static void Main(string[] args) { if (Console.LargestWindowWidth > 94 && Console.LargestWindowHeight > 24) { Console.SetWindowSize(95, 25); } System.Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone(); customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture; string tokenSwitch = ""; foreach (string arg in args) { switch (arg.Substring(0, 2)) { case "-t": tokenSwitch = arg.Substring(3); break; case "-u": serverURL = arg.Substring(3); break; case "-d": DebugMode = true; break; } } string AppVersion = "0.52.6"; Console.WriteLine("Client Version " + AppVersion); config_data config = new config_data(); getSettings(config); Console.Write(config.url); initConnect(config); initDirs(); registerClass client = new registerClass { connectURL = serverURL, debugFlag = DebugMode, tokenID = tokenSwitch }; Boolean legacy = false; //Defaults to legacy STATUS codes client.setPath(AppPath); if (client.loginAgent()) { Console.WriteLine("Logged in to server"); } updateClass updater = new updateClass { htpVersion = AppVersion, parentPath = AppPath, arguments = args, connectURL = serverURL, debugFlag = DebugMode, tokenID = client.tokenID }; updater.runUpdate(); //Run code to self-update _7zClass zipper = new _7zClass { tokenID = client.tokenID, osID = client.osID, appPath = AppPath, connectURL = serverURL }; if (!zipper.init7z()) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize 7zip, proceeding without. \n The client may not be able to extract compressed files"); } taskClass tasks = new taskClass { sevenZip = zipper, debugFlag = DebugMode, client = client, legacy = legacy }; tasks.setOffset(); //Set offset for STATUS changes in hashcat 3.6.0 tasks.setDirs(AppPath); int backDown = 5; while (true) //Keep waiting for 5 seconds and checking for tasks { Thread.Sleep(backDown * 1000); if (tasks.getTask()) { backDown = 5; } if (backDown < 30) { backDown++; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (Console.LargestWindowWidth > 94 && Console.LargestWindowHeight > 24) { Console.SetWindowSize(95, 25); } System.Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone(); customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "debug") { DebugMode = true; break; } } string AppVersion = "0.45.9"; Console.WriteLine("Client Version " + AppVersion); initConnect(); updateClass updater = new updateClass { htpVersion = AppVersion, parentPath = AppPath, arguments = args, connectURL = serverURL, debugFlag = DebugMode }; updater.runUpdate(); initDirs(); registerClass client = new registerClass { connectURL = serverURL, debugFlag = DebugMode }; Boolean legacy = true; //Defaults to legacy STATUS codes client.setPath(AppPath); if (client.loginAgent()) { Console.WriteLine("Logged in to server"); } //Run code to self-update _7zClass zipper = new _7zClass { tokenID = client.tokenID, osID = client.osID, appPath = AppPath, connectURL = serverURL }; if (!zipper.init7z()) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize 7zip, proceeding without. \n The client may not be able to extract compressed files"); } else //We have 7zip, lets check for HC update since that is zipped { hashcatUpdateClass hcUpdater = new hashcatUpdateClass { debugFlag = DebugMode, client = client, AppPath = AppPath, sevenZip = zipper }; if (hcUpdater.updateHashcat()) { hashcatClass hcClass = new hashcatClass { }; hcClass.setDirs(AppPath, client.osID); string[] versionInts = {}; string hcVersion = hcClass.getVersion2(ref versionInts); Console.WriteLine("Hashcat version {0} found", hcVersion); if (Convert.ToInt32(versionInts[0]) == 3 && Convert.ToInt32(versionInts[1]) == 6) { if (hcVersion.Contains("-")) { legacy = false; //This is most likely a beta/custom build with commits ahead of 3.6.0 release branch } } else if (Convert.ToInt32(versionInts[0]) >= 3 && Convert.ToInt32(versionInts[1]) >= 6) { legacy = false; //This is a release build above 3.6.0 } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not locate hashcat binary"); Console.WriteLine("You can manually download and extract hashcat"); Console.WriteLine("Client will now terminate"); { Environment.Exit(0); } } } taskClass tasks = new taskClass { sevenZip = zipper, debugFlag = DebugMode, client = client, legacy = legacy }; tasks.setOffset(); //Set offset for STATUS changes in hashcat 3.6.0 tasks.setDirs(AppPath); int backDown = 5; while (true) //Keep waiting for 5 seconds and checking for tasks { Thread.Sleep(backDown * 1000); if (tasks.getTask()) { backDown = 5; } if (backDown < 30) { backDown++; } } }