Esempio n. 1
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x    = new double[0];
        double[] y    = new double[0];
        double[] w    = new double[0];
        double[] xc   = new double[0];
        double[] yc   = new double[0];
        int[]    dc   = new int[0];
        int      n    = 0;
        int      i    = 0;
        int      info = 0;

        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double t = 0;

        spline1d.spline1dfitreport rep = new spline1d.spline1dfitreport();

        // Fitting by constrained Hermite spline
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x)      function being fitted");
        System.Console.Write("[0, pi]          interval");
        System.Console.Write("M=6              number of basis functions to use");
        System.Console.Write("S(0)=0           first constraint");
        System.Console.Write("S(pi)=0          second constraint");
        System.Console.Write("N=100            number of points to fit");

        // Create and fit:
        // * X  contains points
        // * Y  contains values
        // * W  contains weights
        // * XC contains constraints locations
        // * YC contains constraints values
        // * DC contains derivative indexes (0 = constrained function value)
        n = 100;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        w = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI * i / (n - 1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
            w[i] = 1;
        xc    = new double[2];
        yc    = new double[2];
        dc    = new int[2];
        xc[0] = 0;
        yc[0] = 0;
        dc[0] = 0;
        xc[0] = Math.PI;
        yc[0] = 0;
        dc[0] = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dfithermitewc(ref x, ref y, ref w, n, ref xc, ref yc, ref dc, 2, 6, ref info, ref s, ref rep);

        // Output results
        if (info > 0)
            System.Console.Write("OK, we have finished");
            System.Console.Write("     x   F(x)   S(x)  Error");
            t = 0;
            while ((double)(t) < (double)(0.999999 * Math.PI))
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", t);
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Sin(t));
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t) - Math.Sin(t)));
                t = Math.Min(Math.PI, t + 0.25);
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", t);
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Sin(t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t) - Math.Sin(t)));
            System.Console.Write("rms error is ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", rep.rmserror);
            System.Console.Write("max error is ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", rep.maxerror);
            System.Console.Write("S(0) = S(pi) = 0 (exactly)");
            System.Console.Write("Something wrong, Info=");
            System.Console.Write("{0,0:d}", info);
Esempio n. 2
 public spline1dinterpolant(spline1d.spline1dinterpolant obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
Esempio n. 3
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x = new double[0];
        double[] y = new double[0];
        double[] d = new double[0];
        int      n = 0;
        int      i = 0;
        double   t = 0;

        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double err    = 0;
        double maxerr = 0;

        // Interpolation by natural Cubic spline.
        System.Console.Write("INTERPOLATION BY HERMITE SPLINE");
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x), [0, pi], 3 nodes");
        System.Console.Write("     x   F(x)   S(x)  Error");

        // Create spline
        n = 3;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        d = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI * i / (n - 1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
            d[i] = Math.Cos(x[i]);
        spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, n, ref s);

        // Output results
        t      = 0;
        maxerr = 0;
        while ((double)(t) < (double)(0.999999 * Math.PI))
            err    = Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t) - Math.Sin(t));
            maxerr = Math.Max(err, maxerr);
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", t);
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Sin(t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", err);
            t = Math.Min(Math.PI, t + 0.25);
        err    = Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, Math.PI) - Math.Sin(Math.PI));
        maxerr = Math.Max(err, maxerr);
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.PI);
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Sin(Math.PI));
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, Math.PI));
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", err);
        System.Console.Write("max|error| = ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,0:F3}", maxerr);
        System.Console.Write("Try other demos (spline1d_linear, spline1d_cubic) and compare errors...");
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool testspline1d(bool silent)
            bool result = new bool();
            bool waserrors = new bool();
            bool crserrors = new bool();
            bool cserrors = new bool();
            bool hserrors = new bool();
            bool aserrors = new bool();
            bool lserrors = new bool();
            bool dserrors = new bool();
            bool uperrors = new bool();
            bool cperrors = new bool();
            bool lterrors = new bool();
            bool ierrors = new bool();
            bool fiterrors = new bool();
            double nonstrictthreshold = 0;
            double threshold = 0;
            int passcount = 0;
            double lstep = 0;
            double h = 0;
            int maxn = 0;
            int bltype = 0;
            int brtype = 0;
            bool periodiccond = new bool();
            int n = 0;
            int m = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int pass = 0;
            int stype = 0;
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] yp = new double[0];
            double[] w = new double[0];
            double[] w2 = new double[0];
            double[] y2 = new double[0];
            double[] d = new double[0];
            double[] xc = new double[0];
            double[] yc = new double[0];
            int n2 = 0;
            double[] tmp0 = new double[0];
            double[] tmp1 = new double[0];
            double[] tmp2 = new double[0];
            double[] tmpx = new double[0];
            int[] dc = new int[0];
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c2 = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            int info = 0;
            int info1 = 0;
            int info2 = 0;
            double a = 0;
            double b = 0;
            double bl = 0;
            double br = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double sa = 0;
            double sb = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            double l10 = 0;
            double l11 = 0;
            double l12 = 0;
            double l20 = 0;
            double l21 = 0;
            double l22 = 0;
            double p0 = 0;
            double p1 = 0;
            double p2 = 0;
            double s = 0;
            double ds = 0;
            double d2s = 0;
            double s2 = 0;
            double ds2 = 0;
            double d2s2 = 0;
            double vl = 0;
            double vm = 0;
            double vr = 0;
            double err = 0;
            double tension = 0;
            double intab = 0;
            spline1d.spline1dfitreport rep = new spline1d.spline1dfitreport();
            spline1d.spline1dfitreport rep2 = new spline1d.spline1dfitreport();
            double refrms = 0;
            double refavg = 0;
            double refavgrel = 0;
            double refmax = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            waserrors = false;
            passcount = 20;
            lstep = 0.005;
            h = 0.00001;
            maxn = 10;
            threshold = 10000*math.machineepsilon;
            nonstrictthreshold = 0.00001;
            lserrors = false;
            cserrors = false;
            crserrors = false;
            hserrors = false;
            aserrors = false;
            dserrors = false;
            cperrors = false;
            uperrors = false;
            lterrors = false;
            ierrors = false;
            fiterrors = false;
            // General test: linear, cubic, Hermite, Akima
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                yp = new double[n-1+1];
                d = new double[n-1+1];
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // Prepare task:
                    // * X contains abscissas from [A,B]
                    // * Y contains function values
                    // * YP contains periodic function values
                    a = -1-math.randomreal();
                    b = 1+math.randomreal();
                    bl = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    br = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = 0.5*(b+a)+0.5*(b-a)*Math.Cos(Math.PI*(2*i+1)/(2*n));
                        if( i==0 )
                            x[i] = a;
                        if( i==n-1 )
                            x[i] = b;
                        y[i] = Math.Cos(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4);
                        yp[i] = y[i];
                        d[i] = -(1.3*Math.PI*Math.Sin(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4));
                    yp[n-1] = yp[0];
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        k = math.randominteger(n);
                        if( k!=i )
                            t = x[i];
                            x[i] = x[k];
                            x[k] = t;
                            t = y[i];
                            y[i] = y[k];
                            y[k] = t;
                            t = yp[i];
                            yp[i] = yp[k];
                            yp[k] = t;
                            t = d[i];
                            d[i] = d[k];
                            d[k] = t;
                    // Build linear spline
                    // Test for general interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * continuous function
                    // Test for specific properties is implemented below.
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, n, c);
                    err = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                    lserrors = lserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                    lserrors = lserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                    // Build cubic spline.
                    // Test for interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * boundary conditions
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    // * continuous second derivative
                    // * periodicity properties
                    // * Spline1DGridDiff(), Spline1DGridDiff2() and Spline1DDiff()
                    //   calls must return same results
                    for(bltype=-1; bltype<=2; bltype++)
                        for(brtype=-1; brtype<=2; brtype++)
                            // skip meaningless combination of boundary conditions
                            // (one condition is periodic, another is not)
                            periodiccond = bltype==-1 | brtype==-1;
                            if( periodiccond & bltype!=brtype )
                            // build
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, c);
                                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, c);
                            // interpolation properties
                            err = 0;
                            if( periodiccond )
                                // * check values at nodes; spline is periodic so
                                //   we add random number of periods to nodes
                                // * we also test for periodicity of derivatives
                                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                    v = x[i];
                                    vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                                    t = yp[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm);
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-d2s2));
                                // periodicity between nodes
                                v = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                                vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm)));
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-d2s2));
                                // * check values at nodes
                                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                            // check boundary conditions
                            err = 0;
                            if( bltype==0 )
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                            if( bltype==1 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a+h)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a-h))/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(bl-t));
                            if( bltype==2 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a+h)-2*spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a)+spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a-h))/math.sqr(h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(bl-t));
                            if( brtype==0 )
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                            if( brtype==1 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b+h)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b-h))/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(br-t));
                            if( brtype==2 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b+h)-2*spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b)+spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b-h))/math.sqr(h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(br-t));
                            if( bltype==-1 | brtype==-1 )
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+100*math.machineepsilon, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-100*math.machineepsilon, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-d2s2));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(1.0E-3);
                            // Check Lipschitz continuity
                            lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                            lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                            if( (double)(l10)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                                cserrors = cserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                            if( (double)(l11)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                                cserrors = cserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
                            if( (double)(l12)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                                cserrors = cserrors | (double)(l22/l12)>(double)(1.2);
                            // compare spline1dgriddiff() and spline1ddiff() results
                            err = 0;
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1);
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1);
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, x[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, x[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-tmp2[i]));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                            // compare spline1dconv()/convdiff()/convdiff2() and spline1ddiff() results
                            n2 = 2*n+math.randominteger(n);
                            tmpx = new double[n2];
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                tmpx[i] = 0.5*(a+b)+(a-b)*(2*math.randomreal()-1);
                            err = 0;
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0);
                                spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0);
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, tmpx[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-tmp0[i]));
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1);
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1);
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, tmpx[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-tmp0[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, tmpx[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-tmp0[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-tmp2[i]));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                    // Build Catmull-Rom spline.
                    // Test for interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * boundary conditions
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    // * periodicity properties
                    for(bltype=-1; bltype<=0; bltype++)
                        periodiccond = bltype==-1;
                        // select random tension value, then build
                        if( (double)(math.randomreal())>(double)(0.5) )
                            if( (double)(math.randomreal())>(double)(0.5) )
                                tension = 0;
                                tension = 1;
                            tension = math.randomreal();
                        if( periodiccond )
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom(x, yp, n, bltype, tension, c);
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom(x, y, n, bltype, tension, c);
                        // interpolation properties
                        err = 0;
                        if( periodiccond )
                            // * check values at nodes; spline is periodic so
                            //   we add random number of periods to nodes
                            // * we also test for periodicity of first derivative
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = x[i];
                                vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                                t = yp[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                            // periodicity between nodes
                            v = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                            vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm)));
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                            // * check values at nodes
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                        crserrors = crserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                        // check boundary conditions
                        err = 0;
                        if( bltype==0 )
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                        if( bltype==-1 )
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+100*math.machineepsilon, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-100*math.machineepsilon, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                        crserrors = crserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(1.0E-3);
                        // Check Lipschitz continuity
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                        if( (double)(l10)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                            crserrors = crserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                        if( (double)(l11)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                            crserrors = crserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
                    // Build Hermite spline.
                    // Test for interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values and derivatives at nodes
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, n, c);
                    err = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                    err = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i]+h)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i]-h))/(2*h);
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d[i]-t));
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(1.0E-3);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
                    // Build Akima spline
                    // Test for general interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    // Test for specific properties is implemented below.
                    if( n>=5 )
                        spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(x, y, n, c);
                        err = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                        aserrors = aserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                        hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                        hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
            // Special linear spline test:
            // test for linearity between x[i] and x[i+1]
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                // Prepare task
                a = -1;
                b = 1;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                    y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, n, c);
                // Test
                err = 0;
                for(k=0; k<=n-2; k++)
                    a = x[k];
                    b = x[k+1];
                    for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                        t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                        v = y[k]+(t-a)/(b-a)*(y[k+1]-y[k]);
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-v));
                lserrors = lserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            // Special Akima test: test outlier sensitivity
            // Spline value at (x[i], x[i+1]) should depend from
            // f[i-2], f[i-1], f[i], f[i+1], f[i+2], f[i+3] only.
            for(n=5; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                y2 = new double[n-1+1];
                // Prepare unperturbed Akima spline
                a = -1;
                b = 1;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                    y[i] = Math.Cos(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(x, y, n, c);
                // Process perturbed tasks
                err = 0;
                for(k=0; k<=n-1; k++)
                    for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                        y2[i_] = y[i_];
                    y2[k] = 5;
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(x, y2, n, c2);
                    // Test left part independence
                    if( k-3>=1 )
                        a = -1;
                        b = x[k-3];
                        for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                            t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                    // Test right part independence
                    if( k+3<=n-2 )
                        a = x[k+3];
                        b = 1;
                        for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                            t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                aserrors = aserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            // Differentiation, copy/unpack test
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                // Prepare cubic spline
                a = -1-math.randomreal();
                b = 1+math.randomreal();
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                    y[i] = Math.Cos(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, c);
                // Test diff
                err = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, t, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                    vl = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t-h);
                    vm = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t);
                    vr = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t+h);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-vm));
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-(vr-vl)/(2*h)));
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-(vr-2*vm+vl)/math.sqr(h)));
                dserrors = dserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(0.001);
                // Test copy
                spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                err = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                cperrors = cperrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                // Test unpack
                uperrors = uperrors | !testunpack(c, x);
                // Test lin.trans.
                err = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // LinTransX, general A
                    sa = 4*math.randomreal()-2;
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                    spline1d.spline1dlintransx(c2, sa, sb);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, (t-sb)/sa)));
                    // LinTransX, special case: A=0
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                    spline1d.spline1dlintransx(c2, 0, sb);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, sb)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                    // LinTransY
                    sa = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                    spline1d.spline1dlintransy(c2, sa, sb);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(sa*spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)+sb-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                lterrors = lterrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            // Testing integration.
            // Three tests are performed:
            // * approximate test (well behaved smooth function, many points,
            //   integration inside [a,b]), non-periodic spline
            // * exact test (integration of parabola, outside of [a,b], non-periodic spline
            // * approximate test for periodic splines. F(x)=cos(2*pi*x)+1.
            //   Period length is equals to 1.0, so all operations with
            //   multiples of period are done exactly. For each value of PERIOD
            //   we calculate and test integral at four points:
            //   -   0 < t0 < PERIOD
            //   -   t1 = PERIOD-eps
            //   -   t2 = PERIOD
            //   -   t3 = PERIOD+eps
            err = 0;
            for(n=20; n<=35; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // Prepare cubic spline
                    a = -1-0.2*math.randomreal();
                    b = 1+0.2*math.randomreal();
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                        y[i] = Math.Sin(Math.PI*x[i]+0.4)+Math.Exp(x[i]);
                    bl = Math.PI*Math.Cos(Math.PI*a+0.4)+Math.Exp(a);
                    br = Math.PI*Math.Cos(Math.PI*b+0.4)+Math.Exp(b);
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, 1, bl, 1, br, c);
                    // Test
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    v = -(Math.Cos(Math.PI*a+0.4)/Math.PI)+Math.Exp(a);
                    v = -(Math.Cos(Math.PI*t+0.4)/Math.PI)+Math.Exp(t)-v;
                    v = v-spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, t);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(v));
            ierrors = ierrors | (double)(err)>(double)(0.001);
            p0 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            p1 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            p2 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            a = -math.randomreal()-0.5;
            b = math.randomreal()+0.5;
            n = 2;
            x = new double[n];
            y = new double[n];
            d = new double[n];
            x[0] = a;
            y[0] = p0+p1*a+p2*math.sqr(a);
            d[0] = p1+2*p2*a;
            x[1] = b;
            y[1] = p0+p1*b+p2*math.sqr(b);
            d[1] = p1+2*p2*b;
            spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, n, c);
            bl = Math.Min(a, b)-Math.Abs(b-a);
            br = Math.Min(a, b)+Math.Abs(b-a);
            err = 0;
            for(pass=1; pass<=100; pass++)
                t = bl+(br-bl)*math.randomreal();
                v = p0*t+p1*math.sqr(t)/2+p2*math.sqr(t)*t/3-(p0*a+p1*math.sqr(a)/2+p2*math.sqr(a)*a/3);
                v = v-spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, t);
                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(v));
            ierrors = ierrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            n = 100;
            x = new double[n];
            y = new double[n];
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                x[i] = (double)i/(double)(n-1);
                y[i] = Math.Cos(2*Math.PI*x[i])+1;
            y[0] = 2;
            y[n-1] = 2;
            spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, -1, 0.0, -1, 0.0, c);
            intab = spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, 1.0);
            v = math.randomreal();
            vr = spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, v);
            ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(intab-1))>(double)(0.001);
            for(i=-10; i<=10; i++)
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i+v)-(i*intab+vr)))>(double)(0.001);
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i-1000*math.machineepsilon)-i*intab))>(double)(0.001);
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i)-i*intab))>(double)(0.001);
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i+1000*math.machineepsilon)-i*intab))>(double)(0.001);
            // Test fitting.
            for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                // Cubic splines
                // Ability to handle boundary constraints (1-4 constraints on F, dF/dx).
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    for(k=1; k<=4; k++)
                        if( k>=m )
                        n = 100;
                        x = new double[n];
                        y = new double[n];
                        w = new double[n];
                        xc = new double[4];
                        yc = new double[4];
                        dc = new int[4];
                        sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                        sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                            y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                        xc[0] = sb;
                        yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[0] = 0;
                        xc[1] = sb;
                        yc[1] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[1] = 1;
                        xc[2] = sa+sb;
                        yc[2] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[2] = 0;
                        xc[3] = sa+sb;
                        yc[3] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[3] = 1;
                        spline1d.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, k, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( info<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            // Check that constraints are satisfied
                            for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                if( dc[i]==0 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==1 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==2 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                // Cubic splines
                // Ability to handle one internal constraint
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    n = 100;
                    x = new double[n];
                    y = new double[n];
                    w = new double[n];
                    xc = new double[1];
                    yc = new double[1];
                    dc = new int[1];
                    sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                        y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                    xc[0] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                    yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    dc[0] = math.randominteger(2);
                    spline1d.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 1, m, ref info, c, rep);
                    if( info<=0 )
                        fiterrors = true;
                        // Check that constraints are satisfied
                        spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[0], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                        if( dc[0]==0 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==1 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==2 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                // Hermite splines
                // Ability to handle boundary constraints (1-4 constraints on F, dF/dx).
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    for(k=1; k<=4; k++)
                        if( k>=m )
                        if( m%2!=0 )
                        n = 100;
                        x = new double[n];
                        y = new double[n];
                        w = new double[n];
                        xc = new double[4];
                        yc = new double[4];
                        dc = new int[4];
                        sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                        sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                            y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                        xc[0] = sb;
                        yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[0] = 0;
                        xc[1] = sb;
                        yc[1] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[1] = 1;
                        xc[2] = sa+sb;
                        yc[2] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[2] = 0;
                        xc[3] = sa+sb;
                        yc[3] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[3] = 1;
                        spline1d.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, k, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( info<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            // Check that constraints are satisfied
                            for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                if( dc[i]==0 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==1 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==2 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                // Hermite splines
                // Ability to handle one internal constraint
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    if( m%2!=0 )
                    n = 100;
                    x = new double[n];
                    y = new double[n];
                    w = new double[n];
                    xc = new double[1];
                    yc = new double[1];
                    dc = new int[1];
                    sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                        y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                    xc[0] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                    yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    dc[0] = math.randominteger(2);
                    spline1d.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 1, m, ref info, c, rep);
                    if( info<=0 )
                        fiterrors = true;
                        // Check that constraints are satisfied
                        spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[0], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                        if( dc[0]==0 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==1 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==2 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
            for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                for(stype=0; stype<=1; stype++)
                    for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                        if( stype==1 & m%2!=0 )
                        // cubic/Hermite spline fitting:
                        // * generate "template spline" C2
                        // * generate 2*N points from C2, such that result of
                        //   ideal fit should be equal to C2
                        // * fit, store in C
                        // * compare C and C2
                        sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                        sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        if( stype==0 )
                            x = new double[m-2];
                            y = new double[m-2];
                            for(i=0; i<=m-2-1; i++)
                                x[i] = sa*i/(m-2-1)+sb;
                                y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, m-2, 1, 2*math.randomreal()-1, 1, 2*math.randomreal()-1, c2);
                        if( stype==1 )
                            x = new double[m/2];
                            y = new double[m/2];
                            d = new double[m/2];
                            for(i=0; i<=m/2-1; i++)
                                x[i] = sa*i/(m/2-1)+sb;
                                y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                                d[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, m/2, c2);
                        n = 50;
                        x = new double[2*n];
                        y = new double[2*n];
                        w = new double[2*n];
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            // "if i=0" and "if i=1" are needed to
                            // synchronize interval size for C2 and
                            // spline being fitted (i.e. C).
                            t = math.randomreal();
                            x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                            if( i==0 )
                                x[i] = sb;
                            if( i==1 )
                                x[i] = sa+sb;
                            v = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, x[i]);
                            y[i] = v+t;
                            w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                            x[n+i] = x[i];
                            y[n+i] = v-t;
                            w[n+i] = w[i];
                        if( stype==0 )
                            spline1d.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, 2*n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( stype==1 )
                            spline1d.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, 2*n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( info<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v)))>(double)(threshold);
            for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // prepare points/weights
                    sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    n = 10+math.randominteger(10);
                    x = new double[n];
                    y = new double[n];
                    w = new double[n];
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                        y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        w[i] = 1;
                    // Fit cubic with unity weights, without weights, then compare
                    if( m>=4 )
                        spline1d.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info1, c, rep);
                        spline1d.spline1dfitcubic(x, y, n, m, ref info2, c2, rep2);
                        if( info1<=0 | info2<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v))!=(double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v));
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.taskrcond)!=(double)(rep2.taskrcond);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.rmserror)!=(double)(rep2.rmserror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgrelerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgrelerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.maxerror)!=(double)(rep2.maxerror);
                    // Fit Hermite with unity weights, without weights, then compare
                    if( m>=4 & m%2==0 )
                        spline1d.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info1, c, rep);
                        spline1d.spline1dfithermite(x, y, n, m, ref info2, c2, rep2);
                        if( info1<=0 | info2<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v))!=(double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v));
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.taskrcond)!=(double)(rep2.taskrcond);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.rmserror)!=(double)(rep2.rmserror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgrelerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgrelerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.maxerror)!=(double)(rep2.maxerror);
            for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                ap.assert(passcount>=2, "PassCount should be 2 or greater!");
                // solve simple task (all X[] are the same, Y[] are specially
                // calculated to ensure simple form of all types of errors)
                // and check correctness of the errors calculated by subroutines
                // First pass is done with zero Y[], other passes - with random Y[].
                // It should test both ability to correctly calculate errors and
                // ability to not fail while working with zeros :)
                n = 4;
                if( pass==1 )
                    v1 = 0;
                    v2 = 0;
                    v = 0;
                    v1 = math.randomreal();
                    v2 = math.randomreal();
                    v = 1+math.randomreal();
                x = new double[4];
                y = new double[4];
                w = new double[4];
                x[0] = 0;
                y[0] = v-v2;
                w[0] = 1;
                x[1] = 0;
                y[1] = v-v1;
                w[1] = 1;
                x[2] = 0;
                y[2] = v+v1;
                w[2] = 1;
                x[3] = 0;
                y[3] = v+v2;
                w[3] = 1;
                refrms = Math.Sqrt((math.sqr(v1)+math.sqr(v2))/2);
                refavg = (Math.Abs(v1)+Math.Abs(v2))/2;
                if( pass==1 )
                    refavgrel = 0;
                    refavgrel = 0.25*(Math.Abs(v2)/Math.Abs(v-v2)+Math.Abs(v1)/Math.Abs(v-v1)+Math.Abs(v1)/Math.Abs(v+v1)+Math.Abs(v2)/Math.Abs(v+v2));
                refmax = Math.Max(v1, v2);
                // Test cubic fitting
                spline1d.spline1dfitcubic(x, y, 4, 4, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info<=0 )
                    fiterrors = true;
                    s = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, 0);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-v))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.rmserror-refrms))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgerror-refavg))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgrelerror-refavgrel))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.maxerror-refmax))>(double)(threshold);
                // Test cubic fitting
                spline1d.spline1dfithermite(x, y, 4, 4, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info<=0 )
                    fiterrors = true;
                    s = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, 0);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-v))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.rmserror-refrms))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgerror-refavg))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgrelerror-refavgrel))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.maxerror-refmax))>(double)(threshold);
            // report
            waserrors = (((((((((lserrors | cserrors) | crserrors) | hserrors) | aserrors) | dserrors) | cperrors) | uperrors) | lterrors) | ierrors) | fiterrors;
            if( !silent )
                System.Console.Write("TESTING SPLINE INTERPOLATION");
                // Normal tests
                System.Console.Write("LINEAR SPLINE TEST:                      ");
                if( lserrors )
                System.Console.Write("CUBIC SPLINE TEST:                       ");
                if( cserrors )
                System.Console.Write("CATMULL-ROM SPLINE TEST:                 ");
                if( crserrors )
                System.Console.Write("HERMITE SPLINE TEST:                     ");
                if( hserrors )
                System.Console.Write("AKIMA SPLINE TEST:                       ");
                if( aserrors )
                System.Console.Write("DIFFERENTIATION TEST:                    ");
                if( dserrors )
                System.Console.Write("COPY/SERIALIZATION TEST:                 ");
                if( cperrors )
                System.Console.Write("UNPACK TEST:                             ");
                if( uperrors )
                System.Console.Write("LIN.TRANS. TEST:                         ");
                if( lterrors )
                System.Console.Write("INTEGRATION TEST:                        ");
                if( ierrors )
                System.Console.Write("FITTING TEST:                            ");
                if( fiterrors )
                if( waserrors )
                    System.Console.Write("TEST FAILED");
                    System.Console.Write("TEST PASSED");
            // end
            result = !waserrors;
            return result;
Esempio n. 5
        // Public declarations

        public spline1dinterpolant()
            _innerobj = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        private static void testsplinefitting(ref bool fiterrors)
            double threshold = 0;
            double nonstrictthreshold = 0;
            int passcount = 0;
            int n = 0;
            int m = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int pass = 0;
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] w = new double[0];
            double[] w2 = new double[0];
            double[] xc = new double[0];
            double[] yc = new double[0];
            double[] d = new double[0];
            int[] dc = new int[0];
            double sa = 0;
            double sb = 0;
            int info = 0;
            int info1 = 0;
            int info2 = 0;
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c2 = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            lsfit.spline1dfitreport rep = new lsfit.spline1dfitreport();
            lsfit.spline1dfitreport rep2 = new lsfit.spline1dfitreport();
            double s = 0;
            double ds = 0;
            double d2s = 0;
            int stype = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            double refrms = 0;
            double refavg = 0;
            double refavgrel = 0;
            double refmax = 0;
            double rho = 0;

            // Valyes:
            // * pass count
            // * threshold - for tests which must be satisfied exactly
            // * nonstrictthreshold - for approximate tests
            passcount = 20;
            threshold = 10000*math.machineepsilon;
            nonstrictthreshold = 1.0E-4;
            fiterrors = false;
            // Test fitting by Cubic and Hermite splines (obsolete, but still supported)
            for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                // Cubic splines
                // Ability to handle boundary constraints (1-4 constraints on F, dF/dx).
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    for(k=1; k<=4; k++)
                        if( k>=m )
                        n = 100;
                        x = new double[n];
                        y = new double[n];
                        w = new double[n];
                        xc = new double[4];
                        yc = new double[4];
                        dc = new int[4];
                        sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                        sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                            y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                        xc[0] = sb;
                        yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[0] = 0;
                        xc[1] = sb;
                        yc[1] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[1] = 1;
                        xc[2] = sa+sb;
                        yc[2] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[2] = 0;
                        xc[3] = sa+sb;
                        yc[3] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[3] = 1;
                        lsfit.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, k, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( info<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            // Check that constraints are satisfied
                            for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                if( dc[i]==0 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==1 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==2 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                // Cubic splines
                // Ability to handle one internal constraint
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    n = 100;
                    x = new double[n];
                    y = new double[n];
                    w = new double[n];
                    xc = new double[1];
                    yc = new double[1];
                    dc = new int[1];
                    sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                        y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                    xc[0] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                    yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    dc[0] = math.randominteger(2);
                    lsfit.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 1, m, ref info, c, rep);
                    if( info<=0 )
                        fiterrors = true;
                        // Check that constraints are satisfied
                        spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[0], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                        if( dc[0]==0 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==1 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==2 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                // Hermite splines
                // Ability to handle boundary constraints (1-4 constraints on F, dF/dx).
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    for(k=1; k<=4; k++)
                        if( k>=m )
                        if( m%2!=0 )
                        n = 100;
                        x = new double[n];
                        y = new double[n];
                        w = new double[n];
                        xc = new double[4];
                        yc = new double[4];
                        dc = new int[4];
                        sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                        sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                            y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                        xc[0] = sb;
                        yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[0] = 0;
                        xc[1] = sb;
                        yc[1] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[1] = 1;
                        xc[2] = sa+sb;
                        yc[2] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[2] = 0;
                        xc[3] = sa+sb;
                        yc[3] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        dc[3] = 1;
                        lsfit.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, k, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( info<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            // Check that constraints are satisfied
                            for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                if( dc[i]==0 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==1 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                if( dc[i]==2 )
                                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                // Hermite splines
                // Ability to handle one internal constraint
                for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                    if( m%2!=0 )
                    n = 100;
                    x = new double[n];
                    y = new double[n];
                    w = new double[n];
                    xc = new double[1];
                    yc = new double[1];
                    dc = new int[1];
                    sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                        y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                    xc[0] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                    yc[0] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    dc[0] = math.randominteger(2);
                    lsfit.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 1, m, ref info, c, rep);
                    if( info<=0 )
                        fiterrors = true;
                        // Check that constraints are satisfied
                        spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, xc[0], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                        if( dc[0]==0 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==1 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(ds-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
                        if( dc[0]==2 )
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(d2s-yc[0]))>(double)(threshold);
            for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                for(stype=0; stype<=1; stype++)
                    for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                        if( stype==1 & m%2!=0 )
                        // cubic/Hermite spline fitting:
                        // * generate "template spline" C2
                        // * generate 2*N points from C2, such that result of
                        //   ideal fit should be equal to C2
                        // * fit, store in C
                        // * compare C and C2
                        sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                        sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        if( stype==0 )
                            x = new double[m-2];
                            y = new double[m-2];
                            for(i=0; i<=m-2-1; i++)
                                x[i] = sa*i/(m-2-1)+sb;
                                y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, m-2, 1, 2*math.randomreal()-1, 1, 2*math.randomreal()-1, c2);
                        if( stype==1 )
                            x = new double[m/2];
                            y = new double[m/2];
                            d = new double[m/2];
                            for(i=0; i<=m/2-1; i++)
                                x[i] = sa*i/(m/2-1)+sb;
                                y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                                d[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, m/2, c2);
                        n = 50;
                        x = new double[2*n];
                        y = new double[2*n];
                        w = new double[2*n];
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            // "if i=0" and "if i=1" are needed to
                            // synchronize interval size for C2 and
                            // spline being fitted (i.e. C).
                            t = math.randomreal();
                            x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                            if( i==0 )
                                x[i] = sb;
                            if( i==1 )
                                x[i] = sa+sb;
                            v = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, x[i]);
                            y[i] = v+t;
                            w[i] = 1+math.randomreal();
                            x[n+i] = x[i];
                            y[n+i] = v-t;
                            w[n+i] = w[i];
                        if( stype==0 )
                            lsfit.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, 2*n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( stype==1 )
                            lsfit.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, 2*n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info, c, rep);
                        if( info<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v)))>(double)(threshold);
            for(m=4; m<=8; m++)
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // prepare points/weights
                    sa = 1+math.randomreal();
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    n = 10+math.randominteger(10);
                    x = new double[n];
                    y = new double[n];
                    w = new double[n];
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                        y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        w[i] = 1;
                    // Fit cubic with unity weights, without weights, then compare
                    if( m>=4 )
                        lsfit.spline1dfitcubicwc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info1, c, rep);
                        lsfit.spline1dfitcubic(x, y, n, m, ref info2, c2, rep2);
                        if( info1<=0 | info2<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v))!=(double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v));
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.taskrcond)!=(double)(rep2.taskrcond);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.rmserror)!=(double)(rep2.rmserror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgrelerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgrelerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.maxerror)!=(double)(rep2.maxerror);
                    // Fit Hermite with unity weights, without weights, then compare
                    if( m>=4 & m%2==0 )
                        lsfit.spline1dfithermitewc(x, y, w, n, xc, yc, dc, 0, m, ref info1, c, rep);
                        lsfit.spline1dfithermite(x, y, n, m, ref info2, c2, rep2);
                        if( info1<=0 | info2<=0 )
                            fiterrors = true;
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = sa*math.randomreal()+sb;
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v))!=(double)(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v));
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.taskrcond)!=(double)(rep2.taskrcond);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.rmserror)!=(double)(rep2.rmserror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.avgrelerror)!=(double)(rep2.avgrelerror);
                                fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(rep.maxerror)!=(double)(rep2.maxerror);
            // check basic properties of penalized splines which are
            // preserved independently of Rho parameter.
            for(m=4; m<=10; m++)
                for(k=-5; k<=5; k++)
                    rho = k;
                    // when we have two points (even with different weights),
                    // resulting spline must be equal to the straight line
                    x = new double[2];
                    y = new double[2];
                    w = new double[2];
                    x[0] = -0.5-math.randomreal();
                    y[0] = 0.5+math.randomreal();
                    w[0] = 1+math.randomreal();
                    x[1] = 0.5+math.randomreal();
                    y[1] = 0.5+math.randomreal();
                    w[1] = 1+math.randomreal();
                    lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 2, m, rho, ref info, c, rep);
                    if( info>0 )
                        v = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        v1 = (v-x[0])/(x[1]-x[0])*y[1]+(v-x[1])/(x[0]-x[1])*y[0];
                        fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(v1-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                        fiterrors = true;
                    lsfit.spline1dfitpenalizedw(x, y, w, 2, m, rho, ref info, c, rep);
                    if( info>0 )
                        v = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                        v1 = (v-x[0])/(x[1]-x[0])*y[1]+(v-x[1])/(x[0]-x[1])*y[0];
                        fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(v1-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                        fiterrors = true;
                    // spline fitting is invariant with respect to
                    // scaling of weights (of course, ANY fitting algorithm
                    // must be invariant, but we want to test this property
                    // just to be sure that it is correctly implemented)
                    for(n=2; n<=2*m; n++)
                        x = new double[n];
                        y = new double[n];
                        w = new double[n];
                        w2 = new double[n];
                        s = 1+Math.Exp(10*math.randomreal());
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            x[i] = (double)i/(double)(n-1);
                            y[i] = math.randomreal();
                            w[i] = 0.1+math.randomreal();
                            w2[i] = w[i]*s;
                        lsfit.spline1dfitpenalizedw(x, y, w, n, m, rho, ref info, c, rep);
                        lsfit.spline1dfitpenalizedw(x, y, w2, n, m, rho, ref info2, c2, rep2);
                        if( info>0 & info2>0 )
                            v = math.randomreal();
                            v1 = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v);
                            v2 = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, v);
                            fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(v1-v2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                            fiterrors = true;
            // Advanced proprties:
            // * penalized spline with M about 5*N and sufficiently small Rho
            //   must pass through all points on equidistant grid
            for(n=2; n<=10; n++)
                m = 5*n;
                rho = -5;
                x = new double[n];
                y = new double[n];
                w = new double[n];
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = (double)i/(double)(n-1);
                    y[i] = math.randomreal();
                    w[i] = 0.1+math.randomreal();
                lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, n, m, rho, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info>0 )
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                    fiterrors = true;
                lsfit.spline1dfitpenalizedw(x, y, w, n, m, rho, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info>0 )
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                    fiterrors = true;
            // Check correctness of error reports
            for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                ap.assert(passcount>=2, "PassCount should be 2 or greater!");
                // solve simple task (all X[] are the same, Y[] are specially
                // calculated to ensure simple form of all types of errors)
                // and check correctness of the errors calculated by subroutines
                // First pass is done with zero Y[], other passes - with random Y[].
                // It should test both ability to correctly calculate errors and
                // ability to not fail while working with zeros :)
                n = 4;
                if( pass==1 )
                    v1 = 0;
                    v2 = 0;
                    v = 0;
                    v1 = math.randomreal();
                    v2 = math.randomreal();
                    v = 1+math.randomreal();
                x = new double[4];
                y = new double[4];
                w = new double[4];
                x[0] = 0;
                y[0] = v-v2;
                w[0] = 1;
                x[1] = 0;
                y[1] = v-v1;
                w[1] = 1;
                x[2] = 0;
                y[2] = v+v1;
                w[2] = 1;
                x[3] = 0;
                y[3] = v+v2;
                w[3] = 1;
                refrms = Math.Sqrt((math.sqr(v1)+math.sqr(v2))/2);
                refavg = (Math.Abs(v1)+Math.Abs(v2))/2;
                if( pass==1 )
                    refavgrel = 0;
                    refavgrel = 0.25*(Math.Abs(v2)/Math.Abs(v-v2)+Math.Abs(v1)/Math.Abs(v-v1)+Math.Abs(v1)/Math.Abs(v+v1)+Math.Abs(v2)/Math.Abs(v+v2));
                refmax = Math.Max(v1, v2);
                // Test penalized spline
                lsfit.spline1dfitpenalizedw(x, y, w, 4, 4, 0.0, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info<=0 )
                    fiterrors = true;
                    s = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, 0);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-v))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.rmserror-refrms))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgerror-refavg))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgrelerror-refavgrel))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.maxerror-refmax))>(double)(threshold);
                // Test cubic fitting
                lsfit.spline1dfitcubic(x, y, 4, 4, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info<=0 )
                    fiterrors = true;
                    s = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, 0);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-v))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.rmserror-refrms))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgerror-refavg))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgrelerror-refavgrel))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.maxerror-refmax))>(double)(threshold);
                // Test Hermite fitting
                lsfit.spline1dfithermite(x, y, 4, 4, ref info, c, rep);
                if( info<=0 )
                    fiterrors = true;
                    s = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, 0);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(s-v))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.rmserror-refrms))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgerror-refavg))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.avgrelerror-refavgrel))>(double)(threshold);
                    fiterrors = fiterrors | (double)(Math.Abs(rep.maxerror-refmax))>(double)(threshold);
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x    = new double[0];
        double[] y    = new double[0];
        int      n    = 0;
        int      i    = 0;
        int      info = 0;

        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double t = 0;

        spline1d.spline1dfitreport rep = new spline1d.spline1dfitreport();

        // Fitting by unconstrained natural cubic spline
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x)      function being fitted");
        System.Console.Write("[0, pi]          interval");
        System.Console.Write("M=4              number of basis functions to use");
        System.Console.Write("N=100            number of points to fit");

        // Create and fit
        n = 100;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI * i / (n - 1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
        spline1d.spline1dfitcubic(ref x, ref y, n, 4, ref info, ref s, ref rep);

        // Output results
        if (info > 0)
            System.Console.Write("OK, we have finished");
            System.Console.Write("     x   F(x)   S(x)  Error");
            t = 0;
            while ((double)(t) < (double)(0.999999 * Math.PI))
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", t);
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Sin(t));
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t) - Math.Sin(t)));
                t = Math.Min(Math.PI, t + 0.25);
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", t);
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Sin(t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t) - Math.Sin(t)));
            System.Console.Write("rms error is ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", rep.rmserror);
            System.Console.Write("max error is ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", rep.maxerror);
            System.Console.Write("Something wrong, Info=");
            System.Console.Write("{0,0:d}", info);
Esempio n. 8
        Weighted fitting by penalized cubic spline.

        Equidistant grid with M nodes on [min(x,xc),max(x,xc)] is  used  to  build
        basis functions. Basis functions are cubic splines with  natural  boundary
        conditions. Problem is regularized by  adding non-linearity penalty to the
        usual least squares penalty function:

            S(x) = arg min { LS + P }, where
            LS   = SUM { w[i]^2*(y[i] - S(x[i]))^2 } - least squares penalty
            P    = C*10^rho*integral{ S''(x)^2*dx } - non-linearity penalty
            rho  - tunable constant given by user
            C    - automatically determined scale parameter,
                   makes penalty invariant with respect to scaling of X, Y, W.

            X   -   points, array[0..N-1].
            Y   -   function values, array[0..N-1].
            W   -   weights, array[0..N-1]
                    Each summand in square  sum  of  approximation deviations from
                    given  values  is  multiplied  by  the square of corresponding
                    weight. Fill it by 1's if you don't  want  to  solve  weighted
            N   -   number of points (optional):
                    * N>0
                    * if given, only first N elements of X/Y/W are processed
                    * if not given, automatically determined from X/Y/W sizes
            M   -   number of basis functions ( = number_of_nodes), M>=4.
            Rho -   regularization  constant  passed   by   user.   It   penalizes
                    nonlinearity in the regression spline. It  is  logarithmically
                    scaled,  i.e.  actual  value  of  regularization  constant  is
                    calculated as 10^Rho. It is automatically scaled so that:
                    * Rho=2.0 corresponds to moderate amount of nonlinearity
                    * generally, it should be somewhere in the [-8.0,+8.0]
                    If you do not want to penalize nonlineary,
                    pass small Rho. Values as low as -15 should work.

            Info-   same format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine.
                    * Info>0    task is solved
                    * Info<=0   an error occured:
                                -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD or
                                   Cholesky decomposition; problem may be
                                   too ill-conditioned (very rare)
            S   -   spline interpolant.
            Rep -   Following fields are set:
                    * RMSError      rms error on the (X,Y).
                    * AvgError      average error on the (X,Y).
                    * AvgRelError   average relative error on the non-zero Y
                    * MaxError      maximum error
                                    NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED

            this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0.

        NOTE 1: additional nodes are added to the spline outside  of  the  fitting
        interval to force linearity when x<min(x,xc) or x>max(x,xc).  It  is  done
        for consistency - we penalize non-linearity  at [min(x,xc),max(x,xc)],  so
        it is natural to force linearity outside of this interval.

        NOTE 2: function automatically sorts points,  so  caller may pass unsorted

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 19.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline1dfitpenalizedw(double[] x,
            double[] y,
            double[] w,
            int n,
            int m,
            double rho,
            ref int info,
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s,
            spline1dfitreport rep)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int b = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double relcnt = 0;
            double xa = 0;
            double xb = 0;
            double sa = 0;
            double sb = 0;
            double[] xoriginal = new double[0];
            double[] yoriginal = new double[0];
            double pdecay = 0;
            double tdecay = 0;
            double[,] fmatrix = new double[0,0];
            double[] fcolumn = new double[0];
            double[] y2 = new double[0];
            double[] w2 = new double[0];
            double[] xc = new double[0];
            double[] yc = new double[0];
            int[] dc = new int[0];
            double fdmax = 0;
            double admax = 0;
            double[,] amatrix = new double[0,0];
            double[,] d2matrix = new double[0,0];
            double fa = 0;
            double ga = 0;
            double fb = 0;
            double gb = 0;
            double lambdav = 0;
            double[] bx = new double[0];
            double[] by = new double[0];
            double[] bd1 = new double[0];
            double[] bd2 = new double[0];
            double[] tx = new double[0];
            double[] ty = new double[0];
            double[] td = new double[0];
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant bs = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            double[,] nmatrix = new double[0,0];
            double[] rightpart = new double[0];
            fbls.fblslincgstate cgstate = new fbls.fblslincgstate();
            double[] c = new double[0];
            double[] tmp0 = new double[0];
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            x = (double[])x.Clone();
            y = (double[])y.Clone();
            w = (double[])w.Clone();
            info = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(n>=1, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: N<1!");
            alglib.ap.assert(m>=4, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: M<4!");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(x)>=n, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Length(X)<N!");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(y)>=n, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Length(Y)<N!");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(w)>=n, "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Length(W)<N!");
            alglib.ap.assert(apserv.isfinitevector(x, n), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: X contains infinite or NAN values!");
            alglib.ap.assert(apserv.isfinitevector(y, n), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Y contains infinite or NAN values!");
            alglib.ap.assert(apserv.isfinitevector(w, n), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Y contains infinite or NAN values!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(rho), "Spline1DFitPenalizedW: Rho is infinite!");
            // Prepare LambdaV
            v = -(Math.Log(math.machineepsilon)/Math.Log(10));
            if( (double)(rho)<(double)(-v) )
                rho = -v;
            if( (double)(rho)>(double)(v) )
                rho = v;
            lambdav = Math.Pow(10, rho);
            // Sort X, Y, W
            spline1d.heapsortdpoints(ref x, ref y, ref w, n);
            // Scale X, Y, XC, YC
            lsfitscalexy(ref x, ref y, ref w, n, ref xc, ref yc, dc, 0, ref xa, ref xb, ref sa, ref sb, ref xoriginal, ref yoriginal);
            // Allocate space
            fmatrix = new double[n, m];
            amatrix = new double[m, m];
            d2matrix = new double[m, m];
            bx = new double[m];
            by = new double[m];
            fcolumn = new double[n];
            nmatrix = new double[m, m];
            rightpart = new double[m];
            tmp0 = new double[Math.Max(m, n)];
            c = new double[m];
            // Fill:
            // * FMatrix by values of basis functions
            // * TmpAMatrix by second derivatives of I-th function at J-th point
            // * CMatrix by constraints
            fdmax = 0;
            for(b=0; b<=m-1; b++)
                // Prepare I-th basis function
                for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                    bx[j] = (double)(2*j)/(double)(m-1)-1;
                    by[j] = 0;
                by[b] = 1;
                spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(bx, by, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, ref bd1, ref bd2);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(bx, by, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, bs);
                // Calculate B-th column of FMatrix
                // Update FDMax (maximum column norm)
                spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(bx, by, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, x, n, ref fcolumn);
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    fmatrix[i_,b] = fcolumn[i_];
                v = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    v = v+math.sqr(w[i]*fcolumn[i]);
                fdmax = Math.Max(fdmax, v);
                // Fill temporary with second derivatives of basis function
                for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                    d2matrix[b,i_] = bd2[i_];
            // * calculate penalty matrix A
            // * calculate max of diagonal elements of A
            // * calculate PDecay - coefficient before penalty matrix
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                for(j=i; j<=m-1; j++)
                    // calculate integral(B_i''*B_j'') where B_i and B_j are
                    // i-th and j-th basis splines.
                    // B_i and B_j are piecewise linear functions.
                    v = 0;
                    for(b=0; b<=m-2; b++)
                        fa = d2matrix[i,b];
                        fb = d2matrix[i,b+1];
                        ga = d2matrix[j,b];
                        gb = d2matrix[j,b+1];
                        v = v+(bx[b+1]-bx[b])*(fa*ga+(fa*(gb-ga)+ga*(fb-fa))/2+(fb-fa)*(gb-ga)/3);
                    amatrix[i,j] = v;
                    amatrix[j,i] = v;
            admax = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                admax = Math.Max(admax, Math.Abs(amatrix[i,i]));
            pdecay = lambdav*fdmax/admax;
            // Calculate TDecay for Tikhonov regularization
            tdecay = fdmax*(1+pdecay)*10*math.machineepsilon;
            // Prepare system
            // NOTE: FMatrix is spoiled during this process
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                v = w[i];
                for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                    fmatrix[i,i_] = v*fmatrix[i,i_];
            ablas.rmatrixgemm(m, m, n, 1.0, fmatrix, 0, 0, 1, fmatrix, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, nmatrix, 0, 0);
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                    nmatrix[i,j] = nmatrix[i,j]+pdecay*amatrix[i,j];
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                nmatrix[i,i] = nmatrix[i,i]+tdecay;
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                rightpart[i] = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                v = y[i]*w[i];
                for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                    rightpart[i_] = rightpart[i_] + v*fmatrix[i,i_];
            // Solve system
            if( !trfac.spdmatrixcholesky(ref nmatrix, m, true) )
                info = -4;
            fbls.fblscholeskysolve(nmatrix, 1.0, m, true, ref rightpart, ref tmp0);
            for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                c[i_] = rightpart[i_];
            // add nodes to force linearity outside of the fitting interval
            spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic(bx, c, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, ref bd1);
            tx = new double[m+2];
            ty = new double[m+2];
            td = new double[m+2];
            i1_ = (0) - (1);
            for(i_=1; i_<=m;i_++)
                tx[i_] = bx[i_+i1_];
            i1_ = (0) - (1);
            for(i_=1; i_<=m;i_++)
                ty[i_] = rightpart[i_+i1_];
            i1_ = (0) - (1);
            for(i_=1; i_<=m;i_++)
                td[i_] = bd1[i_+i1_];
            tx[0] = tx[1]-(tx[2]-tx[1]);
            ty[0] = ty[1]-td[1]*(tx[2]-tx[1]);
            td[0] = td[1];
            tx[m+1] = tx[m]+(tx[m]-tx[m-1]);
            ty[m+1] = ty[m]+td[m]*(tx[m]-tx[m-1]);
            td[m+1] = td[m];
            spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(tx, ty, td, m+2, s);
            spline1d.spline1dlintransx(s, 2/(xb-xa), -((xa+xb)/(xb-xa)));
            spline1d.spline1dlintransy(s, sb-sa, sa);
            info = 1;
            // Fill report
            rep.rmserror = 0;
            rep.avgerror = 0;
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            rep.maxerror = 0;
            relcnt = 0;
            spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(bx, rightpart, m, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, x, n, ref fcolumn);
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                v = (sb-sa)*fcolumn[i]+sa;
                rep.rmserror = rep.rmserror+math.sqr(v-yoriginal[i]);
                rep.avgerror = rep.avgerror+Math.Abs(v-yoriginal[i]);
                if( (double)(yoriginal[i])!=(double)(0) )
                    rep.avgrelerror = rep.avgrelerror+Math.Abs(v-yoriginal[i])/Math.Abs(yoriginal[i]);
                    relcnt = relcnt+1;
                rep.maxerror = Math.Max(rep.maxerror, Math.Abs(v-yoriginal[i]));
            rep.rmserror = Math.Sqrt(rep.rmserror/n);
            rep.avgerror = rep.avgerror/n;
            if( (double)(relcnt)!=(double)(0) )
                rep.avgrelerror = rep.avgrelerror/relcnt;
Esempio n. 9
        Internal spline fitting subroutine

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 08.09.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void spline1dfitinternal(int st,
            double[] x,
            double[] y,
            double[] w,
            int n,
            double[] xc,
            double[] yc,
            int[] dc,
            int k,
            int m,
            ref int info,
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s,
            spline1dfitreport rep)
            double[,] fmatrix = new double[0,0];
            double[,] cmatrix = new double[0,0];
            double[] y2 = new double[0];
            double[] w2 = new double[0];
            double[] sx = new double[0];
            double[] sy = new double[0];
            double[] sd = new double[0];
            double[] tmp = new double[0];
            double[] xoriginal = new double[0];
            double[] yoriginal = new double[0];
            lsfitreport lrep = new lsfitreport();
            double v0 = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            double mx = 0;
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s2 = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int relcnt = 0;
            double xa = 0;
            double xb = 0;
            double sa = 0;
            double sb = 0;
            double bl = 0;
            double br = 0;
            double decay = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            x = (double[])x.Clone();
            y = (double[])y.Clone();
            w = (double[])w.Clone();
            xc = (double[])xc.Clone();
            yc = (double[])yc.Clone();
            info = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(st==0 || st==1, "Spline1DFit: internal error!");
            if( st==0 && m<4 )
                info = -1;
            if( st==1 && m<4 )
                info = -1;
            if( (n<1 || k<0) || k>=m )
                info = -1;
            for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                info = 0;
                if( dc[i]<0 )
                    info = -1;
                if( dc[i]>1 )
                    info = -1;
                if( info<0 )
            if( st==1 && m%2!=0 )
                // Hermite fitter must have even number of basis functions
                info = -2;
            // weight decay for correct handling of task which becomes
            // degenerate after constraints are applied
            decay = 10000*math.machineepsilon;
            // Scale X, Y, XC, YC
            lsfitscalexy(ref x, ref y, ref w, n, ref xc, ref yc, dc, k, ref xa, ref xb, ref sa, ref sb, ref xoriginal, ref yoriginal);
            // allocate space, initialize:
            // * SX     -   grid for basis functions
            // * SY     -   values of basis functions at grid points
            // * FMatrix-   values of basis functions at X[]
            // * CMatrix-   values (derivatives) of basis functions at XC[]
            y2 = new double[n+m];
            w2 = new double[n+m];
            fmatrix = new double[n+m, m];
            if( k>0 )
                cmatrix = new double[k, m+1];
            if( st==0 )
                // allocate space for cubic spline
                sx = new double[m-2];
                sy = new double[m-2];
                for(j=0; j<=m-2-1; j++)
                    sx[j] = (double)(2*j)/(double)(m-2-1)-1;
            if( st==1 )
                // allocate space for Hermite spline
                sx = new double[m/2];
                sy = new double[m/2];
                sd = new double[m/2];
                for(j=0; j<=m/2-1; j++)
                    sx[j] = (double)(2*j)/(double)(m/2-1)-1;
            // Prepare design and constraints matrices:
            // * fill constraints matrix
            // * fill first N rows of design matrix with values
            // * fill next M rows of design matrix with regularizing term
            // * append M zeros to Y
            // * append M elements, mean(abs(W)) each, to W
            for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                // prepare Jth basis function
                if( st==0 )
                    // cubic spline basis
                    for(i=0; i<=m-2-1; i++)
                        sy[i] = 0;
                    bl = 0;
                    br = 0;
                    if( j<m-2 )
                        sy[j] = 1;
                    if( j==m-2 )
                        bl = 1;
                    if( j==m-1 )
                        br = 1;
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(sx, sy, m-2, 1, bl, 1, br, s2);
                if( st==1 )
                    // Hermite basis
                    for(i=0; i<=m/2-1; i++)
                        sy[i] = 0;
                        sd[i] = 0;
                    if( j%2==0 )
                        sy[j/2] = 1;
                        sd[j/2] = 1;
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(sx, sy, sd, m/2, s2);
                // values at X[], XC[]
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    fmatrix[i,j] = spline1d.spline1dcalc(s2, x[i]);
                for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                    alglib.ap.assert(dc[i]>=0 && dc[i]<=2, "Spline1DFit: internal error!");
                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(s2, xc[i], ref v0, ref v1, ref v2);
                    if( dc[i]==0 )
                        cmatrix[i,j] = v0;
                    if( dc[i]==1 )
                        cmatrix[i,j] = v1;
                    if( dc[i]==2 )
                        cmatrix[i,j] = v2;
            for(i=0; i<=k-1; i++)
                cmatrix[i,m] = yc[i];
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                    if( i==j )
                        fmatrix[n+i,j] = decay;
                        fmatrix[n+i,j] = 0;
            y2 = new double[n+m];
            w2 = new double[n+m];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                y2[i_] = y[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                w2[i_] = w[i_];
            mx = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                mx = mx+Math.Abs(w[i]);
            mx = mx/n;
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                y2[n+i] = 0;
                w2[n+i] = mx;
            // Solve constrained task
            if( k>0 )
                // solve using regularization
                lsfitlinearwc(y2, w2, fmatrix, cmatrix, n+m, m, k, ref info, ref tmp, lrep);
                // no constraints, no regularization needed
                lsfitlinearwc(y, w, fmatrix, cmatrix, n, m, k, ref info, ref tmp, lrep);
            if( info<0 )
            // Generate spline and scale it
            if( st==0 )
                // cubic spline basis
                for(i_=0; i_<=m-2-1;i_++)
                    sy[i_] = tmp[i_];
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(sx, sy, m-2, 1, tmp[m-2], 1, tmp[m-1], s);
            if( st==1 )
                // Hermite basis
                for(i=0; i<=m/2-1; i++)
                    sy[i] = tmp[2*i];
                    sd[i] = tmp[2*i+1];
                spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(sx, sy, sd, m/2, s);
            spline1d.spline1dlintransx(s, 2/(xb-xa), -((xa+xb)/(xb-xa)));
            spline1d.spline1dlintransy(s, sb-sa, sa);
            // Scale absolute errors obtained from LSFitLinearW.
            // Relative error should be calculated separately
            // (because of shifting/scaling of the task)
            rep.taskrcond = lrep.taskrcond;
            rep.rmserror = lrep.rmserror*(sb-sa);
            rep.avgerror = lrep.avgerror*(sb-sa);
            rep.maxerror = lrep.maxerror*(sb-sa);
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            relcnt = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                if( (double)(yoriginal[i])!=(double)(0) )
                    rep.avgrelerror = rep.avgrelerror+Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(s, xoriginal[i])-yoriginal[i])/Math.Abs(yoriginal[i]);
                    relcnt = relcnt+1;
            if( relcnt!=0 )
                rep.avgrelerror = rep.avgrelerror/relcnt;
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x = new double[0];
        double[] y = new double[0];
        double[] d = new double[0];
        int n = 0;
        int i = 0;
        double t = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double err = 0;
        double maxerr = 0;

        // Interpolation by natural Cubic spline.
        System.Console.Write("INTERPOLATION BY HERMITE SPLINE");
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x), [0, pi], 3 nodes");
        System.Console.Write("     x   F(x)   S(x)  Error");
        // Create spline
        n = 3;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        d = new double[n];
        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI*i/(n-1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
            d[i] = Math.Cos(x[i]);
        spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, n, ref s);
        // Output results
        t = 0;
        maxerr = 0;
        while( (double)(t)<(double)(0.999999*Math.PI) )
            err = Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t)-Math.Sin(t));
            maxerr = Math.Max(err, maxerr);
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            t = Math.Min(Math.PI, t+0.25);
        err = Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, Math.PI)-Math.Sin(Math.PI));
        maxerr = Math.Max(err, maxerr);
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, Math.PI));
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("max|error| = ");
        System.Console.Write("Try other demos (spline1d_linear, spline1d_cubic) and compare errors...");
        return 0;
 public pspline3interpolant()
     p = new double[0];
     x = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
     y = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
     z = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x = new double[0];
        double[] y = new double[0];
        int n = 0;
        int i = 0;
        double t = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double v = 0;
        double dv = 0;
        double d2v = 0;
        double err = 0;
        double maxerr = 0;

        // Demonstration of Spline1DCalc(), Spline1DDiff(), Spline1DIntegrate()
        System.Console.Write("DEMONSTRATION OF Spline1DCalc(), Spline1DDiff(), Spline1DIntegrate()");
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x), [0, pi]");
        System.Console.Write("Natural cubic spline with 3 nodes is used");
        // Create spline
        n = 3;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI*i/(n-1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
        spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, ref s);
        // Output results
        spline1d.spline1ddiff(ref s, 0, ref v, ref dv, ref d2v);
        System.Console.Write("                 S(x)    F(x) ");
        System.Console.Write("function       ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, 0));
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("d/dx(0)        ");
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("d2/dx2(0)      ");
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("integral(0,pi) ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dintegrate(ref s, Math.PI));
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        return 0;
        public static bool testpsplineinterpolation(bool silent)
            bool   result             = new bool();
            bool   waserrors          = new bool();
            bool   p2errors           = new bool();
            bool   p3errors           = new bool();
            double nonstrictthreshold = 0;
            double threshold          = 0;
            int    passcount          = 0;
            double lstep       = 0;
            double h           = 0;
            int    maxn        = 0;
            int    periodicity = 0;
            int    skind       = 0;
            int    pkind       = 0;
            bool   periodic    = new bool();
            double a           = 0;
            double b           = 0;
            int    n           = 0;
            int    tmpn        = 0;
            int    i           = 0;
            int    k           = 0;
            double vx          = 0;
            double vy          = 0;
            double vz          = 0;
            double vx2         = 0;
            double vy2         = 0;
            double vz2         = 0;
            double vdx         = 0;
            double vdy         = 0;
            double vdz         = 0;
            double vdx2        = 0;
            double vdy2        = 0;
            double vdz2        = 0;
            double vd2x        = 0;
            double vd2y        = 0;
            double vd2z        = 0;
            double vd2x2       = 0;
            double vd2y2       = 0;
            double vd2z2       = 0;
            double v0          = 0;
            double v1          = 0;

            double[] x  = new double[0];
            double[] y  = new double[0];
            double[] z  = new double[0];
            double[] t  = new double[0];
            double[] t2 = new double[0];
            double[] t3 = new double[0];
            double[,] xy  = new double[0, 0];
            double[,] xyz = new double[0, 0];
            pspline.pspline2interpolant  p2 = new pspline.pspline2interpolant();
            pspline.pspline3interpolant  p3 = new pspline.pspline3interpolant();
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s  = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            int i_ = 0;

            waserrors          = false;
            passcount          = 20;
            lstep              = 0.005;
            h                  = 0.00001;
            maxn               = 10;
            threshold          = 10000 * AP.Math.MachineEpsilon;
            nonstrictthreshold = 0.00001;
            p2errors           = false;
            p3errors           = false;

            // Test basic properties of 2- and 3-dimensional splines:
            // * PSpline2ParameterValues() properties
            // * values at nodes
            // * for periodic splines - periodicity properties
            // Variables used:
            // * N              points count
            // * SKind          spline
            // * PKind          parameterization
            // * Periodicity    whether we have periodic spline or not
            for (n = 2; n <= maxn; n++)
                for (skind = 0; skind <= 2; skind++)
                    for (pkind = 0; pkind <= 2; pkind++)
                        for (periodicity = 0; periodicity <= 1; periodicity++)
                            periodic = periodicity == 1;

                            // skip unsupported combinations of parameters
                            if (periodic & n < 3)
                            if (periodic & skind == 0)
                            if (n < 5 & skind == 0)

                            // init
                            xy  = new double[n, 2];
                            xyz = new double[n, 3];
                            apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(-1, +1, n, ref t2, ref x);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                xy[i_, 0] = x[i_];
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                xyz[i_, 0] = x[i_];
                            apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(-1, +1, n, ref t2, ref y);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                xy[i_, 1] = y[i_];
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                xyz[i_, 1] = y[i_];
                            apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(-1, +1, n, ref t2, ref z);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                xyz[i_, 2] = z[i_];
                            unsetp2(ref p2);
                            unsetp3(ref p3);
                            if (periodic)
                                pspline.pspline2buildperiodic(xy, n, skind, pkind, ref p2);
                                pspline.pspline3buildperiodic(xyz, n, skind, pkind, ref p3);
                                pspline.pspline2build(xy, n, skind, pkind, ref p2);
                                pspline.pspline3build(xyz, n, skind, pkind, ref p3);

                            // PSpline2ParameterValues() properties
                            pspline.pspline2parametervalues(ref p2, ref tmpn, ref t2);
                            if (tmpn != n)
                                p2errors = true;
                            pspline.pspline3parametervalues(ref p3, ref tmpn, ref t3);
                            if (tmpn != n)
                                p3errors = true;
                            p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[0]) != (double)(0);
                            p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[0]) != (double)(0);
                            for (i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++)
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[i]) <= (double)(t2[i - 1]);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[i]) <= (double)(t3[i - 1]);
                            if (periodic)
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[n - 1]) >= (double)(1);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[n - 1]) >= (double)(1);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[n - 1]) != (double)(1);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[n - 1]) != (double)(1);

                            // Now we have parameter values stored at T,
                            // and want to test whether the actully correspond to
                            // points
                            for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                                // 2-dimensional test
                                pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, t2[i], ref vx, ref vy);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);

                                // 3-dimensional test
                                pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, t3[i], ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - z[i])) > (double)(threshold);

                            // Test periodicity (if needed)
                            if (periodic)
                                // periodicity at nodes
                                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                                    // 2-dimensional test
                                    pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, t2[i] + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx, ref vy);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline2diff(ref p2, t2[i] + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline2diff2(ref p2, t2[i] + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);

                                    // 3-dimensional test
                                    pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, t3[i] + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - z[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline3diff(ref p3, t3[i] + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vz, ref vdz);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - z[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline3diff2(ref p3, t3[i] + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y, ref vz, ref vdz, ref vd2z);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - x[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - y[i])) > (double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - z[i])) > (double)(threshold);

                                // periodicity between nodes
                                v0 = AP.Math.RandomReal();
                                pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                                pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, v0 + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx2, ref vy2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, v0 + AP.Math.RandomInteger(10) - 5, ref vx2, ref vy2, ref vz2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);

                                // near-boundary test for continuity of function values and derivatives:
                                // 2-dimensional curve
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(skind == 1 | skind == 2, "TEST: unexpected spline type!");
                                v0 = 100 * AP.Math.MachineEpsilon;
                                v1 = 1 - v0;
                                pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                                pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, v1, ref vx2, ref vy2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                pspline.pspline2diff(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy);
                                pspline.pspline2diff(ref p2, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vy2, ref vdy2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                pspline.pspline2diff2(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y);
                                pspline.pspline2diff2(ref p2, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vd2x2, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vd2y2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                if (skind == 2)
                                    // second derivative test only for cubic splines
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x - vd2x2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y - vd2y2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);

                                // near-boundary test for continuity of function values and derivatives:
                                // 3-dimensional curve
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(skind == 1 | skind == 2, "TEST: unexpected spline type!");
                                v0 = 100 * AP.Math.MachineEpsilon;
                                v1 = 1 - v0;
                                pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, v1, ref vx2, ref vy2, ref vz2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                pspline.pspline3diff(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vz, ref vdz);
                                pspline.pspline3diff(ref p3, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vz2, ref vdz2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz - vdz2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                pspline.pspline3diff2(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y, ref vz, ref vdz, ref vd2z);
                                pspline.pspline3diff2(ref p3, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vd2x2, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vd2y2, ref vz2, ref vdz2, ref vd2z2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz - vdz2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                if (skind == 2)
                                    // second derivative test only for cubic splines
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x - vd2x2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y - vd2y2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2z - vd2z2)) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);

            // Test differentiation, tangents, calculation between nodes.
            // Because differentiation is done in parameterization/spline/periodicity
            // oblivious manner, we don't have to test all possible combinations
            // of spline types and parameterizations.
            // Actually we test special combination with properties which allow us
            // to easily solve this problem:
            // * 2 (3) variables
            // * first variable is sampled from equidistant grid on [0,1]
            // * other variables are random
            // * uniform parameterization is used
            // * periodicity - none
            // * spline type - any (we use cubic splines)
            // Same problem allows us to test calculation BETWEEN nodes.
            for (n = 2; n <= maxn; n++)
                // init
                xy  = new double[n, 2];
                xyz = new double[n, 3];
                apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(0, +1, n, ref t, ref x);
                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                    xy[i_, 0] = x[i_];
                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                    xyz[i_, 0] = x[i_];
                apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(0, +1, n, ref t, ref y);
                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                    xy[i_, 1] = y[i_];
                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                    xyz[i_, 1] = y[i_];
                apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(0, +1, n, ref t, ref z);
                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                    xyz[i_, 2] = z[i_];
                unsetp2(ref p2);
                unsetp3(ref p3);
                pspline.pspline2build(xy, n, 2, 0, ref p2);
                pspline.pspline3build(xyz, n, 2, 0, ref p3);

                // Test 2D/3D spline:
                // * build non-parametric cubic spline from T and X/Y
                // * calculate its value and derivatives at V0
                // * compare with Spline2Calc/Spline2Diff/Spline2Diff2
                // Because of task properties both variants should
                // return same answer.
                v0 = AP.Math.RandomReal();
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(t, x, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, ref s);
                spline1d.spline1ddiff(ref s, v0, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vd2x2);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(t, y, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, ref s);
                spline1d.spline1ddiff(ref s, v0, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vd2y2);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(t, z, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, ref s);
                spline1d.spline1ddiff(ref s, v0, ref vz2, ref vdz2, ref vd2z2);

                // 2D test
                pspline.pspline2calc(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline2diff(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline2diff2(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x - vd2x2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y - vd2y2)) > (double)(threshold);

                // 3D test
                pspline.pspline3calc(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline3diff(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vz, ref vdz);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz - vdz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline3diff2(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y, ref vz, ref vdz, ref vd2z);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx - vdx2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy - vdy2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz - vdz2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x - vd2x2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y - vd2y2)) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2z - vd2z2)) > (double)(threshold);

                // Test tangents for 2D/3D
                pspline.pspline2tangent(ref p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vdx2 / apserv.safepythag2(vdx2, vdy2))) > (double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vdy2 / apserv.safepythag2(vdx2, vdy2))) > (double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline3tangent(ref p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx - vdx2 / apserv.safepythag3(vdx2, vdy2, vdz2))) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy - vdy2 / apserv.safepythag3(vdx2, vdy2, vdz2))) > (double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz - vdz2 / apserv.safepythag3(vdx2, vdy2, vdz2))) > (double)(threshold);

            // Arc length test.
            // Simple problem with easy solution (points on a straight line with
            // uniform parameterization).
            for (n = 2; n <= maxn; n++)
                xy  = new double[n, 2];
                xyz = new double[n, 3];
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    xy[i, 0]  = i;
                    xy[i, 1]  = i;
                    xyz[i, 0] = i;
                    xyz[i, 1] = i;
                    xyz[i, 2] = i;
                pspline.pspline2build(xy, n, 1, 0, ref p2);
                pspline.pspline3build(xyz, n, 1, 0, ref p3);
                a        = AP.Math.RandomReal();
                b        = AP.Math.RandomReal();
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(pspline.pspline2arclength(ref p2, a, b) - (b - a) * Math.Sqrt(2) * (n - 1))) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(pspline.pspline3arclength(ref p3, a, b) - (b - a) * Math.Sqrt(3) * (n - 1))) > (double)(nonstrictthreshold);

            // report
            waserrors = p2errors | p3errors;
            if (!silent)
                System.Console.Write("TESTING SPLINE INTERPOLATION");

                // Normal tests
                System.Console.Write("2D TEST:                                 ");
                if (p2errors)
                System.Console.Write("3D TEST:                                 ");
                if (p3errors)
                if (waserrors)
                    System.Console.Write("TEST FAILED");
                    System.Console.Write("TEST PASSED");

            // end
            result = !waserrors;
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x = new double[0];
        double[] y = new double[0];
        double[] w = new double[0];
        double[] xc = new double[0];
        double[] yc = new double[0];
        int[] dc = new int[0];
        int n = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int info = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double t = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dfitreport rep = new spline1d.spline1dfitreport();

        // Fitting by constrained Hermite spline
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x)      function being fitted");
        System.Console.Write("[0, pi]          interval");
        System.Console.Write("M=6              number of basis functions to use");
        System.Console.Write("S(0)=0           first constraint");
        System.Console.Write("S(pi)=0          second constraint");
        System.Console.Write("N=100            number of points to fit");
        // Create and fit:
        // * X  contains points
        // * Y  contains values
        // * W  contains weights
        // * XC contains constraints locations
        // * YC contains constraints values
        // * DC contains derivative indexes (0 = constrained function value)
        n = 100;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        w = new double[n];
        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI*i/(n-1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
            w[i] = 1;
        xc = new double[2];
        yc = new double[2];
        dc = new int[2];
        xc[0] = 0;
        yc[0] = 0;
        dc[0] = 0;
        xc[0] = Math.PI;
        yc[0] = 0;
        dc[0] = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dfithermitewc(ref x, ref y, ref w, n, ref xc, ref yc, ref dc, 2, 6, ref info, ref s, ref rep);
        // Output results
        if( info>0 )
            System.Console.Write("OK, we have finished");
            System.Console.Write("     x   F(x)   S(x)  Error");
            t = 0;
            while( (double)(t)<(double)(0.999999*Math.PI) )
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t)-Math.Sin(t)));
                t = Math.Min(Math.PI, t+0.25);
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t)-Math.Sin(t)));
            System.Console.Write("rms error is ");
            System.Console.Write("max error is ");
            System.Console.Write("S(0) = S(pi) = 0 (exactly)");
            System.Console.Write("Something wrong, Info=");
        return 0;
Esempio n. 15
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x = new double[0];
        double[] y = new double[0];
        int      n = 0;
        int      i = 0;
        double   t = 0;

        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double v      = 0;
        double dv     = 0;
        double d2v    = 0;
        double err    = 0;
        double maxerr = 0;

        // Demonstration of Spline1DCalc(), Spline1DDiff(), Spline1DIntegrate()
        System.Console.Write("DEMONSTRATION OF Spline1DCalc(), Spline1DDiff(), Spline1DIntegrate()");
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x), [0, pi]");
        System.Console.Write("Natural cubic spline with 3 nodes is used");

        // Create spline
        n = 3;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI * i / (n - 1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
        spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, ref s);

        // Output results
        spline1d.spline1ddiff(ref s, 0, ref v, ref dv, ref d2v);
        System.Console.Write("                 S(x)    F(x) ");
        System.Console.Write("function       ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, 0));
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", 0);
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("d/dx(0)        ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", dv);
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", 1);
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("d2/dx2(0)      ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", d2v);
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", 0);
        System.Console.Write(" ");
        System.Console.Write("integral(0,pi) ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", spline1d.spline1dintegrate(ref s, Math.PI));
        System.Console.Write("  ");
        System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}", 2);
        System.Console.Write(" ");
Esempio n. 16
 public override void init()
     p = new double[0];
     x = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
     y = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
     z = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
Esempio n. 17
        public static bool testspline1d(bool silent)
            bool result = new bool();
            bool waserrors = new bool();
            bool crserrors = new bool();
            bool cserrors = new bool();
            bool hserrors = new bool();
            bool aserrors = new bool();
            bool lserrors = new bool();
            bool dserrors = new bool();
            bool uperrors = new bool();
            bool cperrors = new bool();
            bool lterrors = new bool();
            bool ierrors = new bool();
            double nonstrictthreshold = 0;
            double threshold = 0;
            int passcount = 0;
            double lstep = 0;
            double h = 0;
            int maxn = 0;
            int bltype = 0;
            int brtype = 0;
            bool periodiccond = new bool();
            int n = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int pass = 0;
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] yp = new double[0];
            double[] w = new double[0];
            double[] w2 = new double[0];
            double[] y2 = new double[0];
            double[] d = new double[0];
            double[] xc = new double[0];
            double[] yc = new double[0];
            int n2 = 0;
            double[] tmp0 = new double[0];
            double[] tmp1 = new double[0];
            double[] tmp2 = new double[0];
            double[] tmpx = new double[0];
            int[] dc = new int[0];
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c2 = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            double a = 0;
            double b = 0;
            double bl = 0;
            double br = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double sa = 0;
            double sb = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double l10 = 0;
            double l11 = 0;
            double l12 = 0;
            double l20 = 0;
            double l21 = 0;
            double l22 = 0;
            double p0 = 0;
            double p1 = 0;
            double p2 = 0;
            double s = 0;
            double ds = 0;
            double d2s = 0;
            double s2 = 0;
            double ds2 = 0;
            double d2s2 = 0;
            double vl = 0;
            double vm = 0;
            double vr = 0;
            double err = 0;
            double tension = 0;
            double intab = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            waserrors = false;
            passcount = 20;
            lstep = 0.005;
            h = 0.00001;
            maxn = 10;
            threshold = 10000*math.machineepsilon;
            nonstrictthreshold = 0.00001;
            lserrors = false;
            cserrors = false;
            crserrors = false;
            hserrors = false;
            aserrors = false;
            dserrors = false;
            cperrors = false;
            uperrors = false;
            lterrors = false;
            ierrors = false;
            // General test: linear, cubic, Hermite, Akima
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                yp = new double[n-1+1];
                d = new double[n-1+1];
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // Prepare task:
                    // * X contains abscissas from [A,B]
                    // * Y contains function values
                    // * YP contains periodic function values
                    a = -1-math.randomreal();
                    b = 1+math.randomreal();
                    bl = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    br = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = 0.5*(b+a)+0.5*(b-a)*Math.Cos(Math.PI*(2*i+1)/(2*n));
                        if( i==0 )
                            x[i] = a;
                        if( i==n-1 )
                            x[i] = b;
                        y[i] = Math.Cos(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4);
                        yp[i] = y[i];
                        d[i] = -(1.3*Math.PI*Math.Sin(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4));
                    yp[n-1] = yp[0];
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        k = math.randominteger(n);
                        if( k!=i )
                            t = x[i];
                            x[i] = x[k];
                            x[k] = t;
                            t = y[i];
                            y[i] = y[k];
                            y[k] = t;
                            t = yp[i];
                            yp[i] = yp[k];
                            yp[k] = t;
                            t = d[i];
                            d[i] = d[k];
                            d[k] = t;
                    // Build linear spline
                    // Test for general interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * continuous function
                    // Test for specific properties is implemented below.
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, n, c);
                    err = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                    lserrors = lserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                    lserrors = lserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                    // Build cubic spline.
                    // Test for interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * boundary conditions
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    // * continuous second derivative
                    // * periodicity properties
                    // * Spline1DGridDiff(), Spline1DGridDiff2() and Spline1DDiff()
                    //   calls must return same results
                    for(bltype=-1; bltype<=2; bltype++)
                        for(brtype=-1; brtype<=2; brtype++)
                            // skip meaningless combination of boundary conditions
                            // (one condition is periodic, another is not)
                            periodiccond = bltype==-1 | brtype==-1;
                            if( periodiccond & bltype!=brtype )
                            // build
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, c);
                                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, c);
                            // interpolation properties
                            err = 0;
                            if( periodiccond )
                                // * check values at nodes; spline is periodic so
                                //   we add random number of periods to nodes
                                // * we also test for periodicity of derivatives
                                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                    v = x[i];
                                    vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                                    t = yp[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm);
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-d2s2));
                                // periodicity between nodes
                                v = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                                vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm)));
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-d2s2));
                                // * check values at nodes
                                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                            // check boundary conditions
                            err = 0;
                            if( bltype==0 )
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                            if( bltype==1 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a+h)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a-h))/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(bl-t));
                            if( bltype==2 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a+h)-2*spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a)+spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, a-h))/math.sqr(h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(bl-t));
                            if( brtype==0 )
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                            if( brtype==1 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b+h)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b-h))/(2*h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(br-t));
                            if( brtype==2 )
                                t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b+h)-2*spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b)+spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, b-h))/math.sqr(h);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(br-t));
                            if( bltype==-1 | brtype==-1 )
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+100*math.machineepsilon, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-100*math.machineepsilon, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-d2s2));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(1.0E-3);
                            // Check Lipschitz continuity
                            lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                            lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                            if( (double)(l10)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                                cserrors = cserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                            if( (double)(l11)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                                cserrors = cserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
                            if( (double)(l12)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                                cserrors = cserrors | (double)(l22/l12)>(double)(1.2);
                            // compare spline1dgriddiff() and spline1ddiff() results
                            err = 0;
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1);
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1);
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, x[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                                spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, x[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-tmp2[i]));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                            // compare spline1dconv()/convdiff()/convdiff2() and spline1ddiff() results
                            n2 = 2+math.randominteger(2*n);
                            tmpx = new double[n2];
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                tmpx[i] = 0.5*(a+b)+(a-b)*(2*math.randomreal()-1);
                            err = 0;
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0);
                                spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0);
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, tmpx[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-tmp0[i]));
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1);
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1);
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, tmpx[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-tmp0[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                            if( periodiccond )
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(x, yp, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                                spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(x, y, n, bltype, bl, brtype, br, tmpx, n2, ref tmp0, ref tmp1, ref tmp2);
                            for(i=0; i<=n2-1; i++)
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, tmpx[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-tmp0[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-tmp1[i]));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-tmp2[i]));
                            cserrors = cserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                    // Build Catmull-Rom spline.
                    // Test for interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * boundary conditions
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    // * periodicity properties
                    for(bltype=-1; bltype<=0; bltype++)
                        periodiccond = bltype==-1;
                        // select random tension value, then build
                        if( (double)(math.randomreal())>(double)(0.5) )
                            if( (double)(math.randomreal())>(double)(0.5) )
                                tension = 0;
                                tension = 1;
                            tension = math.randomreal();
                        if( periodiccond )
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom(x, yp, n, bltype, tension, c);
                            spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom(x, y, n, bltype, tension, c);
                        // interpolation properties
                        err = 0;
                        if( periodiccond )
                            // * check values at nodes; spline is periodic so
                            //   we add random number of periods to nodes
                            // * we also test for periodicity of first derivative
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                v = x[i];
                                vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                                t = yp[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                                spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                            // periodicity between nodes
                            v = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                            vm = v+(b-a)*(math.randominteger(5)-2);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, v)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, vm)));
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, v, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, vm, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                            // * check values at nodes
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                        crserrors = crserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                        // check boundary conditions
                        err = 0;
                        if( bltype==0 )
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-h, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b+h, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            t = (d2s2-d2s)/(2*h);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(t));
                        if( bltype==-1 )
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, a+100*math.machineepsilon, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                            spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, b-100*math.machineepsilon, ref s2, ref ds2, ref d2s2);
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-s2));
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-ds2));
                        crserrors = crserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(1.0E-3);
                        // Check Lipschitz continuity
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                        if( (double)(l10)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                            crserrors = crserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                        if( (double)(l11)>(double)(1.0E-6) )
                            crserrors = crserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
                    // Build Hermite spline.
                    // Test for interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values and derivatives at nodes
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, n, c);
                    err = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                    err = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        t = (spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i]+h)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i]-h))/(2*h);
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d[i]-t));
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(1.0E-3);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                    lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                    hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
                    // Build Akima spline
                    // Test for general interpolation scheme properties:
                    // * values at nodes
                    // * continuous function
                    // * continuous first derivative
                    // Test for specific properties is implemented below.
                    if( n>=5 )
                        spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(x, y, n, c);
                        err = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(y[i]-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, x[i])));
                        aserrors = aserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep, ref l10, ref l11, ref l12);
                        lconst(a, b, c, lstep/3, ref l20, ref l21, ref l22);
                        hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l20/l10)>(double)(1.2);
                        hserrors = hserrors | (double)(l21/l11)>(double)(1.2);
            // Special linear spline test:
            // test for linearity between x[i] and x[i+1]
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                // Prepare task
                a = -1;
                b = 1;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                    y[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, n, c);
                // Test
                err = 0;
                for(k=0; k<=n-2; k++)
                    a = x[k];
                    b = x[k+1];
                    for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                        t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                        v = y[k]+(t-a)/(b-a)*(y[k+1]-y[k]);
                        err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-v));
                lserrors = lserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            // Special Akima test: test outlier sensitivity
            // Spline value at (x[i], x[i+1]) should depend from
            // f[i-2], f[i-1], f[i], f[i+1], f[i+2], f[i+3] only.
            for(n=5; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                y2 = new double[n-1+1];
                // Prepare unperturbed Akima spline
                a = -1;
                b = 1;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                    y[i] = Math.Cos(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(x, y, n, c);
                // Process perturbed tasks
                err = 0;
                for(k=0; k<=n-1; k++)
                    for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                        y2[i_] = y[i_];
                    y2[k] = 5;
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(x, y2, n, c2);
                    // Test left part independence
                    if( k-3>=1 )
                        a = -1;
                        b = x[k-3];
                        for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                            t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                    // Test right part independence
                    if( k+3<=n-2 )
                        a = x[k+3];
                        b = 1;
                        for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                            t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                            err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                aserrors = aserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            // Differentiation, copy/unpack test
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                // Prepare cubic spline
                a = -1-math.randomreal();
                b = 1+math.randomreal();
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                    y[i] = Math.Cos(1.3*Math.PI*x[i]+0.4);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, 2, 0.0, 2, 0.0, c);
                // Test diff
                err = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, t, ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                    vl = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t-h);
                    vm = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t);
                    vr = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t+h);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(s-vm));
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(ds-(vr-vl)/(2*h)));
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(d2s-(vr-2*vm+vl)/math.sqr(h)));
                dserrors = dserrors | (double)(err)>(double)(0.001);
                // Test copy
                spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                err = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                cperrors = cperrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
                // Test unpack
                uperrors = uperrors | !testunpack(c, x);
                // Test lin.trans.
                err = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // LinTransX, general A
                    sa = 4*math.randomreal()-2;
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                    spline1d.spline1dlintransx(c2, sa, sb);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, (t-sb)/sa)));
                    // LinTransX, special case: A=0
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                    spline1d.spline1dlintransx(c2, 0, sb);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, sb)-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                    // LinTransY
                    sa = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    sb = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    spline1d.spline1dcopy(c, c2);
                    spline1d.spline1dlintransy(c2, sa, sb);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(sa*spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, t)+sb-spline1d.spline1dcalc(c2, t)));
                lterrors = lterrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            // Testing integration.
            // Three tests are performed:
            // * approximate test (well behaved smooth function, many points,
            //   integration inside [a,b]), non-periodic spline
            // * exact test (integration of parabola, outside of [a,b], non-periodic spline
            // * approximate test for periodic splines. F(x)=cos(2*pi*x)+1.
            //   Period length is equals to 1.0, so all operations with
            //   multiples of period are done exactly. For each value of PERIOD
            //   we calculate and test integral at four points:
            //   -   0 < t0 < PERIOD
            //   -   t1 = PERIOD-eps
            //   -   t2 = PERIOD
            //   -   t3 = PERIOD+eps
            err = 0;
            for(n=20; n<=35; n++)
                x = new double[n-1+1];
                y = new double[n-1+1];
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    // Prepare cubic spline
                    a = -1-0.2*math.randomreal();
                    b = 1+0.2*math.randomreal();
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = a+(b-a)*i/(n-1);
                        y[i] = Math.Sin(Math.PI*x[i]+0.4)+Math.Exp(x[i]);
                    bl = Math.PI*Math.Cos(Math.PI*a+0.4)+Math.Exp(a);
                    br = Math.PI*Math.Cos(Math.PI*b+0.4)+Math.Exp(b);
                    spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, 1, bl, 1, br, c);
                    // Test
                    t = a+(b-a)*math.randomreal();
                    v = -(Math.Cos(Math.PI*a+0.4)/Math.PI)+Math.Exp(a);
                    v = -(Math.Cos(Math.PI*t+0.4)/Math.PI)+Math.Exp(t)-v;
                    v = v-spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, t);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(v));
            ierrors = ierrors | (double)(err)>(double)(0.001);
            p0 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            p1 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            p2 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            a = -math.randomreal()-0.5;
            b = math.randomreal()+0.5;
            n = 2;
            x = new double[n];
            y = new double[n];
            d = new double[n];
            x[0] = a;
            y[0] = p0+p1*a+p2*math.sqr(a);
            d[0] = p1+2*p2*a;
            x[1] = b;
            y[1] = p0+p1*b+p2*math.sqr(b);
            d[1] = p1+2*p2*b;
            spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, n, c);
            bl = Math.Min(a, b)-Math.Abs(b-a);
            br = Math.Min(a, b)+Math.Abs(b-a);
            err = 0;
            for(pass=1; pass<=100; pass++)
                t = bl+(br-bl)*math.randomreal();
                v = p0*t+p1*math.sqr(t)/2+p2*math.sqr(t)*t/3-(p0*a+p1*math.sqr(a)/2+p2*math.sqr(a)*a/3);
                v = v-spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, t);
                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(v));
            ierrors = ierrors | (double)(err)>(double)(threshold);
            n = 100;
            x = new double[n];
            y = new double[n];
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                x[i] = (double)i/(double)(n-1);
                y[i] = Math.Cos(2*Math.PI*x[i])+1;
            y[0] = 2;
            y[n-1] = 2;
            spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, n, -1, 0.0, -1, 0.0, c);
            intab = spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, 1.0);
            v = math.randomreal();
            vr = spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, v);
            ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(intab-1))>(double)(0.001);
            for(i=-10; i<=10; i++)
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i+v)-(i*intab+vr)))>(double)(0.001);
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i-1000*math.machineepsilon)-i*intab))>(double)(0.001);
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i)-i*intab))>(double)(0.001);
                ierrors = ierrors | (double)(Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dintegrate(c, i+1000*math.machineepsilon)-i*intab))>(double)(0.001);
            // report
            waserrors = ((((((((lserrors | cserrors) | crserrors) | hserrors) | aserrors) | dserrors) | cperrors) | uperrors) | lterrors) | ierrors;
            if( !silent )
                System.Console.Write("TESTING SPLINE INTERPOLATION");
                // Normal tests
                System.Console.Write("LINEAR SPLINE TEST:                      ");
                if( lserrors )
                System.Console.Write("CUBIC SPLINE TEST:                       ");
                if( cserrors )
                System.Console.Write("CATMULL-ROM SPLINE TEST:                 ");
                if( crserrors )
                System.Console.Write("HERMITE SPLINE TEST:                     ");
                if( hserrors )
                System.Console.Write("AKIMA SPLINE TEST:                       ");
                if( aserrors )
                System.Console.Write("DIFFERENTIATION TEST:                    ");
                if( dserrors )
                System.Console.Write("COPY/SERIALIZATION TEST:                 ");
                if( cperrors )
                System.Console.Write("UNPACK TEST:                             ");
                if( uperrors )
                System.Console.Write("LIN.TRANS. TEST:                         ");
                if( lterrors )
                System.Console.Write("INTEGRATION TEST:                        ");
                if( ierrors )
                if( waserrors )
                    System.Console.Write("TEST FAILED");
                    System.Console.Write("TEST PASSED");
            // end
            result = !waserrors;
            return result;
Esempio n. 18
        Bicubic spline resampling

        Input parameters:
            A           -   function values at the old grid,
                            array[0..OldHeight-1, 0..OldWidth-1]
            OldHeight   -   old grid height, OldHeight>1
            OldWidth    -   old grid width, OldWidth>1
            NewHeight   -   new grid height, NewHeight>1
            NewWidth    -   new grid width, NewWidth>1
        Output parameters:
            B           -   function values at the new grid,
                            array[0..NewHeight-1, 0..NewWidth-1]

          -- ALGLIB routine --
             15 May, 2007
             Copyright by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline2dresamplebicubic(double[,] a,
            int oldheight,
            int oldwidth,
            ref double[,] b,
            int newheight,
            int newwidth)
            double[,] buf = new double[0,0];
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            int mw = 0;
            int mh = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            b = new double[0,0];

            alglib.ap.assert(oldwidth>1 && oldheight>1, "Spline2DResampleBicubic: width/height less than 1");
            alglib.ap.assert(newwidth>1 && newheight>1, "Spline2DResampleBicubic: width/height less than 1");
            // Prepare
            mw = Math.Max(oldwidth, newwidth);
            mh = Math.Max(oldheight, newheight);
            b = new double[newheight, newwidth];
            buf = new double[oldheight, newwidth];
            x = new double[Math.Max(mw, mh)];
            y = new double[Math.Max(mw, mh)];
            // Horizontal interpolation
            for(i=0; i<=oldheight-1; i++)
                // Fill X, Y
                for(j=0; j<=oldwidth-1; j++)
                    x[j] = (double)j/(double)(oldwidth-1);
                    y[j] = a[i,j];
                // Interpolate and place result into temporary matrix
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, oldwidth, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, c);
                for(j=0; j<=newwidth-1; j++)
                    buf[i,j] = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, (double)j/(double)(newwidth-1));
            // Vertical interpolation
            for(j=0; j<=newwidth-1; j++)
                // Fill X, Y
                for(i=0; i<=oldheight-1; i++)
                    x[i] = (double)i/(double)(oldheight-1);
                    y[i] = buf[i,j];
                // Interpolate and place result into B
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, oldheight, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, c);
                for(i=0; i<=newheight-1; i++)
                    b[i,j] = spline1d.spline1dcalc(c, (double)i/(double)(newheight-1));
Esempio n. 19
        public static bool testpspline(bool silent)
            bool result = new bool();
            bool waserrors = new bool();
            bool p2errors = new bool();
            bool p3errors = new bool();
            double nonstrictthreshold = 0;
            double threshold = 0;
            int passcount = 0;
            double lstep = 0;
            double h = 0;
            int maxn = 0;
            int periodicity = 0;
            int skind = 0;
            int pkind = 0;
            bool periodic = new bool();
            double a = 0;
            double b = 0;
            int n = 0;
            int tmpn = 0;
            int i = 0;
            double vx = 0;
            double vy = 0;
            double vz = 0;
            double vx2 = 0;
            double vy2 = 0;
            double vz2 = 0;
            double vdx = 0;
            double vdy = 0;
            double vdz = 0;
            double vdx2 = 0;
            double vdy2 = 0;
            double vdz2 = 0;
            double vd2x = 0;
            double vd2y = 0;
            double vd2z = 0;
            double vd2x2 = 0;
            double vd2y2 = 0;
            double vd2z2 = 0;
            double v0 = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] z = new double[0];
            double[] t = new double[0];
            double[] t2 = new double[0];
            double[] t3 = new double[0];
            double[,] xy = new double[0,0];
            double[,] xyz = new double[0,0];
            pspline.pspline2interpolant p2 = new pspline.pspline2interpolant();
            pspline.pspline3interpolant p3 = new pspline.pspline3interpolant();
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            int i_ = 0;

            waserrors = false;
            passcount = 20;
            lstep = 0.005;
            h = 0.00001;
            maxn = 10;
            threshold = 10000*math.machineepsilon;
            nonstrictthreshold = 0.00001;
            p2errors = false;
            p3errors = false;
            // Test basic properties of 2- and 3-dimensional splines:
            // * PSpline2ParameterValues() properties
            // * values at nodes
            // * for periodic splines - periodicity properties
            // Variables used:
            // * N              points count
            // * SKind          spline
            // * PKind          parameterization
            // * Periodicity    whether we have periodic spline or not
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                for(skind=0; skind<=2; skind++)
                    for(pkind=0; pkind<=2; pkind++)
                        for(periodicity=0; periodicity<=1; periodicity++)
                            periodic = periodicity==1;
                            // skip unsupported combinations of parameters
                            if( periodic & n<3 )
                            if( periodic & skind==0 )
                            if( n<5 & skind==0 )
                            // init
                            xy = new double[n, 2];
                            xyz = new double[n, 3];
                            apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(-1, 1, n, ref t2, ref x);
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                xy[i_,0] = x[i_];
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                xyz[i_,0] = x[i_];
                            apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(-1, 1, n, ref t2, ref y);
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                xy[i_,1] = y[i_];
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                xyz[i_,1] = y[i_];
                            apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(-1, 1, n, ref t2, ref z);
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                xyz[i_,2] = z[i_];
                            if( periodic )
                                pspline.pspline2buildperiodic(xy, n, skind, pkind, p2);
                                pspline.pspline3buildperiodic(xyz, n, skind, pkind, p3);
                                pspline.pspline2build(xy, n, skind, pkind, p2);
                                pspline.pspline3build(xyz, n, skind, pkind, p3);
                            // PSpline2ParameterValues() properties
                            pspline.pspline2parametervalues(p2, ref tmpn, ref t2);
                            if( tmpn!=n )
                                p2errors = true;
                            pspline.pspline3parametervalues(p3, ref tmpn, ref t3);
                            if( tmpn!=n )
                                p3errors = true;
                            p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[0])!=(double)(0);
                            p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[0])!=(double)(0);
                            for(i=1; i<=n-1; i++)
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[i])<=(double)(t2[i-1]);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[i])<=(double)(t3[i-1]);
                            if( periodic )
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[n-1])>=(double)(1);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[n-1])>=(double)(1);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(t2[n-1])!=(double)(1);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(t3[n-1])!=(double)(1);
                            // Now we have parameter values stored at T,
                            // and want to test whether the actully correspond to
                            // points
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                // 2-dimensional test
                                pspline.pspline2calc(p2, t2[i], ref vx, ref vy);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                // 3-dimensional test
                                pspline.pspline3calc(p3, t3[i], ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-z[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                            // Test periodicity (if needed)
                            if( periodic )
                                // periodicity at nodes
                                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                    // 2-dimensional test
                                    pspline.pspline2calc(p2, t2[i]+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx, ref vy);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline2diff(p2, t2[i]+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline2diff2(p2, t2[i]+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    // 3-dimensional test
                                    pspline.pspline3calc(p3, t3[i]+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-z[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline3diff(p3, t3[i]+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vz, ref vdz);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-z[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    pspline.pspline3diff2(p3, t3[i]+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y, ref vz, ref vdz, ref vd2z);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-x[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-y[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-z[i]))>(double)(threshold);
                                // periodicity between nodes
                                v0 = math.randomreal();
                                pspline.pspline2calc(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                                pspline.pspline2calc(p2, v0+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx2, ref vy2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                pspline.pspline3calc(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                pspline.pspline3calc(p3, v0+math.randominteger(10)-5, ref vx2, ref vy2, ref vz2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                                // near-boundary test for continuity of function values and derivatives:
                                // 2-dimensional curve
                                ap.assert(skind==1 | skind==2, "TEST: unexpected spline type!");
                                v0 = 100*math.machineepsilon;
                                v1 = 1-v0;
                                pspline.pspline2calc(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                                pspline.pspline2calc(p2, v1, ref vx2, ref vy2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                pspline.pspline2diff(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy);
                                pspline.pspline2diff(p2, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vy2, ref vdy2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                pspline.pspline2diff2(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y);
                                pspline.pspline2diff2(p2, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vd2x2, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vd2y2);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                if( skind==2 )
                                    // second derivative test only for cubic splines
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x-vd2x2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                    p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y-vd2y2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                // near-boundary test for continuity of function values and derivatives:
                                // 3-dimensional curve
                                ap.assert(skind==1 | skind==2, "TEST: unexpected spline type!");
                                v0 = 100*math.machineepsilon;
                                v1 = 1-v0;
                                pspline.pspline3calc(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                                pspline.pspline3calc(p3, v1, ref vx2, ref vy2, ref vz2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                                pspline.pspline3diff(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vz, ref vdz);
                                pspline.pspline3diff(p3, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vz2, ref vdz2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz-vdz2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                pspline.pspline3diff2(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y, ref vz, ref vdz, ref vd2z);
                                pspline.pspline3diff2(p3, v1, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vd2x2, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vd2y2, ref vz2, ref vdz2, ref vd2z2);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz-vdz2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                if( skind==2 )
                                    // second derivative test only for cubic splines
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x-vd2x2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y-vd2y2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                                    p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2z-vd2z2))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
            // Test differentiation, tangents, calculation between nodes.
            // Because differentiation is done in parameterization/spline/periodicity
            // oblivious manner, we don't have to test all possible combinations
            // of spline types and parameterizations.
            // Actually we test special combination with properties which allow us
            // to easily solve this problem:
            // * 2 (3) variables
            // * first variable is sampled from equidistant grid on [0,1]
            // * other variables are random
            // * uniform parameterization is used
            // * periodicity - none
            // * spline type - any (we use cubic splines)
            // Same problem allows us to test calculation BETWEEN nodes.
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                // init
                xy = new double[n, 2];
                xyz = new double[n, 3];
                apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(0, 1, n, ref t, ref x);
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xy[i_,0] = x[i_];
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xyz[i_,0] = x[i_];
                apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(0, 1, n, ref t, ref y);
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xy[i_,1] = y[i_];
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xyz[i_,1] = y[i_];
                apserv.taskgenint1dequidist(0, 1, n, ref t, ref z);
                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                    xyz[i_,2] = z[i_];
                pspline.pspline2build(xy, n, 2, 0, p2);
                pspline.pspline3build(xyz, n, 2, 0, p3);
                // Test 2D/3D spline:
                // * build non-parametric cubic spline from T and X/Y
                // * calculate its value and derivatives at V0
                // * compare with Spline2Calc/Spline2Diff/Spline2Diff2
                // Because of task properties both variants should
                // return same answer.
                v0 = math.randomreal();
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(t, x, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, s);
                spline1d.spline1ddiff(s, v0, ref vx2, ref vdx2, ref vd2x2);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(t, y, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, s);
                spline1d.spline1ddiff(s, v0, ref vy2, ref vdy2, ref vd2y2);
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(t, z, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, s);
                spline1d.spline1ddiff(s, v0, ref vz2, ref vdz2, ref vd2z2);
                // 2D test
                pspline.pspline2calc(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline2diff(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline2diff2(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x-vd2x2))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y-vd2y2))>(double)(threshold);
                // 3D test
                pspline.pspline3calc(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline3diff(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vz, ref vdz);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz-vdz2))>(double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline3diff2(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vdx, ref vd2x, ref vy, ref vdy, ref vd2y, ref vz, ref vdz, ref vd2z);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vz2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdx-vdx2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdy-vdy2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vdz-vdz2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2x-vd2x2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2y-vd2y2))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vd2z-vd2z2))>(double)(threshold);
                // Test tangents for 2D/3D
                pspline.pspline2tangent(p2, v0, ref vx, ref vy);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vdx2/apserv.safepythag2(vdx2, vdy2)))>(double)(threshold);
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vdy2/apserv.safepythag2(vdx2, vdy2)))>(double)(threshold);
                pspline.pspline3tangent(p3, v0, ref vx, ref vy, ref vz);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vx-vdx2/apserv.safepythag3(vdx2, vdy2, vdz2)))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vy-vdy2/apserv.safepythag3(vdx2, vdy2, vdz2)))>(double)(threshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(vz-vdz2/apserv.safepythag3(vdx2, vdy2, vdz2)))>(double)(threshold);
            // Arc length test.
            // Simple problem with easy solution (points on a straight line with
            // uniform parameterization).
            for(n=2; n<=maxn; n++)
                xy = new double[n, 2];
                xyz = new double[n, 3];
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    xy[i,0] = i;
                    xy[i,1] = i;
                    xyz[i,0] = i;
                    xyz[i,1] = i;
                    xyz[i,2] = i;
                pspline.pspline2build(xy, n, 1, 0, p2);
                pspline.pspline3build(xyz, n, 1, 0, p3);
                a = math.randomreal();
                b = math.randomreal();
                p2errors = p2errors | (double)(Math.Abs(pspline.pspline2arclength(p2, a, b)-(b-a)*Math.Sqrt(2)*(n-1)))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
                p3errors = p3errors | (double)(Math.Abs(pspline.pspline3arclength(p3, a, b)-(b-a)*Math.Sqrt(3)*(n-1)))>(double)(nonstrictthreshold);
            // report
            waserrors = p2errors | p3errors;
            if( !silent )
                System.Console.Write("TESTING SPLINE INTERPOLATION");
                // Normal tests
                System.Console.Write("2D TEST:                                 ");
                if( p2errors )
                System.Console.Write("3D TEST:                                 ");
                if( p3errors )
                if( waserrors )
                    System.Console.Write("TEST FAILED");
                    System.Console.Write("TEST PASSED");
            // end
            result = !waserrors;
            return result;
Esempio n. 20
        Internal subroutine.
        Calculation of the first derivatives and the cross-derivative.
        private static void bicubiccalcderivatives(double[,] a,
            double[] x,
            double[] y,
            int m,
            int n,
            ref double[,] dx,
            ref double[,] dy,
            ref double[,] dxy)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double[] xt = new double[0];
            double[] ft = new double[0];
            double s = 0;
            double ds = 0;
            double d2s = 0;
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();

            dx = new double[0,0];
            dy = new double[0,0];
            dxy = new double[0,0];

            dx = new double[m, n];
            dy = new double[m, n];
            dxy = new double[m, n];
            // dF/dX
            xt = new double[n];
            ft = new double[n];
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                    xt[j] = x[j];
                    ft[j] = a[i,j];
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(xt, ft, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, c);
                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, x[j], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                    dx[i,j] = ds;
            // dF/dY
            xt = new double[m];
            ft = new double[m];
            for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                    xt[i] = y[i];
                    ft[i] = a[i,j];
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(xt, ft, m, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, c);
                for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, y[i], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                    dy[i,j] = ds;
            // d2F/dXdY
            xt = new double[n];
            ft = new double[n];
            for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                    xt[j] = x[j];
                    ft[j] = dy[i,j];
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(xt, ft, n, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, c);
                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                    spline1d.spline1ddiff(c, x[j], ref s, ref ds, ref d2s);
                    dxy[i,j] = ds;
Esempio n. 21
        *  Bicubic spline resampling
        *  Input parameters:
        *   A           -   function values at the old grid,
        *                   array[0..OldHeight-1, 0..OldWidth-1]
        *   OldHeight   -   old grid height, OldHeight>1
        *   OldWidth    -   old grid width, OldWidth>1
        *   NewHeight   -   new grid height, NewHeight>1
        *   NewWidth    -   new grid width, NewWidth>1
        *  Output parameters:
        *   B           -   function values at the new grid,
        *                   array[0..NewHeight-1, 0..NewWidth-1]
        *  -- ALGLIB routine --
        *    15 May, 2007
        *    Copyright by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline2dresamplebicubic(ref double[,] a,
                                                   int oldheight,
                                                   int oldwidth,
                                                   ref double[,] b,
                                                   int newheight,
                                                   int newwidth)
            double[,] buf = new double[0, 0];
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
            int i  = 0;
            int j  = 0;
            int mw = 0;
            int mh = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(oldwidth > 1 & oldheight > 1, "Spline2DResampleBicubic: width/height less than 1");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newwidth > 1 & newheight > 1, "Spline2DResampleBicubic: width/height less than 1");

            // Prepare
            mw  = Math.Max(oldwidth, newwidth);
            mh  = Math.Max(oldheight, newheight);
            b   = new double[newheight - 1 + 1, newwidth - 1 + 1];
            buf = new double[oldheight - 1 + 1, newwidth - 1 + 1];
            x   = new double[Math.Max(mw, mh) - 1 + 1];
            y   = new double[Math.Max(mw, mh) - 1 + 1];

            // Horizontal interpolation
            for (i = 0; i <= oldheight - 1; i++)
                // Fill X, Y
                for (j = 0; j <= oldwidth - 1; j++)
                    x[j] = (double)(j) / ((double)(oldwidth - 1));
                    y[j] = a[i, j];

                // Interpolate and place result into temporary matrix
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, oldwidth, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, ref c);
                for (j = 0; j <= newwidth - 1; j++)
                    buf[i, j] = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, (double)(j) / ((double)(newwidth - 1)));

            // Vertical interpolation
            for (j = 0; j <= newwidth - 1; j++)
                // Fill X, Y
                for (i = 0; i <= oldheight - 1; i++)
                    x[i] = (double)(i) / ((double)(oldheight - 1));
                    y[i] = buf[i, j];

                // Interpolate and place result into B
                spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, oldheight, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, ref c);
                for (i = 0; i <= newheight - 1; i++)
                    b[i, j] = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, (double)(i) / ((double)(newheight - 1)));
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        double[] x = new double[0];
        double[] y = new double[0];
        int n = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int info = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dinterpolant s = new spline1d.spline1dinterpolant();
        double t = 0;
        spline1d.spline1dfitreport rep = new spline1d.spline1dfitreport();

        // Fitting by unconstrained natural cubic spline
        System.Console.Write("F(x)=sin(x)      function being fitted");
        System.Console.Write("[0, pi]          interval");
        System.Console.Write("M=4              number of basis functions to use");
        System.Console.Write("N=100            number of points to fit");
        // Create and fit
        n = 100;
        x = new double[n];
        y = new double[n];
        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
            x[i] = Math.PI*i/(n-1);
            y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
        spline1d.spline1dfitcubic(ref x, ref y, n, 4, ref info, ref s, ref rep);
        // Output results
        if( info>0 )
            System.Console.Write("OK, we have finished");
            System.Console.Write("     x   F(x)   S(x)  Error");
            t = 0;
            while( (double)(t)<(double)(0.999999*Math.PI) )
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
                System.Console.Write(" ");
                System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t)-Math.Sin(t)));
                t = Math.Min(Math.PI, t+0.25);
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t));
            System.Console.Write(" ");
            System.Console.Write("{0,6:F3}",Math.Abs(spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref s, t)-Math.Sin(t)));
            System.Console.Write("rms error is ");
            System.Console.Write("max error is ");
            System.Console.Write("Something wrong, Info=");
        return 0;