public void Awake() { if (singleton == null) { singleton = this; return; } Destroy(this); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(this.gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { //Tell the TestScript to stop rotating testScript ts = GameObject.Find("Sphere").GetComponent <testScript>(); ts.stopRotation(); //Tell the Timer script to stop counting Timer timer = GameObject.Find("Plane").GetComponent <Timer>(); timer.stopTimer(); ballHit = true; print("Ball hit the board"); print(string.Format("Ball Hit situation is {0}:", ballHit)); GameObject smashed = Instantiate(smashedBullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; GameControl gameControl = GameObject.Find("Board").GetComponent <GameControl>(); Destroy(this.gameObject); = "smashed"; gameControl.collisionHappenedDoSth(); }
void detectZoneMatch() { Debug.Log("rotation situation @ detectZoneMatch is : " + timeToRotate); testScript test = GameObject.Find("Sphere").GetComponent <testScript>(); Vector3 testPosition = test.transform.position; float newAngle = angle(testPosition,; float originalAngle = angle(test.originalPosition,; float deltaAngle = newAngle - originalAngle; if (deltaAngle < 0) { deltaAngle += 360; } Vector3 smashedPosition = GameObject.Find("smashed").transform.position; float smashedAngle = angle(smashedPosition,; float getOriginalAngle = smashedAngle - deltaAngle; if (getOriginalAngle < 0) { getOriginalAngle += 360; } int newZone = (int)(getOriginalAngle / 360 * 12) + 1; Debug.Log(string.Format("newAngle: {0} originalAngle: {1} deltaAngle: {2} smashedAngle: {3}", newAngle, originalAngle, deltaAngle, smashedAngle)); Debug.Log("zone was:" + newZone); if (newZone == number) { speed = speed + 2; //audioSource.Play(); } else { wrongAnswer++; wrongShot.text = ("Wrong shots: " + wrongAnswer.ToString()); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (timeToReset) { timeRemaining = 6; timeIsUp = false; timeToFreeze = false; timeToReset = false; return; } if (timeToFreeze) { return; } //Tell the TestScript to stop rotating if timer goes to zero testScript ts = GameObject.Find("Sphere").GetComponent <testScript>(); //Tell the board in GameControl to stop rotating if timer goes to zero GameControl gc = GameObject.Find("Board").GetComponent <GameControl>(); //print the time remaining with 2 digits only timer.text = timeRemaining.ToString("f2"); if (timeRemaining >= minTime) { startTimer(); } else if (timeRemaining <= 0 && !timeIsUp) { print("time is up"); timeIsUp = true; gc.wrongAnswer += 1; gc.wrongShot.text = gc.wrongAnswer.ToString(); gc.timeIsUp(); ts.stopRotation(); } }
private void Awake() { main = this; }