private void doStuff() { try { using (clsConnection oConn = new clsConnection()) { string carId = Convert.ToString(gridViewData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colCarId)); string platnumber = Convert.ToString(gridViewData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colPlatnumber)); string strCount = clsGlobal.getData1Field("select count(*) from tbm_car where dlt='0' and trim(lower(platnumber))=trim(lower('" + platnumber + "')) and carid <>'" + carId + "'"); if (Convert.ToInt32(strCount) == 0) { tbm_car oObject = new tbm_car(); oConn.Open(); oObject.Koneksi = oConn.Conn; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carId)) { oObject.GetByPrimaryKey(carId); } oObject.carid = carId; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(carId)) { oObject.carid = oObject.NewID(); oObject.opadd = clsGlobal.strUserName; oObject.pcadd = SystemInformation.ComputerName; oObject.luadd = DateTime.Now; oObject.Insert(); } else { oObject.available = status; oObject.opedit = clsGlobal.strUserName; oObject.pcedit = SystemInformation.ComputerName; oObject.luedit = DateTime.Now; oObject.Update(); } } else { } } } catch (NpgsqlException ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (XtraMessageBox.Show(this, "Do you want to save this data?", clsGlobal.pstrAppName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { loadImage(); if (txtPlatnumber.Text == "" || txtPathText.Text == "" || cmbTipe.Text == "" || txtkapasitas.Value <= 1 || txtHarga.Text == "" || txtDesc.Text == "") { XtraMessageBox.Show("Data Can't Be Null", "Warning"); } else { getTypeid(); try { using (clsConnection oConn = new clsConnection()) { string strCount = clsGlobal.getData1Field("select count(*) from tbm_car where dlt='0' and trim(lower(platnumber))=trim(lower('" + txtPlatnumber.Text + "')) and carid <>'" + CarId + "'"); if (Convert.ToInt32(strCount) == 0) { tbm_car oObject = new tbm_car(); oConn.Open(); oObject.Koneksi = oConn.Conn; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CarId)) { oObject.GetByPrimaryKey(CarId); } oObject.carid = m_carid; oObject.platnumber = txtPlatnumber.Text; oObject.typeid = typeid; oObject.description = txtDesc.Text; oObject.capacity = Convert.ToInt32(txtkapasitas.Value); oObject.price = Convert.ToInt32(txtHarga.Text); oObject.filepath_car = txtPathText.Text; if (pathText == null) { pathText = getImage; } oObject.image_car = pathText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CarId)) { oObject.carid = oObject.NewID(); oObject.available = true; oObject.opadd = clsGlobal.strUserName; oObject.pcadd = SystemInformation.ComputerName; oObject.Insert(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Data Has been Inserted", clsGlobal.pstrAppName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { oObject.opedit = clsGlobal.strUserName; oObject.pcedit = SystemInformation.ComputerName; oObject.Update(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Data Has been Updated", clsGlobal.pstrAppName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } } //catch { } catch (NpgsqlException ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } this.Close(); clsGlobal.isClose = true; } } else { } }