private void PrintPreview(bool preview) { DsTokenSummary printds = new DsTokenSummary(); DsTokenSummary.PatientRegistrationDataTable resultTalbe = new DsTokenSummary.PatientRegistrationDataTable(); rptAllTokenReceipt crp = new rptAllTokenReceipt(); string BranchName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Name"].ToString(); string BranchAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Address"].ToString(); printds = new TokenSummaryBLL().GetTokenSummary(dtpFrom.Value.Date, dtpTo.Value.Date, rbAll.Checked, rbInjection.Checked, rbCheckup.Checked, rbLab.Checked, rbMedicine.Checked, cb50.Checked); string tokenType = ""; string tokenRange = ""; if (rbAll.Checked == true) { tokenType = "All tokens"; } else if (rbCheckup.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Checkup only"; } else if (rbInjection.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Injection only"; } else if (rbLab.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Lab test only"; } else if (rbMedicine.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Medicines"; } if (rbRange.Checked == true) { try { int to = 0, from = 0; bool r; if (txtToToken.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { r = int.TryParse(txtToToken.Text.Trim(), out to); } if (txtFromToken.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { r = int.TryParse(txtFromToken.Text.Trim(), out from); } if (to == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Valid Token Number"); this.txtToToken.Focus(); return; } if (from == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Valid Token Number"); this.txtFromToken.Focus(); return; } string filterExpression = "TokenNumber >= " + from.ToString() + " and TokenNumber <= " + to.ToString(); DataRow[] TokenRows = ((DataTable)printds.PatientRegistration).Select(filterExpression); foreach (DataRow row in TokenRows) { resultTalbe.ImportRow(row); } tokenRange = from.ToString() + " to " + to.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Token Range Invalid"); return; } } else { resultTalbe = printds.PatientRegistration; tokenRange = "All Tokens"; } crp.SetDataSource((DataTable)resultTalbe); crp.SetParameterValue("TokenType", tokenType); crp.SetParameterValue("fromDate", dtpFrom.Value.Date); crp.SetParameterValue("toDate", dtpTo.Value.Date); crp.SetParameterValue("TokenRange", tokenRange); crp.SetParameterValue("BranchName", BranchName); crp.SetParameterValue("BranchAddress", BranchAddress); FrmReportViewer frmViewer = new FrmReportViewer(); frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crp; if (preview) { frmViewer.ShowDialog(); } else { frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.PrintReport(); } }
private void PrintPreview(bool preview) { DsTokenSummary printds = new DsTokenSummary(); DsTokenSummary.PatientRegistrationDataTable resultTalbe = new DsTokenSummary.PatientRegistrationDataTable(); rptAllTokenReceipt crp = new rptAllTokenReceipt(); string BranchName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Name"].ToString(); string BranchAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Address"].ToString(); string shifttime = ""; int? uNO = 0; string UserName = "******"; if (chbUsers.Checked) { uNO = Convert.ToInt16(cbxUser.SelectedValue.ToString()); List <User> selectedusers = this.users.Where(u => u.Userno == uNO).ToList <User>(); foreach (var item in selectedusers) { UserName = item.UserName; } //UserBLL userBLL = new UserBLL(); //List<User> users = this.userBLL.GetUsers().Where(u => u.Userno == uNO).ToList<User>(); } if (cbxShifts.SelectedIndex == 0 || cbxShifts.SelectedIndex == -1) { printds = new TokenSummaryBLL().GetTokenSummary(dtpFrom.Value.Date, dtpTo.Value.Date, rbAll.Checked, rbInjection.Checked, rbCheckup.Checked, rbLab.Checked, rbMedicine.Checked, cb50.Checked, uNO); } else { printds = new TokenSummaryBLL().GetTokenSummary(dtpFrom.Value.Date, dtpTo.Value.Date, rbAll.Checked, rbInjection.Checked, rbCheckup.Checked, rbLab.Checked, rbMedicine.Checked, cb50.Checked, (Shift)cbxShifts.SelectedItem, uNO); Shift shift = (Shift)cbxShifts.SelectedItem; shift = new BLL.ShiftsBLL().GetShiftStartEndTime(shift, this.dtpFrom.Value.Date); shifttime = shift.ChangeDateTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); } string tokenType = ""; string tokenRange = ""; if (rbAll.Checked == true) { tokenType = "All tokens"; } else if (rbCheckup.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Checkup only"; } else if (rbInjection.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Injection only"; } else if (rbLab.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Lab test only"; } else if (rbMedicine.Checked == true) { tokenType = "Medicines"; } tokenType += " - " + cbxShifts.Text + ' ' + shifttime; string filterExpression; if (rbRange.Checked == true) { try { int to = 0, from = 0; bool r; if (txtToToken.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { r = int.TryParse(txtToToken.Text.Trim(), out to); } if (txtFromToken.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { r = int.TryParse(txtFromToken.Text.Trim(), out from); } if (to == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Valid Token Number"); this.txtToToken.Focus(); return; } if (from == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Valid Token Number"); this.txtFromToken.Focus(); return; } filterExpression = "TokenNumber >= " + from.ToString() + " and TokenNumber <= " + to.ToString(); DataRow[] TokenRows = ((DataTable)printds.PatientRegistration).Select(filterExpression); foreach (DataRow row in TokenRows) { resultTalbe.ImportRow(row); } tokenRange = from.ToString() + " to " + to.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Token Range Invalid"); return; } } else { resultTalbe = printds.PatientRegistration; tokenRange = "All Tokens"; } //if (rbCheckup.Checked) //{ // if (chbPoor.Checked) // { // if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterExpression)) // } //} crp.SetDataSource((DataTable)resultTalbe); crp.SetParameterValue("TokenType", tokenType); crp.SetParameterValue("fromDate", dtpFrom.Value.Date); crp.SetParameterValue("toDate", dtpTo.Value.Date); crp.SetParameterValue("TokenRange", tokenRange); crp.SetParameterValue("BranchName", BranchName); crp.SetParameterValue("BranchAddress", BranchAddress); crp.SetParameterValue("UserName", UserName); FrmReportViewer frmViewer = new FrmReportViewer(); frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crp; //frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = "" if (preview) { frmViewer.ShowDialog(); } else { frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); frmViewer.crystalReportViewer1.PrintReport(); } }