Dim itemnames As String() = _
        ///     New String() { "c:\fixedContent\Readme.txt", _
        ///                    "MyProposal.docx", _
        ///                    "SupportFiles", _
        ///                    "images\Image1.jpg" }
        ///   Try
        ///       Using zip As New ZipFile
        ///           Dim i As Integer
        ///           For i = 1 To itemnames.Length - 1
        ///               ' will add Files or Dirs, recursing and flattening subdirectories.
        ///               zip.AddItem(itemnames(i), "flat")
        ///           Next i
        ///           zip.Save(ZipToCreate)
        ///       End Using
        ///   Catch ex1 As Exception
        ///       Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: {0}", ex1.ToString())
        ///   End Try
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <returns>The <c>ZipEntry</c> added.</returns>
        public static ZipEntry AddItem(this ZipFile zipFile, String fileOrDirectoryName, String directoryPathInArchive)
            string fullPath = GetFullPath(fileOrDirectoryName);

            if (FileSystem.Current.GetFileFromPathAsync(fullPath).ExecuteSync() != null)
                return zipFile.AddFile(fileOrDirectoryName, directoryPathInArchive);

            if (FileSystem.Current.GetFolderFromPathAsync(fullPath).ExecuteSync() != null)
                return zipFile.AddDirectory(fileOrDirectoryName, directoryPathInArchive);

            throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("That file or directory ({0}) does not exist!",
 /// <summary>
 ///   Adds the contents of a filesystem directory to a Zip file archive.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 ///   The name of the directory may be a relative path or a fully-qualified
 ///   path. Any files within the named directory are added to the archive.  Any
 ///   subdirectories within the named directory are also added to the archive,
 ///   recursively.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 ///   Top-level entries in the named directory will appear as top-level entries
 ///   in the zip archive.  Entries in subdirectories in the named directory will
 ///   result in entries in subdirectories in the zip archive.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 ///   If you want the entries to appear in a containing directory in the zip
 ///   archive itself, then you should call the AddDirectory() overload that
 ///   allows you to explicitly specify a directory path for use in the archive.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 ///   For <c>ZipFile</c> properties including <see cref="Encryption"/>, <see
 ///   cref="Password"/>, <see cref="SetCompression"/>, <see
 ///   cref="ProvisionalAlternateEncoding"/>, <see cref="ExtractExistingFile"/>,
 ///   <see cref="ZipErrorAction"/>, and <see cref="CompressionLevel"/>, their
 ///   respective values at the time of this call will be applied to each
 ///   ZipEntry added.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.AddItem(string)"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.AddFile(string)"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.UpdateDirectory(string)"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.AddDirectory(string, string)"/>
 /// <overloads>This method has 2 overloads.</overloads>
 /// <param name="directoryName">The name of the directory to add.</param>
 /// <returns>The <c>ZipEntry</c> added.</returns>
 public static ZipEntry AddDirectory(this ZipFile zipFile, string directoryName)
     return zipFile.AddDirectory(directoryName, null);