Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates this instance. This makes sure that GameClock is paused,
        /// and it also updates the menu.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update()

            // Only pause the gameclock if the screen is not fading out.
            if (!this.FadingOut)


            // If it is fading out and the pause menu is done moving, then dispose.
            if (this.FadingOut && !this.position.IsTransitioning)
                this.Disposed = true;

   = this.position.Value;
            this.background.Set(this.position.X.Value, this.position.Y.Value);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameOverScreen"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public GameOverScreen(uint score)
            : base()
            this.score = score;
            this.actionAvailableTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks + 30000000;

            this.textDrawPosition  = new Vector2(0, -125);
            this.textDrawOrigin    = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Game Over") / 2f;
            this.scoreLogoPosition = new Vector2(0, -20f);
            this.scoreLogoOrigin   = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Score") / 2f;
            this.scorePosition     = new Vector2(0, 50f);
            this.scoreOrigin       = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString(Drawer.FormatNumber(this.score)) / 2f;
            this.aButtonPosition   = new Vector2(-240f, 150f);
            this.bButtonPosition   = new Vector2(100f, 150f);
            this.actionXOffset     = new Vector2(50f, 0);
            this.buttonOrigin      = FontStatic.Get("ControllerFont").MeasureString(")") / 2f;
            this.aActionOrigin     = new Vector2(0, FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Replay").Y / 2);
            this.bActionOrigin     = new Vector2(0, FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Quit").Y / 2);
            this.buttonColor       = Color.Transparent;

            this.position = new tVector2(1920f / 2f - 2000f, 1080f / 2f);
            this.position.GoTo(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f, 0.3f, true);
            this.background = new HypercubeDisplay(
                new Rectangle((int)(this.position.Value.X - 685f / 2f) - 3, (int)(this.position.Value.Y - 370f / 2f) - 3, 685 + 6, 370 + 6),
        public override void Update()

   = this.position.Value;

Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InstructionsScreen"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imageName">Name of the image containing the instructions.</param>
 public InstructionsScreen(string imageName)
     : base()
     this.imageName = imageName;
     this.position  = new tVector2(1920f / 2f - 2000f, 1080f / 2f);
     this.position.GoTo(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f, 0.3f);
     this.shouldDispose = false;
     this.FadingOut     = true;
        public SPRMainScreen(int scoreBoardIndex)
            : base()
   = new MainMenu(
                new Vector2(0, -60),
                new MenuAction[]
                new MenuAction(ActionType.Select, new PlayGameDelegate(scoreBoardIndex))

            this.textDrawPosition = new Vector2(265, -225);
            this.textDrawOrigin   = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Super Power");
            this.position         = new tVector2(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f);
            this.position.GoTo(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f, 0.3f, true);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PauseScreen"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public PauseScreen()
            : base()
   = new PauseMenu(
                new Vector2(0, -60),
                new MenuAction[]
                new MenuAction(ActionType.GoBack, new QuitPauseScreenDelegate()),

            this.textDrawPosition = new Vector2(0, -225);
            this.textDrawOrigin   = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Paused") / 2f;
            this.position         = new tVector2(1920f / 2f - 2000f, 1080f / 2f);
            this.position.GoTo(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f, 0.3f, true);
            this.drawLagTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks + 1000000;
            this.background  = new HypercubeDisplay(
                new Rectangle((int)(this.position.Value.X - 584f / 2f) - 3, (int)(this.position.Value.Y - 700f / 2f) - 3, 584 + 6, 700 + 6),
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PauseScreen"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public TextScreen(string text)
     : base()
     terminalText          = text;
     textLocationHolder    = text;
     this.textDrawPosition = new Vector2(0, -225);
     this.textDrawOrigin   = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString(terminalText) / 2f;
     this.position         = new tVector2(1920f / 2f - 2000f, 1080f / 2f);
     this.position.GoTo(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f, 0.3f, true);
     this.drawLagTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks + 1000000;
     //this.background = new HypercubeDisplay(
     //    new Rectangle((int)(this.position.Value.X - 584f / 2f) - 3, (int)(this.position.Value.Y - 700f / 2f) - 3, 584 + 6, 700 + 6),
     //    3,
     //    this.random,
     //    0.2f);
     if (terminalText.Length > 23)
         string[] temp = terminalText.Split(' ');
         terminalText = "";
         int count = 1;
         foreach (string word in temp)
             if (terminalText.Length + word.Length < 28 * count)
                 terminalText = terminalText + word + " ";
                 terminalText = terminalText + "\n" + word + " ";
         this.textDrawOrigin    = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString(terminalText) / 2f;
         this.textDrawOrigin.Y -= count * 60;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CreditsScreen"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public CreditsScreen()
            : base()
            this.shouldDispose = false;
            this.FadingOut     = true;
            this.position      = new tVector2(1920f / 2f - 2000f, 1080f / 2f);
            this.position.GoTo(1920f / 2f, 1080f / 2f, 0.3f, true);
            this.background = new HypercubeDisplay(
                new Rectangle((int)(this.position.Value.X - 1450f / 2f) - 3, (int)(this.position.Value.Y - 800f / 2f) - 3, 1450 + 6, 800 + 6),
            this.scrollPosition = new tVector2(0, 1000);
            this.scrollPosition.GoTo(0, -21000, 82f, true);
            this.titleOrigin = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString("Credits") / 2f;
            this.viewport    = new Viewport(
                (int)((this.position.Value.X - 1450f / 2f) * Drawer.GetRatio()),
                (int)((this.position.Value.Y - 800f / 2f) * Drawer.GetRatio()),
                (int)(1450 * Drawer.GetRatio()),
                (int)(800 * Drawer.GetRatio()));
            this.previousPositionX = 0;
            string fullText =
                @"Ty Taylor
    Supreme Overlord of the Universe
    Framework and Game Engine

Marc Buchner
    Assistant to Mr. Taylor

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Some guy
    Stuff and things

Copyright 2011
Case Western Reserve University";

            this.display = fullText.Split('\n').ToList <string>();
            float unitSpacing = FontStatic.Get("defaultFont").MeasureString(" ").Y;

            this.verticleSpacing = new List <Vector2>(this.display.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.display.Count; i++)
                this.verticleSpacing.Add(new Vector2(-800, 300 + i * unitSpacing));