Esempio n. 1
 static Matrix4x4 GetMatrix4x4FromIMatrix(spMatrix4x4 src)
     float[] srcElements = new float[16];
     return(new Matrix4x4(srcElements));
Esempio n. 2
        static void bend_geometry(ISimplygonSDK sdk, spScene scene)
            // The two bones that influence the vertices
            //spMatrix4x4 sp_bone1;

            spGeometryData geom = Utils.SimplygonCast <spSceneMesh>(scene.GetRootNode().GetChild(0)).GetGeometry();

            // get the bone weights field and ids
            spRealArray boneWeights = geom.GetBoneWeights();
            spRidArray  boneIds     = geom.GetBoneIds();

            // get the Coordinates field
            spRealArray Coords = geom.GetCoords();

            // now, transform all vertices' coordinates using the bones
            for (int v = 0; v < Coords.GetTupleCount(); ++v)
                Vector3D vtx = new Vector3D(Coords.GetItem(v * 3 + 0), Coords.GetItem(v * 3 + 1), Coords.GetItem(v * 3 + 2));

                uint no = boneIds.GetItemCount();

                int bone_id_1 = boneIds.GetItem(v * 2 + 0);
                int bone_id_2 = boneIds.GetItem(v * 2 + 1);

                spSceneBone bone_1;
                spSceneBone bone_2;

                Matrix4x4 b1gtMat;
                Matrix4x4 b2gtMat;

                Vector3D vtx1 = new Vector3D(vtx);
                Vector3D vtx2 = new Vector3D(vtx);

                if (bone_id_1 != -1)
                    bone_1 = scene.GetBoneTable().GetBone(bone_id_1);

                    //retrieve the global transform of the bone in bind space
                    spMatrix4x4 rootGlobalTransform = sdk.CreateMatrix4x4();

                    //apply transfrom to animate bone
                    spTransform3 bone1_transform = sdk.CreateTransform3();
                    bone1_transform.AddRotation(GetRadFromDegrees(-30), 1, 0, 0);
                    rootGlobalTransform = bone1_transform.GetMatrix();

                    //apply transform
                    b1gtMat = GetMatrix4x4FromIMatrix(rootGlobalTransform);
                    vtx1    = b1gtMat.MultiplyPointVector(vtx);

                if (bone_id_2 != -1)
                    bone_2 = scene.GetBoneTable().GetBone(bone_id_2);

                    spMatrix4x4 boneGlobalTransform = sdk.CreateMatrix4x4();

                    spTransform3 bone2_transform = sdk.CreateTransform3();

                    //transform into bone2's local space and apply transform
                    bone2_transform.AddRotation(GetRadFromDegrees(-30), 1, 0, 0);
                    bone2_transform.AddTranslation(0.0f, 17.5f, 0.0f);

                    //apply transform of the first bone
                    bone2_transform.AddRotation(GetRadFromDegrees(-30), 1, 0, 0);

                    //get the global transform matrix for the animation pose
                    boneGlobalTransform = bone2_transform.GetMatrix();
                    b2gtMat             = GetMatrix4x4FromIMatrix(boneGlobalTransform);

                    //apply transform to the vertex
                    vtx2 = b2gtMat.MultiplyPointVector(vtx);

                //get the bone weights from the geometry data
                float blend1 = boneWeights.GetItem(v * 2 + 0);
                float blend2 = boneWeights.GetItem(v * 2 + 1);

                // normalize the blend
                float blend_scale = 1.0f / (blend1 + blend2);
                blend1 *= blend_scale;
                blend2 *= blend_scale;

                // do a linear blend
                vtx = vtx1 * blend1 + vtx2 * blend2;

                // store in coordinates
                Coords.SetItem(v * 3 + 0, vtx.x);
                Coords.SetItem(v * 3 + 1, vtx.y);
                Coords.SetItem(v * 3 + 2, vtx.z);