Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and displays a simple message box with the given text and buttons, and optionally other parts. After the user has selected a button or closed the message box using the close icon, the <code>callback</code> function is invoked when given.
 /// The only mandatory parameter is <code>vMessage</code>. Either a string with the corresponding text or even a layout control could be provided.
 /// The created dialog box is executed asynchronously. When it has been created and registered for rendering, this function returns without waiting for a user reaction.
 /// When applications have to react on the users choice, they have to provide a callback function and postpone any reaction on the user choice until that callback is triggered.
 /// The signature of the callback is
 /// function (oAction);
 /// where <code>oAction</code> is the button that the user has pressed. When the user has pressed the close button, a MessageBox.Action.Close is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vMessage">The message to be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="oIcon">The icon to be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="sTitle">The title of the message box.</param>
 /// <param name="vActions">Either a single action, or an array of actions. If no action(s) are given, the single action MessageBox.Action.OK is taken as a default for the parameter.</param>
 public extern static void show(Union <string, sap.ui.core.Control> vMessage, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon oIcon, string sTitle, Union <sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action[]> vActions);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and displays a simple message box with the given text and buttons, and optionally other parts. After the user has selected a button or closed the message box using the close icon, the <code>callback</code> function is invoked when given.
 /// The only mandatory parameter is <code>vMessage</code>. Either a string with the corresponding text or even a layout control could be provided.
 /// The created dialog box is executed asynchronously. When it has been created and registered for rendering, this function returns without waiting for a user reaction.
 /// When applications have to react on the users choice, they have to provide a callback function and postpone any reaction on the user choice until that callback is triggered.
 /// The signature of the callback is
 /// function (oAction);
 /// where <code>oAction</code> is the button that the user has pressed. When the user has pressed the close button, a MessageBox.Action.Close is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vMessage">The message to be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="oIcon">The icon to be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="sTitle">The title of the message box.</param>
 public extern static void show(Union <string, sap.ui.core.Control> vMessage, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon oIcon = sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon.NONE, string sTitle = "");
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and displays a simple message box with the given text and buttons, and optionally other parts. After the user has selected a button or closed the message box using the close icon, the <code>callback</code> function is invoked when given.
 /// The only mandatory parameter is <code>vMessage</code>. Either a string with the corresponding text or even a layout control could be provided.
 /// The created dialog box is executed asynchronously. When it has been created and registered for rendering, this function returns without waiting for a user reaction.
 /// When applications have to react on the users choice, they have to provide a callback function and postpone any reaction on the user choice until that callback is triggered.
 /// The signature of the callback is
 /// function (oAction);
 /// where <code>oAction</code> is the button that the user has pressed. When the user has pressed the close button, a MessageBox.Action.Close is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vMessage">The message to be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="oIcon">The icon to be displayed.</param>
 /// <param name="sTitle">The title of the message box.</param>
 /// <param name="vActions">Either a single action, or an array of actions. If no action(s) are given, the single action MessageBox.Action.OK is taken as a default for the parameter.</param>
 /// <param name="fnCallback">Function to be called when the user has pressed a button or has closed the message box.</param>
 /// <param name="oDefaultAction">Must be one of the actions provided in vActions.</param>
 public extern static void show(Union <string, sap.ui.core.Control> vMessage, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon oIcon, string sTitle, Union <sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action[]> vActions, object fnCallback, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action oDefaultAction);