protected decimal?searchRate = null; // 该员工的实际的费率 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var thisId = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisId)) { thisEntry = new sdk_work_entry_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(thisId)); if (thisEntry != null) { thisTask = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisEntry.task_id); } } if (thisEntry == null || thisTask == null) { Response.Write("<script>alert('未找到该工时信息!');window.close();self.opener.location.reload();</script>"); } else { if (thisEntry.contract_id != null) { var thisObject = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetSingle($"select f_get_labor_rate({(long)thisEntry.contract_id},{thisEntry.cost_code_id.ToString()},{thisEntry.role_id.ToString()})"); if (thisObject != null) { searchRate = (decimal)thisObject; } } } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除服务包相关,不能删除时,返回所有不能删除相关对象数量 /// </summary> public bool DeleteServiceBundle(long serviceId, long userId, ref string faileReason) { try { var isbDal = new ivt_service_bundle_dal(); var thisSerBundle = isbDal.FindNoDeleteById(serviceId); if (thisSerBundle == null) { return(true); } var conSerList = new ctt_contract_service_dal().getContractByServiceId(; if (conSerList != null && conSerList.Count > 0) { faileReason += $"{conSerList.Count} 合同\n"; } var quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetItemByObjId(; if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0) { faileReason += $"{quoteItemList.Count} 报价项\n"; } var labourList = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetListByService(; if (labourList != null && labourList.Count > 0) { faileReason += $"{labourList.Count} 工时\n"; } var insProList = new crm_installed_product_dal().GetInsListBySerBunId(; if (insProList != null && insProList.Count > 0) { faileReason += $"{insProList.Count} 配置项\n"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(faileReason)) { return(false); } else { var isbsDal = new ivt_service_bundle_service_dal(); var serList = GetServiceListByServiceBundleId(; if (serList != null && serList.Count > 0) { serList.ForEach(_ => { isbsDal.Delete(_); }); } isbDal.SoftDelete(thisSerBundle, userId); OperLogBLL.OperLogDelete <ivt_service_bundle>(thisSerBundle,, userId, DTO.DicEnum.OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.IVT_SERVICE_BUNDLE, "删除服务包"); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } return(true); }
void GetLabourInfo(HttpContext context) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["id"])) { var labour = new sdk_work_entry_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["id"])); if (labour != null) { WriteResponseJson(labour); } } }
/// <summary> /// 撤销工时审批 /// </summary> public ERROR_CODE REVOKE_LABOUR(long user_id, string ids, out string re) { re = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { var idArr = ids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var cadDal = new crm_account_deduction_dal(); var sweDal = new sdk_work_entry_dal(); var ccbDal = new ctt_contract_block_dal(); StringBuilder returnvalue = new StringBuilder(); var timeNow = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); foreach (var accId in idArr) { var thisCad = cadDal.FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(accId)); if (thisCad != null) { if (thisCad.object_id != null) { var cadList = cadDal.GetListByObjectId((long)thisCad.object_id); if (cadList != null && cadList.Count > 0) { foreach (var cad in cadList) { if (cad.invoice_id != null) { var ci = new ctt_invoice_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.invoice_id); if (ci != null && ci.is_voided != 1) { returnvalue.Append(accId + "条目已经生成发票(发票ID:" + thisCad.invoice_id + "),请先作废该发票\n"); } } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnvalue.ToString())) { if (cadList != null && cadList.Count > 0) { cadList.ForEach(_ => { RecoveryBlock(, user_id); cadDal.SoftDelete(_, user_id); OperLogBLL.OperLogDelete <crm_account_deduction>(_,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.ACCOUNT_DEDUCTION, "删除审批并提交条目"); }); var swe = sweDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.object_id); if (swe != null) { var oldSwe = sweDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.object_id); swe.approve_and_post_date = null; swe.approve_and_post_user_id = null; swe.hours_billed_deduction = null; swe.hours_rate_deduction = null; swe.update_time = timeNow; swe.update_user_id = user_id; sweDal.Update(swe); OperLogBLL.OperLogUpdate <sdk_work_entry>(swe, oldSwe,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.SDK_WORK_ENTRY, "修改工时"); } } } else { re = returnvalue.ToString(); } } #region 原来的撤销审批的相关逻辑(原来只针对单个条目进行删除,现在批量操作) //if (thisCad.invoice_id!=null) //{ // var ci = new ctt_invoice_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.invoice_id); // if (ci!=null&&ci.is_voided != 1) // { // returnvalue.Append(accId + "条目已经生成发票(发票ID:" + thisCad.invoice_id + "),请先作废该发票\n"); // } //} //else //{ // #region 删除条目信息 // // var oldCad = cadDal.FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(accId)); // cadDal.SoftDelete(thisCad,user_id); // OperLogBLL.OperLogDelete<crm_account_deduction>(thisCad,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.ACCOUNT_DEDUCTION, "删除审批并提交条目"); // #endregion // #region 修改工时表 // if (thisCad.object_id != null) // { // var swe = sweDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.object_id); // if (swe != null) // { // var oldSwe = sweDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.object_id); // swe.approve_and_post_date = null; // swe.approve_and_post_user_id = null; // swe.hours_billed_deduction = null; // swe.hours_rate_deduction = null; // swe.update_time = timeNow; // swe.update_user_id = user_id; // sweDal.Update(swe); // OperLogBLL.OperLogUpdate<sdk_work_entry>(swe, oldSwe,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.SDK_WORK_ENTRY, "修改工时"); // } // } // #endregion // #region 修改预付费信息 // if (thisCad.contract_block_id != null) // { // var thisCcb = ccbDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.contract_block_id); // if (thisCcb != null) // { // var oldCcb = ccbDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.contract_block_id); // thisCcb.is_billed = 0; // thisCcb.status_id = 1; // thisCcb.update_time = timeNow; // thisCcb.update_user_id = user_id; // ccbDal.Update(thisCcb); // OperLogBLL.OperLogUpdate<ctt_contract_block>(thisCcb, oldCcb,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.CONTRACT_BLOCK, "修改合同预付"); // } // } // #endregion //} #endregion } else { } } } return(ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS); }
/// <summary> /// /撤销成本审批 /// </summary> /// <param name="user_id"></param> /// <param name="ids"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ERROR_CODE Revoke_CHARGES(long user_id, string ids, out string re) { re = string.Empty; var user = UserInfoBLL.GetUserInfo(user_id); if (user == null) { // 查询不到用户,用户丢失 return(ERROR_CODE.USER_NOT_FIND); } var cadDal = new crm_account_deduction_dal(); var sweDal = new sdk_work_entry_dal(); crm_account_deduction cad = new crm_account_deduction(); ctt_contract_block ccb = new ctt_contract_block(); ctt_contract_cost ccc = new ctt_contract_cost(); ctt_contract_cost_dal ccc_dal = new ctt_contract_cost_dal(); ctt_contract_block_dal ccb_dal = new ctt_contract_block_dal(); StringBuilder returnvalue = new StringBuilder(); //该条目已经生成发票(发票ID:发票ID),请先作废该发票 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { var timeNow = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); var idList = ids.Split(','); foreach (var id in idList) { var oldcad = cad = GetAccountDed(long.Parse(id)); if (cad != null) { if (cad.object_id != null) { var cadList = cadDal.GetListByObjectId((long)cad.object_id); if (cadList != null && cadList.Count > 0) { foreach (var thisCad in cadList) { if (thisCad.invoice_id != null) { var ci = new ctt_invoice_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisCad.invoice_id); if (ci != null && ci.is_voided != 1) { returnvalue.Append(id + "条目已经生成发票(发票ID:" + thisCad.invoice_id + "),请先作废该发票\n"); } } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnvalue.ToString())) { if (cadList != null && cadList.Count > 0) { cadList.ForEach(_ => { RecoveryBlock(, user_id); cadDal.SoftDelete(_, user_id); OperLogBLL.OperLogDelete <crm_account_deduction>(_,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.ACCOUNT_DEDUCTION, "删除审批并提交条目"); }); var oldccc = ccc = ccc_dal.FindNoDeleteById((long)cad.object_id); if (ccc != null) { // var oldSwe = sweDal.FindNoDeleteById((long)cad.object_id); ccc.update_time = timeNow; ccc.update_user_id =; ccc.bill_status = 0; ccc.extended_price = ccc.unit_price * ccc.quantity; ccc_dal.Update(ccc); OperLogBLL.OperLogUpdate <ctt_contract_cost>(ccc, oldccc,, user_id, OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.CONTRACT_COST, "修改合同成本"); } } } else { re = returnvalue.ToString(); } } } #region 原有的撤销成本审批相关逻辑 //if (cad.invoice_id != null) //{ // var ci = new ctt_invoice_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)cad.invoice_id); // if (ci.is_voided != 1) // { // returnvalue.Append(id + "条目已经生成发票(发票ID:" + cad.invoice_id + "),请先作废该发票\n"); // } //} //else //{ // cad.delete_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); // cad.delete_user_id =; // var add1_log = new sys_oper_log() // { // user_cate = "用户", // user_id = (int), // name =, // phone = == null ? "" :, // oper_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), // oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.ACCOUNT_DEDUCTION, // oper_object_id =,// 操作对象id // oper_type_id = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.DELETE, // oper_description = cad_dal.CompareValue(oldcad, cad), // remark = "删除审批并提交" // }; // 创建日志 // new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(add1_log); // 插入日志 // if (!cad_dal.Update(cad)) // { // return ERROR_CODE.ERROR; // } // //合同成本 // var oldccc = ccc = ccc_dal.FindSignleBySql<ctt_contract_cost>($"select * from ctt_contract_cost where id={cad.object_id} and delete_time=0"); // if (ccc != null) // { // ccc.update_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); // ccc.update_user_id =; // ccc.bill_status = 0; // ccc.extended_price = ccc.unit_price * ccc.quantity; // var add_log = new sys_oper_log() // { // user_cate = "用户", // user_id = (int), // name =, // phone = == null ? "" :, // oper_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), // oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.CONTRACT_COST, // oper_object_id =,// 操作对象id // oper_type_id = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.UPDATE, // oper_description = cad_dal.CompareValue(oldccc, ccc), // remark = "修改合同成本" // }; // 创建日志 // new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(add_log); // 插入日志 // if (!ccc_dal.Update(ccc)) // { // return ERROR_CODE.ERROR; // } // if (cad.contract_block_id != null) // { // //合同预付 // var oldccb = ccb = ccb_dal.FindSignleBySql<ctt_contract_block>($" select * from ctt_contract_block where id={cad.contract_block_id} and delete_time=0"); // if (ccb != null) // { // ccb.is_billed = 0; // ccb.status_id = 1; // ccb.update_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); // ccb.update_user_id =; // var add3_log = new sys_oper_log() // { // user_cate = "用户", // user_id = (int), // name =, // phone = == null ? "" :, // oper_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), // oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.CONTRACT_BLOCK, // oper_object_id =,// 操作对象id // oper_type_id = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.UPDATE, // oper_description = cad_dal.CompareValue(oldccb, ccb), // remark = "修改合同预付" // }; // 创建日志 // new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(add3_log); // 插入日志 // if (!ccb_dal.Update(ccb)) // { // return ERROR_CODE.ERROR; // } // } // } // } //} #endregion } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnvalue.ToString())) { re = returnvalue.ToString(); return(ERROR_CODE.EXIST); } return(ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var id = Request.QueryString["id"]; thisTask = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(id)); if (thisTask != null && thisTask.project_id != null) { thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.Url.LocalPath + "?id=" + id, LoginUserId); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("type", "类型", 0)); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("time", "操作时间", 0)); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("resouName", "员工", 0)); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("workHours", "实际工作时间", 0)); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("notTiltle", "说明/标题", 0)); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("billabled", "是否计费", 0)); tvbDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("billed", "已计费", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("type_id", "类型", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("add_date", "费用日期", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("create_user_id", "创建人", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("expense_cost_code_id", "费用类别", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("amount", "总额", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("is_billable", "计费的", 0)); expDto.Add(new DictionaryEntryDto("approve_and_post_user_id", "已计费", 0)); v_task = new v_task_all_dal().FindById(; if (thisTask.type_id == (int)DicEnum.TASK_TYPE.PROJECT_ISSUE) { taskType = "问题"; } else if (thisTask.type_id == (int)DicEnum.TASK_TYPE.PROJECT_TASK) { taskType = "任务"; } else { Response.End(); } #region 记录浏览历史 var account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(thisTask.account_id); var history = new sys_windows_history() { title = $"查看{taskType}:" + (thisProject != null ? : "") + " " + thisTask.title + " " + (account != null ? : ""), url = Request.RawUrl, }; new IndexBLL().BrowseHistory(history, LoginUserId); #endregion thisProject = new pro_project_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisTask.project_id); if (thisProject != null) { thisAccount = new crm_account_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisProject.account_id); if (thisProject.contract_id != null) { thisContract = new ctt_contract_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisProject.contract_id); } } thisTaskResList = new sdk_task_resource_dal().GetTaskResByTaskId(; var roleList = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "role").Value as List <sys_role>; var sysList = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sys_resource").Value as List <DictionaryEntryDto>; #region 工时备注附件 var tasEntryList = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetByTaskId(; if (tasEntryList != null && tasEntryList.Count > 0) { var newList = (from a in tasEntryList join b in roleList on a.role_id equals join c in sysList on a.resource_id equals long.Parse(c.val) select new TaskViewDto { id =, type = "entry", time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime((long)(a.end_time ?? a.start_time)), resouName = + "(" + + ")", workHours = a.hours_worked, notTiltle = a.summary_notes, billabled = a.is_billable == 1?"✓":"", billed = a.approve_and_post_date == null?"": "✓", startDate = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime((long)a.start_time), workTypeId = a.cost_code_id, contractId = a.contract_id, showOnInv = a.show_on_invoice == 1, serviceId = a.service_id }).ToList(); tvdList.AddRange(newList); } var conAttDal = new com_attachment_dal(); var allTaskAttList = new List <com_attachment>(); var taskNoteList = new com_activity_dal().GetActiList($" and (task_id ={} or object_id={} )"); if (taskNoteList != null && taskNoteList.Count > 0) { var newList = (from a in taskNoteList join c in sysList on a.resource_id equals long.Parse(c.val) into temp from tt in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select new TaskViewDto { id =, type = "note", time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime(a.create_time), resouName = tt == null ? "" :, notTiltle =, noteDescr = a.description }).ToList(); tvdList.AddRange(newList); foreach (var thisTaskNote in taskNoteList) { var thisNoteAttList = conAttDal.GetAttListByOid(; if (thisNoteAttList != null && thisNoteAttList.Count > 0) { allTaskAttList.AddRange(thisNoteAttList); } } } var taskAttList = conAttDal.GetAttListByOid(; if (taskAttList != null && taskAttList.Count > 0) { allTaskAttList.AddRange(taskAttList); } if (allTaskAttList.Count > 0) { var newList = (from a in allTaskAttList join c in sysList on a.create_user_id equals long.Parse(c.val) into temp from tt in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select new TaskViewDto { id =, type = "atach", time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime(a.create_time), resouName = tt == null?"", notTiltle = a.title, fileType = a.type_id }).ToList(); tvdList.AddRange(newList); } if (tvdList != null && tvdList.Count > 0) { tvbOrder = Request.QueryString["tvbOrder"]; tvdList = tvdList.OrderBy(_ => _.time).ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvbOrder)) { var tvbOrderArr = tvbOrder.Split(new char[] { '_' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var orderFile = tvbDto.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.val == tvbOrderArr[0]); if (tvbOrderArr[1] == "desc") { //tvdList = (from a in tvdList // orderby tvbOrderArr[0] descending // select a).ToList(); tvdList.Sort(delegate(TaskViewDto t1, TaskViewDto t2) { return(GetObjectPropertyValue(t2, tvbOrderArr[0]).CompareTo(GetObjectPropertyValue(t1, tvbOrderArr[0]))); }); = orderFile != null ? 2 :; } else { //tvdList = (from a in tvdList // orderby tvbOrderArr[0] // select a).ToList(); tvdList.Sort(delegate(TaskViewDto t1, TaskViewDto t2) { return(GetObjectPropertyValue(t1, tvbOrderArr[0]).CompareTo(GetObjectPropertyValue(t2, tvbOrderArr[0]))); }); = orderFile != null ? 1 :; } } } #endregion #region 费用 taskExpList = new sdk_expense_dal().GetExpByTaskId(; if (taskExpList != null && taskExpList.Count > 0) { taskExpList = taskExpList.OrderByDescending(_ => _.add_date).ToList(); expOrder = Request.QueryString["expOrder"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expOrder)) { var expOrderArr = expOrder.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var orderFile = expDto.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.val == expOrderArr[0]); if (expOrderArr[1] == "desc") { //taskExpList = (from a in taskExpList // orderby expOrderArr[0] descending // select a).ToList(); taskExpList.Sort(delegate(sdk_expense t1, sdk_expense t2) { return(GetObjectPropertyValue(t2, expOrderArr[0]).CompareTo(GetObjectPropertyValue(t1, expOrderArr[0]))); }); = orderFile != null ? 2 :; } else { //taskExpList = (from a in taskExpList // orderby expOrderArr[0] // select a).ToList(); taskExpList.Sort(delegate(sdk_expense t1, sdk_expense t2) { return(GetObjectPropertyValue(t1, expOrderArr[0]).CompareTo(GetObjectPropertyValue(t2, expOrderArr[0]))); }); = orderFile != null ? 1 :; } } } #endregion } else { Response.End(); } } catch (Exception msg) { Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 新增附件 /// </summary> /// <param name="objType">对象类型</param> /// <param name="objId">对象id</param> /// <param name="typeId">附件类型</param> /// <param name="title">附件名</param> /// <param name="attLink">附件内容</param> /// <param name="fileName">上传的文件名</param> /// <param name="fileSaveName">文件保存服务器的名称</param> /// <param name="contentType">文件类型</param> /// <param name="size">文件大小</param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddAttachment(int objType, long objId, int typeId, string title, string attLink, string fileName, string fileSaveName, string contentType, int size, long userId, string pubTypeId = "") { com_attachment att = new com_attachment(); att.object_type_id = objType; att.object_id = objId; // 备注和附件的下级备注和附件不能再添加附件 if (objType == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES) { var note = new com_activity_dal().FindById(objId); if (note.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES; att.object_id = note.object_id; } else if (note.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT; att.object_id = note.object_id; } } else if (objType == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT) { var attachment = dal.FindById(objId); if (attachment.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES; att.object_id = attachment.object_id; } else if (attachment.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT; att.object_id = attachment.object_id; } } else if (objType == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.LABOUR) { var labour = new sdk_work_entry_dal().FindById(objId); if (labour.parent_id != null) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.LABOUR; att.object_id = (long)labour.parent_id; } else if (labour.parent_attachment_id != null) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT; att.object_id = (long)labour.parent_attachment_id; } else if (labour.parent_note_id != null) { att.object_type_id = (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES; att.object_id = (long)labour.parent_note_id; } } if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT) { var attachment = dal.FindById(att.object_id); att.account_id = attachment.account_id; att.parent_id =; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.NOTES) { var note = new com_activity_dal().FindById(att.object_id); att.account_id = note.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.OPPORTUNITY) { var opp = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindById(att.object_id); att.account_id = opp.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.SALES_ORDER) { var so = new crm_sales_order_dal().FindById(att.object_id); var opp = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindById(so.opportunity_id); att.account_id = opp.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.CONTRACT) { var contract = new ctt_contract_dal().FindById(att.object_id); att.account_id = contract.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.COMPANY) { att.account_id = att.object_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.PROJECT) { var project = new pro_project_dal().FindNoDeleteById(att.object_id); att.account_id = project.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.EXPENSE_REPORT) { // 从报表添加附件 - 默认使用声联(oid=0) 的客户 var defaultAccount = new CompanyBLL().GetDefaultAccount(); att.account_id =; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.TASK) { var task = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(att.object_id); if (task != null) { att.account_id = task.account_id; #region 更新客户最后活动时间 crm_account thisAccount = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(task.account_id); if (thisAccount != null) { thisAccount.last_activity_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); new CompanyBLL().EditAccount(thisAccount, userId); } #endregion } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubTypeId)) { att.publish_type_id = int.Parse(pubTypeId); } } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.LABOUR) { var labour = new sdk_work_entry_dal().FindNoDeleteById(att.object_id); if (labour == null) { return(false); } var ticket = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(labour.task_id); if (ticket == null) { return(false); } att.account_id = ticket.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.KNOWLEDGE) { var thisArt = new sdk_kb_article_dal().FindNoDeleteById(att.object_id); if (thisArt == null) { return(false); } att.account_id = thisArt.account_id; } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.RESOURCE) { } else if (att.object_type_id == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE.CONFIGITEM) { crm_installed_product insPro = new crm_installed_product_dal().FindNoDeleteById(att.object_id); if (insPro == null) { return(false); } att.account_id = insPro.account_id; } else { return(false); } = dal.GetNextIdCom(); att.create_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(); att.create_user_id = userId; att.update_time = att.create_time; att.update_user_id = userId; att.title = title; att.type_id = typeId; if (typeId == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_TYPE.FILE_LINK || typeId == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_TYPE.FOLDER_LINK) { att.uncpath = attLink; att.filename = @"file://" + attLink; } else if (typeId == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_TYPE.URL) { if (attLink.IndexOf(@"http://") == 0) { attLink = attLink.Remove(0, 7); att.urlpath = attLink; att.filename = @"http://" + attLink; } else if (attLink.IndexOf(@"https://") == 0) { attLink = attLink.Remove(0, 8); att.urlpath = attLink; att.filename = @"https://" + attLink; } else { att.urlpath = attLink; att.filename = @"http://" + attLink; } } else if (typeId == (int)DicEnum.ATTACHMENT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT) { att.href = fileSaveName; att.filename = fileName; att.sizeinbyte = size; att.content_type = contentType; } else { return(false); } dal.Insert(att); OperLogBLL.OperLogAdd <com_attachment>(att,, userId, DicEnum.OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.ATTACHMENT, "新增附件"); return(true); }