public tb_MaterialExtEntity GetMaterialExtByCustomReply(string weixincode, string keyword) { tb_MaterialExtEntity tb_MaterialExtEntity = new tb_MaterialExtEntity(); tb_MaterialExtEntity = tb_CustomReplydal.GetMaterialExtByCustomReply(weixincode, keyword); return(tb_MaterialExtEntity); }
public tb_MaterialExtEntity GetMaterialExtByToolbar(string weixincode, string eventkey) { tb_MaterialExtEntity tb_MaterialExtEntity = new tb_MaterialExtEntity(); tb_MaterialExtEntity = tb_Toolbardal.GetMaterialExtByToolbar(weixincode, eventkey); return(tb_MaterialExtEntity); }
public Jnwf.Model.tb_MaterialExtEntity GetMaterialExt(int materialid) { tb_MaterialExtEntity Obj = new tb_MaterialExtEntity(); SqlParameter[] _param = { new SqlParameter("@materialid", SqlDbType.Int) }; _param[0].Value = materialid; string sqlStr = "select * from tb_Material where ID=@materialid and Status=1"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(WebConfig.weixinRW, CommandType.Text, sqlStr, _param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Obj = Populate_tb_MaterialExtEntity_FromDr(dr); } } string sqlStr2 = "select * from tb_MaterialContent where MaterialID=@materialid "; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(WebConfig.weixinRW, CommandType.Text, sqlStr2, _param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Obj.list.Add(Populate_tb_MaterialContentEntity_FromDr(dr)); } } return(Obj); }
public IList <tb_MaterialExtEntity> Get_tb_MaterialList(string weixincode) { IList <tb_MaterialAllEntity> Obj = new List <tb_MaterialAllEntity>(); IList <tb_MaterialExtEntity> ext = new List <tb_MaterialExtEntity>(); SqlParameter[] _param = { new SqlParameter("@WeiXinCode", SqlDbType.VarChar) }; _param[0].Value = weixincode; string sqlStr = "select a.ID,a.UserID,a.WeiXinCode,a.TypeID,a.Status,a.AddTime, b.MaterialID, b.Title, b.Author, b.Description, b.ImageUrl, b.TextContent, b.Url, b.OrderBy from tb_Material a inner join tb_MaterialContent b on a.ID=b.MaterialID where a.WeiXinCode=@WeiXinCode and a.Status=1 and a.TypeID in (2,3)"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(WebConfig.weixinRW, CommandType.Text, sqlStr, _param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Obj.Add(Populate_tb_MaterialAllEntity_FromDr(dr)); } } //return Obj; List <tb_MaterialAllEntity> list = Obj as List <tb_MaterialAllEntity>; if (list != null) { foreach (IGrouping <int, tb_MaterialAllEntity> arr in list.GroupBy(c => c.ID)) { tb_MaterialExtEntity e = new tb_MaterialExtEntity(); foreach (tb_MaterialAllEntity m in arr) { e.ID = m.ID; e.UserID = m.UserID; e.WeiXinCode = m.WeiXinCode; e.TypeID = m.TypeID; e.Status = m.Status; e.AddTime = m.AddTime; e.list.Add(new tb_MaterialContentEntity() { MaterialID = m.MaterialID, Title = m.Title, Author = m.Author, Description = m.Description, ImageUrl = m.ImageUrl, TextContent = m.TextContent, Url = m.Url, OrderBy = m.OrderBy }); } ext.Add(e); } } return(ext); }
public tb_MaterialExtEntity Populate_tb_MaterialExtEntity_FromDr(IDataReader dr) { tb_MaterialExtEntity Obj = new tb_MaterialExtEntity(); Obj.ID = ((dr["ID"]) == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); Obj.UserID = dr["UserID"].ToString(); Obj.WeiXinCode = dr["WeiXinCode"].ToString(); Obj.TypeID = ((dr["TypeID"]) == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["TypeID"]); Obj.Status = ((dr["Status"]) == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["Status"]); Obj.AddTime = ((dr["AddTime"]) == DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToDateTime("1900-1-1") : Convert.ToDateTime(dr["AddTime"]); Obj.UpdateTime = ((dr["UpdateTime"]) == DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToDateTime("1900-1-1") : Convert.ToDateTime(dr["UpdateTime"]); return(Obj); }