Esempio n. 1
    public static ReturnObject GetAllShifts(string company_code)
        DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject returnObject = new ReturnObject();
        DataTable    shiftData    = new DataTable();
        string       query        = string.Empty;
        shift_roster pageObject   = new shift_roster();

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null)  // checking session expired or not
            returnObject = pageObject.DoLogout();
                query     = "select ShiftCode as shift_code, ShiftDesc as shift_name from Shift where CompanyCode = '" + company_code + "' and IsActive=1 ";
                shiftData = dbConnection.ReturnDataTable(query);

                returnObject.status      = "success";
                returnObject.return_data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(shiftData, Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException(ex, page, "GET_ALL_SHIFTS");

                throw ex;

Esempio n. 2
    public static ReturnObject valiadateMonthHours(string emp_id, int month)
        DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject returnObject = new ReturnObject();
        string       query        = string.Empty;
        shift_roster pageObject   = new shift_roster();
        int          flag         = 0;

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null)  // checking session expired or not
            returnObject = pageObject.DoLogout();
                int totalMonthHours = 0;

                query           = string.Format("select sum(cast(transactiondata as int))  from EmployeeTransactionData where EmpID = '{0}' and IsActive = 1 and TransactionType = 8  and datepart(Month, fromdate)={1}", emp_id, month);
                totalMonthHours = dbConnection.ExecuteQuery_WithReturnValueInteger(query);

                if (totalMonthHours >= 0)
                    returnObject.status      = "success";
                    returnObject.return_data = totalMonthHours.ToString();

                //returnObject.return_data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(shiftData, Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                flag = 1;
                Logger.LogException(ex, page, "VALIDATE_SHIFT_HOURS");
                returnObject.status      = "error";
                returnObject.return_data = flag.ToString();
                //returnObject.return_data = "An error occurred while loading validating  shift data. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact Support.";

                //throw ex;

Esempio n. 3
    public static ReturnObject valiadateShiftHours(string shiftData, string weekFromDate, string weekToDate, string emp_id)
        DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject returnObject = new ReturnObject();
        string       query = string.Empty;
        shift_roster pageObject = new shift_roster();
        int          WorkHourPerWeek = 0, flag = 0;;

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null)  // checking session expired or not
            returnObject = pageObject.DoLogout();
                int finalTotalShiftHours = 0;

                DateTime weekFromDateConvertedToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(weekFromDate, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                string   weekFromDateToString        = weekFromDateConvertedToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                DateTime weekToDateConvertedToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(weekToDate, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                string   weekToDateToString        = weekToDateConvertedToDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                string recordValue = "", TotalShiftHours = string.Empty, TotalShiftHoursTominutes = string.Empty;
                //getting all shift data by splitting by comma.
                string[] shiftDattaArray = shiftData.Split(',');
                if (Array.IndexOf(shiftDattaArray, "woff") >= 0)
                    WorkHourPerWeek = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < shiftDattaArray.Length; i++)
                        DataTable shift_Data       = new DataTable();
                        string    currentShiftCode = shiftDattaArray[i];
                        if (!currentShiftCode.Equals("select") && !currentShiftCode.Equals("woff") && !currentShiftCode.Equals("leave") && !currentShiftCode.Equals("holiday"))
                            query                    = "select MaxOverTime_General from Shift where shift_code='" + currentShiftCode + "'and isActive=1";
                            TotalShiftHours          = dbConnection.ExecuteQuery_WithReturnValueString(query);
                            TotalShiftHoursTominutes = Convert.ToDateTime(TotalShiftHours).ToString("HH:mm");
                            string[] splitHrsAndMinutes = TotalShiftHoursTominutes.Split(':');
                            int      hours      = Convert.ToInt32(splitHrsAndMinutes[0].Trim());
                            int      minutes    = Convert.ToInt32(splitHrsAndMinutes[1].Trim());
                            int      finalHours = hours * 60 + minutes;//first converting hour to minutes + then adding minutes
                            finalHours           = finalHours / 60;
                            finalTotalShiftHours = finalTotalShiftHours + finalHours;
                    query           = "select transactiondata from EmployeeTransactionData where empid='" + emp_id + "' and Fromdate='" + weekFromDateToString + "'and Todate='" + weekToDateToString + "'and TransactionType=7 and isactive = 1";
                    WorkHourPerWeek = Convert.ToInt32(dbConnection.ExecuteQuery_WithReturnValueInteger(query));
                    flag = 1;
                    returnObject.status      = "error";
                    returnObject.return_data = flag.ToString();

                if (flag == 0)
                    returnObject.status      = "success";
                    returnObject.return_data = finalTotalShiftHours.ToString() + "," + WorkHourPerWeek.ToString();

                //returnObject.return_data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(shiftData, Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                flag = 3;
                Logger.LogException(ex, page, "VALIDATE_SHIFT_HOURS");
                returnObject.status      = "error";
                returnObject.return_data = flag.ToString();
                //returnObject.return_data = "An error occurred while loading validating  shift data. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact Support.";

                //throw ex;

Esempio n. 4
    public static ReturnObject valiadateShiftAssign(string employee_id, string date)
        int returnFlag = 0;

        DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject returnObject = new ReturnObject();
        DataTable    shiftData    = new DataTable();
        string       query        = string.Empty;
        shift_roster pageObject   = new shift_roster();

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null)  // checking session expired or not
            returnObject = pageObject.DoLogout();
                DateTime temp = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                string   dateInString = temp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                int      holidayRecordCount = 0, leaveRecordCount = 0;

                //checking employee record exist in holiday master

                query = "select count(*)  from holidaymaster  where holgrpcode = (select holidaycode from branchmaster where branchcode = ( select emp_branch from employeemaster where emp_code = '" + employee_id + "')) and '" + dateInString + "' between holfrom and holto";
                holidayRecordCount = dbConnection.GetRecordCount(query);
                if (holidayRecordCount > 0)
                    returnFlag               = 1;
                    returnObject.status      = "error";
                    returnObject.return_data = returnFlag.ToString();
                    //checking employee record exist in leave master

                    query            = "select count(*)  from leave1 where empid='" + employee_id + "' and '" + dateInString + "' between startdate and enddate and flag=2";
                    leaveRecordCount = dbConnection.GetRecordCount(query);

                    if (leaveRecordCount <= 0)
                        returnObject.status = "success";
                        //returnObject.return_data = returnFlag.ToString();
                        returnFlag               = 2;
                        returnObject.status      = "error";
                        returnObject.return_data = returnFlag.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException(ex, page, "VALIDATE_SHIFT_ASSIGN");
                returnFlag = 3;
                returnObject.return_data = returnFlag.ToString();
                // throw ex;

Esempio n. 5
    public static ReturnObject SaveShiftRoster(string employees, string date, int totalShifts, int[] ArrayofWeekends)
        bool         isNoWeekOffRecord = false;
        shift_roster pageObject        = new shift_roster();
        DBConnection dbConnection      = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject returnObject      = new ReturnObject();
        DateTime     selected_date     = new DateTime();
        JArray       employeeShifts    = new JArray();

            month = 0, year = 0, i = 0,
            count = 0;

            query         = string.Empty,
            employee_code = string.Empty;

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null)  // checking session expired or not
            returnObject = pageObject.DoLogout();
                // get month and year from the selected date.
                selected_date = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                month         = selected_date.Month;
                year          = selected_date.Year;

                // parse employees and shifts object
                employeeShifts = JArray.Parse(employees);

                int    numberofdayoff  = 0;
                string total_employees = null;
                string employee_succes = null;
                bool   isWeekOfPresent = true;

                /*cheking week of in every week*/ //2,9,16,23,30
                for (int j = 0; j < employeeShifts.Count; j++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < ArrayofWeekends.Length; m++)
                        int beginIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;
                        if (ArrayofWeekends[m] <= 5)
                            beginIndex = 0;
                            endIndex   = ArrayofWeekends[m] - 1;
                            beginIndex = ArrayofWeekends[m] - 7;
                            endIndex   = ArrayofWeekends[m] - 1;
                        int totalWoffCount = 0;

                        for (int k = beginIndex; k <= endIndex; k++)
                            if (employeeShifts[j]["shifts"][k].ToString() == "woff")

                        if (totalWoffCount == 0)
                            isWeekOfPresent = false;

                    if (isWeekOfPresent == false)

                if (isWeekOfPresent == true)
                    //for (int j = 0; j < employeeShifts.Count; j++)
                    //    for (int k = 0; k < totalShifts; k++)
                    //    {
                    //        if (employeeShifts[j]["shifts"][k].ToString() == "woff")
                    //        {
                    //            numberofdayoff += 1;
                    //        }

                    //    }

                    //    if (numberofdayoff >= 4)
                    //    {
                    //        numberofdayoff = 0;
                    //        if (employeeShifts.Count > 0)
                    //        {
                    //            for (i = 0; i < employeeShifts.Count; i++)
                    //            {
                    //                employee_code = employeeShifts[i]["employee_code"].ToString();

                    //                query = "select count(*) from ShiftEmployee Where Empid = '" + employee_code + "'and month = '" + month + "'and year = '" + year + "' ";
                    //                count = dbConnection.GetRecordCount(query);

                    //                if (count > 0)
                    //                {
                    //                   // pageObject.UpdateDatabase("U", employee_code, employeeShifts[i]["shifts"], month, year);
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    //  pageObject.UpdateDatabase("I", employee_code, employeeShifts[i]["shifts"], month, year);
                    //                }
                    //            }
                    //            employee_succes += ","+employeeShifts[j]["employee_code"].ToString();
                    //            returnObject.status = "success";
                    //           // returnObject.return_data = "Shift Roster changes saved successfully! for Employee ID Please select Day off for other employees " + employee_succes ;

                    //        }
                    //        else
                    //        {
                    //            returnObject.status = "error";
                    //            returnObject.return_data = "Please select atleast one checkbox!";
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        isNoWeekOffRecord = true;
                    //        total_employees += employeeShifts[j]["employee_code"].ToString()+",";
                    //        returnObject.status = "error";
                    //        //returnObject.return_data = "Please select day off  for Employee Id " + total_employees+" Only selected employee having Dayoff are saved";

                    //    }

                    //if (isNoWeekOffRecord == true)
                    //    returnObject.status = "error";
                    //    returnObject.return_data = "Please select day off  for Employee Id  " + total_employees + " and  employees "+ employee_succes + " having Dayoff are saved";
                    //    returnObject.status = "success";
                    //    returnObject.return_data = "Shift Roster changes saved successfully!";

                    if (employeeShifts.Count > 0)
                        for (i = 0; i < employeeShifts.Count; i++)
                            employee_code = employeeShifts[i]["employee_code"].ToString();

                            query = "select count(*) from ShiftEmployee Where Empid = '" + employee_code + "'and month = '" + month + "'and year = '" + year + "' ";
                            count = dbConnection.GetRecordCount(query);

                            if (count > 0)
                                pageObject.UpdateDatabase("U", employee_code, employeeShifts[i]["shifts"], month, year);
                                pageObject.UpdateDatabase("I", employee_code, employeeShifts[i]["shifts"], month, year);

                        returnObject.status      = "success";
                        returnObject.return_data = "Shift Roster changes saved successfully!";
                        returnObject.status      = "error";
                        returnObject.return_data = "Please select atleast one checkbox!";
                    returnObject.status      = "error";
                    returnObject.return_data = "Please select one week off per week";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException(ex, page, "SAVE_SHIFTS");

                throw ex;

Esempio n. 6
    public static ReturnObject GetShiftsForEmployees(string company_code, string date, string employees)
        shift_roster  pageObject    = new shift_roster();
        DBConnection  dbConnection  = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject  returnObject  = new ReturnObject();
        DataSet       shiftsData    = new DataSet();
        DataTable     tempShiftData = new DataTable();
        DateTime      selected_date = new DateTime();
        List <string> employeeList  = new List <string>();
        string        query         = string.Empty;

            month = 0, year = 0, i = 0;

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null)  // checking session expired or not
            returnObject = pageObject.DoLogout();
                // getting a list of all the shifts in the system for the selected company.
                query         = "select Shift_Code as shift_code, Shift_Desc as shift_name from Shift where CompanyCode = '" + company_code + "' and IsActive=1 ";
                tempShiftData = dbConnection.ReturnDataTable(query);
                // storing this shift in a data set
                tempShiftData.TableName = "all_shifts";

                // obtaining the selected month and year
                selected_date = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                month         = selected_date.Month;
                year          = selected_date.Year;

                // parse the array of employees
                employeeList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(employees);

                for (i = 0; i < employeeList.Count; i++)
                    query         = "select day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10, day11, day12, day13, day14, day15, day16, day17, day18, day19, day20, day21, day22, day23, day24, day25, day26, day27, day28, day29, day30, day31 from ShiftEmployee where Empid = '" + employeeList[i].ToString() + "' and month = '" + month + "' and year = '" + year + "' ";
                    tempShiftData = dbConnection.ReturnDataTable(query);

                    // storing shifts assigned for the employees in the data set.
                    // each employees shifts are namespaced by their employee code
                    tempShiftData.TableName = employeeList[i].ToString();

                returnObject.status      = "success";
                returnObject.return_data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(shiftsData, Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogException(ex, page, "GET_SHIFTS_FOR_EMPLOYEE");

                throw ex;
