public static saveInformation loadData()
        string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/";

        if (File.Exists(path)) //if it exists, go to the path and open file, deserialize it and save it as a saveinformation
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      stream    = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); //opens file
            if (stream.Length != 0)
                saveInformation info = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as saveInformation; //casting the data into a saveinformation object
                stream.Close();                                                          //don't forget to close the streamreader
                stream.Close(); //need this in 2 places to avoid errors
        else //temp solution: bundle project with file included that has starting position and seed count etc
        { //if it doesn't exist or it's their first time playing, might have to adjust this later
            Debug.LogError("Save file not found");
    public void loadInfo() //unpacks player info and sets various variables equal to what they should be
        saveInformation stats = saveSystem.loadData();

        if (stats != null) //make sure they HAVE a save file or you can break the game if you want
            if (follow != null)
                follow.isMale = stats.male;
            seedArray    = stats.seeds;
            produceArray = stats.produce;
            money        =;
            InteractionController.inTown =;
            Vector3 playerPosition = new Vector3(stats.position[0], stats.position[1], stats.position[2]);
            GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").gameObject.transform.position = playerPosition;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (int num in seedArray) //setting all seeds to where they should be
                if (seedText[index] != null)
                    seedText[index].text = seedText[index].text.TrimEnd(numbers) + seedArray[index]; //removing number of seeds from both seeds and produce, then adding new number to end of string
            index = 0;
            foreach (int num in produceArray) //adjusting produce text
                if (produceText[index] != null)
                    produceText[index].text = produceText[index].text.TrimEnd(numbers) + produceArray[index];
            if (moneyText != null)
                moneyText.text = moneyText.text.TrimEnd(numbers) + money;
        else //I had this, and then I removed it for no reason, don't get rid of this. If the user is a new player it gives them 3 seeds a piece
            for (int i = 0; i < seedArray.Length; i++)
                seedArray[i] = 3;
            foreach (int num in seedArray) //setting all seeds to where they should be
                int index = 0;
                if (seedText[index] != null)
                    seedText[index].text = seedText[index].text.TrimEnd(numbers) + seedArray[index]; //removing number of seeds from both seeds and produce, then adding new number to end of string
    public static void savePlayer(followPlayer camera, playerController controller, playerInventory inventory, interactionController interaction)
        BinaryFormatter formatter   = new BinaryFormatter();
        string          path        = Application.persistentDataPath + "/";                 //creating path and filename, extension doesn't matter, persistent path is universal across OS
        FileStream      stream      = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);                           //creates file at path given
        saveInformation information = new saveInformation(camera, controller, inventory, interaction); //creating the save information

        formatter.Serialize(stream, information);                                                      //turning information into binary