private void SetSelectedLayer(sCraftSingleLayer layer, bool isBackLayer)
        if (currentLayerRef)
            print("No currentRefFound");

        sCraftSingleLayer newLayerInfo;
        string            tmpSearchName;

        if (isBackLayer)
            tmpSearchName = layer.buttonsInfo[selectedIconIndex];
            tmpSearchName = tmpSearchName.Substring(0, tmpSearchName.Length - 4);
            tmpSearchName = layer.buttonsInfo[selectedIconIndex].name;

        if (SearchForLayerByName(tmpSearchName, out newLayerInfo))
            print("found layer: " + newLayerInfo.layerName);
            amountOfIcons = newLayerInfo.buttonsInfo.Length;
        currentLayerRef  = layer.buttonsInfo[selectedIconIndex].associatedLayer;
        currentMenuLayer = newLayerInfo;
    private void CreateIcons(sCraftSingleLayer layerData, GameObject layer)
        // Add one to account for Back button
        int btnLength = layerData.buttonsInfo.Length;

        GameObject[] newIconButtons = new GameObject[btnLength];

        //float angle = 360f / (float)btnLength;
        for (int i = 0; i < btnLength; i++)
            // Reverse the indices
            int btnIndex = btnLength - 1 - i;

            Vector3    iconPosition;
            Quaternion iconRotation;
            CraftWheelUtils.GetCraftBtnPosition(btnLength, i, iconRotations[0], menuCenterPos, iconDistributionRadius, out iconPosition, out iconRotation);

            Vector3    btnPosition;
            Quaternion btnRotation;
            CraftWheelUtils.GetCraftBtnPosition(btnLength, i, iconRotations[1], menuCenterPos, iconDistributionRadius, out btnPosition, out btnRotation);

            Image separator = Instantiate(separatorIcon, iconPosition, iconRotation *= iconLocalRotOffset);
   = "MenuSeparatorIcon";
            separator.transform.SetParent(layer.transform, false);

            GameObject       curIcon = new GameObject(layerData.buttonsInfo[btnIndex].name + "Icon", typeof(Image));
            MenuCreateButton curMBC  = curIcon.AddComponent <MenuCreateButton>();
            curMBC.SetInfo(layerData.buttonsInfo[btnIndex].name, layerData.buttonsInfo[btnIndex].icon);
            layerData.buttonsInfo[btnIndex].associatedButton = curIcon;

            curIcon.transform.position = btnPosition;
            curIcon.transform.SetParent(layer.transform, false);
    public void SetCraftSelectedLayer(sCraftSingleLayer layer)
        if (currentLayerRef)
            returnMenuRef   = currentLayerRef;
            returnLayerInfo = layer;

        // Chnage from description Text in the middle circle to Craft Text
        craftMenuCraftLayer.itemToCreate = layer.buttonsInfo[selectedIconIndex].itemIfCraftType;
        currentLayerRef = craftMenuCraftLayer.MakeIconLayer(layer.buttonsInfo[selectedIconIndex]);
        isCraftMenuOpen = true;
    private bool SearchForLayerByName(string searchName, out sCraftSingleLayer craftSingleLayer)
        sCraftSingleLayer singleLayer = new sCraftSingleLayer();
        bool found = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < craftLayers.Length; i++)
            if (searchName == craftLayers[i].layerName)
                singleLayer = craftLayers[i];
                found       = true;

        craftSingleLayer = singleLayer;
    private void SetupMenuLayers()
        // Start off setting up the Main Craft menu which needs to be index 0 of buttonsInfo[]
        // After Main, all following buttonsInfo items will depend on the Name and AssociatedLayer
        // and the order of indices don't matter, although maintaining order helps to visualize menus.
        firstMenuLayer = craftLayers[0];

        GameObject firstLayer = CreateSingleMenuLayer("MainMenu", this.gameObject);

        SetupLayerIcons(firstMenuLayer, firstLayer);
        currentLayerRef = firstLayer;

        // Cascade down craftLayer tree until everything is Instantiated and connected via AssociatedLayer

         *  LAYER 1
        for (int i = 0; i < firstMenuLayer.buttonsInfo.Length; i++)
            // If i == 0 , it will be the Exit button
            if (i == 0)
                string searchName = firstMenuLayer.buttonsInfo[i].name;
                Debug.Log("b: " + searchName);
                sCraftSingleLayer foundLayer;
                // This will be false for MainMenu EXIT button
                if (SearchForLayerByName(searchName, out foundLayer))
                    GameObject newLayer = CreateSingleMenuLayer(searchName + "Menu", this.gameObject);
                    SetupLayerIcons(foundLayer, newLayer);

                    firstMenuLayer.buttonsInfo[i].associatedLayer = newLayer;

                     *  LAYER 2
                    for (int j = 0; j < foundLayer.buttonsInfo.Length; j++)
                        // If j == 0 , it will be the Back button
                        if (j == 0)
                            foundLayer.buttonsInfo[j].associatedLayer = firstLayer;
                            searchName = foundLayer.buttonsInfo[j].name;
                            Debug.Log("c: " + searchName);
                            sCraftSingleLayer foundLayerInner;
                            // This will be false for Back buttons at index 0
                            if (SearchForLayerByName(foundLayer.buttonsInfo[j].name, out foundLayerInner))
                                GameObject newLayerInner = CreateSingleMenuLayer(searchName + "Menu", this.gameObject);
                                SetupLayerIcons(foundLayerInner, newLayerInner);
                                foundLayer.buttonsInfo[j].associatedLayer = newLayerInner;

                                 *  LAYER 2
                                for (int k = 0; k < foundLayerInner.buttonsInfo.Length; k++)
                                    // If j == 0 , it will be the Back button
                                    if (k == 0)
                                        foundLayerInner.buttonsInfo[k].associatedLayer = newLayer;
                                        searchName = foundLayerInner.buttonsInfo[k].name;
                                        Debug.Log("c: " + searchName);
                                        sCraftSingleLayer foundLayerInnerMost;
                                        // This will be false for Back buttons at index 0
                                        if (SearchForLayerByName(foundLayerInner.buttonsInfo[k].name, out foundLayerInnerMost))
                                            GameObject newLayerInnerMost = CreateSingleMenuLayer(searchName + "Menu", this.gameObject);
                                            SetupLayerIcons(foundLayerInnerMost, newLayerInnerMost);
                                            foundLayerInner.buttonsInfo[k].associatedLayer = newLayerInnerMost;
 private void SetupLayerIcons(sCraftSingleLayer foundLayerData, GameObject newLayer)
     iconRotations = CraftWheelUtils.SetIconOffsets(foundLayerData.buttonsInfo.Length);
     CreateIcons(foundLayerData, newLayer);